Chapter 154: Opinions [2]+[3]
I'm leaving."
I looked at Yang as she said that. If I had eyelids, I would have blinked several times by now. "For how long?"
"For good."
"Why? And to where?"
"To look for stronger opponents to fight," Yang said back as if I asked her what color the sky is.
"Wait, if you just want stronger opponents, me and Yu-"
"No, we won't," I was cut off by Yu who was drinking wine.
"What do you mean 'no'?" I asked Yu.
"First off, the whole reason I started looking for opponents for her to fight is because any actual fighting between me and her would end with fatal wounds. And second off, you're going to fight her? Really?" Yu was giving a doubtful look.
"I wish to fight other opponents first," Yang added her own reason.
"Well, you... I mean-"
"Zack," Yang's look softened. "I will be okay. You made me strong. I will not lose to anyone weaker."
I kept staring at her for a while before I eventually gave in. "Fine," I groaned as I ran a hand through my face.
"But, you'll wait until tomorrow. I'd like to have a special dinner before you leave," I added and Yang smiled. "Hey, Yu, bring out any spices you have."
"What in Gaia's name makes you think I'll do that?"
"Because you know goodbyes mean a lot?" I pointed out.
Yu just stared at me for a few moments before she sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "For the love of... Wait here," she got up and went to her room while grumbling along the way.
Being young means making mistakes. We all have to go through that.
That doesn't mean I don't regret not stopping Yang.
The next day, I was standing with Yang at the forest she usually trains in. Yu saw us off at the cave but didn't follow saying it would be better to 'give us privacy' as she said.
"Well... This is goodbye," I said as Yang didn't say a thing the whole way.
Yang looked at me for a few moments before coming closer and hugging me. I returned the hug the best I can while trying to not make it uncomfortable.
I really should see if I can get a cotton element.
"Hello, is anyone there?" A voice vroke the silence that followed the hug.
Me and Yang backed off and looked at where the voice was coming from. We saw the boy that came a while ago stumble from between the bushes.
"Ah, there you-" he said as he saw Yang before his eyes landed on me. "A-AAAH! DEMON! DEMON!" He cried out as he fell on his back and began crawling away.
Yang growled and I gave the kid a deadpanned look.
Honestly, I would have thought this was overdramatic if it wasn't a reminder that the age of mystics is almost completely over and people are less prone to sights
like me.
"Panicking like that is more dangerous to you than any demon, kid," I said.
The boy stopped and looked at me in shock, "Y-Y-Y-You can t-t-t-talk?" He asked while pointing a shaky finger at me.
"Yes, and so can you, so I suggest you use that ability as a way to explain why you're here," I said as I walked closer and he backed up again.
"S-She said she'll be leaving today and I can't ask her for herb advice anymore! So I wanted to see if she's willing to let me go with her!" The boy explained quickly.
Wait, has he been coming back here and asking Yang for advice on herbs? It's been almost two months since then. How many times did he come back?
"Why do you want to go with her?" I asked.
"B-Because I want to help people with herbs. I don't know much and there isn't anyone in my village willing to teach me, so I thought she can teach me," he explained.
Well, he definitely didn't seem like he was lying. I obviously don't like the overall idea but... This can be good for Yang. Being around a human like this might help her.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Well, what do you think, Yang?" I asked as I looked at her over my shoulder.
"I'm going to fight all kinds of enemies. If he follows, he will die," Yang groaned.
"I'm still willing to learn! Please!" Bolin got on his knees and bowed his head.
Yang scoffed and turned away. "Do what you will. If you die, blame no one but yourself for being weak."
I wanted to smile. Maybe, just MAYBE, this was for the best. Bolin might help Yang open to humans. I just wanted her to be happy.
I was straight up stupid. No ands, ifs, or buts about it.
I was in the Borders of China. It has already been a few years since Yang left to travel and I stayed a while with Yu to finish learning how to keep up with time.
After that, I travelled the nation myself for a while to
look around. This place was truly beautiful and a part of me did hate how humans were going to turn most of it into concrete.
"Well, I guess it's time to leave," I mumbled as I was ready to turn to my water element and jump into the ocean.
I stopped, however, when I saw something in the distance. It looked like a red cloud of mist.
It kept going and going until it got close to me before it started gathering and shaping a humanoid form.
When it was done, Yu was standing in the cloud's place... and she was glaring bloody murder at me.
"Here to say good-"
"Shut it!" Yu yelled making me almost jump. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find you?! For a being that is the 'strongest', you let out no magical energy at alll"
"Okay, you're always angry, but now you're angry more than normal. What are you-"
"The brat started killing humans!" That shut me up pretty quick.
"What?" I asked.
"The brat is killing humans," Yu repeated. "After she almost hunted all mystics around to extinction, she started fighting humans. She started off with bandits."
"And what's wrong with killing bandits?"
"That was the start! She started off fighting mercenaries! Then soldiers! Then anyone who picks a fight!" Yu yelled again.
"How is that bad so far? As for the soldiers, for all you know, they were the ones to pick a fight," I said in Yang's defence. "Also, since when do you care about humans?"
"I don't! Quite frankly, I hope they hunt each other to extinction. But, Lord Xiang Yu sacrificed himself to finally fix this country and I don't want the brat to destroy his work. She's headed to the capital right now. So, either do something about her or I will!"
"Fine, fine. I will see what she's up to," I said as I turned to my wind element and began flying through the air.
I'm sure Yang has good reasons.
All credits to XanaShadow on wattpad
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