Fate/One with Nature

Chapter 152: Snake's Poison [3]

I watched as Yang fought a giant demon boar. It was near another human village. There has been more of them with Han Dynasty - as Yu called it - prospering.

Honestly, I can't truly say I care and neither did Yang, but Yu keeps taps on them since this was pretty much Xiang Yu's goal.

The boar flailed around as Yang landed kn its back. She held at it with one hand while her sword was in the other. I guess she dug her claws in because no matter how much that thing flailed it didn't manage to shake her off.

Raising her sword, which was covered in Orochi's poison, and stabbed it through the demon boar's head. It dropped almost instantly after that. Yang jumped off the body and faced the village as she landed.

The people of the village began cheering her and her reaction was...

"Why did you not fight?" Yang asked the cheering people, though I guess they don't hear her because they didn't stop their cheering. "Why are you so WEAK?!" This time, they heard her and looked at her in surprise. "Why did you not pick up any weapons?! Why did you not fight?! Do you have no desire to live!?" Yang outright glared at them with hatred and raised her sword.

Okay, this stops now.

Turning to my wind element, I blew dust off the ground and covered the entire village with it. When no one can see, I swooped in and picked up Yang.

I landed far away from the village in the forest near the mountain and saw her down. "What was that?" I asked.

"They didn't fight back!" Yang yelled.


"Why do they want to live but they don't want to fight?! They should fight! They should strive to be strong!" Yang yelled back.

"Those were farmers. They don't need to know how to fight," I said while crossing my arms.


"Enough, Yang!" I cut her off with a firm glare. "This discussion is over! Got it?"

Yang just growled and glared at the ground. We just stood there in silence as she seethed before-


"RAAAAAH!" Yang yelled in rage as she threw her now broken sword away, not even asking me to fix it.

I groaned while running a hand through my face and changed back to my wood element. "Let's just go back, Yang."

Yang took deep breaths before nodding, but she kept glaring at the ground and didn't say anything the whole way.

When we got to the cave, Yu turned to us. "You two are back?" Yang just ignored her and headed straight to her room before smacking the door. "Moody much?"

"You, of all people, have no right to judge anyone on being in a bad mood," I commented while walking to a chair in front of her and sitting down. "Her sword broke again."

"What is this? The seventh time?"

"Eighth," I groaned and leaned back. "She's been in a bad mood and I don't know how to cheer her up."

"How about making a sword that won't break?" Yu suggested.

"I would if I could but-" I stopped as I realised something and immediately looked at Yu. "Is there any volcanos around?" Yu looked at me in confusion but she still nodded. 2

A couple of hours later, we were standing at the mouth of a volcano right near the edge to the lava. Smoke was everywhere and the heat was borderline torture. If either me or Yu were even half as fragile as humans, we would have died just from the ashes in the air.

"So, what do you plan to do?" Yu asked.

"I'll be making Yang a surprise. You go and make sure she's okay while I prepare it," I said as I turned to rock element for safety and bent down.

I dipped a finger into the lava and focused. Soon enough, my body began changing. I stood up as I finished absorbing the new element and looked over myself.

My new Lava element looked somewhat similar to my Fire one. My claws and I guess my face were burned stone or charcoal or whatever and the rest of my body was completely made of lava.

Yu opened her mouth to say something but I jumped into the volcano before she had the chance to say anything. My body melded into the lava and I began diving.

I kept going lower and lower. I needed the strongest point of the volcano. When I reached a point where the entire area was white from how hot the lava was, I stopped.

"Okay, let's get to work," I turned one arm into a hammer and began gathering several elements in the other. Metal, Rock, and Divine Metal.

I raised my hammer-arm and swung down. After the first strike, the materials began wavering with only divine metal leaving traces behind. I groaned in annoyance and added MORE elements and began striking while adding runes whenever I can.

I'm not leaving until what I make is strong enough to stay here without as much as getting overheated, let alone melt.

Third POV:

Yang and Yu sat near the fireplace in the cave. Yang had a piece of meat in front of her, but she did not make a move to eat it, and instead hugged her knees and looked at the fire.

"Three days," Yang said.

"Yeah," Yu said back, drinking tea.

"Zack has been gone for three days," Yang said again.

"You've made that clear several times already," Yu sighed and shook her head. "He said he'll be back so he'll be back."

"Is he mad at me?" Yang asked as she hugged her knees harder.

"Believe me, Brat, even if he was, he wouldn't leave you," Yu replied without a second of doubt.

Before Yang can even ask how Yu knew that, the door to the cave opens and Zack walks in holding something behind his back.

"Hey, guess who's back, and I brought something with me!" He called out.

Yang immediately jumped from hee sitting spot and ran towards Zack before hugging his waist. "You're back!" She cried out.

"I did not sign to be a babysitter," Yu complained from her sitting spot.

"Good to see you, too, Yu," Zack deadpanned at the other Elemental before looking at Yang who let go of

him. "Anyway, Yang, I have a surprise for you," he then moved what he was hiding and held it in front of him.

What Zack wad holding was a brand new sword. It was shaped like a long and large katana. Longer than Yang and as wide as her fist. The blade was pure silver while

the edge was gold. The hand guard was shaped to look like the mark on Zack's chest and the handle was simple but elegant.

The blade was also unnaturally clean and pure. Looking so smooth it was almost transparent.

"What... is that?" Yu asked, sensing power from the sword.

"This is a new sword that won't ever break again, Zack said as he walked to the table and sat the sword down. "It took me three days of nonstop work to make this thing."

"You spent the whole last three days working on this?"

"I mixed everything I can to it while also hammering nonstop to keep up the shape. I also used every enhancement rune I can while making it and made

sure it can withstand any temperature," Zack motioned to the sword with both his arms. "I have used

LITERALLY EVERYTHING I have to make this sword." "How strong is it?" Yu asked.

Zack turned his arm into Divine Metal and transformed it into a hammer. He raised it and swung down. The strike was strong enough to echo through the whole


Raising his arm, Zack showed the side of the hammer he struck the sword with to Yu and she saw a clear dent of the sword's shape on it while the sword did not

have as much as a scratch.

"So... you made an actually indestructible sword?" "Pretty much."

"And you're just... giving it to the brat?"

"Your point is?"

"I'm getting a drink," Yu just groaned as she walked away to the direction of her room.

Zack just shook his head and grabbed the sword before giving it to Yang, who struggled for a second to hold it because of it's new weight.

"It's yours now. Make sure to live up to it's quality, alright?" Zack instructed.

Yang gained a determined look before she held the sword in the stance she always takes and began doing the same strike over and over again.

Zack loved the smile she had as she trained.


All credits to XanaShadow on wattpad

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