Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 84 Rent, Really Smells

It was the second day after the rain had stopped, kind of missed it because the fog hadn't cleared.

All kinds of clues are showing that the situation has not improved, but worsened.

Li Siwen woke up early in the morning and felt pretty good. The warm kang made him sleep extremely comfortably that night.

It's just very humid.

It was helpless to say that after five days and four nights of heavy rain, his safe house was not too humid. As a result, the fog filled the day and night, and his room became even more humid.

Basically all the firewood was damp, and the firewood near the door even started to drip.

And on the roof, the condensed dew looks like countless small bald heads hanging upside down. When you open your eyes from below, it has a horrifying beauty.

Even if Li Siwen had prepared for it, there was a charcoal fire in the fireplace twenty-four hours a day, and it took him a long time to ignite the fire.

Then, the wind was in the wrong direction, the air pressure was too low, and the flue started filling the room with smoke.

After a while, thick smoke billowed, choking him to get out for a breath, and then he saw Lord Bao's melancholy eyes, tsk! Why depression?

Well, Lord Bao turned his head and looked at Li Siwen with a stern look again, then jumped off the balcony and looked north. This behavior is very unusual.

Lord Leopard, are you leaving?

Li Siwen was surprised, he intuitively felt that something was wrong with Lord Bao today, maybe it had something to do with the fog.

Lord Bao was silent, and left with a stern look.

Li Siwen was stunned, but he didn't force him to stay. When the rain stopped, it was time to part ways, but your sister hasn't paid the rent yet!

With a joke, he watched Lord Bao go into the mist without a trace.

The fog is very thick, and it can be seen that it is four or five hundred meters away. However, the fog in the east seems to be a little orange, and Lord Bao has been looking in this direction just now.

No matter what, I won't leave, whoever I love!

With a mutter, Li Siwen let the thick smoke billow in the room. The firewood is too wet, and there is too much moisture in the air, so it will take a while to smoke. Anyway, there is no need to worry, he has a safe house, which can guarantee the best Basic temperature and saturation.

Otherwise, with such a large amount of humidity, if you stay outside for a long time, you must have rheumatism and cold legs, and high attributes are useless.

After a routine inspection of the territory and farmland, he took a look at the big tree, the well, and the river flooding area. He hoped to see a small Yaksha and ironhead fish, but unfortunately, there was nothing.

Oh, I can’t say no, he saw dozens of dead mice, soaked in the river water, rotted badly, as for bugs and birds, they had already flown to the north, after all, it wasn’t just beep mosquitoes that migrated back then family.

In the end, Li Siwen went to the flooded valley again.

The mountain torrent here has also disappeared, leaving only a trickle and a large area of ​​backflowing river water. Here, he accidentally saw a dead big fish, which was also rotten. Is this a coincidence?

I moved a thousand-pound boulder back from the flooded valley, and threw it into the muddy foundation pit when I returned to the safe house. This unfinished project is disturbing to watch, but it has to be completed Otherwise, after a long time, it will really cause irreparable damage to the foundation of the safe house.

It's just that the water vapor is too strong, after going back and forth for a while, Li Siwen's hair, clothes, and body are all soaked, making him uncomfortable. Fortunately, the mist is not poisonous, otherwise he really wants to follow in the footsteps of Lord Bao. migrated north.

The flames in the stove and the fireplace finally started to burn normally. Li Siwen quickly fetched pieces of wood and placed them beside him, as well as dried meat, dried fish, dried mushrooms, herbs, gourds and other important materials on the kang. Nearly 2,500 catties of supplies are the biggest guarantee for him to survive the winter.

So, in one word, burn!

Burning the kang, burning the fireplace, burning 24 hours a day and night,

Anyway, he has a lot of firewood in reserve, anyway, the fire is prosperous and there is no wet firewood, so he doesn't believe in this evil, if you have the ability, you will be confused for ten days!

After eating the breakfast in name, which might actually be lunch, Li Siwen went out with high spirits, first to finish the unfinished project, and let the safe house get its name.

He is now no better than before. With 30 points of strength and 80 points of physical strength, he can completely carry large quantities of large rocks weighing more than 1,000 kilograms for a long time. Usually, two or three pieces can be moved to pile up a cubic meter or even more space. , even if he can only carry eight or nine times an hour, the effect is immediate.

He moved to the dark in one breath, and the fog was still pervasive. He almost filled up the second side of the foundation pit. Of course, there was too much silt in it, but now it’s like this, why are you demanding details?

It's just that it's terrible to go out to work in such weather, and the physical value drops so fast.

Under normal circumstances, Li Siwen would only consume 60 points of stamina to move a big rock for a day, even under the high temperature and scorching sun, which is very powerful.

As a result, he now consumed a full 80 points including the recovery in the middle.

What does this mean, it is a disease, it is a strain!

He has a heated kang, hot water, and sufficient food, and he will go back to his room every hour to stay comfortably for a while.

Do other people, or other beings, have this condition?

Take the reckless lord as an example, they can't do it even if they are exhausted.

So seven days ago, it was correct that the beeps and other bugs migrated north.

The rainy season really sucks.


Li Siwen turned around suddenly, and the mountain ax came into his hand. After a long while, he smiled dumbly, and Master Bao came back with a big horned deer in his mouth, and his gaze was extremely stern.


The big-horned deer was thrown in front of Li Siwen, and Lord Bao leaped lightly, onto the balcony, licking the fur on his body, oh my god.

Li Siwen was elated, this is a qualified tenant, I will give you a five-star praise.

Returning to the room with the carcass of a big-horned deer weighing nearly three hundred catties, he chopped off the deer's head and a deer thigh and threw them to Lord Bao after a while. After all, he is a kind man.

That night, Li Siwen disassembled all the bones and flesh of the big-horned deer, stewed the bones, cut the meat into strips and hung them in the fireplace. The weather is very weird now, so it's safer to store the food dry.

Hey, Lord Bao, why don't you come in and have a sit? I have a fire here, so it's comfortable to roast!

Li Siwen, who had just finished drinking the bone soup and a large piece of venison, was picking his teeth when he suddenly remembered Lord Bao who was eating and drinking outside, so he hurriedly shouted enthusiastically.

As a result, it was as quiet outside as ever.



Lying down on the kang, Li Siwen hummed in comfort, now, sleep!

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