Farming in the Immortal Mansion

Chapter 16 Killing monsters everywhere, making a fortune!

Ye Ling used the Toothed Leaf Vine Winding Technique on the demonic snake. By the time the second-level demonic snake woke up, it was already too late! As soon as the snake twisted its body to spit out venom, the seeds of the toothed leaf vine attached to it and grew at a crazy speed. In an instant, the top-quality toothed leaf vine grew to the thickness of the mouth of a bowl, and it wrapped around the demonic snake to death in a short time!

Ye Ling was secretly shocked. The entanglement technique, supplemented by wood-type toothed leaf vine seeds, could be so powerful! If a lot of seeds are scattered here, even the third-level monsters will come, and it will be quite dangerous to encounter them!

With such a powerful attack method, Ye Ling walked alone in the depths of the Changxi wilderness, feeling more confident! After searching for the bad luck of several second-level demonic snakes, which consumed most of the mana in his body, Ye Ling returned to the formation flag, swallowed the best rejuvenating pill, and meditated to recover.

In this way, Ye Ling tirelessly practiced the entanglement technique repeatedly, killing all the second-level monsters within a few miles, and finally mastered the entanglement technique proficiently!

Finally, seeing it getting dark, Ye Ling used the wind control technique to fly across the corpse-strewn wasteland and returned to the camp.

When everyone saw Ye Ling returning, he was exuding a terrifying evil aura! They were all slightly startled.

Just like when Ye Ling came back from the Changxi Wilderness on the eve of the competition between the outer disciples, he carried the same astonishing murderous intent, which was daunting. The only difference was that at that time, Ye Ling was already at the third level of Qi training, and he killed someone. level monster; now he is at the fourth level of Qi training, but the monster he killed was level two!

Zishan smiled bitterly and said: "It turns out that Brother Ye killed many monsters of the same level during the process of collecting medicine! There is an overwhelming evil aura all over his body!"

Meng Chang was used to it, and turned to show off today's achievements with spittle.

"Brother Ye! You don't know something. Today we killed five second-order monster fish! Haha, one of them still has a beast soul! We gave it to Senior Sister Zishan, and we can get it to be forged in Fengqiao Town Market. A second-level water magic weapon with a good handle!”

Seeing Meng Chang's proud look, Ye Ling was secretly amused, and thought to himself: "Go north, there are hundreds of ready-made second-order demon snake beast souls like this, covering miles around, and even some... There are countless demon snake fangs, but I don’t know spiritualism and don’t care about them, so I’m just too lazy to collect them.”

Of course, Ye Ling couldn't say this to everyone, he just nodded and said with a smile: "Okay! I'm going to Fengqiao Town tomorrow morning. Do you want me to help you send the demon fish and beast souls to the Lu's Chamber of Commerce's Weapon Refining Pavilion? "

Zishan nodded and said with a smile: "I know Brother Ye is fast on his feet, so you're welcome. Could you please help me deliver him!"

Ye Ling nodded and said, "If you have anything else to buy, I'll bring it back to you."

Zi Shan pursed her lips and smiled: "We have only been practicing in the Changxi Wilderness for two days. All the magic weapons, spiritual weapons, and elixirs are enough. There is nothing to buy. But Brother Ye had a lot of harvest today by collecting herbs, right? Oh, by the way! Remember to give Let’s bring back some high-grade spiritual talismans. Sister Suqin and I each want twenty!”

While speaking, Zishan took out four middle-grade spiritual stones and handed them to Ye Ling.

"As the captain, I should bring more. I want fifty."

He Jingsheng didn't take the five hundred spirit stones seriously and gave them all to Ye Ling.

Meng Chang was not as generous as them, only ten cards.

Ye Ling agreed one by one and put them all into the storage bag.

