Faye’s League of Legends

v2 Chapter 1422 - realm

Yasuo and Fiona, the two seem to be very different existences, but if they put aside some of the appearances based on their identities that they usually show, we can find that the two are very similar.

Obsessed with kendo, and have their own choices and pride.

It is for this reason that in this **** commando, Yasuo and Fiona formed a very special relationship-a delicate, familiar and strange confidant.

It’s interesting to say, although Fiona seems to follow the rules and Yasuo is unruly, but inside, the two people are clearly the same kind of people, and both are geniuses who are extremely obsessed with kendo.

It is for this reason that the two can quickly become confidants who can communicate.

As usual, when the night is quiet, the two people have a painless discussion on the deck-both people know that this kind of discussion is never for the purpose of winning or losing, just for ease. It’s just boring.

After all, this long sea voyage is really a bit of a will to kill. In the salty sea breeze, even the sharpest swords can easily rust.

Sharpening is always necessary.

The battle between the two was just a routine sharpening of two people-now that the knife was sharpened, the ship shuddered suddenly when the two were about to separate.

Without warning, it began to rain.

With the turbulence of the ship and the coming of heavy rain, a huge wave came on the sea, and the high waves crossed the ship’s side, and slapped **** the deck.

Almost at the same time, Yasuo and Fiona ran out and grabbed the mast directly.

At the next moment, the two people also collaborated with their swords, cut off the sail ropes hanging high, and lowered the sails-during the storm, the open sails would make the ship unbalanced or even capsize, so when the storm arrived It’s time to sail.

Just when both of them were sighing at the same time that “the sea storm came,” several thick tentacles protruded from the surface without warning, and then buckled the ship’s side.

The pale lightning struck the sky.

In the light of lightning, both of them saw the terrible sucker and purple slime in the huge tentacles-most importantly, there was the scary wound on the side of the ship after being corroded by the slime.

The night sailor had sounded the alarm, but both knew that the captain and the sailor could do very little in the face of this sudden attack.

Although it is unclear who the specific enemy is, no matter Yasso or Fiona, they know that this is definitely a terrible deep sea monster, and it is likely to be the minions of the void!

The two people didn’t even need to look at each other and sprang out on the extremely bumpy deck. They ran to the tentacles on both sides of the ship. From the next moment, the two sword lights were almost simultaneously cut out!



Two tentacles broke.

But just as these two tentacles broke, more tentacles protruded from the bottom of the sea.

In the squally wind and rain, the ship wobbled even more violently.

Yasuo and Fiona can still maintain balance, but after all, they still have an impact. They want to quickly dispose of these tentacles, but they find it helpless to find that the number of these tentacles is increasing, more and more…

The handrail on the ship’s side has collapsed to a large extent by the erosion of mucus, and the deck has become uneven due to the splashing liquid. If you continue this way, even if the guy underwater is solved, I am afraid this boat There will be big problems…

However, Yasuo and Fiona have no reservations!

Just as the hearts of the two began to sink, the sky suddenly turned on.

Obviously it was night, obviously in the rain, but at what moment the sky seemed to be bright!

This light came so suddenly, so short, as if it were just a flash of lightning-but it was far more gorgeous than the pale lightning!

And after this flashing light, Yasuo and Fiona discovered that the tentacles attached to the string of the ship were broken at the same time-yes, in the light of the moment, a dozen All tentacles were cut off!

The incision is smooth like a mirror, and the severed tentacles seem to remain curled and gripped when they fall back to the sea.

A thin, tall figure appeared at the door.

Yasuo and Fiona turned their heads at the same time, but instead of seeing the long sword, they saw the lightning reflected by the seven eyepieces and lenses.

“It seems that we did encounter the minions of the void.” Although the ship was still bumpy, but the other party seemed to have no effect, just walked on the deck so calmly, a pair of slippers on the feet seemed to be stuck. The same as on the boat, “You guys watched the big guy’s tentacles, I’ll solve the underwater body first.”

During the talk, the comrade jumped straight into the sea and jumped into the sea!

Yasuo and Fiona glanced at each other, and both sides could no longer keep the same light and calm look before-he didn’t even bring a weapon!

At the next moment, there suddenly came a sound of Changyin from ancient times~www.mtlnovel.com~Zheng——”

A white wave floated from the water, just as the giant of the deep sea waved the blade of the sea water, and suddenly burst on the surface of the water at the next moment, stimulating several long and huge waves.

And with the huge waves coming out of the water, there is also a huge, twisted and gritty corpse.

The entire body seemed to be a sarcoma cut in two pieces, floating on the sea and gradually drying up-and from its tentacles, this should be the culprit of the attack on the ship.

Under water, with a sword, this huge sea monster (or sea-born void beast) is completely finished.

Yasuo and Fiona were quiet.

At the moment when the two men were horrified, the thin, tall figure quietly returned to the deck. He found the captain who didn’t know what happened, and somehow gave up his hands.

“Sorry, Mr. Captain.” This swordsman who usually likes to wear a seven-eye lens took off his own eyes. “The whaling fork of this ship may not be used… We can’t take it on the next voyage. I supplemented it with whale meat.”

Looking at the completely unusable whaling fork that was just left on the deck and corroded, the captain’s heart had a terrible conjecture-did he actually use the huge and blunt whaling fork to cut the culprit? Is it?

Just when the captain was horrified and did not know what to say, the other party once again smiled apologetically.

“One more thing-I’m afraid I need a little fresh water, take a bath… after all, the slime on the big guy seems to be somewhat corrosive.”


For Hell Commando, this sea beast attack is just a small episode-but from this day on, people have never heard Shakuhachi in the night.


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