Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 69 An unknown crisis?

It's dark inside the treehouse, but it's even scarier outside.

Mosquitoes the size of grasshoppers swished in from various gaps.

At this moment, Li Siwen couldn't care less about thinking about the fact that Master Leopard, a killer with facial paralysis, would be afraid of this problem. He took out the fine steel knife, and took advantage of his level 5 talent, Spirit Vision, to cut one knife at a time.

Well, the handle of the mountain ax is too long to be used, and the mouthparts of these big mosquitoes are too hard if you squeeze it with your hands.

Fortunately, killing with a knife is the same.

Thanks to his spatial judgment, his stable talent, and his glorious record of killing 100,000 beep-beep mosquitoes during this period, even though these weird big mosquitoes are aggressive, they rush up ten or twenty times every second. There were a few of them, but none of them could stop Li Siwen's quick stab.

Of course, the main reason for this is that most of the mosquitoes were wiped out by Lord Leopard's tail. Its steel whip-like tail was actually more flexible than Li Siwen's hands. Hit, that is a majestic, killing at least thirty or forty mosquitoes per second.

However, this is meaningless.

Because Li Siwen has cheats!

Every big mosquito he kills has a soul value to take.

This is not like the kind of small beeping mosquitoes. Only 10,000 of them can make up a little soul value. The soul value of this kind of big mosquito is quite rich. If you kill one, you will get 0.1, and if you kill ten, you will get a little soul value. crooked.

Soon, when there were no more big mosquitoes in the dark tree house, the soul value in Li Siwen's yellow ball had accumulated to 27/30.

What the hell - did you come to seek revenge on me?

At this time, Li Siwen wondered, the tide of beep mosquitoes that passed through the border just now was too terrifying, there were at least 100,000 of them. If he hadn't owned a sturdy and well-enclosed tree house, then he and Lord Bao would really be together at this moment. It was doomed.

However, I am afraid that the territory of the reckless lord is really doomed. Assuming that they have not moved the territory, ordinary wooden houses can't stop so many big mosquitoes.

This was the second thing that Li Siwen thought of, because under the tide of the Beep Mosquito clan of this magnitude, even if he was as strong as Sun Tieshi, even those senior soldiers would have nothing to do, or could the reckless lord survive?

If these Beep Mosquitoes didn't come to seek revenge on me, then why did they suddenly fly over from the south? Is it migration or hunting?

Hunting is impossible. After all, I haven't seen such a big mosquito here for more than 20 days, so if there is a Beep Lord among these Beep Mosquitoes, then their previous territory must be at least in the A hundred miles away. Based on the analysis of the living habits of these mosquitoes, most of them lived in swampy areas before, and the big river goes south. With the flat terrain and frequent backflow of the river, it is indeed possible for swamps to appear.”

Then now comes the question, why do these beep mosquitoes abandon the swamp that is most suitable for their survival and reproduction, and why do they migrate north?

Lord Leopard, do you know what's going on?

Li Siwen turned to ask the black panther, in the darkness, Lord Leopard's eyes - well, I don't know where its eyes are, they are so fucking dark.


Li Siwen opened the skylight, and the black panther rushed out with a whoosh, as if staying in the tree house for another second would be a nightmare.

After jumping out, the black panther looked to the west with his stern gaze, his expression was paralyzed as always, but Li Siwen couldn't help guessing that the west was the big river after all.

You mean the river will rise? Tsk, this is indeed a terrible question, but I will not move, this is my territory, my kingdom, the territory is here, the people are there, the territory is not, I - just move But now, fleeing without fighting is an insult to my identity as a great farmer! Lord Bao, if you want to escape, you can escape by yourself, don’t confuse me, hey! Let go, don’t pull me, I am Li He is a dignified, upright, and aboveboard nine-foot man,

I wouldn't blink even in the face of death—

Black Panther: ...

Li Siwen: ...

Black Panther: ...

Okay, activate the emergency plan, predict the worst situation, and work!

Li Siwen became extremely serious, the previously designed safe house project was obviously too late to be completed, if an unspeakable catastrophe really happened.

First of all, it must be assumed that the river is flooding back, and it may even submerge my tree house. In this way, the tree house on the second floor must be built immediately. Uh, as for the brick wall on the first floor, forget it, when I didn't do this Plan! I still have more than 2,000 clay bricks left, and 5,000 clay bricks will be fired tomorrow morning. At that time, I will immediately burn another 5,000, no, 6,000, so it will be 13,000 Adobe bricks, enough to build a two-story house.

Li Siwen was very decisive, without any chances.

In fact, even if the reason for the migration of the Beep Mosquitoes was not the rising river, he would not escape. Instead of tossing around in a strange world, it would be more secure to stay in his main battlefield and fight with his back to the safe house.

So in any case, it is right to speed up the construction of safe houses.

At the moment, he first extracts two points of heavenly work value, and refines the iron ore fragments of about two hundred catties smashed in the afternoon into iron ingots weighing one hundred catties.

Consume a little more Heavenly Work Points to create a shovel, strengthen it to pig iron, and then strengthen it to fine steel.

After installing the wooden handle, he began to dig loess frantically, and then carried water and mud. As for the black panther, which had disappeared without a trace, he couldn't care less.

When the sun was bright the next day, he dug out a total of ten square meters of loess, and raised water to turn it into fine mud.

Part of the mud can be used to build brick walls, and the rest can be made into bricks and tiles depending on the situation. In addition, he also wants to use a lot of mud for two kangs, two stoves, and roof tiles. Mud as a fixative.


At this moment, Li Siwen was eating a fruit of anti-inflammatory herb to restore his exhausted energy, when he suddenly felt something, and when he looked back, he saw Lord Bao walking lightly with a big horned deer in his mouth.

But wait, your three-legged leopard can catch a deer, God, who is cheating?

However, Lord Bao ignored Li Siwen, who was astonished, and threw down the big horned deer, which was at least three hundred kilograms and had all its internal organs eaten, and went to drink water and rest, very proud.

Fuck you!

Li Siwen gave a thumbs up. In fact, he now understands that the reason why the black panther can still walk ghostly and nimbly on three legs, and move so fast is because of its long iron whip-like tail. Balance, and this guy was originally a hunting expert, so it is not difficult to catch a big horned deer.

Wait, this panther came back from the north?

Li Siwen immediately thought of the hunting team under the lord of the reckless man. The area where they hunt every day is in the northwest direction. Could it be that there is a wide prairie over there?

Hey, it seems that there is really something wrong with the reckless man's territory. Otherwise, because of the violent temper of the reckless lord, what he sees now is not the big horned deer, but the story of the heroic sacrifice of the unrepentant Lord Leopard.

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