Fate weaver’s convergence

C16 The first real steps

Hatsumi was stirring from her sleep weakly, the whimpering and crying next to her being the cause for her now sleepless state. She was sure she’d gotten sufficient sleep, as she felt rested; however, it was less than she had hoped for given the prior day's results.

Another night terror?

She questioned silently as she looked over Kiyomi, who’d been hugging her tail. Her little girl had been crying for some time, from what it seemed. The pillow her head was rested on was darkened from moisture. Thankfully she’d yet to get snot on Hatsumi’s tail. Removing her tail from Kiyomi’s clutches, she moved closer to Kiyomi and shifted her into a careful embrace. Kiyomi eventually settled in her embrace; however, the occasional whimper still made its way through.

She’s not mumbling anything this time. I wonder if this one could be normal?

Hatsumi wondered before being cut short by a murmur that she wouldn’t have heard if not for her being beast-kin.


She looked back down to Kiyomi’s face, her face shifting in concern momentarily.

Is she remembering?

Hatsumi did not get any further hints, though, as Kiyomi’s gradual whimpers died and were replaced by the sound of her breathing.

She will need to know; eventually, I don’t think I could bring myself to tell her yet. But…I shall wait for the right time when I know she’s strong enough.

Hatsumi thought back to the subject of the Diary that was now hidden within Lorn’s study. Hatsumi was thankful Lorn had decided on storing it away rather than destroying it. Its contents would be needed, eventually. But she begrudgingly agreed that Kiyomi should not be privy to its content for the time being.

Thinking to knowledge, they were to start her lesson plan’s at the soonest convenience. Something Lorn had discussed with her while Kiyomi was being dressed by Claire the day prior. They were going to start teaching Kiyomi from this morning onward. Only breaking one day a week, they would be rotating between each other. Hatsumi would lead Kiyomi on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, whilst Lorn would do so on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. This would give Kiyomi ample time to rest as the lessons Hatsumi would be putting her through would be quite physical. Lorn would take the lead with more worldly education. Teaching her to read, write, basic math, and lastly, the geography and vague run of politics in the world. The only term of learned education Hatsumi had opted to take charge of was her own subject, Ecology and magic.

Today is day one, the first of many.

Hatsumi thought to herself, slowly laying the now calmed girl's head onto the pillow that was now dried and brushing the hair from her face.

Looking back to the book she had placed on the nightstand before sleeping, carefully, she lifted the covers from herself, swinging her legs free and standing herself up. She walked over to the book, picking it back up and looking over its spine once more. “Plant’s and herbs of the frontier” was the title of it, this had been Hatsumi’s first basic manual, and she was about to pass it on to Kiyomi by the end of the day.

“Well, while we’re up, let’s go talk to Lorn.”

Hatsumi whispered to herself before quietly getting dressed and leaving Kiyomi to speak with Lorn.



Mnnn? This… dream. Where…am I?

My thoughts were foggy. The words someone was yelling, were rousing me. Suddenly, my sight faded in.

What is this?

“Papa, wake up!”

My sight was blurred, but I could see that I was leaning over a man who was clearly dead. This kind of sight or dream wasn’t new to me. But the contents, the contents, were of something I had never experienced.

“Papa, please, I’m scared! Don’t leave, please!”

It felt sort of like an out-of-body experience, as I was hunched over the man that some child was yelling out to, pleading to an already dead body. Or at least, nearly dead. Around this time, I realized the pleading voice was my own. I half thought to tell the child it was pointless from the position of some random observer, but the thought ceased when the eyes of the man shifted to look at us or what felt more accurate, to me.

“Kiyomi, run. Find her. She will help.”

Each breath of the man below me was labored, barely above a whisper. His voice sounding oddly familiar. Like I’d known it for so long, yet I could not remember the face. The only familiarity I could find was a sword that was laying over him in its sheath, his hands weakly pressing it forth to my own.

“Find her, and be well.”


I’d seen enough death’s in the last six years to know when someone truly passed. And whoever this man was, he struggled to give his last for those five words. But I still was clueless as to what was going on. Soon after, I felt my body collapse forward as I began sobbing over the girl's father. I’m sure it would have dragged my emotions into it, but I suddenly felt a warmth encompass me, and the dream faded out.



Uh, damn strange dreams.

I could feel myself waking, my body tremoring slightly as I extended my limbs to stretch them.

“Mnnn ffffuuuu-“

Finishing the stretch, I hurried to cease my swearing. I opened my eyes weakly and saw after a quick sweep of the room that I was alone.

“Weehhhh, that one was close.” *Sigh*

I sighed in relief.

