First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 511 Are You Ready?

Chapter 511 Are You Ready?

The witchblade has a world of its own.

It may not be an endless domain like Tehom, but it is a relatively large space where Thea Tathamet spent many years being raised and trained.

It's a quiet land with an unnatural dark blue sky where starts twinkle no matter the time of day.

When she first arrived here, this place was nothing but a garden of swords that gave off a feeling like an old battlefield, but since her inheritance she has learned to style this place to her own inclinations.

Bioluminescent purple grass grows out of the ground as far as the eye can see.

There is a crystal clear lake about a mile long that sits in front of the only structure in the entire domain.

A single one story house, around the size of a large cabin or outdoor gymnasium.

This is Thea's home away from home.

The interior is nice and modern, with a nice woodland vibe added into the mix to give it that extra homey feel.

A sweet smell wafts off the wood floorboards that is inviting, but not overpowering.

The place is decorated with pictures of her family, a few hunting trophies gifted by her younger sister, and even the finger paintings of her youngest brother.

Inside of the bathroom, there is a woman all by her lonesome; in a deeply reflective mood.

Once she finishes filling the large bath with boiling hot water, she closes her hand and the stream finally ceases.

She gets up from the rim of the tub and comes to stand in front of a full body mirror.

There, she begins to disrobe; so that she can better critique the figure that her doting father has given her.

No longer does she seem like an impetus teenager, but instead a calculating adult.

She takes after her father well.

And though she technically shares no blood with her, she also seems to have inherited traits from her sixth mother too.

She looks more like an Amazon than 'Wonder Woman'.

Standing at 6'1, she possesses a slender, toned build that is discreet in its power, but not its beauty.

Though they are not the main focus of her figure, she possesses alluring curves in the form of thick thighs and a chest that is neither small, nor cumbersomely big.

Her face is the most captivating thing about her; paining a picture of a woman around twenty years old who is comparable to none but her mothers in terms of beauty.

Her amethyst eyes that resemble literal gems have seen no darkness capable of making them lose their shine.

Multiple piercings adorn her small ears; more gifts from her father before he departed.

Her long golden locks are tied into a ponytail similar to the one that he always wears, and like her mothers in their unified form, her hair has been styled with an undercut so that a symbol could be traced just above her nape.

Unsurprisingly, it was that of a dragon with multiple heads and its glorious wings outstretched.

Thea finally pulled her gaze away from herself and moved to get into the tub.

Once her newly refined and powerful body was submerged beneath the waters, she let out a depressive sigh.

She clasped her hands together, and closed her eyes like she was praying.

"I don't know if you can hear me… in fact, I'm pretty sure you can't. Nevertheless, I feel like I would be making a mistake if I did not consult you before this trial..."

As expected, there was no sound except for the low music coming from the next room, but that did not seem to dissuade the young princess from talking to whoever she was thinking of.

'Dad seems to think I'm the perfect one to lead the mission to reclaim my sister from the Egyptian lands. I finally broken all of my seals, and my mothers have tutored me on war formations and strategy, but I confess it does not feel like it will be enough.

My humanity has been a source of insecurity for me since I was young, but it later became my strength and a source of pride. But once again, I feel like I have grown to doubt my body.

I am but one human girl, leading an army of dragons and spirits into a battle against formidable enemies. I fear this body of mine will fail me in the critical moment. That I lack the hereditary power required to reunite my family.

In my heart of hearts, I wish that Apophis had been chosen for this. After receiving father's gifts, we are practically equals.

It feels like every feat I have ever pulled off before now has been the work of a miracle or dumb luck.

And at the moment where I finally misstep, and my blunders come with consequences too big to bear, I will have not only brought myself down, but everyone else who places their faith in me... I cannot bear it."

Thea pulled her knees towards her chest and tried to keep herself from crying.

What was wrong with her?

This entire plan was hers to begin with, so why the hell was she feeling so damn inferior all of a sudden?

This wasn't like her at all.

Where had all of her confidence gone? And would it be possible to find it before the first sword was drawn on the battlefield?

Thea sighed and lifted her hand out of the water.

Her phone came flying into her grasp, and she stared at her lockscreen.

There, she smiled at her favorite silly little picture.

It was her and all three of her wives at one of the festivals, and her father right behind them.

All four of them had thick, goofy miles on their faces and traces of powdered sugar on their cheeks. (They had just visited the funnel cake stand.)

Thea smiled softly at the photo before tightening her grip on her phone.

"Well… thank you for listening, master. Just as you have taught me, I will do what I must."


After bathing, Thea returned home and got dressed.

Her bedroom was empty, as all of her wives must have already gotten ready without her.

Much like Abaddon, Thea didn't wear armor.

She already had a largely unmatched set around her wrist.

She pulled on a pair of wedged heels that made her look even taller once she fastened them securely around her feet.

