Fate/One with Nature

Chapter 149: Bloody sword [3]

It's been a couple of months, since Yang's training began. I know that from my own time perception, not because I asked Yu.

Learning how to keep up with time was paying off.

Anyway, Yang's training was coming up pretty good. She really has a natural talent with the sword. Guess something good came out of her mother for a change.

Today was another spar with Yu.

Yang was now wearing a black shirt under a short, blue kimono-still am clueless on how Yu knew how to make one - with wide black pants.

Yu stood across from her, holding her swords while Yang was standing at the other side of the field and glared. Neither of them made a move.

Yang decided to change that. Holding her sword tightly, she charged forward while raising her weapon high in the air. She swung down as soon as she was close enough to Yu.

The Elemental blocked the strike with one of her own swords. She sent a kick that, two months ago, would have sent Yang flying, but now, the Oni twisted her sword to break the stand off and spun around the kick.

Using the momentum of the spin, Yang swung her sword at great speed towards Yu's midsection, only for Yu to use her other sword to block the that strike. Bringing in her first sword, Yu tried to cut Yang's head in half only for her to lean back and barely avoid the strike.

Yang jumped back and held her sword in front of her again. This time, it was Yu who charged forward, but not before throwing one of her swords like a throwing knife. Yang swung her sword and blocked the thrown weapon just as Yu reached her.

Swinging down, Yu almost to cut Yang in half only for the latter to lean to the side and avoid the blade. Yang swung for Yu's neck only for her to bend down and only have a few hairs cut from her head.

Yu's sword, the one she threw earlier, came down after Yang sent flying and Yu managed to catch it. She swung her weapon at the surprised Yang... and stopped just before cutting her head off.

"You died," Yu stated.

Yang grumbled as she dropped her stance. Yu stood straight and smirked at the glare that the girl was giving her.

"Hey, look at the bright side," I said while walking close. "You got close to hitting her. You're definitely getting better."

"What gave that away? The fact I'm no longer practically using her as a punching bag?" Yu sarcastically asked.

Yang just grumbled and we went back to the cave. She stayed quiet for the rest of the day. When it was nighttime, I decided to try talking to her before dinner.

"Look, I know you still didn't get a hit on Yu," I said while she sat crossed legged with a pout. "But, you need to remember that you're also fighting someone REALLY powerful. She also has centuries of experience."

"Is she stronger than you?" Yang suddenly asked. Her speaking skills improved a lot.

"Believe me, Brat, if that was the case, I would have kicked that idiot out by now," Yu commented and I just gave a tired groan.

"Why does it matter that she's not stronger than me?" I asked Yang.

"Yu told me that Zack is the strongest in the world."

I immediately sent a glare to Yu who rolled her eyes. "First, you don't want me to give the brat the silent treatment. Now you don't want me to tell her things? Pick one!" She said in her defence.

I groaned loudly and ran a hand through my face. "And why does that matter?" I asked Yang.

She stayed quiet for a few seconds before looking at the ground and speaking again. "Zack worries for me. If I'm as strong as Zack, then Zack won't be worried."

I stayed quiet for a few a few seconds before standing up. "Get up, Yang. We're going out."

Both Yu and Yang looked at me in surprise. "Going where?" Yu asked.

"Do you care if it gives you some alone time?" I asked back.

Yu stared at me for a few seconds before turning back to the scroll she was reading. "Don't hurry and take your time."

That's what I thought.

Anyway, I went to Yang and picked her up. I sat her on my back and formed handles for her to hold on to. After she grabbed them, I turned the rest of my body to my wind element and flew out of the cave.

I increased my speed and kept flying through the sky. Yang stayed quiet while I kept going, heading to a specific spot. When I reached the destination, I slowly landed on the ground and let Yang jump down. She looked and her eyes widen with wonder.

We were now on a clear beach with calm waves. The night sky was full of stars and lights. Honestly, you could probably never get a night like this in the future except if you spend weeks searching.

"Do you know what stars are, Yang?" I asked as she and I walked closer till our feet touched the water.


"Those lights in the sky," I explained while looking upwards. "They're suns. Many of them have their own worlds around them. Each world has its own being that stands at the top. Do you know what that means?" I asked and she shook her head. "It means that no matter what, they'll always be someone stronger out there. That's just how big the universe is."

That was honestly a true fact. I know I've been getting egotistical with my position as Archtype Earth, but not once did I see myself as 'the strongest ever'. Heck, the whole reason I asked Yu about Crimson Moon is because I knew he was stronger and wanted to avoid him.

Even the Ultimate Ones are not the strongest things in the universe. They're the strongest beings on their respective planets, but the universe is a large place and there's no telling what else is out there.

There's also stuff from OUTSIDE the universe like the Eldritch, but I'm not gonna open that particular can of worms.

"So.. I can never be the strongest?" Yang asked, sounding depressed.

"I'm saying you don't HAVE to be the strongest," I said as I looked at her. "You just have to be the strongest you can be. It doesn't have to be the strongest out there. As long as you make it with your own effort, that's more than enough for me."

"But what if I meet something stronger?"

"Then I'll be there for you. I promise."

After that, we just stood there and watched the stars with the only sound being the calming waves.


All credits to XanaShadow on wattpad

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