Farming Story of the Primitive Tribe in the Beast World

Chapter 55 The Story of Yu Jinhuan

Chapter 55 The Story of Yu Jinhuan
"Aoi, Akira, are you all right?"

Yinling trotted forward and took Mukui's hand.

It can accommodate thousands of people at the same time, and can set up hundreds of bonfires without looking crowded. The cave for parties is naturally very large.

Their family was far away from here just now, and when they rushed over, the leader had already left with Yixuan in his arms.

Later, Yu Jinhuan deliberately stayed there, as if he had something to say to the two siblings alone.

Therefore, they did not immediately come up to say hello.

"It's a little scary, but it's okay."

Mu Kui smiled and said to Yin Ling.

To be honest, she still has some lingering fears.

Mu Kui originally thought that as long as they were reasonable, she also tried her best not to let Yixuan and others catch the obvious.

Then they are safe, and the usual small fights should be fine.

Who knows, that would theoretically work.

But the problem is, in reality it will change!

'It seems that in the future, we need to consider more unexpected factors. '

What happened this time, even if it was an accident, Mu Kui didn't want to have a second time.

She hoped that she would have enough ability and cards to deal with any emergencies in the future.

"What did Huan tell you just now?" Ye asked curiously.

Ye always thought that Yu Jinhuan was very special and admired her very much, so he asked this question.

"She said that brother and father are very similar. Moreover, she seems to know my father."

Mu Kui frowned slightly, looking at Ye with a puzzled expression.

Ye is of the same generation as Mufu and Mumu, and she hopes to get a definite answer from Ye.

Yu Jinhuan, how did he know about Mufu?
Or is it because she is blind and misjudged Yu Jinhuan's age, she is actually of the same generation as Mufu, and she has met Mufu?

"It should be learned from other orcs after coming to the tribe!"

Ye guessed: "Huan is only ten years old this year. Four years ago, she was underage. Underage females are very delicate and are not allowed to leave the tribe."

The Fox Tribe is not around the Yihu Tribe. Ye's words mean that it is impossible for Yu Jinhuan to have seen Mufu with his own eyes.

Mu Kui recalled Yu Jinhuan's micro-expressions at that time, and felt that Ye's views coincided with hers.

'However, I still feel a little strange! '

Mu Kui felt that this matter was tricky.

In the primitive society, no one specially studied language expression, and usually spoke directly.

Yu Jinhuan said that she learned about it from other sources.

However, with the generally poor language skills in the beast world, can people really become so fanatical because of a rumor?
Yes, mania!
Yu Jinhuan never concealed her admiration for Mufu in front of her two siblings.

Mu Kui saw it clearly back then, and Yu Jinhuan's expression at that time was almost carved out of the same mold as the fanatical star-chasers she had seen in her previous life.

"Ying, do you know what kind of person my father is? Why do they all say that I look like my father?"

While Mu Kui was talking to Ye, Mu Zhao also asked Yin Ying about Mu Fu.

"Haha! Zhao, you have asked this question many times!"

Beside Silver Eagle, an orc with a strong figure and a masculine appearance joked.

This person is also Ye's partner.

Well, how can a boy not worship his father?Even if Mu Fu had passed away long ago.

Mu Zhao used to ask a lot about Father Mu, and the few of them were so impatient that they didn't want to answer.

Only Silver Eagle would take the trouble to tell Mu Zhao about Mu Fu's deeds every time.

At the corner, Yu Jinhuan didn't actually leave.

She looked at Mu Kui Mu Zhao's two siblings, her eyes became vicissitudes and loneliness again.

The first time Mu Kui saw Yu Jinhuan, she guessed that she was a person with a story.

In fact, it is true.

Yu Jinhuan is an out-and-out aborigine in the beast world.

However, she was reborn.

In the previous life, the fox clan was nearly wiped out in the endless natural disasters and beast tides.

As the head of the clan, Yu Jinhuan has been trying to change the fate of the clan's extinction, but it is still to no avail.

After dying with self-blame and unwillingness, Yu Jinhuan thought that he was about to return to the embrace of the beast god.

However, the reality is completely different from what she thought.

She did see the beast god, but the beast god said that endangered races should be protected, and then showed her a book.

The beast world has its own language, although it is only in the hands of a few people, but Yu Jinhuan, as the patriarch of the fox clan, is naturally one of those few people.

Therefore, although there were some words and sentences in it that she didn't understand what they meant, she still memorized the entire content of the book.

That book focuses on offering sacrifices to Chun, and tells the story of Meng and Chun, aboriginals in the Beast World.

Among them, Mufu is the white moonlight who sacrifices to Chun, and Mumu is the cinnabar mole in the heart of the leader Meng.

Chun yearns for power, but Mu's father has no intention of competing for the position of leader, and Mumu is single-minded.

Even though Chun lowered his posture and expressed that he didn't mind him having other females, Father Mu didn't agree to Chun's request to form a bond.

In the end, the story ends with Chun becoming a priest and forming a pact with the leader Meng, and Mu Fu Mu Mu being cannon fodder.

Yu Jinhuan was attracted by Mufu's demeanor in the book, so he regarded him as an idol.

However, the reason why Yu Jinhuan came to the Yihu tribe was because he hooked up with Meng.

It includes her admiration for Mufu and her eagerness to do something for her idol.

But more importantly, it was the sentence that the Beast God mentioned to her.

Beast God said: "Everything in this world will go to the unknown, and the life trajectories of the protagonists will no longer remain the same."

"However, the luck in them does exist."

Yu Jinhuan was at a loss when she heard these words, but she grasped a key point.

That is, if the fox clan wants to change the fate of the clan, they probably need to borrow the luck of Meng and Chun.

In the scriptures inherited by the fox clan, the word "air luck" appeared twice.

Yu Jinhuan combined the context in the holy scriptures, coupled with what he read in the book, and guessed that luck has the ability to avoid disasters.

Therefore, she decided to come to the Yihu Tribe to seek a way to break the situation.

She is a beautiful female, and it is impossible for her to please two people at the same time, with Chun's jealous personality.

Coupled with the fact that Chun had a lot to do with Muqin's death, Yu Jin felt unhappy, so he simply chose to marry Meng.

This is the most sensible approach, and at the same time, she can vent her anger and even take revenge on her idol, why would she not do it?


The thrilling scene happened just now, and everyone was full, so Mu Zhao started to feel sleepy very early.

Therefore, after chatting with Ye and the others for a while, Mu Kui and Mu Zhao discussed going back.

"Just right, we've had enough fun, and Ling is also sleepy and has no energy, let's go back together!"

Ye suggested.

"Okay! Everyone together."

Mu Kui nodded.

Immediately, a group of people walked up the mountain road against the rain.

"There is no meat today. The remaining sparrow meat and the things I collected today can be eaten for about three days."

Mu Kui calculated their food storage all the way, and suddenly felt that her road to storage food was really a long way to go!

(End of this chapter)

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