
Chapter 84: Chapter 80: Recommendation

Under her disbelief, shirou fired 2 more shots and hit the bull's eye. Then from the 3rd shot he started missing and the crowd gathered around him dispersed after diminishing his 1st 3 attempts as mere beginner luck. The truly proficient archers are absent in these children still the girl who taught him had her face filled with confusion as she looked at the boy`s back.

After the 3rd shot shirou purposefully missed all other shots not to be singled out. He didn't wish to indulge in archery as much as swordsmanship as in his view archery lacked practical use. For him what a bow can accomplish so can a gun and in far better and easier ways in combat scenarios. Well, it is a human tendency, to not cry till they see the coffin so his dismissing archery was understandable. Then again it's partially true to show sufficient merit in combat he needs a mystic code in the form of a bow and he neither knows how to make one nor has enough mana to use one.

Well future is left to be seen as necessity is the mother of invention. Time passed by and the school year was nearly over. One fine night after shirou shooed Sakura away from the part of the dojo that was modified into a bow range, the phone rang and he picked it up. From the other side, Melvin`s voice echoed 

"How are you little emiya-kun?"

And then he chattered on about how he wished he could have visited shirou during Kiritsugu`s funeral and how he also regrets the chance to sleep on a geisha`s lap, etc. after listening to the rambling of the tuner he said 

"Mr. Weins could you please concentrate on the matter that you called me for."

"Your words wound me shirou. Your father and I were good friends so what is with this strange distance."

After some more banter, Melvin finally revealed his reason for the call 

"I have talked to my best friend and arranged for a recommendation for you to join Clock Tower. So you have to come here so that we can do the paperwork for you to officially join Clocktower as a student."

Then he explained how Shirou's lineage would be an issue here so it would take some time for all the political stuff to be done. In a magus family, the family crest is the best proof of lineage and Shirou's crest while being closer to a sub-family crest would work as an identification. Still, as no one in his family ever took care of the paperwork after the murder of his grandfather it will take some time for him to have a clear name.

Melvin informed him that he was sending some of his people to get the paperwork and geas done as shirou was still a minor and couldn`t leave for Europe alone. They then discussed how the older emiya and Melvin had already discussed how the tuner would pose as one of his maternal relatives and would take shirou to study in Europe with him.

There were also clauses like he would facilitate the boy`s visit with his legal guardian at least twice a year. After this talk shirou breathed out as he walked to the lawn and stood still, he held out his hand that held a small pebble in it. His crest on his back glowed as he applied a bounded field on the stone and used innate time manipulation on the stone.

His eyes twitched, and his muscles spasmed as he felt his prana being drained swiftly. His concentration broke, and the rock fell from his hand. As soon as the bounded field dissipated, the rock spontaneously cracked. Then, fissures spread across its surface as it broke into small pieces.

 This was the result of the wrong alignment of the factor of acceleration inside the bounded field. The backslash from the reality marble of the planet shattered the rock as it corrected the time difference. His body could easily be in the place of the rock if he attempted the spell now, so he was prudently waiting for the crest to be complete. There was a difference between taking risks and being suicidal, and he was not suicidal for now.

After the events of the past shirou had developed a habit of checking up on all of his friends at least once a week. So currently he was sitting beside Rin who was leaning on his shoulder, she turned to him and said 

"I will consider the offer after the funeral. Now go and prepare for things, at least go through the subject materials I gave you."

He stood up patted her back and wore his overcoat that covered the wet marks on his shoulder. With a last understanding smile to her, he turned around and left the tohsaka residence. As he walked away his face went back to the neutral state but his eyes were constricted as he repeatedly stroked the handle of the sword on his waist. He was conflicted about leaving Rin here now that Aoi had finally died, he wanted to take her to the clock tower with him.

With internal conflict raging inside him he reached the emiya residence and found Taiga standing with a caucasian man wearing a black suit. With his hand hidden inside his coat, the blade was released with a sharp pop sound as magical circuits covered the hand wielding the blade. As soon as he came close he felt the slight smell of magical energy on the man he stubbly adjusted his feet so that he could quickly perform a quick draw and amputate the man in an instant.

Before the tension could set in taiga broke it by announcing that this man was related to his maternal relatives and was here to talk about taking him to his maternal home. Then she complained to him about how he didn't tell her about this and said 

"I didn't know you were so cruel to leave the poor little me alone, go run away now. Kids nowadays are so heartless"

As Taiga`s drama continued, they moved inside, and the boy served them refreshments. He understood that this was Taiga`s way of expressing her worries. She was worried about him leaving and what would happen. Would they take care of him? Would he be discriminated against? Will everything end alright, she was this worried as his guardian as well as her promises to the grave of the man who inspired her.

So after getting her signature on the documents about school transfer etc they somehow managed to get some alone time. Finally, the man who revealed himself to be a retainer of Melvin`s mother brought out the magically binding contract. The contract itself was as loose as it could be, as it was more like an examination form than a binding one.

Then the man gave him a booklet about the association's rules and regulations. It had a note from Melvin saying he had obtained it from the Department of Law using a favour. Shirou took this sentence with a grain of salt.

After this was finished the man swiftly left, he was the no-nonsense kind of person who exchanged a minimum required conversation and that's it. His days were now awfully packed as he had a lot of skills to practise plus some sparing with Rin and archery practise with Sakura who for some reason had shown a strange interest in archery and shirou obliged as he taught her.

Well, it was not about archery for her; rather, she liked spending time with him. Even though she always felt that an ungrateful and dirty thing like her should not deserve this kind of unconditional kindness, she was still drawn in all the same. Shirou himself didn't notice how he had slowly become more assertive of her and was subconsciously taking more care of her, which fueled her inner conflict rather than calmed it.

What this will lead to is only known by fate, certain old men, and arrogant pricks. None of them would shed light on it for the boy, so he would have to find out about it himself. Shirou took his time to go through the basics in the booklet and found out that to join the association, three conditions were needed: the first is the lineage of magi; the second is passing the testing and assessment of the association in the basics of magecraft, both theory and practical; and now the third is self-defence assessment.

For that, all new magi have to pay the association and pass the entrance 1st and then have to take mandatory courses in the Department of General Fundamentals for 5 years before they could move on to specialised departments. Here he learnt the importance of recommendation, with his recommendation from a lord, a department head he could be excluded from the 5 years compulsory education in general fundamentals and just have to pass a small test.

(A/N: well I fast-forwarded the story and in the next chapter there is a key event and after that, we will start the nasuverse staple "racism" and "retarded discrimination".









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