Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 182: Patrolling Incident (1)

While Kakashi got some time off from the village's administration after releasing the news of Sakumo's disappearance since this public knowledge and public speculation would certainly stress the young chunin, Mikoto isn't so lucky.

She got the opportunity to enlist in the three-man cell of the village and even lead a team for a short duration to gain leadership experience. But not all Uchiha can retain such an active position for a long time due to their well-known position.

Wearing her usual shinobi attire with a flak jacket, Mikoto feels distinctly weird that the fabric on her shoulder is not marked by the Uzumaki symbol. Instead, the fabric is marked by four-pointed stars on both sides with the symbol of the Uchiha Clan's fan embroidered in the center.

The same print can be seen on top of the building in front of which Mikoto stood at the moment.

Konohagakure Military Police Force.

The name has its meaning.

This organization not only enforces laws on civilians but also on the village's military— The Shinobi.

Attracting attention from the nearby Jonin, Chunin, and Genin that work under this organization as they walk into the establishment, Mikoto has the urge to submit three months of medical leave after breaking her own arm or something...

Unfortunately, she is neither Kushina nor Kai who may actually pull that stunt off. Not to mention that the excuse of 'medical' leave feels rather hollow when you are trained by the Village's greatest medical shinobi— Tsunade.

Obviously, the news of Kai taking that title by the ass is not spread widely at the moment.

Groaning internally, she steps inside. The establishment is neat and has various sections for the office jobs for Genin and Chunin who are still under training and have yet to complete the exams to take on practical jobs.

While this establishment has the highest number of Uchiha members working here, many other civilian and clan shinobi work here, too, most notably the Inuzuka Clansmen. Of course, the members of the force are recommended by the village administration but they are only employed after their credentials are checked by the chief of the Police Force.

It just so happens that most Uchiha Members are recommended for the force and accepted, too. Needless to say, there are many Uchiha who can refuse the job, too. But the pay is good and the missions are limited to the village so it is safer. Not to mention, most shinobi are set to a desk job since only skilled shinobi in their corresponding ranks can get clearance for practical ones.

After all, this is a judicial establishment that enforces the law on shinobi. One needs to be better than other shinobi to do so.

A youth in his twenties seems to be waiting for her as he identifies Mikoto the moment she enters the building and smiles, "It's been a while, Mikoto-chan. Or should I call you Mrs. Kai? You know, you should try and persuade Kai to take on the Uchiha surname. We'll make an exception for him." While he speaks, he adjusts his hair tied up into a topknot.

"Oh, you'll make an exception? It's as if Kai did not beat every single challenger in front of the compound's gate," Mikoto smirks and shakes the man's hand, "I heard you got married soon after Fugaku-san. How come you didn't invite me, Yakumi-san?"

Chuckling sheepishly, Yakumi scratches his cheek with his index finger and comments, "What do you think? I got beaten up for trying to save the 'Uchiha' honor and challenged Kai for your hand. If I invited you, she might just make me sleep on the couch during our first night together no less."

Mikoto snickers and shrugs, "I warned all of you, mind you."

"You did," the man admits and smiles, "I'm glad you're fine. But I don't regret challenging Kai for you. Neither do others... well, most. Some are still sour about it. Anyway, Kai knows to treat you better since he got one hell of a competition."

"Thank you for that," Mikoto smiles and sighs, "And to be honest, I am a bit nervous working here. My... friend, well, I think you already know Nono. She persuaded me into thinking it would be a fun idea working here."

"You'll do great," Yakumi chuckles and turns around, "You're already a Jonin, you know. I became one only this year so you're just as good as Fugaku. Come on, I'll introduce you around and bring you to Fugaku's office."

Mikoto thanks Yakumi and follows his lead as he introduced her to the temporary cell, the break room, and the offices, and cautioned her about what things not to speak of in front of a few notable shinobi.

Soon, Yakumi brings Mikoto to the chief's office on the third floor.

"I'll wait here," Yakumi nods, "Go on."

Mikoto nods and knocks on the door before hearing a somber voice replying, "Come in."

Exhaling a bit loudly and regathering her composure, Mikoto enters the office and finds it barely equipped with the essentials. With only a simple wooden table and two chairs across him and a single open window for ventilation that opens to the view of the prison behind the building, Fugaku can be seen on the other side of the table seated on a wooden chair without any cushion on it or whatsoever.

Nodding at Mikoto, he gestures for her to sit which she does after closing the door behind her.

This establishment is divided into two categories— Desk Job and Everything Else. Not only that, the hierarchy of the shinobi in the force is directly under the Chief of the police. This manner of hierarchy loosely mimics the overall hierarchy of village administration with all the workload dumped upon the Hokage.

And after his marriage, Fugaku got this 'prestigious' dump of work with the eager Yata happily accepting his retirement to help take care of his youngest child that he had with Kyo— Sarachi.

"I'm glad that you accepted the position in Hazuki's place," Fugaku speaks after Mikoto takes her seat.

"But was it a good idea?" Mikoto questions with a slightly more complicated look, "I mean, to replace the woman who decided to marry out of the clan and have her sharingan sealed behind multiple cursed seals with the woman who got off easy..."

"You misunderstand," Fugaku replied calmly and turns over the document he has been working on.

"After your engagement with Kai and Yami Uchiha being elected as one of the advisors of the Hokage, the political situation of the clan began to look brighter. And Hazuki Uchiha got a similar offer as you and Kai got."

