Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 16 Dongguo Farmer

The territory is over!

Running all the way back to the logging hut, except for Li Siwen, who had no sense of existence, everyone was in a daze. Maybe they didn't realize the situation in the territory at first, but when the howling wolves kept coming and going, especially when they looked back at the last time, there were at least a dozen of them. The sight of gray wolves facing each other across the ditch even the militiaman Song Hu was terrified.

This is definitely a wolf pack.

Unless the lord returns, it will definitely bring disaster to the territory and them.

But, will the lord be able to come back in time today?

Panting, everyone felt a rope called despair being pulled around their necks.

Let's air-dry the meat. Air-dried wolf meat is delicious.

Li Siwen said something in an untimely whisper. In fact, he was also afraid, but he also knew that fear could not solve the problem.

That militiaman, Song Hu, just glanced at Li Siwen, You swung the ax well just now, otherwise we wouldn't be able to escape.

Uh, it should, it should be a coincidence.

Li Siwen smiled shyly, but at this moment, no one asked whether it was a coincidence, because a more important question was right in front of him.

Those gray wolves will come after them, maybe there will be a wolf king, I think we should continue to go deep into the forest. Old Zhao, the woodcutter, said that he was only breathing well now, and he had just calmed down.

That's right, there are too many gray wolves, at least twenty, we can't beat them. Liu Er, the woodcutter, said immediately, his hands were still shaking, after all, he ran all the way back with a big fish on his back.

The lord will be back! The militiaman Song Hu suddenly said, So we have to wait here! These two big fish and wolf meat are saved for food, and when dried, they are enough for us to eat for five or six days. Wait here, wait for the lord to come back, and then go kill those wolf cubs!

But what if the lord can't come back? Old Zhao, the lumberjack, confronted him tit for tat, And what's in here, a logging hut, can it stop the attack of the wolves?

Do you want to rebel? The militiaman Song Hu roared even louder.

Maybe he thought of something, or the might of the reckless lord's tiger is still there, and the lumberjack Zhao is silent. At this stage, the militiaman Song Hu is still the highest force, and has the ability to kill everyone present, unless they unite.

Bring up all the trees, make a fence, and then continue to strengthen the logging hut! Song Hu, a militiaman, gave an order forcefully.

While the four lumberjacks were still hesitating, Li Siwen grabbed his ax and went to chop trees. At this moment, he was full of food and drink, and his energy was good. How long would it take if he didn't seize the time to earn vitality points?

The rest of Lao Zhao and the other four looked at Song Hu with complicated expressions, but in the end they lost the courage to resist and got busy one by one.

There are still a lot of trees that have been felled here, about 20 trees. They are placed around the logging hut, tied with straw ropes for reinforcement, and the cut branches are placed on top of them, forming a simple four- to five-meter-high tree. fence.

As soon as this man got busy, the fear in his heart was greatly weakened. The four woodcutters showed their skills as half-baked carpenters. They also built a simple fence in one morning and re-reinforced the logging hut in order to survive. layers of logs.

At the same time, Li Siwen also gained a lot.

In one morning, while the weather was still not hot, his stamina was almost full, and he was in good condition. He chopped down five big trees in one go, and got 2.5 vitality points, of which he added two points that could be extracted to strength superior.

The effect is obvious.

At 7 points of strength, he needs to consume 3 points of stamina to cut down a big tree.

At 8 points of strength, he needs to consume 2 points of stamina to cut down a big tree.

At 9 points of strength, he only needs 1 point of physical strength to cut down a big tree.

Throughout the morning, he consumed a total of 13 points of stamina,

Among them, cutting down trees consumes 11 points, and running three miles consumes 1 point, because the weather is hot and consumes 1 point.

Of course, there are rests in the middle, and his physical strength is constantly recovering when he is full, even at this moment. It is estimated that if he takes a nap at noon, he can still recover to 14 points of physical strength. The food is much, much better than dry food.

But that was the end of the comfortable moment when you could open your belly and eat. The gray wolf corpse and the two big fish were cut into small pieces by militiaman Song Hu and dried.

