Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 8 The Water Is Too Deep

It was another evening when the sky was full of red clouds, and the happy atmosphere in the territory finally began to recover.

Thanks to the urgent order issued by the lord, today, whether it is a farmer or a lumberjack, the work is easily completed, and people feel better when they are relaxed, especially for today's dinner, in addition to the broth, each person added an extra Small pieces of roast the size of your little finger.

Thorns of the Earth · Sun Assassin · Master Lu once said that when happiness comes, no piece of barbecue is innocent.

So, the haze of death and injury has finally dissipated.

Of course, humble farmers and lumberjacks are not qualified to sit by the fire and blow empty bullshit with the lord. Even if they get close to the fire, they will be loudly reprimanded by the militiamen, and they can only hide like gophers. In a dark corner, enjoy the richest meal in your life.

So did Li Siwen.

The only difference is that he vaguely saw the lord's frown under the light of the fire. Could it be that he is about to go bankrupt? It is impossible to feel sorry for the barbecue that has reached the stomachs of the farmers.

Li Siwen didn't think deeply about it, and didn't take a peek anymore. It was meaningless, because he had already expected that the lord should have made a difficult decision, and this decision would affect the future survival of the territory.

Within three days, the result will be announced.

Li Siwen got into the wooden house, lay down in his own place, and fell asleep in a few minutes. He ate 80% full at night, and had a good night's sleep to make sure that he fully recovered at 14 o'clock after dawn.

There was some noise in the night, and there were wild animals howling. It seemed that a few wild wolves were trying to get close to the territory, but they were quickly killed. From this point of view, there is a tyrannical lord, which is very important to the entire territory. are all crucial.

Without such constant patrols and killings around the clock, during the day, the perimeter of the territory would not be so safe.

Li Siwen woke up at dawn, and his 14 points of physical strength recovered as expected, but the movement in the territory was a little different from usual.

But Li Siwen didn't move, didn't open his eyes, until the farmers around him woke up muttering, he just got up muttering, rubbing his eyes, and glanced quickly, then he was taken aback, But there were five more fierce-looking armed men in the territory out of thin air.

The reason why it is an armed man instead of an armed soldier is entirely determined by temperament.

Since then, Li Siwen hasn't looked at it again.

It can't be a hero unit, and it can't be a high-level soldier. Then there is only one possibility. It is a mercenary. Is the lord going to open a BOSS? The price of mercenary recruitment is not low, and the force and equipment must be weak Yu regular high-ranking soldier, hey, he is really a lord who likes to be bold.

Feeling emotional in his heart, Li Siwen took the dry food, poured cold boiled water, and started the daily work of weeding. As for when and where the lord will go to war, that's really not something he should worry about.

Let's increase the physical strength to 15 points today, and increase the agility starting tomorrow. In addition, if everything goes well, the yellow ball will be lit up in at least two days.

At around 8 o'clock in the morning, Li Siwen still saw the lord who was going to fight, and this time he came out with all his might.

In addition to the lord, there are supervisor Sun Tieshi, five mercenaries, eight militiamen, and four hunters. The territory is almost empty. If they leave this time and never return—then they will never return!

Ah bah bah, I'm sorry, I didn't think so. It's because this sentence appears too often, and it's so smooth.

Li Siwen gritted his teeth secretly. He really didn't want to be a crow's mouth. At this stage, even if he was an exploited class, he still hoped that this territory would grow, and that the lord would live a long life. After all, big trees are good for shade. , the most important thing is that he hasn't even accumulated the original capital, so doing it alone at this time is looking for shit!

The whole morning,

Li Siwen was working seriously, and a little thought earlier didn't make him feel too guilty. Sorry, he's not that kind of person.

The outcome of life and death was already decided when the lord decided to open the boss. I have nothing to do in the rain...

However, at around six o'clock in the afternoon, Li Siwen had just extracted a little vitality and added it to the physical attribute, when he saw the triumphant return of the lord's expedition to the 'legion'.

Only two militiamen died, and one mercenary died, but this is not the point. The point is, four hunters, six militiamen and two mercenaries, a huge black bear carried by twelve people!

I'm sure, it's a black bear, like a small hill, I'm afraid it's more than four meters high when standing upright, even if it's hundreds of meters away, even if the black bear is dead, the ferocity still makes all the farmers including Li Siwen... Feeling dizzy and guilty, I believe that at this moment, the morale of the territory is rising again.

In fact, it is true. At this time of day, the farmers will slow down the speed of weeding. They are already exhausted, and they are waiting to go home for dinner. However, when they are stimulated by the black bear, these guys seem to have bloomed their youth. Wielding a hoe is a burst of hard work, and Li Siwen can't understand the kind of pride from the inside out.

