Fate weaver’s convergence


“So where exactly do her statuses sit, Lorn?”

Stanis and Lorn stood some distance away, conversing while Hatsumi was occupied with Kiyomi. The beast kin was in the midst of fawning over her daughter after the little girl managed to fell a great oak with a single kick.

“I was able to see her physical statuses, her HP and her MP seem normal, increments of 0ne-thousand each.”

Lorn answered, pulling out a small hand-rolled cigarette.

“However, her physical stats are where she jumps.”

She then proceeded to produce a small flame from one of her fingertips after bringing the item to her lips.

“Her base stats are all abnormal except for her constitution. She has the strength of a damn Ogre; I can tell you that.”

Lorn lit the cigarette and proceeded to take a drag before moving on.

“How abnormal are we talking? I’ve seen enhanced strength and reflexes in kids before. But this is pushing it.”

Stanis asked.

“Well, for starters, her strength is seven-teen.”


Stanis asked with a serious expression, lorn nodding to him.

“Her strength not showing until yesterday was probably from her body still trying to recover from the arrow shot. Hatsumi said the scar from the entry wound is still present.”

“What about the other statuses?”


Lorn stifled a chuckle.

“The girls a Harlot in the making.”

“What the hell, Lorn?”

Stanis scoffed, thinking Lorn uncharacteristically insulted Kiyomi.

“Her Strength is abnormally high, her dexterity is too. Her intelligence adds up to what she displayed when I was teaching her. She’s much smarter than most would give her credit at a glance, same for her wisdom.”

Lorn took another drag, then exhaled a small cloud of smoke.

“Her charisma is the same as her strength.”

Stanis tilted his head.

“Aside from her abnormal strength, why would her charisma be that high?”

Lorn shrugged.

“Well, my theory right now-“

Lorn paused, stretching to the side slightly.

“-The theory right now is that before she lost her memory, her patron god christened her the Matriarch of her line.”

Stanis blinked.

“Is that the closest you could get?”


Lorn responded curtly.

“Who could her patron be?”

Stanis asked, prompting Lorn to look him in the eyes with a serious expression.

“With that strength, who do you think?”

Lorn asked in a rather coarse tone.


“Couldn’t be closer.”

“What do we do?”

Stanis asked the elf, turning his sights to his friends and the aforementioned girl.

“Nothing hard, just ensure that the child never steps foot in Morus. That and make sure she doesn’t hurt anyone else or herself.”

Stanis remained silent at Lorn’s answer, and the two remained that way for some time. They watched the view as the mother and child duo were now playing around the tree that had just fallen.

“What was her level, class, and race?”

Stanis asked, breaking the silence.

“Level seemed normal, Hatsumi said Kiyomi wouldn’t tell her, but from what I saw, she’s level eight. Race-wise, it says Demon, but given I was able to investigate her family, she’s probably a High demon. As for class, she’s normal, ‘Adventurer’ is all the analysis told me.”

Lorn finished explaining things to Stanis, and the silence overtook them once more. With the silence, Chessa was walking over to them.

“Are the elders busy convening? Too good for the young folk?”

The younger of the three teased.

“Peace is best enjoyed by those busy enough to rarely receive it.”

Lorn blandly replied, not bothering with a witty response.

“That tired?”

Chessa asked the older elf with a frown.

“Unbelievably so.”

Lorn answered.

“We were about to have Kiyomi use the hunk of iron that Callum made. Care for a closer view?”

Stanis and Lorn looked at each other before shrugging.

“May as well.”

Stanis said.

“This should be interesting enough.”

Lorn concluded as the two followed behind Chessa back to the group.



“I did it! I took that tree out with one kick! It exploded, right?!”

I was struggling to contain myself. Not even half a minute later, I was hit by a sudden spike of energy, and I could not contain an ounce of the excitement I had when I realized that I actually did have what was, for all intents and purposes, super-human strength. I was sure I was smiling ear-to-ear, and even my tail was swaying back and forth much more erratically than it had before. I felt like a kid on Christmas, in all honesty.


Super strength! Hell yeah! Holy shit, I don’t have to worry about getting eaten!...Maybe!

“I saw, I saw, hahaha.”

Hatsumi was laughing at my sudden bout of neediness for her affirmation, grabbing me and bringing me up to her hip after I was tugging on her cloak as if to say, ‘praise me more! More attention, please!’.

I can do all kinds of stuff I couldn’t do before. Holy shit! Where’s more stuff to hit!?

At this point, she was rubbing her cheeks against mine as we hugged. It really was a good experience. Having lost all my family with no explanation before. For some reason, the gash of emptiness felt renewed as of late when the loss was already years ago. Hatsumi was filling that void in a strange way, and this was akin to a bonding experience right now. Sadly, it ended when Callum feigned a cough.

“Y’know, I did want to see Kiyomi actually swing the sword I brought out today.”

He was emphasizing by looking out the corner of his eyes to no one in particular.

“Can I?!”