At noon, each of them only shared half a catty of grilled fish.

Old Song, you are too mean, it's not enough to squeeze your teeth. You have been doing nothing with a stick all morning, but we are so tired and stinky.

Maybe it was because of too much pressure to survive. After contradicting him a few times, Mr. Zhao, the lumberjack, simply didn't even care about addressing him.

Song Hu, the militiaman, didn't care, just ate the grilled fish, It's good to eat some, eat less now, it's better to eat bark in a few days, those beasts are trying to trap us to death, I am here today I deliberately patrolled outside, but I didn't see their shadows, but I can guarantee that if I stay a little farther away from you, these wolf cubs can tear me apart.

What about the water? There is no water in my water hyacinth. Liu Er shook the water hyacinth.

Cao Da also sighed, We shouldn't delay this for half a day, otherwise we would have already run dozens of miles away by this time.

It's useless to say these things, go out now and try it out, and don't let the wolf cub take your back! Cao Daoxue, the woodcutter, shouted violently, and everyone fell silent.

After a long time, the lumberjack old Chen said slowly: Drinking water, bear with it, you can drink dew in the morning, and I guess it will still rain today and tomorrow, bear with it, and wait for the lord to come back. Yes, but before that we have to have a charter, Lao Song, you are right.

The militiaman Song Hu's face was gloomy and he didn't speak. His charter was to stick to it and wait for help, but he also knew that at this time the four loggers should not be oppressed too much.

Seeing the militiaman Song Hu deflated, Lao Chen and Lao Zhao looked at each other secretly. The lord is not here, and he may not even come back. Who is not a little kid in his heart?

At this time, Lao Chen continued to speak slowly, his posture was very well-controlled, and he had the temperament of a dog-headed military advisor.

As far as I know, if gray wolves are not led by a wolf king, they usually rarely go out hunting during the day, especially in this very hot weather, they can't stand it themselves, so they only go to the most dangerous at night. We have to arrange night watchmen, otherwise we will all be trapped in this small house, and we won’t even know when wolves are coming. If we block the door, we will kill one of them when we go out.”

I have to maintain my strength. I have to kill wolves when they come! The militiaman Song Hu said in a deep voice. He still had nothing to say. He had to maintain his strength and maintain his best condition to suppress these woodcutters.

I want to strengthen the fence and the house, and I have to make a strong wooden door. Well, I can kill a wolf if it comes. Old Zhao, a woodcutter, snorted. He didn't want to keep watch at night. It's not good to sleep so sleepy that your eyes are fighting. Besides, it's so dark at night that you can't see anything. If you are bitten by a black snake with iron rings, you can't even think about living.

How can you do it alone? I have to cut down a few trees and twist a few bundles of straw rope. The lumberjack Cao Da also said, he is also very smart.

I want to make a few traps. Although they are not as good as those hunters, they can still hurt those wolf cubs. Old Chen said slowly.

Now only Liu Er and Li Siwen were left.

I'll keep watch until midnight. Liu Er said helplessly.

Then I'll keep watch until midnight. Li Siwen happily accepted it, and then continued to polish the axe. He still has to chop down trees in the afternoon, so it's okay if the ax is not sharp.

In addition, he is also looking forward to hacking down a few more elite gray wolves. Whoever said that farmers can't kill wolves, we are Dongguo farmers in the new era.

Of course, he will not make too high a profile. Today is the golden twenty-four hours, and the lord of the reckless may be desperately rushing back. If the lord of the reckless does not show up by tomorrow night, that is, the end of the 48 hours of silver, then he That's what could really happen.

So now the lumberjacks Lao Zhao, Lao Chen, and Cao Da jumped out too early. Regardless of Li Siwen's previous analysis, it was based on the extremely bad luck of this reckless lord.

But under normal circumstances, a lord with 30 points of strength and strong force would not die so easily. The most likely reason why he delayed his trip was because of the torrential rain.

But just right, they are high-profile +1, and their sense of existence can be -1.

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