First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 513 Daughters of Kings

Chapter 513 Daughters of Kings

Anubis felt as if he finally could not stay silent

He held out his hand and a scepter appeared in his palm.

He banged the butt end of the staff on the ground twice in succession, and sent out strong pulses of golden light with every strike.

As he had done so many times before, he waited for an answer to his call and snarled when he finally received it, and a woman appeared in front of him.

"Called to complain again, Anubis?" She said curtly.

"Your presence in this realm has gone unaddressed for far too long. You interfere with my work needlessly."

*Sigh* "Have we not covered this? Our being here is more important than the dilemma caused by a few wandering human souls."

Anubis tightened his grip on his staff out of irritation.

"How cold can you be? Have you any idea how torturous it is to wander with no purpose? Even if that weren't bad enough, there is no Nether flowing through this realm to nourish them. They can not wander here forever!"

"Last I checked, we weren't actually stopping you from judging souls. The army is only here as a precautionary measure, and waits on standby."

Anubis only seemed to become even more annoyed at this comment, as he snarled visibly. "You know... that's a lie...!"


"She does not appear in front of me now that you are here! I have no way to dispose of the malevolent souls without her!"

"Well... that's not really my fault, is it? You should have been a better owner, and kept a tighter leash on your pets."

Before Anubis could say anything, his entire temple trembled furiously.

When it finally stopped, Anubis held up a single finger and placed it over his snout.

"Careful. I didn't say she was gone, I said that she was choosing not to appear. Mind your tongue, Greek. Lest she devour you long before her 'father' does."

The goddess Anubis was talking to made an aggravated face.

"I am not so easily devoured, death lord."

"Have you learned nothing by now? You don't have to be."

The goddess wanted to refute these unfair claims, but when she remembered that The Red God was already responsible for the death of one Olympian and the insanity of another, she began to feel even less confident.

"...Ever the more reason for us to be here then. We must prevent that monster from gaining any more power."

This time, Anubis scoffed as he leaned on his scepter.

"Given your position, I know that you must have felt it. That roar that shook the universes from the cracks in between. He has already grown to a level beyond what most of us can handle."

"Obviously I know that, but I believe that my fath-"

"Your father will fare only a little better than Set or Horus would.

Although I'm sure that in his bravado, he will believe differently. In truth, I fear that our only recourse are the Primordials who decidedly have no interest in the situation.

And of course.. the Red Wanderer himself, but I imagine that to be a tough pill to swallow for most. Lucifer is not a terribly popular figure, with immortals or men."

"We will have no need to rely on the devil." The woman assured. "So long as we are careful not to fall in the way of our enemy's brute savagery, and we reform the fragments of the First blade, he will be felled all the same."

Anubis said nothing, and stared up into the ceiling of his temple.

"Possibly...your saving grace might be the fact that only the strongest gods are currently aware of just how great and terrible he has become in such a short time.

If the lesser gods learn of this, I wonder just how fast all of your support will crumble then, when the armies of Greece discover that there are worse things to fear than Zeus."

Athena narrowed her eyes at what she considered to be some sort of dig at her father, but Anubis was not in the least bit put off.

"It is already well known that one of your sisters ran off with one of the six and probably hand delivered it to-"

"That is the reason I am here." Athena said firmly. "To ensure that there are no more mistakes, no more weak hearts, and no more treachery. Father's patience grows thin, as does my own."

Before Anubis could say anything else, one of the Greek soldiers stationed outside came running into the temple.

"P-Pardon me, your holinesses. There is a group approaching the temple from the outside. They appear to be living."

"...What are they?" Anubis asked suspiciously.

"There is a human among them, but the rest seem... I'm sorry, I cannot tell."

Suddenly, two new voices spoke out.

"Now that is quite the shame. I had thought the horns would have given us away."

"Demons also have horns, sister. Elk too."

"Ah, right, right."

There was a fountain on the other side of the room where crystal blue water flowed.

Out of it's depths, two young girls emerged wearing identical smiles.

They had tanned skin with long teal hair and pointed black horns.