Looking down at myself, I confirmed I was once more still in this body. It was strange, like being in a new apartment or on vacation. Waking up in a different, unfamiliar location, with the exception that this wasn’t some simple change of dwelling or vacation. Hatsumi was not present, and from what it looked, her night tunic was on a hook. So I can only assume she’s already dressed and about. Looking across the room and to the windows. I could see through them slightly better. It looked to be early morning, birds were flying in flocks, and I could hear the active movement of horse-drawn carriages from outside.

Pushing myself from under the covers, my feet contacted the cool wooden floor. It was so strange, such a familiar feeling mixed with such an alien perspective. With time I do not expect it to maintain that feeling, however. Within ten minutes, I was back in my set of clothes from yesterday: the tunic, pants, and boots. I took the small satchel from the pile of clothes that we’d had situated and grabbed my sword. It had a leather strap fitted to it, allowing me to strap it over my shoulder. It was taller than I was at the moment, so I carried it at an angle for the time. Remembering the conversations yesterday with Lorn and Callum, I wasn’t keen on leaving the blade out of my possession unless it was someone I trusted. That person wasn’t located at the moment, so I took it with me to look for her. I hadn’t expected Hatsumi to leave me alone without waking me, so she must still be in the building. I grabbed the cloak last, stuffing it into the satchel before standing at the bedroom door. I was hesitant. This is my own first step. I couldn’t call the steps yesterday or the day prior, my true 'first steps.' I had not a single concept of where I was or what was going on. Now I do, and I’m fortunate enough to know where I stand in such a short time.

After a moment of deliberation, I opened the door and stepped out into the hall. Following the path I walked along with Hatsumi yesterday, I made my way to the main door. I passed the lizard head, the owlbear, and all the other marks that were on the wall. They were less fantastical almost a day later; it was accepted now. Until something new came into my path, I’d take it as normal existence since that was the case of this world. Opening the doors, I peered through the crack. The guild seemed as busy as it was the first day I had seen it. The difference was only that it seemed slightly disorganized. From someplace out of view, I could hear someone yelling.

“Line up in an orderly fashion, you damned barbarians! This is like you at the beginning of every damn week! Get in your damn lines!”

It was some woman that was out of sight. She sounded like she was a clerk, as I could see the rear of the crowd organizing themselves in line as the woman commanded. Opening the door further, I walked out onto the balcony then closed it behind myself. It felt normal, the smell of food, the sight of monsters already being carved, and all the people eating or working through the counters.

I wasn’t so brave as to make my way downstairs yet, so I made my way to Lorn’s office. Seeing as she was the next best person to have trust in. While I felt I could trust her, I was still slightly wary around her. Her age was still perplexing; it was one thing to fantasize about a life span of nearly a millennia. It was an entirely other matter actually to have one.

Before I realized it, I was nearly at the top of the stairs, approaching the large wooden doors to the elf’s office.


I rapped on one of the doors; It was still a moment before it opened. Greeting me, Maria appeared from behind it and motioned for me to enter.

“Good morning Lady Kiyomi. You came just as the Mistresses were wrapping up your lesson plan.”

Maria told me so with a smile as I entered.

Lesson plan?


I responded merrily.

I thought to at least give Maria a gracious attitude. I was by no means accustomed to having any form of maid or servant, and I could not well stand outright rudeness. I intended to treat Maria with respect, even if I didn’t trust her yet.

“Right this way, my lady.”

Saying so, Maria motioned to the rather large desk that Lorn and Hatsumi were sitting on either side of, Hatsumi was sitting in a simple wooden chair with cloth padding, whilst Lorn sat in a rather fancy wooden, reclining chair with her feet lifted and resting on the top of the desk.

“Good morning Kiyomi, it’s nice to see you were brave enough to seek us out instead of waiting for me in the room; it’s a relief you aren’t afraid.”

Hatsumi greeted me. At first, the words seemed sarcastic to me. But she made no indicator, so she must have been sincere.

“Good morning Hatsumi!”

Christ! Where’d my energy come from!?

I wasn’t sure why, but I felt a flood of energy when she greeted me. I gave a slightly more energetic response than I meant. I came to a stop next to her and did my best to stand still. I was curious about what Maria had said, so I felt I could play up my appearance and get away with innocent questioning for now.

“Maria said something about lesson plans?”

“Oh? Curious hmmm?”

Lorn spoke.

“Y-yes, ma’am.”

“Well, Kiyomi, we’re going to start your lessons and training today. To make it short, we’ll each have you three days out of the week.”

Hatsumi began to inform me.

“Lorn here will handle all of your general education while I handle all of your other learning. Except for the sword, of course, Callum will teach you that in due time.”

“Hatsumi will have you today, giving her the first cycle of the week. And I’ll have you tomorrow, giving me the second cycle. Do you understand what we mean?”

I nodded.


And responded confidently.