At night, after Ye Ling meditated and practiced, his soul entered the Immortal Mansion. He came to the Immortal Mansion Spiritual Field and planted some rare spiritual grass and the best Dragon Beard Ginseng for refining the third-level top-grade Longevity Pill! He used twelve middle-grade spiritual stones to restore the field power twelve times, and planted sixty or seventy top-grade dragon-bearded ginseng plants! In addition to the ones stored in the cabin, there are hundreds of them!

"The market price of the best Asparagus ginseng is three thousand spiritual stones per plant. One hundred plants is three hundred thousand spiritual stones! It is equivalent to three thousand middle-grade spiritual stones, or thirty high-grade spiritual stones! It is enough to make Fengqiao Town All the monks are going crazy with jealousy! I have to sell so many top-quality spiritual herbs to several above-average pharmacies in the shortest possible time, and then leave quietly!"

Ye Ling made up his mind. At dawn the next day, Ye Ling said goodbye to everyone and used the wind control technique to cross the Changxi wilderness. After returning to Medicine Valley, he quietly passed through the sect's teleportation array and arrived at Fengqiao Town. Fangshi.

This time, Ye Ling did not rashly go to Nanchengfang City's major drug stores and medicine halls to sell spiritual herbs. Instead, he first went to the Lu's Chamber of Commerce's Weapon Refining Pavilion in Xichengfang City and helped Zishan deliver the second-order magic herb sealed in a porcelain bottle. Demonic fish and beast soul, Ye Ling then turned left and right and got into a dark alley!

When Ye Ling came out again, he was wearing a bamboo hat that could block the penetration of spiritual consciousness below the foundation-building monks, and a coir raincoat, walking on the streets of Fangshi, just like a fisherman.

This weird robe that hides from others cost him two thousand spiritual stones! However, Ye Ling didn't care and walked through the streets and alleys to Nanchengfang City.

"I have some third-grade top-quality Astragalus ginseng for sale. It's old enough, of good quality, and the market price! Does your drugstore want to buy it?"

Ye Ling deliberately pretended to have a low and hoarse voice, walking around various drug stores, and as soon as he entered the door, he always asked this question! If you see a lot of people, you can directly send a message to the shopkeeper’s spiritual consciousness and sell the goods secretly.

The answer is that once you see the goods, most of them are sold!

If the shopkeeper looks embarrassed and unable to purchase, Ye Ling will leave in a hurry and not stay any longer.

Within half an hour, Ye Ling, wearing a coir raincoat and bamboo hat, visited more than a dozen drug stores and chambers of commerce in Nanchengfang City, and almost sold out all the top-quality Asparagus ginseng! A large number of middle-grade spiritual stones and even high-grade spiritual stones obtained in exchange were moved into the Immortal Mansion Jade Pendant.

Ye Ling was not in a hurry to buy second-level magic weapons, spiritual beasts and other items, knowing full well that if he didn't run away, disaster would surely befall him!

Because there are already several spiritual consciousnesses that have locked onto Ye Ling intentionally or unintentionally!

Relying on his familiarity with Fengqiao Town and City, Ye Ling hurriedly got into the alley, and after three or five turns, he managed to avoid most of his spiritual tracking.

To deal with the lingering stalker, Ye Ling cast the second-level top-quality Water Hidden Talisman without hesitation, and his figure completely disappeared into the alley!

Ye Ling relied on the invisibility of the top-quality Water Hidden Talisman, not daring to release even a shred of consciousness, and quietly ran through two alleys, and then quickly took off his hat and raincoat!

In the end, Ye Ling wore a moon-white satin gown, holding a second-level top-grade wind and rain fan, with dozens of mid-grade spiritual stones on his sleeves. Then he dispersed his consciousness, and his figure instantly solidified from the void, and leisurely arrived at Zhongfang City. , buy the talisman.

At this time, Nanchengfang City finally became a sensation!

There are rumors everywhere that there is a fisherman in the Qi training period who is blatantly selling hundreds of third-level top-quality dragon beard ginseng everywhere!

