Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 18 Blue Wolf

The sun has finally set, and the whole world is not only not cool at all, but even more sultry, like a huge stagnant puddle, and the gray clouds in the sky are like the turned up belly of a suffocated fish, revealing a sense of despair.

The earth is hot, the tree trunks are hot, the weeds are hot, and even everyone's eyeballs are hot.

Li Siwen drank his water hyacinth long ago. He could have persisted a little longer, but in order to prevent Liu Er, who was already thirsty and crazy, from robbing him and affecting his plan, he simply resolved this trouble in advance.

But everyone tried their best to suppress the anger and hunger in their hearts. They were waiting, waiting for the return of the reckless lord, and they were also waiting for a heavy rain and the final fate.

The threat of those gray wolves seemed far, far away.

The faint thunder sounded, and everyone who was already thirsty and crazy, looked up at the already dark sky, hoping for cold rain to fall.

Everything is bullshit now, all they want is water and coolness.

Only Li Siwen was sitting in the lumber hut, even though his body was drenched in sweat, he remained motionless, with his sharpened iron ax next to him. He was not waiting for the rain, nor was he waiting for the gray wolf. While waiting for the reckless lord, murderous intent flashed in his eyes occasionally, he had to act, at least to grasp some initiative.

If the lord of the rough has not returned.


The thunder was approaching, the weather seemed to be cooler, and the wind was blowing. Li Siwen closed his eyes, regardless of the sweltering heat that still existed around him. He was trying to create a strange state similar to last night. Now he knew that the soul Points and soul development are not just added casually, but need to create a peaceful atmosphere, otherwise there will be serious side effects, such as vomiting, dizziness and headaches.

And now he is trying to increase the soul development rate to 19%, and there are still six soul points in the yellow ball.

If the reckless lord doesn't come back, these four soul points are the beginning of his troubles.


A burst of thunder suddenly sounded, and the strong wind came from nowhere, tearing ferociously and roaring. During the day, most of the branches on the fence were blown away in a short while, and nothing could be seen amidst the flying sand and rocks.

But suddenly, Li Siwen heard a muffled groan, which was so small that it was insignificant amidst the strong wind and rumbling thunder. If he hadn't been trying to calm himself down, he might not have been able to hear it.

In a flash, Li Siwen activated his talent vision without saying a word.

In an instant, a secondary soul force field spread out, and he could see the blades of grass, leaves, stones, and the fresh smell of blood flying in the strong wind.

Even, the trajectory of the wind can be vaguely captured.

The wind is wrong!

A gray shadow suddenly rushed from the slanting thorns, and jumped straight up to the logging hut, but what was waiting for it was Ben Lei Yi Axe.

The gray shadow didn't even have time to howl, its entire head was split in two, and its body was thrown flying with great force.

There was a whining sound, and another gray shadow lightning rushed. Li Siwen held an ax in both hands, and with a simple slash, he sent it flying. He rushed up drippingly, even lost the axe, and one of his arms was bitten, but it was not serious.

After he climbed up, the figure of the militiaman Song Hu rushed over, but he was much more powerful. He swung a spear and drove back the two gray wolves, and jumped onto the logging hut.

Then, no more.

The old Chen with the potential of a dog-headed military adviser, the old oily Cao Da, and the frizzy young Liu Er all became the source of screams, which were then replaced by the sound of tearing and chewing.

The violent wind gradually stopped, the thunder disappeared, the heavy rain did not fall, and the sky became much brighter instead. Li Siwen finally saw the scene that made him tremble all over.

Under the light of the evening sky, a giant blue wolf with a height of at least three meters, surrounded by more than a dozen gray wolves, came strolling like a king. In its eyes, one could even see human-like The light of wisdom that thinks like that.

At this moment, Li Siwen, including Lao Zhao, and Song Hu felt that their hearts were being firmly grasped by an invisible claw. They were fighting with each other, sweating profusely, and they had no fighting spirit anymore.

Even Li Siwen's talent, Spirit Vision, was shattered and shattered directly, unable to withstand this level of crushing at all.

For a moment, he even had the illusion that he had touched the blue wolf's soul, it was like watching a delicate snack, the joy, pride, and teasing were so real.

Li Siwen had no strength to resist at all.

It was at this moment that he realized how weak he was in this world, and how dangerous and terrifying this world was! His self-righteous little card is not even a splash.

But at this moment, the ground suddenly trembled, and in the dark sky, there was an extremely violent breath like a hurricane, instantly tearing apart the invisible suppression brought by the blue wolf.

The three of Li Siwen were paralyzed on the ground, and could only stare dumbfounded at the blazing flames burning all over his body. He was holding a huge mace, and the flames on it were rolled up three to four meters high. He was like a heavy tank. Rumbled out of the darkness, rushed out of the jungle, and had a head-to-head encounter with that huge blue wolf in an instant!

The blue wolf roared, the lord roared, both sides stopped attacking after one blow, and when the supervisor Sun Tieshi and two senior soldiers rushed out, the blue wolf finally howled and retreated quickly, but the look in his eyes when he was leaving was very mean profound.

And when all the gray wolves had disappeared without a trace, the reckless lord who was covered in flames sat down with a plop, and the flames disappeared strangely. He was panting continuously, as if he was in a very bad state.

Seeing all this, Li Siwen quietly threw the axe, returned to his appearance as a quail farmer, and secretly warned himself not to activate the talent of spiritual vision easily in the future.

Because there is no doubt that this invisible secondary soul force field released is not invincible, but anyone who is strong can sense it and forcibly crush it.

Lao Zhao is in the worst condition at the moment, he was injured again, and was suppressed by the aura of the green wolf. In the end, he was worried that he would be blamed by the lord of the reckless man. After all, he had spoken badly before, so he was directly accused Scared to pee.

Song Hu, the militiaman, was in the best condition. He was scrambling and rushing out at the moment, his excitement was beyond words.

To be honest, now Li Siwen understands why Song Hu is so loyal to the reckless lord, and also has great confidence. The reckless lord is really too powerful.

Fortunately, in the past day and night, although Li Siwen occasionally behaved by coincidence and hacked to death a gray wolf in full view, he was generally very low-key, especially when there were four lumberjacks helping him pull the wolf. Hatred, block the line of sight, otherwise now is the time to make a list.

However, looking at the embarrassment of the reckless lord, not only did he not bring back his prey, he even lost two of the elite soldiers he had saved up with great difficulty before. Three mercenaries, four hunters, and five militiamen were all dead. He knew how miserable this time was, so, facing the territory already occupied by three or two big cats and kittens, the reckless lord probably didn't have time to ask in detail.

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