Fifty Little Blessed Wife

Chapter 6 - wash three

What’s going on with the neighbor’s children, the Chen family doesn’t know or care now.

Now the people of the Chen family are wholeheartedly concerned about the newly born Nuan Nuan.

“The baby girl was born after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, why don’t you call it Jianguo?” Chen Tiezheng looked at the baby girl and said with a smirk.

Chen Lieyang, Chen Chaoyang, Chen Xunyang, Chen Jiaoyang, Chen Ouyang, Yu: “…”

After being speechless for a while, Yu’s family exploded, slapped Chen Tiezheng on the back of the head and cursed: “Jianguo, how big are you? A girl’s family is called Jianguo, why don’t you call her Anbang?!”

Chen Tiezheng was very aggrieved by being beaten and scolded by his daughter-in-law, and said pitifully, “Then what’s your name?”

How appropriate is the name Jianguo? How lucky is it to be born in the year of Jianguo? Why can’t it be called Jianguo? Chen Tiezheng felt very wronged.

Brother Chen: “…” Fortunately, their names were not given by their father.

“Father, our brothers’ names all have a yang character, which means the sun and sunshine. My sister’s name should have the same meaning, right?” Looking at the aggrieved father and the fried-haired mother, Chen Chaoyang said gently.

“How about my sister’s name is Nuan Nuan? How about Nuan Nuan from Yuan Zhen’s “Ten Songs of the Summer”, “The summer wind is so warm and the trees are full of shade”?” Chen Chaoyang smiled.

Illiterate Chen Tiezheng & Semi-illiterate Yu: “…”

“I also think the name Nuan Nuan is nice. As soon as I hear it, I know it’s our sister.” Chen Xunyang also said happily.

“We are all sunshine, my sister is warm, how like a family?”

Chen Tiezheng and Yu looked at each other and felt that what his son said made sense.

Yu made a final decision on her daughter’s name, and said without Chen Tiezheng’s consent, “Okay, let’s call it Nuan Nuan.”

Chen Tiezheng didn’t object, he also thought Nuan Nuan sounded nice, and his wife had already agreed that it was useless for him to object.

Nuan Nuan’s name was decided, and Chen Tiezheng also went home, so Yu’s family could rest in confinement at home with peace of mind.

It’s the end of December on the solar calendar, and Nuan Nuan’s birth date happens to be December 30, so it’s already winter.

However, the winter in the south will not be as icy and snowy as the north, and it is still possible to farm.

Moreover, the rice can be ready for transplanting at the end of December. Because the rice in Qianwan Village is grown twice a year, the transplanting happens at the end of the year.

Cold seeds are planted in winter at the end of the year, and rice can be harvested in May of the following year; summer seeds are planted in June and July, and can be harvested after the National Day.

Because I happened to be busy with the cold seeds, everyone didn’t have much time to visit now. Chen Tiezheng just came back from the Chen family, and some people in the family’s fields can be cultivated.

The day after Chen Tiezheng came back, he took his sons out to plough the fields and prepare to plant rice, while the Yu family here stayed at home with peace of mind.

Nuan Nuan was reborn in the 1940s. She was just born, and her father who went out to fight came back victorious. Yu was very happy.

Nuan Nuan was also regarded as a very lucky child by her mother, and it turned out that she was a very lucky child.

The two days Nuan Nuan was born was either sleeping or eating, and she had very little time to wake up.

Because in her previous life, she didn’t have time to sleep in when she wanted to, okay? In the past ten years, she had a very regular schedule for going to school. Later, when the apocalypse came, she even had no time to sleep in.

Nuan Nuan now finally has the opportunity to sleep in. She will not be reconciled if she doesn’t make up for the lack of sleep before.

Yu is also very satisfied, because her daughter has seldom made trouble since she was born. Except for a few grunts when she was hungry or urinated, she did not cry, which was very worry-free.

Everyone in the Chen family likes Nuan Nuan, especially this sister is very worry-free, and they like it even more.

After all, Chen Jiaoyang and Chen Ouyang were only two years old, so they did not go out to work with their father and brothers, but let seven-year-old Chen Xunyang stay at home to help take care of the children.

Chen Tiezheng went out to work with his 13-year-old eldest son and 10-year-old second son. Every day when he came back at noon, he quickly washed the mud on his body, and then picked up Nuan Nuan and rubbed it.

Chen Tiezheng finished ploughing the land at home after a busy day, but he just turned the field over and soaked it in water for a few days.

Because the Chen family has not started raising seedlings after Yu’s pregnancy, there are still nearly two months before the Spring Festival. Yu has also soaked the rice seeds, and now take them out and wait for the rice seeds to germinate before planting.

Chen Tiezheng first ploughed the fields where the seedlings were raised, and then prepared to raise the seedlings in a few days. The rest of the fields were ploughed when the seedlings were full moon, and the seedlings could be planted at that time.

After the busy work, Chen Tiezheng and the others were ready to hold the three warm washing banquets.

After all, Nuan Nuan is the only girl in the family and the youngest child. Now Chen Tiezheng has retired from the army and went home, so it is reasonable to treat him.

After Chen Tiezheng and Yu’s discussion, they are going to hold three banquets for Nuan Nuan, to show everyone that their family cares about their daughter, and also to hold a banquet for Chen Tiezheng.

Although Chen Tiezheng has been away from home for more than ten years, after all, Chen Tiezheng grew up in Qianwan Village, and he still knows a few good friends and brothers.

Although they have been married for many years, and Chen Tiezheng has been away from home for many years, everyone’s emotional friendship is still there, so this time, Chen Tiezheng invited a few good friends to come over.

Chen Tiezheng held the three banquets on the night of the third day after his daughter was born, so Chen Tiezheng went out with his two sons during the day.

“Father, I want to go together.” Seven-year-old Chen Xunyang looked at his father who was about to go out with a bucket, and couldn’t help but hug Chen Tiezheng’s leg and said.

“What are you going to? Hurry back and watch over your mother, I’ll go with your eldest brother.” Chen Tiezheng comforted Chen Xunyang.

“I don’t want it, just have a second brother at home, I want to go with you.” Chen Xunyang joked.

He stayed in the capital in his previous life, and only lived in the capital for 15 years. After finally leaving the capital, he met a horse bandit on the way. After being slaughtered by the horse bandit, he was reborn here.

It has been seven years since he was reborn, and he has not yet gone to sea, that is, he used to occasionally go to the beach with his mother to pick up sea vegetables or something, but he has never gone to sea.

Now that my father is going to sea, he has to go with him whenever he says anything.

“Father, I’m also a fisherman boy born at the seaside. I want to go to see the sea, and I want to learn to swim.” Chen Xunyang howled while hugging his father’s legs.

Chen Tiezheng looked at the third son, then the eldest son and the second son, he was also very embarrassed. Over the years, he has only been responsible for letting his daughter-in-law have children. He has never lived with children and does not know how to bring children.

At this moment, the son is holding his thigh and letting him take it, he actually doesn’t know what to do.

“Just take him with you, or he will definitely make trouble with you in the future. But if you take Xunyang out, you should take care of him and don’t let him fall into the sea. What happened.” The son, who was holding her husband’s thigh, said helplessly.

Chen Tiezheng was very embarrassed at first, but now his daughter-in-law has agreed, he will not refuse, nodded to Chen Xunyang and said, “Okay, okay, I’ll take you with me.”

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