I asked Hatsumi, excitement bursting through my voice.

“Sure thing, just be careful not to let the blade slip from your hands when you swing.”

Hatsumi gave me her condition before letting me down and nudging me towards Callum, who held the rather crude-looking sword in his hands, waiting for me to take it from him.

Actually, looking at this thing, it’s pretty close in proportion to my sword. I don’t think Callum had seen it since we picked it up from him. Did he measure it?

As Callum handed me the sword, I could feel the weight as he pulled away.

The sword feels lighter, but that may have been because of my strength?

Taking a few moments, I slowly waved the sword around to get a feel for how I could hold it best. I remember some old sword fighting techniques from earth and began to mimic one of the guards I was able to recall; I truthfully had no idea what I was doing when it came to blades. I was lucky to barely have read a sword manual after some partial interest through video games in my younger years.

Ugh, thinking back. I can’t help but cringe. It was so edgy. At least now I have a reason for it. Now, how did it go? Like this?

I shifted my position until I was comfortable with it. Due to my size and the proportion of the sword, I was uncomfortable with most of the guards I could remember. The only one I could think of that I would be able to maintain at the moment was the hanging guard. Bringing the sword to my right side, I could feel how this position would work for now. A twist of my body, and I could do as I did with the kick. With this position, I was able to use the most muscles I could in a single swing.

“Uhmmm, so what do I hit?”

I asked, looking around us; most of the trees around were comparable in thickness to the oak I kicked.

“You could probably just cut another tree kid, too dangerous to bring you around a monster. And if you hit a rock like you did that tree, you might send shrapnel flying.”

Callum said, looking around at a possible target as well.

“You can always cut down trees out here. Nature's expanse is fast where it has already gained a foothold.”

Lorn spoke as she, Stanis, and Chessa approached.

They’re done with their chatting?

“Besides, sooner you choose a target Kiyomi, sooner you all can enjoy your day instead of sitting here hitting trees.”

“So I just pick one?”

I asked Hatsumi after Lorn’s affirmation.

“Go on, and you don’t need to be specific; you just need to satisfy Callum’s curiosity.”

Hatsumi chimed.


Hmmmmmm, I figure it would be best to have Callum help? He’s the one that wanted to see this, I guess.

Dropping the guard, and looked to Callum, who seemed surprised I was appearing to seek his attention.

“Do you think you could…help me pick one?”

Oh god, great, the first time you go to the guy for help, and you sound like a fuckin school girl…smooth.

While I was caught up internally berating myself, Callum smiled and looked around for a moment before settling his gaze.

“Here, this way.”

Callum said, tapping my shoulder before walking past me.

Following close behind him with the rest of the group behind me, we walked maybe a dozen meters or so to a rather knotted oak tree.

“Here, Kiyomi.”

Callum began walking around the tree, looking up and down the knotted portion as if assessing it.

“Inconsistency in the grain and wider than those around it. You probably won't cut all the way through it, so it’s a good challenge.”

Callum said as he patted the trunk, leaning on it and then looking down at me.

“Feel up to it?”

He asked.

This thing is pretty wide.

I looked back down to the sword in my hand and felt its weight in my hand once more. Its balance was okay, I knew I could swing it at the least, but I was wondering if It would hold a similar effect to when I kicked the other tree. Considering I was swinging a thin object at the tree, I should be careful not to have the sword bounce or shift in my grip on impact. Finally deciding to follow through, I looked up to Callum and smile.

“I’m up for it, old man.”

I shot him probably what was a stupid toothy grin.

It feels smug, it feels smug, this is not cringe, this is not excitement, it is smug.

Thankfully, he smirked instead of commenting on the rather poor show of overconfidence. Looking back, this was going to be a moment of “why did I say that?”. Moving to a good distance for the swing, I looked back to the group. Lorn, Stanis, and Chessa were patiently waiting for me to begin, while Hatsumi was nearly vibrating in place, eager for me to make her proud. Callum, however, was watching intently. Like he was scrutinizing my very method of breathing.

What’s with this guy suddenly? This is such a sudden flip in character. Is this what Lorn meant when she said she’d pick no one else to teach me how to fight?

After I got caught in my own thoughts, Callum squinted and gave an expression as if “what are you waiting for?!”.

Crap, okay. I guess a bit more is being expected of me than I thought.

Breaking eye contact with the man who resembled nothing of the overly confident playboy that stood in his pace earlier. He resembled what looked like a stern, judging teacher that was anticipating their student's first steps.

God damnit, it's like he’s burning holes in my back with lasers! Why am I sweating? Why am I suddenly nervous?!

