Chapter 162: Magus [2]
You know, you'd think that since the city is full of Magus, I wouldn't have to hide as much as usual.
Well, you'd be wrong.
These idiots really don't know what boundaries are. I've been stalked by either one of them or one of their
familiars through the entire day. This is probably the most I've had to use my wind element in a really long time.
At least some had the decency to outright walk towards me and ask for what they want.
Like the chubby blond guy with a mustache. "Hm, excuse me, Elemental Zack?"
"Let me guess, you want something about the age of mystics, right?" I asked with a deadpan look.
The guy jumped in surprise. "D-Do you have the fairies' eyes of truth!?"
"No, you're just the eleventh Magus that came to me with that exact question," I said and the guy started sweating like crazy. It was really sad. "Hey, what's your name?"
That question seemed to catch him off guard. "G-Gordon Musik."
Oh, THAT'S why I thought he was familiar.
"Well, Gordon, congratulations!" I said as I threw an arm over his shoulder, making him nearly jump out of his skin. "You're one of the very few Magus here who had the decency to be polite. You can ask me one thing as long as it's not some big secret about ancient mystics."
The guy just sweated even more before taking a deep breath and steeling his nerves. "If I remember correctly, you and the Ancestors both register as Elementals. Yet, you side with us humans. So... I was wondering..."
"You want to ask if I'm okay?" I asked.
The guy jumped and started violently shaking his head. "D-Don't misunderstand! I'm just worried for our new trump card! I'm not personally worried for you because you helped us or anything!"
Wow. Tsundere much? And I guess this means the Musik family always had good in them. Honestly, they're probably one of the few Magus families that have their head screwed on straight.
"Honestly, I'm fine. It's not actually weird for Elementals to get in feud every now and then," I
answered to him with a shrug as I removed my hand from his shoulders. "If the planet has any problem with
what I'm doing, it didn't say anything."
"Is trouble between Elementals really common?" Gordon asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, you have no idea," I laughed and he jumped
slightly. People, at least normal ones, tend to do that when I laugh. I used to be confused but then realised that, with my looks, my laughing face must look like a
monster plotting revenge. "Let me tell you a little secret," Gordon blinked in surprise before leaning in with a focused look. "I actually don't hate the Ancestors."
Gordon blinked a few times before his look turned to shock. "E-E-E-Excuse me?!"
"I have nothing against them. They're just annoying. On the other hand, I despise fairies yet I don't do anything about them because they didn't annoy me," I
explained to him.
It was true. Ancestors just annoy me but I don't outright hate them. Heck, one of my best friends is a
vampire, after all. My problem with fairies is their 'we do what we enjoy' attitude and I hate them for the fact that includes evil things.
I have an Elemental mentality myself, and even I think that's stupid.
"Lord Musik," our conversation was cut off by a...
I don't know. She was wearing a very old fashioned maid outfit that covered nearly her entire body with only her face and hands visible. Her eyes were red and
lacked any shine to them.
"I am here to inform you that Lord Einzberg and Lord Barthomeloi are about to enter the city," The maid explained.
"... Wait, what? Didn't we send the message for them just the other day?" I asked in confusion.
"Hmm, while I understand your confusion, the current heads of the Einzberg and Barthomeloi family are quite powerful in their own rights. Would you wish to
go greet them with me? I happen to be good friends with Lord Einzberg," Gordon explained, looking rather proud with himself.
I guess that makes since. Didn't his family have are given to anyone. Homunculus servants from the Einzberg? I doubt those
"Sure, why not?" I shrugged my shoulders and Gordon began walking towards the edge of the city that I walked through.
It took a while and some people staring along the way -alongside Gordon looking rather smug by the stares -but we reached the entrance just as a group of Magus entered.
Most of them were just like any other Magus but two stood out the most.
The first was a man with short, combed brown hair and a suit with a long coat. He had a professional frown on his face and didn't seem to acknowledge anyone around him.
The second person got my attention more. It was a woman wearing a white dress with a white crown that had what appeared to be a glowing circle in it. Her hair was unnaturally white and actually looked like it was glowing. Her eyes were bright red and her face lacked any emotions. Not even a frown. Just an absolute neutral face.
What drew my attention to her was her Magical Energy.
There was nothing wrong with it. It just felt... off. Literally off. Like, her energy wasn't even part of the world.
"Lord Barthomeloi, Lord Einzberg," Gordon stepped forward and greeted the two. "I welcome you back after a successful-"
"I'd like you to withhold the pleasantries for now, Lord Musik. Please tell me where can I find Lord Brishisan for my report," Lord Barthomeloi cut him off. He sounded nothing but professional, so it really didn't come off as rude as much as 'I want to get my work done with'.
"A-Ah, yes. Of course. Lord Brishisan is in the central tower as always," Gordon replied. Barthomeloi gave a nod before walking away.
The Einzberg - I assume she is from her appearance -didn't follow him. "Greetings, Lord Musik. I thank you for personally coming to greet us in our return," she said, but her face didn't change expressions.
"Oh, nonsense, Lord Einzberg. It's an honour to be an acquaintance of one of the Magicians," Gordon replied with honesty.
Wait... did he say 'one of the Magicians'?... Oh.
I just realised that, according to the time-line, the Einzberg family didn't 'lose' Third Magic yet.
"And are you the Elemental mentioned in the report, the one who decided to help us against the Ancestors?" The Einzberg turned and looked at me.
I was talking to the original wielder of Third Magic. The one that disappeared on her family.
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Title :- One with Nature
All credits to XanaShadow
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