Faye’s League of Legends

v2 Chapter 1478 - return

Before Jax walked out of the cave, Rod chose to leave.

Although he couldn’t figure out what the white flame was, Rod had at least one direction to look for when he was already in touch.

In addition, it is more important to find the specific location of the gate of the void-although the years have changed, the sea and the vineyards, this valley and the cave have long been turned into a Gobi wasteland, but in the spatial position, with the help of stars Positioning, Rhode believes he can confirm the specific location of the Void Gate.

From this perspective, Rod’s task is almost completed.

Returning to the city of Acacia, Rod waited for Kieran soon after-he didn’t look so good, it seemed that the frequent shuttle time caused him a serious burden. When he saw Rod, Kieran seemed quite tired.

“Those astrologists are very cautious.” Kieran said straight away, “but fortunately time stood on my side, I found the location of the Void Gate, and left a time mark-as long as you do what I said, To activate the mark and find the gate to the void.”

Compared with Rod’s physical positioning, Kiran, which can ignore time interference, can obviously achieve a lot of high-end positioning, and Rod does not have any repulsive meaning to this. Simply everyone’s goal is the same, if If it can be accurately positioned, it is better to be more precise.

“What about you?” After speaking with Rod about his time stamp, Kieran turned to ask Rod, “You found the answer you want?”

“Half and a half.” Rhode shrugged somewhat helplessly. “Time is still a fog that is difficult to see for me. I’m afraid I have to go back to my time and continue to study.”

“Then wish you good luck.” Kieran did not continue to ask, “Now, it is time for you to go back.”


If space travel can cause dizziness and even vomiting and diarrhea, then the sequelae of time travel are much more terrible than this-when Rod finally broke free from the shackles of the sand of time and returned to the present After time and space, he felt like a mummy for quite a long time.

In Rod’s perception, there seemed to be a problem with his own consciousness, and he often appeared dazed.

And this daze in the eyes of others is more like a delay in Rhode’s own feelings.

After a time trip, Rod seemed to suddenly change from “the computer itself” to “the man who manipulates the computer.” This subtle change caused him considerable discomfort and even affected his actions.

But fortunately, Rhode’s affinity for time is quite good. After more than a day of adaptation, he finally recovered his normal feeling.

After returning to normal, Rod activated Kiran’s mark as the first thing-and with the double positioning of stars and marks, he successfully found the plane position of the Void Gate.

Next, as long as you dig down from here, you can find the entrance of the void in Acacia.

Sure enough, with the positioning, the League of Legends action was much smoother. On the third day, a strange door that appeared everywhere appeared in front of the Shields.

When Rod arrived at the scene, the entire Shields shield machine was completely destroyed. The first quarter of the shield’s columnar body disappeared strangely, and the incision was smooth as a mirror.

what happened?

After inquiry, Rod quickly understood the situation at that time-the Void Gate was hidden in the gravel, so the shield machine did not stop at the first time, but was in a state of continuing to dig.

In this way, the front end of the shield machine during tunneling entered the door of the void, and the annihilation quickly disappeared. When the shield machine completely stopped working, one quarter of the entire columnar body had disappeared.

Was “eaten” by this door to the void.

The Hex engineers who arrived with Rod tried to study this door, but no matter what, as long as it touched the door, it would be annihilated directly, even if it was touched with a stone. Take it back, it will cause the stone to be cut off!

Seeing that the Hex engineers were helpless, the caster team also conducted preliminary calculations on it, and found that this door could absorb spells and energy almost endlessly. Any energy will disappear after contact with this door.

Even a bold mage tried to maintain the control of the spell after the spell disappeared. As a result, he fell into madness on the spot, and he began to tentacle outward, and the whole person was quickly vanished!

This door to the void is completely different from the bottom of the Howling Abyss, and even the seal spell cannot be applied to it. After some exploration and no results, Rhode can only choose to try the magical flame.

Perhaps that is the only way to contain the void.

And to figure out what constitutes that flame, Rod can only ask Orn for help now.

As the owner of the world rune of flame, Orne should know what the white flame is.


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