I moved back into my stance, this time bringing the guard up higher, so I wasn’t swinging against gravity. I shifted the grip of the sword in my hands. Trying to hold a sword in a way I could actually swing it reliably was a first for me in this world. I realize the others expected nothing of me with this. But I still wanted not to mess up this one swing. I dug my feet into position, shifting my stance where I knew my enter core, arms, and legs were primed just as before, to explode forth together with energy. I could feel the environment around us fall deathly silent, only the occasional wisp of wind and rustling of leaves to break the silence. I could hear the material of the sword's grip squeak subtly as I tightened my grip and shifted one of my hands to the pommel, squeezing it with as much force as I could muster. There was no hesitation this time compared to the kick. I knew I could throw my weight around, now I only had to apply it with a tool. Raising the sword just a little more, I took a step with my leading foot forward and to the left. I shifted my torso to my right, I could feel my shoulders and lateral’s stretching and flexing. When my foot planted into the ground, that was my signal. With a single exhale, I uncoiled my body just as I did before. My rear leg pushed me forward ever so slightly, my hip flexors contracted and relaxed, my entire core and back engaged as my torso rotated, my biceps relaxed, and my forearms were stiff from the sheer strength I was exerting into maintaining my hold on the grip as I brought the sword into a full-powered swing to cut into the tree.

Cut through, don’t feel the impact. Just make sure the thing doesn’t bounce back into you!

I told myself, the moment playing in my head as if it were in slow motion.

When the sword came in contact with the tree, it felt strange. I imagined the tree would be no different than any other. It would have probably felt like using an awkwardly shaped axe, but that was with the impression I had of human strength, not inhuman strength. It was strange watching the tree bend and snap partially, when the tip of the sword passed through the tree, I knew it wouldn’t be a clean-cut all the way through. Like taking a machete to smaller plants, the tree simply bent to a certain degree before snapping. I was watching the tree snapping before my eyes after the swing before I realized something.

Shit, the wood is snapping back towards me! Fuck! I won't be able to duck in time! Fu-

I was panicking as I was trying to recover from my swing in order to duck, I ended up clenching my eyes in anticipation for whatever part of the tree would hit me. My thoughts were cut off as I felt something grab the back of my shirt's collar and yanked me back with force. After the sound of the tree splitting and landing rather suddenly compared to the last one, I opened my eyes to see a fallen tree that was now at least two meters away instead of barely one. Looking up to the hand that was still clenched onto my shirt collar, it looked as if Callum had yanked me back just in time.

“That was a close one, you good?”

“I-I think so, sorry. Did I do bad?”

I asked, feeling like I’d somehow failed his unofficial assessment.

“Actually you did okay for a first swing.”

Callum replied, loosening his grip on my collar.

“Hey Hatsumi, your girl needs a little of that magic.”


Hatsumi came closer, leaning over and looking at me for a moment before bringing her thumb to her tongue and wiping something from my cheek.

“Ah, hold still sweetie.”

Hatsumi tried to hide her thumb but I could see it had a rather generous smear of blood, I didn’t bother bringing it up however as almost immediately I felt a warmth in the spot Hatsumi wiped. A faint golden glow was emitted in my periphery before disappearing.

“All better, how’s that feel?”

Hatsumi asked, tail swaying behind her.

“I feel okay, thank you.”

She’s too sweet, it hurts.

I looked back to the tree.

“Are you sure I did okay? You had to grab me. I’m fairly sure I would’ve been hurt really bad if you didn’t snatch me when you did.”

I could feel my expression shift as I asked. I was kind of disappointed, no, embarrassed?

“Kid, you did fine. Better than any other adventure who buys a sword and just decides to swing it around. There’s plenty of people that fight without a lick of knowledge on the arm they’ve chosen.”

Callum tried encouraging me while patting my head.

Aw, come on! How many of you are going to ruin my hair?! By the way, was this guy expecting me to not learn at a kid’s level?! I had a mind able to keep up already, but if I was the “original” I probably would’ve been left in the dust already!

Smiling as I began pouting, Callum looked to Hatsumi.

“Alright, I’m satisfied. We headed back to town?”

Callum asked, looking to Hatsumi.

“Yep! Avery should be done with the preparations for now.”

Hatsumi replied cheerfully.

Preparations? What was going on? A feast or something?

Thinking for a moment, I didn’t know truly what they wanted to do today when spending time together. I thought we’d just walk around, probably around town or outside of it, and just talk and eat lunch.

“So what is it we were going to do?”

I found myself grabbing Hatsumi’s sleeve and asking her.

“Hmmm? Ah, so Kiyomi, every eight years of a boy or girl's life, there is a big feast.”

Hatsumi ended up wrapping her tail around mine before picking me up and placing me on her shoulders.

“And well, we figured since you were eight and had no memories, that since we’re your family now, we would give you your first feast today.”

Wait, so is this like a birthday?

I ended up looking to Lorn with slight confusion; she was the one in charge of teaching me general things about the culture. However, on this, she was completely silent.

Wait, why is every eight years significant?

I thought to myself as we began making our way back to the city’s gates.

“You’ll enjoy your first feast Kiyomi~.”

Hatsumi chimed.

If what we’ve been eating all week wasn’t feasting, what will this meal be?

“Oh, by the way, Claire got back to us! We have a cute dress for you to try on!”

Hatsumi casually added.

Come again?

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