Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 184: Slutty Investigation (1)

"There you are missy!" Kai's chiding tone is nothing but surprising to the 'wilful' Uchiha Princess engaged to him as he, alongside her roommates— the Uzumaki Princess and Fake Glasses Mistress— look over to Mikoto simultaneously with frowns of their own as if they are parents unfortunate enough to have a worrisome daughter like... her.

"Uh... huh?" Mikoto blinks with one foot still out the door's frame and honestly, with the weird looks she is receiving, she considers quickly backing out and spending the night in her parent's home instead.

"Don't 'Huh' us," Nono adjusts her glasses, "You have no idea the amount of trouble you have stirred, young woman."

'I'm older than you,' Mikoto wishes she could voice her reply but Kushina buckles down verbally instead, "Yeah! Do you know we've been worried sick, young girl?! Who gets detained on their first day and then suspended? Are you trying to be a rogue because that's his job!"

The redhead points at Kai.

The sheer conviction in Kushina's tone would startle a normie but living and enduring Kai for as long as she has would make her anything BUT a normie so Mikoto then looks at Kai who groans and palms his face.

"No, you were supposed to say— Being a rogue is just a phase. We taught you better," Kai sighs while Kushina shakes her head.

"What? No, that's Nono's... oh, huh... yeah we switched lines. Sorry, you were just talking and explaining while I was eating. It's distracting."

"Says a Kunoichi that can level multiple Jonins at once," Nono rolls her eyes and welcomes Mikoto in by helping her take off her flak jacket and closing the door behind her.

"No, Kushina's got a point," Kai looks at the redhead who instantly puffs her developing chest out, "Being Dumb and Strong aren't mutually exclusive. One can be as dumb as they are strong."

As if she doesn't feel bullied enough, the monster within Kushina also voices her opinion, "Just like every other Uzumaki. No, you're a rarity among them, too."

Kushina pouts and hugs Mikoto, "You guys suck!" she berates and grins at the Uchiha, "We heard you got yourself in trouble. Hehe, it pays off to be at home instead or I don't know how many times I would have to visit the Military Police's building."

"From the moment you got promoted to a Genin? About 67 times," Mikoto replies with a smile and looks at Nono, "What is going on?"

"I'll tell you what is going on, Young Miss!" Kai replies with a frown and a convincing tone of stern scolding, "We didn't—"

"Oh, beat it," Mikoto scoffs and rolls her eyes as she walks forward, pecks Kai on his lips, and gives him a tight hug for her own benefit which he reciprocates with a muffled snicker of his own.

"But it is amazing you managed to get suspended on your first day and even got the Anbu involved," Kai kisses her again before pulling back, "Maybe we all can expect you to get a wilder reputation the second day of your job."

"Maybe," Mikoto smiles and looks around, "But I didn't expect the word of my suspension to spread so quickly."

"Oh, Yata-san contacted me. Said I turned you into a disrespectful Kunoichi. As if a Kunoichi have anything to do with respect," Kai shrugs and passes on a small scroll that has less than a discrete seal which he refrained from breaking and resealing.

"From my father?" Mikoto muses to herself and looks at the rest, "I'll be down for dinner after changing. Give me a few minutes."

With the trio skipping away to the kitchen and soon Kai's muffled accusations and Kushina's weak defense echoing in their house, Mikoto climbs the stairs and enters her room. Before changing, she unseals the scroll and read the short message her father has written down on the scroll for her.

— Fugaku informed me about your decision. I cannot say I am not worried because more dangerous than an Uchiha's Sharingan is their emotions. After all, I chose to retire from the role of Police Chief for a reason and raise Sarachi right.

But I have to respect your decision. Writing a letter and conveying all this is just a lot less awkward. So, the next time you visit home, we act like I'm annoyed by Kai's face and your decision to marry him. And you defend the argument by saying that his face is passable and not entirely punch-worthy. You know, the usual...

Take extra care of yourself out there... this is going to be a tough period to be in Military Police. Sarachi sends his regards, too— Ugu gaga.—

Mikoto almost laughs out loud at the end part and sighs deeply with a smile. Yata is never the kind to avoid his emotions but by things being awkward, he means for Mikoto and she knows that well. Destroying the scroll using the seal and taking her father's warning to her heart, Mikoto swiftly sets down her weapon pouches, unties the bandages around her thighs and ankles before washing her face, and returning to the kitchen where the trio is already waiting for her.

Once they are done with dinner, Kushina cannot help but pout when she sees Nono being the only one in Kai's room.

"What? I'm not enough?" Nono questions with a raised brow and the redhead agree instantly, "Of course, you aren't, dattebane! Ever since he started teaching those brats, he is taking less and less time to be with me!"

Shrugging, Nono rolls over to Kai's side of the bed since he may not come by for... hours, and pats the spacious region, "Don't be like that," she smiles at Kushina, "Believe it or not, you're a brat, too."