The black leather pants that she wore clung to her legs and thighs tightly, but they were still more than breathable.

Covering her new bust was a simple white crop top that exposed her toned arms.

*Knock, knock, knock!*

Thea seemed to know who was at the door without even checking, and she waived her hand to allow him inside.

Since she was currently looking in a mirror, she could see her brother enter her room, and was once again impressed with the vastness of their father's power.

Like her, Apophis looked relatively older compared to his previous self, but not to the same extent as her. He only looked to be around 18-19 instead of his early 20's.

In this form it wasn't obvious that he had changed much, other than the fact that his body was clearly of a much higher 'quality' than before.

The fact that he was Abaddon's son was evident, and he was in a neck-and-neck race with Asmodeus for the title of second most attractive being to ever live or die.

But the largest difference between Apophis now and the one of the past was the thick golden tail that swung behind his back proudly, and the horns of the same color that jutted out of his head.

He was undeniably regal with every step, and his very aura screamed out that he was of noble birt-

"The fuck is taking you so long, shithead?"

A vein bulged in Thea's head. "I'm coming as fast as I can! What the hell is your problem, dick for brains?!"

Apophis seemed to recognize that he WAS meaner to his sister than usual just now.

He lowered his head in sincere apology.

"My bad… the girls finally put their feet down and started messing with my meals… I haven't had anything cooked with cheese or grease in a week, and I think it's getting to me…"

"THAT'S what has you in such a mood? Your wives trying to help you be disciplined??"

"D-Discipline isn't the problem! It's the stuff they give me as a substitute! I'm only getting little cuts of chicken and turkey and the rest is this weird thing called quinoa!"

"Oh, they got that recipe from me. My Sabine loves quinoa."

"I hope you both die in a fire." Apophis said firmly.

Thea rolled her eyes in annoyance and turned her attention back towards the mirror.

Apophis seemed to notice that his sister wasn't quite as bubbly as normal.

He walked up behind her and helped her to fasten the choker she seemed to be having trouble with.

"…Are you alright?"

Thea forced a halfhearted smile onto her face. "Course I am! Why would you as-"


Apophis tilted his sister's head so that she could look at herself directly in the mirror.

"You can do this. Our parents didn't just decide to let you take this role because you're the oldest. It's because you have the best chance of leading us to victory."

Teary eyed, Thea looked at her brother through the mirror's reflection.

"I-I don't know, maybe you should be the one to lea-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence."

"Why!? Don't you want to lead and make father proud??"

"Of course I do, but it's not my time yet. I wasn't chosen for this, you were."

"… Are you not jealous or resenting me at all?" she asked in a quiet voice.

Apophis's face twitched like he was suffering some kind of reboot and he stared at his sister like she was an alien experiment.

"Am I jealo- bitch do you hear yourself?"

Apoppgis grabbed his sister by the ears and started twisting.

"Hey! My piercings! My piercings!!" Thea yelled.

"You. Are. My. Sister." He reminded sternly. "I know that we joke around a lot and play stupid games, but I am never going to look at you as competition.

I will always chear you on whether you are in front of me or ahead of me. I expect you to do the same for me."

Thea began to feel slightly embarrassed.

"Of course I would… I'm sorry for insinuating otherwise."

Apophis finally released his sister's ears and clasped his hands firmly on her shoulders instead.

"Then let's go get our sister, yea? You gonna be our fearless leader?"

Apophis rent to Thea's bed and lifted up her favorite sword.

It was a longsword with a silver handle and a black blade that was made from one of Bekka's giant claws; steeped in Lillian's venom.

The weapon was so dangerous, she had to keep it in the scabbard at all times so that no accidents arose.

Apophis placed the sword onto her back and made sure that it was secure and wouldn't flail around.

Thea's smiled at her brother's helping hand, and her mood began to show visible improvement.

But there was still something she wanted to know.

"Hey… do you think I should have taken up father's offer to become a dragon?"

Apophis sighed as he held the door open for her.

"Last I checked, we had the same dad. Meaning that even if it's not visible, you are still a dragon. Got all that new muscle, but no brain to go with it. Damn shame."

Like that, the fog clouding Thea's mind seemed to clear little by little.

Her smile gradually regained its usual honest luster, and she was able to hold her head up a bit higher than before.

"I guess I forgot about that… thank you for reminding me, baby bro."

"No proble-"


Out of nowhere, Thea landed a low blow that her brother wasn't expecting; achieving her payback for the earlier stunt with his ears.

…Although one could argue the two treatments were not exactly equal.

Thea stretched and beamed as she strode out into the hallway with her hands above her head.

"Alright, let's go kill some pussy ass gods!!"

Apophis struggled to hold up his fist in solidarity while wheezing. "W-Woohoo…"

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