Chapter 172: Side Story : Daughter
Hungry... so Hungry.
Cold. So cold.
Red stuff good. Warm.
Must get red stuff.
Food good. Must get food.
Noisy things fight. Must fight for red stuff.
Meat. Must get meat.
Moo meat good.
Noisy two legs bad. Too noisy. They fight. They no give
red stuff.
Fight or me dead.
Must fight. For meat. For no die.
Cold. So cold. Must get warm.
Shiny orange stuff warm. Noisy two legs has.
Kill Noisy two legs. Get shiny orange stuff. Get meat.
Get warm.
Many noisy two legs attack.
They die. Me eat meat. Must fight.
Must live.
Fight. Eat. Warm. Live. Fight. Eat. Warm. Live.
Still cold.
Noisy two legs no talk. Just fight.
Why? Why only fight?
Me have no red stuff.
Why fight me? Why attack?
Tired. So tired. Need sleep.
Must keep fighting. But need sleep.
Talking brown stuff?
Wood no dead. Talks. And gave drinky stuff.
It no fight. It no dead. It gives drinky stuff. Gives meat.
Gives orange shiny stuff.
Weird but... Warm.
Wood name Zack.
Zack gives moo meat. Zack gives drinky stuff.
Zack keeps cold away. Zack keeps warm.
Yu smell weird. Look like noisy two legs, but no smell like.
Smell like red stuff.
Zack smell... like wood... like rock... like drinky stuff...
like nothing.
Zack weird but warm.
... What name?
Yang. Zack name me Yang.
Zack talk me. H-... He t-teach me to speak.
Yu grumpy. But helps.
Yu gives moo meat when speak right.
Zack gives moo meat when me hungry.
Like Zack more.
Zack take me hunting.
We found moo with noisy two legs. Zack call human. I tried to fight.
Zack got angry. Zack never angry at me before.
Scary. Sad. No want Zack to be angry.
Two Legs always fight. So me light. But Zack no want fight. Zack want to walk away.
Why? Why Zack likes humans? They noisy and attack.
Zack no say. We hunt feesh. Feesh good. Tasty.
I like Feesh. I like Zack for giving me warm feesh.
Later, Zack left. Yu say he protects humans.
He leave to protect humans.
... I feel cold again,
One day, me met scary fox lady.
Scary. She was scary. So scary.
Where Zack? Me want Zack? Zack always keep me safe.
He make scary fox lady go away.
But... what if Zack die? Would fox lady hurt Zack?
Me no want that! Zack warm! He gives me meat! He gives me water!
But... Me so scared. Me want Zack. Fox lady feels... rotten... smell so bad.
... Zack came in. He take scary fox lady.
Yu came. She check on me. There was big boom. Zack came back, and fox lady was gone.
Later, Zack was in pain. Zack never in pain before.
I was more scared than when fox lady showed up.
Zack gave me metal thing. He called it sword.
Yu fight me. She said it was 'training. I don't
But... If I become strong... Zack won't worry so much... we can stay together without him worrying.
I want that. I want my life with Zack to be peaceful. To not be disturbed.
If he doesn't worry, then we can have fun together.
Just like we used to.
So I need to be stronger.
Stronger and stronger. I need to be the strongest so that Zack never has to worry. So we can be happy together again.
I need to be stronger,
Why?... Why does he protect humans? Why are they so weak? Why don't they train to be stronger?
Annoying. So annoying.
Humans are so weak. They know it. Yet they don't try to be stronger.
Zack has to save them all the time. He always has to
leave to save humans from one thing or another.
Whenever I fight a monster that attacks humans, they just hide, and cheer for me when everything is over.
Why do they expect others to fight for them? Why do they not defend themselves? Do they not value their lives or the lives of their families?
They just run and hide.
I hate it. I hate how humans accept their weakness. I hate how they just live in someone else's shadow.
None of it makes sense to me.
If humans were not weak, Zack won't have to always leave to save them, that's all I understand.
Zack and I had a fight. A big one.
My sword broke again. I don't care. But Zack didn't fix it and left.
He didn't come back for days. I was worried. Was he mad at me? I got angry at humans and was about to
attack them.
Does he care for humans more than me?
Yu said he wasn't angry at me. But, I was still worried.
He came back. I was very relieved. He brought a new
sword. One better than anything else I've had. It was strong. Even the poison I create didn't melt it.
With this sword, I can grow stronger than ever.
But no matter how strong I get, humans will always be weak... and Zack will always have to save them...
I decided to leave the cave.
I wanted to get stronger. Stronger than anyone else.
So strong Zack never has to worry about me again. So strong we could just have fun without worrying about
But... Zack stuck this annoying human with me. He wants me to understand humans.
I tried. I really tried.
I just... couldn't.
I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.
I don't care about humans, but I hate how they accept being weak. I hate how they don't pursue getting
stronger. I hate how they don't truly appreciate life.
Why do humans accept being weak? Why do they rely on the strong? Why do they not try unless they have no choice?
Yes, that's right.
Humans only get stronger when faced with danger.
If humans get stronger... Father won't have to worry about them anymore.
Me and father can be happy without worrying about anything...
Father is trying to stop me.
Of course he would. He doesn't want me to hurt humans and also doesn't want to hurt me.
I don't care about making him choose between us.
Father is the strongest.
If I beat Father, then I'll be the strongest.
And if I'm the strongest, then I'll give humans a greater challenge, making them stronger.
That way, no one has to save humanity. Father and I can live peacefully, free of worries.
And if I fail... I at least spent the last moments of my life with the one person that made me feel warm.
The one person that made me smile.
The one person that offered me a hand.
"Thank you... Father..."
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Title :- One with Nature
All credits to XanaShadow
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