"Wow, really?" Mikoto blinks in surprise. Noticing her expression Fugaku coughs, "The first offer, I mean."

"Oh... so her sharingan is active and the children she bears will be first trained within the clan. Did Hazuki's husband agree to it?"

"If he didn't agree, there would be no marriage," Fugaku replies.

"Then... Hazuki married out for other reasons, right? If she is willing to let the clan train her children first then she doesn't want to leave the clan. Did her lover pressure her?"

Thinking for a moment, Fugaku stands up and walks over to the window that reveals nothing but plain forested region but it's under this spot where the prison of Konoha exists, and on the other side of the border is the Intelligence department of the village well-known as T&I Department by the higher-ups.

"Hazuki was not pressured by her lover. I've met the man. His name is Koto Izangi. He did not mind marrying into the clan but it's the pressure within our ranks that Hazuki decided to leave the clan and accept the role of a housewife."

"I thought it was a temporary leave," Mikoto adds.

"It was, until today," Fugaku reveals, "Why do you think Yata-san was so happy to retire, too?"

"Uh... I see," Mikoto mumbles and Fugaku continues, "I doubt it. Don't take this wrong but there are many things Yata has never revealed to you."

"You would be surprised about the things I get to hear from Father," Mikoto scoffs.

"Do you mean the Wheel of Love analysis?" Fugaku questions, stumping Mikoto.

Sighing and returning to his seat, Fugaku reveals, "Yata-san spoke about that ridiculous philosophy every time anyone in our ranks awakened our Sharingan. He even treated us to a meal when you awakened your sharingan and claimed that he shared that analysis with you, too. Yakumi outside is no better."

"I see," Mikoto blanks out for a moment before shrugging. Her father, despite awakening his Sharingan early has always been happier than most.

"And..." as rare as it is, Fugaku gives a short smile, "I feel incompetent to have mocked Yata-san's philosophy. Or rather, Kagami Uchiha's philosophy. I can understand now a bit why Lord Second would even have another Uchiha as a student after his experiences in Warring Era."

"What do you mean?" Mikoto frowns.

"The clan has not changed, I notice this now," Fugaku sighs, "As I said before, the Village Administration has gotten more accommodating to the clan after Danzo's betrayal came to the light but the clan? It just forced one Hazuki away. It forced you away."

"It didn't," Mikoto assures when Fugaku shakes his head.

"When young, many tried to interfere with your choices by challenging your lover. You may laugh and feel nonchalant about this but you cannot deny it had no part in your decision to marry out and still hold your name as an Uchiha. Now those young ones have grown. Now they get to be part of the Uchiha Clan's political outlook. What do you think will come to a pass when everyone keeps on thinking like before?"

Mikoto grows quiet before blinking, "Yakumi isn't like that. I just met him. Everyone matures, right?"

"Why do you think I sent Yakumi to pick you up?" Fugaku shakes his head, "And... if everyone matures, why did Hazuki leave now? And it's not Hazuki. While you are an Uchiha, you haven't been around for a while. Things are different."

Mikoto resists the urge to groan and questions, "Why did you ask me for Hazuki's position then?"

"I expected if Yata-san decided to retire from the police but not the forces altogether... maybe he doesn't just want to deal with all this."

"Maybe?" Mikoto raises an eyebrow.

"He doesn't want the stuff the Shinobi I grew up with are up to," Fugaku replies bluntly, "So, I wish for your help."

"It just..." Mikoto begins when Fugaku cuts her off, "Please. I promise I won't keep you here for long. But you are far more skilled than others and you have trained with the best. Not only that, you are the only Uchiha living in the Senju Compound. Your existence is very unique for the moment."

"What do you want me to do?" Mikoto sighs, "It's not like I ever considered myself being political."

"It's clear that the desire for political advantage is not the solution... How about you cover Hazuki's duties for a week except for the prison for the time being? Just go out with your team on usual patrolling for now."

"Alright, fine," Mikoto agrees reluctantly. When someone as somber as Fugaku raises a request, it's hard to say no. And like Kai, Mikoto has a great deal of respect for Fugaku.

It's one thing not liking him for the fact that he agreed with Yata to marry her but maturity is realizing that he never once forced her into doing anything, kept a healthy distance, and even accepted her wishes in the end. After all, the moment she got engaged is also the last of Fugaku's try to win her over because of a simple truth— For him, it was never about barring her happiness but fulfilling his own duties.

"Oh," before she left, Fugaku adds, "Do hold even your members to the law even if it may cause some disgruntlement. We Uchiha always learn from a beating instead of words."

"Don't I know that already?" Mikoto shrugs and leaves.

Once she leaves, Fugaku's expression turns even more serious and he opens the drawer to pull out a scroll. His gaze turns stern once he lays his gaze on the scroll.

'This is the fifteenth time...' Fugaku notes.

At the end of every week, somehow, the information from Kirigakure would end up in his drawers and it has been months!

'But... if information can arrive so easily, it can leak just as easily,' Fugaku notes but he is helpless to an extent in this situation.

'First the Hyuga conflict, then Sakumo's disappearance, and this unknown source of information... Not to mention another war... how much can we protect with our Sharingan?'

With worry flickering in his gaze, he thinks the worst, 'Or would the clan wield it for more disastrous situations?'


Alternate Title: Kai Be Like— Fuck the Police Straight From the Underground; The New Sherrif in Town; The Depths of Uchiha... Something Kai likes to 'Explore.'


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Shoutout to Paul, GentlemanMad, Dylan Craw, Asura, and Faultlesselm16!

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