Where the hell did this energy come from!?

“Well, Hatsumi, your worries may have been unfounded. She does seem eager to go.”

The older elf looked to Hatsumi, a smile plastered across her face as she tossed a cloth parcel to the suddenly perplexed feline.

“Well, I guess you’re right. Ahhh, so Kiyomi, I didn’t expect you up so early. Let's go, here eat this as we walk.”


Hatsumi stood, handing the parcel down to me. When it was in my hands, I could smell its contents. It smelled similar to jerky. Opening it slightly, it was close to what I guessed. Dried portions of peppered meat and some hardtack from what it looked like.

Wait, eat while we walk?

“Is this breakfast?”

I found myself asking with my head tilted.

“Well, what else do you figure? An adventurer can't just wait for breakfast before heading out into the field!”

Hatsumi replied with a rather boastful tone.


“Yep, we’re going outside the walls today!”

Well, this is a development; this was faster than I expected.

Not even waiting for a response, Hatsumi began walking out the door. Not wanting to be left behind, I hurried to catch up to her.

We’re already going?!


It had been roughly half an hour headed out of the walls. We passed the gate the day prior, but actually passing through it was a different experience. This town was fairly fortified, as the wall had to be at least fifty meters wide. The gate looked like it had two portions, the outer steel barred door that looked like it raised into the wall and the simpler wooden portion that was just an outward opening gate. Leaving the gates, I saw a factor of the city I hadn’t before. The influx of merchants in the morning, the adventurers leaving or returning, and the smaller scale of stalls and such lining a few roads outside the walls for travelers unable to enter in a timely manner. Leaving the walls’, Hatsumi had us interlock our tails, saying it was safer since it freed both of her hands and it enabled me to eat slightly faster as we walked. As mine was nimbler, I just wrapped it around hers while she curled her tail once. I had difficulty at first, but that was simply because I was controlling a limb I didn’t have before.

To think this thing was prehensile to this degree.

Eventually, we were in the shallow, orchard-like portion of the forest. The city could be seen clearly from here, maybe two kilometers from the walls. It was peaceful, compared to what I expected.

“So, Kiyomi.”


Hatsumi nudged me for my attention.

“I’ll try to set the pace for you today.”

So we’re testing how fast or slow?

Hatsumi stopped, shaking my tail loose from her own before approaching a tree.

“Kiyomi, does this tree seem familiar to you?”


I shook my head; of course, I wasn’t familiar with anything from this world.

I can’t risk saying I knew what something was, then suddenly combusting or some shit from a tree…Hopefully, that’s not a thing.

I found myself shivering slightly at my own exaggeration.

“Among the things I teach you, ecology will be the first. It will be the easiest and safest for you to pick up.”

I moved next to her, looking up to her as she looked the tree up and down. She was inspecting it intensely before suddenly bringing up a finger and scratching at the bark for a moment. Bringing her finger free, her claw nail was tipped in a strange tar-like substance. She held It to the light for a moment before looking down at me.

“Kiyomi, open your mouth.”


“Uhm, what fo-Ompfh!”

Did this lady really just shove her finger into my damn mouth!?

I recoiled back almost immediately, trying to spit out the flavor that was now infesting my mouth. It tasted bitter as hell, but not unlike extremely concentrated coffee.

“What was that for?!”

I protested, tears forming at the corners of my eyes. I may not have been so in mind, but I surely looked like a distressed girl made to take bitter medicine.

“A pick-me-up, the sap from this species of this tree tends to have caffeine and mimics the taste of coffee to a degree. It’s a couple of thousand-year-old species; you’ll be hard-pressed to not find them across the world by now as they were spread from orchards by creatures of all sorts.”

I hurriedly pulled out some meat I’d packed away from the parcel, rubbing a piece on my tongue before chewing it.

“Hehe, and with that. This makes your first lesson. These things will be of great use when you’re out with minimal supplies. You can supplement coffee or tea if you know these trees will be in your area.”

I found myself captured by her explanation as the taste left my mouth, replaced with peppered beef.

“Now, come here again.”

She waved with her hand as she took a seat against the base of the tree. I approached and moved to my hands and knee’s just a step away, crawling the final distance before adjusting my sword and sitting next to her.

“I have something for you, it was mine, and now it will be yours.”

Hatsumi pulled out a book from her robe.

“Plant’s and herbs of the frontier, this will be your best friend until you start memorizing things. Don’t worry about the reading part, as Lorn will help you with that over the week. We’ll be using the pictures in it to help guide you for now. Okay?”

Hatsumi seemed at peace for some reason, like she found joy in getting to teach me this.


With my Confirmation, Hatsumi opened the book to a page with an illustration of a plant.

“Now, this one is-“

And so started my first week of learning in this world.

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