Chapter 4: first experience.
It was a haze, for both Silas and Fiele. Memories of grabbing eachother, flesh sliding and grazing against skin, teeth and tongues pushing against eachother. Many kisses and bites exchanged between the two.
Both lay together, clothes and fabrics strewn out and about. Silas was the first to get up, immediately drawn to Fiele's back. He ran his hands up her back, feeling the curves in her skin, as Fiele's musculature bordered on being sinewy and only slightly plump. Especially her deltoids, as she handled a lot with guns, with lots, and lots of guns.
Silas got over her back, leaning down to bite her back.
So much biting...
Fiele woke up and winced at the biting. She recalled the night. It was certainly something... Quite nice to experience, after such a long period of constant stress and pressure.
She pushed Silas off, and he limply fell down with a little laugh, yawning and stretching on the ground, akin to a cat.
"Consider biting less.. I was convinced you'd tear me open.."
Fiele muttered, and Silas immediately replied.
"You say that as though my entire neck and back didn't suffer from your relentless assaults."
A silent little pause took place, before Silas chuckled, but Fiele's face only flared red.
"Hey, consider it a compliment! You've damaged me more than even some of the worse enemies I've had the misfortune of meeting...
... And you know how to manhandle me better than a man could..."
He said with a grin, knowing the out of pocket compliment, which he usually abstains from, would evoke some funny reaction out of Fiele. To be blunt, both received and gave that night. Strap ons, huh.
Fiele nearly laughed, but managed to bite back her laughter. She couldn't actually laugh at a joke he made. She couldn't let him think he could make her laugh.
"Perhaps it is time for us to begin moving again? Though we've got more than enough time to do whatever we want in this castle."
"I should also scavenge the corpse of that powerful vampire."
Silas got up, not even realising he was still dressed in his birthday suit, leaving Fiele in that room, as she rolled around on the ground, wanting to have a moment's rest somewhere they didn't risk getting attacked over and over again.
Silas pressed his hand onto the defiled corpse of the vampire, leeches sprouting from his skin. These leeches weren't real, but were mere extensions of Silas' own body. A part of his magic, he could mutate. So, he breaks down flesh into biomass and rebuilds it into a new structure. Naturally, this means he loses mass, but with leeches it's so small it's hardly even noticed. And besides, the leeches are able to further generate convert devoured flesh into more creatures that speed up the process of devouring the vampire, so he doesn't waste all that much of his own mass.
In the end, however, it all finds it's way back to Silas. He's left with more mass than before.
Silas returned to Fiele, who was already dressed, and wasn't in a particularly happy mood.
"Hey now... How about... How about we dance? We have an entire ballroom to ourselves."
That sort of brightened up Fiele's face, she didn't mind dancing a little bit... With Silas..
"Aww.. but get DRESSED!"
Fiele exclaimed, throwing Silas' clothes at him, and Silas scrambled to put them all on quickly.
Now that the both of them were done with dressing, they walked out into the ballroom.
"Ignore the corpse."
"... Right..."
They walked a good distance away from the corpse, before Silas suddenly turned around, and reached his hand out to Fiele.
"Will you take this dance with me?"
Fiele sort of smiled as a blush crept up her face. It felt too formal and sudden... But she reached her hand out and grasped Silas' hand.
"Why... Yes, I will.."
No music played, but they could both easily imagine it. All they needed was eachother. With every step afterwards, the music got louder, and the lights shone brighter. Both found joy in dancing with eachother in this one massive grave of a once prosperous house. Of Silas' old home.
They danced, and danced. Hand in hand, eye to eye. And they didn't need more.