Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 53 Master Pottery Li

If the next big rainstorm is a kind of luck.

Then it must be a kind of happiness to live on the bank of a big river that will often backflow.

It is impossible to imagine how many fish and shrimps there are in this wide river, but at least at this moment, in less than an hour, Li Siwen caught fifteen large fish weighing about one hundred catties, and twenty-nine fish weighing about tens of catties I even caught a big river crab weighing more than ten kilograms.

about there.

He was not greedy for too much. When the sun set and the surrounding area was searched, he stopped fishing, carried all the fish back to the tree house, threaded them with branches, hung them on a big tree, and watched from afar. , is spectacular.

Next, Li Siwen didn't enjoy the joy of harvesting, but took advantage of the daylight to dig up a large mass of soil with a fine steel shovel from the edge of the flooded valley. This kind of soil is not the common humus in the forest. , but was washed down from the upper reaches by mountain torrents, a layer formed over time, a little reddish, slightly sticky.

He had noticed this detail before, but at that time he didn't have enough water to mix the mud, and he didn't have enough time to toss.

Now that he is stuck in this time period, he wants to try to cook himself a bucket or tank that can cook soup or hold water every day. Otherwise, it would be too passive to rely on seven water hyacinths to fetch water. It would be stupid not to correct it.

In the case of the flood, Li Siwen stirred the lump of soil evenly, and even put it on the ground and stomped it hard with his feet until it became very fine and free of air bubbles and particles.

After bringing the lump of mud back to the tree house, he first opened the four reserved skylights and lit two fire stoves. The dried boar meat was a bit damp, so it had to be dried.

As for the lump of clay, Li Siwen was not busy kneading it, but continued to press and beat it with his palms, trying to make the lump of clay as fine as possible, and at the same time controlling the humidity in the clay. After a full hour, he finally He took a relatively flat stone slab, washed it with rainwater, and finally put the mud with a suitable humidity on it, and forcibly activated the innate vision.

That's right, others rely on technical experience and machines to make clay pots, but he relies on plug-ins, isn't it cool?

Under the secondary soul force field formed by the level 4 talent Spirit Vision, he can sense all changes in the mud in an all-round and three-dimensional manner, including whether the shape he squeezed out is standard or not, whether the thickness is uniform, and whether there are air bubbles inside. , uneven particles and so on.

Of course, this is not enough, a pair of extremely stable hands is needed, and unfortunately, Li Siwen, who has 9 points of agility, is the master of such hands.

In the darkness, only the fire was extinguished. He closed his eyes and listened to the silence of the four fields. He squeezed his hands softly and silently. The already extremely delicate soil was constantly changing in his hands, constantly correcting various trajectories, shapes, and thicknesses. What could be a more comfortable process than this.

Li Siwen felt that his hands were like a soul dancer, and the activated Level 4 Spirit Vision was like a dancing song.

He didn't intend to, but at this moment, he entered the magical realm of that rainy night in the logging hut. His mind seemed to be placed outside the sky, watching the stars and dancing against the cool night wind.

From the yellow ball, the soul value is automatically extracted and silently added to the soul attribute, and the whole process moistens things silently.

Until he woke up and almost hit the wall with regret.

Because, just now, he forcibly turned on the level 4 spirit vision, so it directly consumed 8 soul points, and there were only 6 points left in his yellow ball.

Fortunately, it's not a loss, because Li Siwen squeezed out a water tank with a maximum diameter of about one meter in one shot. Judging from the outside, this is completely a handicraft, without any flaws.

In fact, there is no flaw in the interior, and the secondary soul force field formed by level 4 spiritual vision can see every detail.

Without moving the slate below,

Li Siwen slowly backed away, letting the squeezed water tank slowly dry in the shade, the specific effect would not be known until it was burned out in a few days.

At this moment, since he had just entered that miraculous realm, Li Siwen wasn't tired at all, even his stamina was at full value, so he didn't rest, jumped into the tree house, first cut all the big fish into slices, Allows to air dry easily.

As for the river crab, he ate it as a snack.

After finishing his work, Li Siwen took the mountain axe, shovel and hoe to reclaim the farmland.

With a magic weapon like a shovel, it would be much easier to reclaim the farmland. If it weren't for the worry that the shovel would be damaged, he would be able to open up ten acres of farmland overnight like a pile driver.

But even so, by dawn, he had almost cultivated nearly three acres of farmland. Counting what he had cultivated before, he already had five acres of farmland.

In fact, the most troublesome thing in the reclamation process is not digging the land, but getting rid of the roots of those big trees. There are dozens of big tree roots in these farmlands. Li Siwen didn't have the confidence to deal with them before, but now it's different , 24 points of strength, combined with the mountain axe, and abundant physical strength, it is simply not used to.

What surprised him even more was that the process of uprooting the roots of the big tree would actually gain vitality, and it was quite a lot.

Under normal circumstances, a big tree with the thickness of a bucket will get half the vitality value, a big tree hugged by two people can get a little vitality point, and a big tree hugged by three people can get 2 to 3 points of vitality depending on the situation.

But for the roots, the average can double.

Of course, the process of dealing with tree roots is also quite troublesome. It usually takes more than half an hour to finish cutting and digging. However, this will also increase the planting area of ​​the farmland.

For the time being, let's just use these five acres of farmland, any more would be a bit of a waste.

Beside the farmland, Li Siwen stretched his body. Last night's work was not small. With 50 points of full stamina, counting the more than ten points of stamina that can be recovered continuously, he has been consumed until now to enter the 15-point red zone.

After packing up the tools, I took a routine inspection around the territory, and found that the backflowing river has basically receded, only some puddles still have water, and the mountain torrents in the flooded valley are only a trickle, and no beasts have been found He nodded. Speaking of which, although the ferocious beasts in this world are ferocious and cunning, they are really few in number, and they are hard to come across.

But Li Siwen vaguely felt that there must be something more terrifying than beasts in this world.

So, don't make waves, don't rush, develop steadily, observe changes, plan for future moves, live long, and keep the scriptures in mind.

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