The armor they wore consisted of paldrons, chest plates, and loincloths all dyed in the same teal color as their hair, with traces of gold outlining it.

They were somewhat cute at first, but as they stared at the Greek goddess their eyes became unkind.

"Greek bitch..!"

"Even after all this time, the sight of one of you still turns our stomach."

""You'll have to forgive us if we are particularly unmerciful today.""

Suddenly, another voice was added to the mix.

"Wow… I've never seen my cute little sisters behave so fiercely before. Well, except for Ja-Ja."

Yemaja : "Shut it, bitch!"

Yemaya : "Well you understand, don't you dear brother? How would you feel if there were Norse bastards here?"

Anubis and Athena found a young man leaning against a wall on the other side of the room.

He held a massive demonic looking axe over his shoulder that was as tall as he was.

Once he heard his sister's inquiry, his black eyes became even more dark and lifeless, and cracks formed around his eyes.

"I would completely… lose control.."

Out of nowhere, the temperature in the room dropped to a concerning level.

"And I thought I was the crazy one here." another voice chuckled.

All: "YOU ARE!"


Looking up, the two gods found a beautiful young girl hanging upside down from the ceiling like a bat.

A dagger made of ice was held between her pointed teeth, and her eyes resembled a crescent moon when she smiled.

While it should have been cute and endearing, the truth was that it was morbidly unsettling.

There was another young girl on the ceiling with her.

Unlike the lunatic opposite her, she wasn't hanging off the chandelier and instead stood on the ceiling like she was walking around normally.

Though she appeared no older than fifteen, her eyes were a different story.

They seemed to contain an abhorrent disdain for their existence that one simply did not acquire in such a short lifetime .

"Alright guys, let's try to show some kind of professionalism, yea? We have decent home training after all."

"For the most part."

Two individuals walked through the temple arcs as if they had been invited in.

They were both stunning and dangerously captivating.

So much so that Athena was temporarily caught off guard by them.

She was used to charming beings since the amount of time she spent around Aphrodite was not small, but these two were by far her betters.

She was completely unable to meet the gaze of the young man in particular, and she bit down on her own tongue to stop having impure thoughts.

On the other hand, Anubis was also staring, but for entirely different reasons.

He recognized the purple haired young man, and yet he didn't.

It was odd, like seeing someone you knew from a different angle for the first time.

"You… how do you evade Ra's notice to stand here..? Even if he is no longer sane, he would never allow-"

"You would do well not to mistake me for the likes of anyone else. I pride myself on my individualism after all." The young man said with a wave of his hand.

At his side, the young woman giggled and gave her brother a reassurance pat on the shoulder.

Athena and Anubis knew immediately that this had to be the outsider group that was just reported a few moments ago; and this was the human leader.

"Who are you? How did you get past the army?" Athena asked tersely.

A light shone in the human girls eyes as she paced about the room with her hands clasped behind her back.

"This authoritative demeanor… a self righteous posture even in a land that is not your own… You must be pretty important, huh? And those clothes … an Olympian maybe?"

For some reason, Thea giggled as she stepped closer and closer to the two gods.

"Too bad, we're not really here for you right now. This is a family affair, y'see?"

Immediately, a vein bulged in Athena's head and her face turned bright red. "How dar-"

"You. You're the one in charge here, right?" Thea asked Anubis.

The jackal-headed god said nothing at first and instead inspected her closely.

Looking at her made his head hurt.

Too gorgeous to be mortal, too confident to be as defenseless as she seemed, and too unsettling to be entirely human.

A monster of the purest definition.

"…The Du'at are my lands, yes. Who are you to intrude upon them?"

"Just a concerned big sister, no more and no less. Want to guess who I'm here for?"

Anubis' eyes widened in surprise.

"You are his spawn…!"

"Ding, ding ding, ding~!"


A spearhead was only inches away from piercing Thea's neck when it was stopped by the golden khopesh of Apophis in an instant.

Thea hadn't budged from her spot an inch since things started, and she stared at the Olympian goddess coldly out of the corner of her eye.

"I usually like it when women try to get my attention, but I confess that you are a bit too hard on the eyes for me. You understand, right?"

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