"A brat with no brains apparently," the gruff voice in Kushina's mind supports the statement.

"Shut it, both of you!" Kushina scoffs and plops down on the bed.

"Both of you?" Nono hums, "Did Kyubi really agree with me? I feel honored."

"Tell her she's a bitch as much of a bitch like your bitch but alive jinchuriki predecessor!" Kyubi growls once again as Kushina groans, "Just let me sleep."

"There, there," Nono snickers and spoons the redhead under the blanket before closing her eyes, too.

"You know..." Kushina suddenly mumbles, "I bet I can tinker around with the seals Kai draws in Mikoto's room to cancel the noise right from here..."

Nono opens her eyes and frowns, "I mean... it is the right thing to do. What if Kai and Mikoto suddenly go through a cardiac arrest at the same time? They might need our help."

Kushina and Nono quickly sit up while the Uzumaki ignores the Biju's rather true comparison.

"You two would give your companions cardiac arrest to just peek at them? And to think the tailed beasts are considered monsters..."

While Kushina admits that Kyubi has started to voice its opinions more and more... she has also come to realize that Kyubi... talks a bit too much.

"What?!" The beast growls loudly.

"You can hear my thoughts?" Kushina voices out within in shock.

"How are you just noticing that?!" The Kyubi sounds even more dumbfounded.

But... time is of the essence and Kushina put this issue off for the time being.


"You know," Kai smiles as he makes himself comfortable on Mikoto's bed while she steps out from the bathroom, "Yata-san may be right in thinking that I may have a hand in how you are becoming increasingly... defiant."

"It's father-in-law for you," Mikoto narrows her eyes and smiles while flaunting herself quite a bit, "And how do you know I haven't always been like this?"

"Hey, it works for me in both cases," Kai grins happily. While Mikoto did wear a rather skimpy outfit during their first night, Kai has to say that after the fact their sex life has been rather stagnant. Not stale by any means but with their responsibilities and the fact that no amount of time is enough for Kai to complete the perpetual grind, it is hard to cover every single base of their relationship at all times.

But both of them accept this much. After all, both of them had their teams to tutor and protect. But... 'breaking' rules do get on Mikoto's kinkier side.

Out of many outfits Kyo graciously gifted Mikoto, she has only worn a few with one so dangerous that Mikoto admits she would only wear it on the night of their marriage and beyond... but the one she has on is also something she didn't equip until tonight.

"So?" With his hands tied on the railing of the bed, Kai questions his Kunoichi Investigator, "Do I get to be free by tomorrow morning?"

"Only if you persuade me well," Mikoto hums and steps out.

Her body is covered by a fishnet bodysuit and not the kind lined with light meshwork to hide her erogenous bits. The gaps between the net easily cling onto her pale breasts that are barely contained by a small, breast jacket fashioned out of a flak jacket. While this costume did not cover her lower lips, Mikoto is a kunoichi who learns to adapt, improvise, and improve.

Instead of revealing her soft, eager entrance hugged by fishnet threads, she ties a spare head protector around her waist and lets the symbol of village hang loosely to barely hide her entrance from his invasive, aggressive gaze.

Not only that but knowing Kai's own love for ink, she lets the seal for reducing the probability of pregnancy in the shape of Uchiha's symbol active on her skin, giving her a rather scandalous look.

"Persuade you?" Kai lets out an amused hum, "I thought you didn't like breaking the rules and now you're accepting bribes? I expected more from Konoha's up-and-comer police member."

Giggling at his words, Mikoto saunters over to the side of her bed with her hips swaying with each step and she leans forward to let her puppies sneak out a bit.

"Don't you know, Mr. Rogue Dragon? Every investigating Kunoichi is a straight Kunai until you present a club thick enough to dull her," She leans down and whispers into his ear, "And every police member is as worse as their best bribe. The only problem is..."

With a rather heavy and needy huff, Mikoto drags the nail of her index finger down his chin and onto his neck while hearing his excited and hot breaths, "You haven't shown me a tool tough and enduring enough to pound my Kunai dull... and you still haven't shown me your best~!"

Kai is quick to understand the meaning between her words and for once breaks his character, "You mean..."

"Only if you dare," Mikoto is on a slutty roll as she challenges him with a lick of her pretty pink lips.

Needless to say, Kai has never gotten erect as quickly as this time!


Alternate Title: The Slut Police is Here!; Mikoto is no Longer Daddy's Girl; ... She is DADDY'S Girl!; Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome!


A/N: I believe I haven't written a scene with Kai in the sage transformation with Mikoto or I think I don't remember it but if I have, do correct me. My memory can get blurry at times... which is damn concerning cause I'm 24 only.


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Shoutout to markus kaija, lefi, Rayshawn Lopez, and Anonymous!!

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