No matter how rare and valuable the top-grade spiritual grass is, it is worthless if there are too many of them circulating in the market!

The news spread like wildfire, causing all major drugstores and merchants in Nanchengfang City to panic and scramble to cut prices!

Ye Ling specially bought a large stack of second-level spiritual talismans in Zhongxinfang City, especially the top-quality water hidden charms, and then the first-level spiritual talismans that everyone had entrusted. Finally, Ye Ling did not forget to pick out a few new storage items. bag, set aside.

After he came out of the Fulu Chamber of Commerce, he heard people talking about it in the streets and alleys. It was rumored that the purchase price of the third-level top grade Dragon Beard Ginseng had dropped to less than a thousand spirit stones!

Ye Ling listened to the rumors everywhere and sneered in his heart. He straightened his clothes, held a wind and rain fan, and walked gracefully through the entire Xuanwu Avenue, returning to Yao Valley from the teleportation array in Beichengfang City. Without stopping, he rushed straight out of West Valley. Changxi wilderness.

After returning to the tent in the camp, Ye Ling handed over the talisman he bought to everyone, and also told Zi Shan that the beast soul of the demon fish had been sent to Lu's Weapon Refining Pavilion.

Everyone thanked him, and captain He Jingsheng looked at Ye Ling carefully. He hesitated to speak, as if he was doubting something, and shook his head, denying the possibility.

Ye Ling was shocked by what he saw, so he frowned and asked.

He Jingsheng sighed worriedly: "Brother Ye still doesn't know something. Today we are training at the second-level demon snake gathering place in the north. Who would have thought that there is a wasteland in front of us! The corpses of demon snakes are scattered all over the ground, and they have recently rotted! If another It’s okay for the monks from our own sect to come here to practice. What I’m afraid of is that disciples from other sects nearby will also come here to practice, and they are much more powerful than us! Be careful!"

Ye Ling nodded in response. Even though He Jingsheng, a disciple from an aristocratic family, was arrogant, he was still a gentleman and he still cared about his fellow disciples.

How did He Jingsheng know that the reason why that wilderness became a wasteland and did not do other sects' affairs was because Ye Ling practiced the winding technique so hard and took care of it all! Although he saw the evil aura on Ye Ling's body yesterday and had some guesses, he quickly rejected this possibility. After all, there are too many second-order demonic snakes that have died, and it cannot be done by one person!

Of course Ye Ling would not tell the truth, and even suggested seriously: "Since there are other teams training in the north, we might as well move to a shelter overnight and walk south along the Changxi River to avoid unnecessary trouble. "

Everyone nodded in agreement, and that night they went thirty miles south and moved the camp tents to the bank of the relatively flat Changxi River.

In the next few days, Ye Ling went out to "gather medicine", deliberately walking far away, and mastering the winding technique. Using the second-level top-grade toothed leaf vine seeds as a guide, Ye Ling exerted the winding power of the toothed leaf vine to its fullest extent. Extreme!

That night, Ye Ling was sitting cross-legged in the tent, meditating and doing daily practice, when he suddenly heard a slight rustling sound outside the tent, and it disappeared in a flash!

Ye Ling's senses in the middle stage of Qi training were better than others. He did not disturb the sleeping He Jingsheng and Meng Chang. He got up by himself and quietly left the tent to see what was going on.

Under the moonlight, a snow-white and cute little ferret stared at Wuduwudu's little eyes. It seemed to be curious and sniffed at Ye Ling's place. Then it seemed to be frightened and walked around the outside of the tent like lightning. The formation light curtain went to the northwest.

"What a strange spiritual ferret! I have never seen it before, and I don't know what level of spiritual beast it is! It looks a bit like a ferret living in the snowy area? But how could it appear in the Changxi wilderness? It's strange. What a weird thing!”

Ye Ling's heart moved, and he hurriedly passed through the formation light screen and used the wind control technique to chase him out!

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