In short, whether he admits it or not, the lord has indeed successfully resolved a certain territorial crisis that the farmers did not understand, and the future of the territory seems to be brighter.

In the evening, the bouillon benefits were gone, and the food supply changed back to a bowl of wild vegetable soup plus a black dry ration, but this did not seem to dampen the enthusiasm of the farmers. The lord actually hunted back a great deed of a violent earth bear.

Well, that's right, Li Siwen still learned from these farmers that the black bear was actually called the Earth Violent Bear. Of course, that's all the information he could get.

As night fell, the howling of wild beasts increased, but soon disappeared without a trace again.

There were many torches in the territory, and four hunters were dismantling the earth storm bear overnight. The lord stood there like a javelin, holding an object the size of a football in his hand. Even if he couldn't see it clearly, Li Siwen could still know that it was a idol.

That's right, statues, not village building orders/city building orders/state building orders.

But it was this thing that summoned Li Siwen and the other nine farmers into this world.

Therefore, it seems correct to say that it is a village building order.

But the focus is not on this, but on two key points.

First of all, this statue can be regarded as a kind of village building order, but whether the core power above is centered on the lord, he is completely controlled by him.

What does that mean?

That is, if the soldier kills a bear, the lumberjack cuts enough wood, and the farmer hoes enough grass, then the conditions can be met to upgrade. That is to say, the upgrade conditions of soldiers, farmers, and lumberjacks are all controllable. , comprehensible, achievable.

In this way, Li Siwen's secret may not be kept at all, because the lord will definitely check the attributes of all the civilians frequently, so as to know who can upgrade at any time, and then focus on arranging extra meals.

Second, the power of the idol can be regarded as some kind of village building order, but the core power above it is not controlled by the lord.

What does that mean?

That is to say, when soldiers kill monsters, they will never be able to upgrade. They must obtain a large amount of materials by hunting wild animals and mining minerals, and then sacrifice the materials to the gods, and then the gods will give them strength to upgrade the soldiers.

The conditions for this kind of upgrade are uncontrollable, incomprehensible, and taken away by unknown forces. The lord is just a high-level puppet.

If this is the case, Li Siwen's secret is likely to be kept. At least, if he does not perform well, the lord will not spend precious materials to upgrade him. The first person to upgrade will always be the lord himself, and Those soldiers have similar important occupations, such as hunters, cooks, carpenters, blacksmiths and the like.

Farmer, too humble, not worth wasting materials.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, even if the lord is a high-level puppet, he can check everyone's attributes through the statue, but as long as he doesn't reveal too much, since he is so busy every day and needs to deal with so many things, Nor would he come here specifically to suspect a humble farmer.

As for the possibility of quickly checking someone with a single thought, or checking someone's attributes and talents by locking their eyes, well, Li Siwen is not just trying to figure it out. If there is such a fast and convenient management mode, this territory will not be messed up. so miserable! His high-quality weeding for five consecutive days will not go unnoticed!

In other words, his performance can be regarded as a talent, even if it is a talent for farming, it is also a kind of talent.

and also,

The lumberjack who ate wild fruits and drank raw water will also be discovered in advance.

The two heatstroke farmers could also have intervened at an early stage so that they would not die tragically in the end.

Therefore, based on the above, the chance that the lord can discover his secret will not be higher than 10%.

Li Siwen quickly made the above analysis in his mind, then closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep. He didn't intend to peek at what the lord is going to do tonight, because curiosity can kill not only a cat, but also a curious person. farmer.

Anyway, he will know the result tomorrow morning.

What followed was a really good night's sleep, and he didn't even hear a sound.

It was dawn, Li Siwen rubbed his eyes, first to make sure that he was still alive, second to make sure that he hadn't traveled through again, third to make sure that there was nothing strange in his mind, and fourth to get up.

In the open space in the territory, the dead body of the terrestrial bear has long since disappeared, including bear skin, flesh and blood, bones and so on.

Even the smell of blood is very faint.

No need to think about where the almost thousand kilograms of bear meat went, all you need to know is that there are four more strong warriors wearing half-length leather armor in the territory. It is far more than those four mercenaries.

In addition, the biggest feature is indifference to iron and blood, and it is by no means half-dispersed.

Because they were not directly summoned, but upgraded by the militia.

So the answer is self-evident.

The reason why they leveled up was not because they killed the violent bear, but because the lord sacrificed the idol with the violent bear, and thus gained the power.

In other words, the lord is most likely a high-level puppet.

Li Siwen lined up to receive food like a quail, neither looking, listening, nor asking.

In the past, the water was too cold for Qian, but now the water is too deep for Li.

Can't afford to provoke!

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