Faraway Survivor

Chapter 56/ Interlude 22: Hidden Danger

A man runs hurriedly to an office. Despite how hurriedly he is, he only knocks lightly on the door of the office.

-Come in. (???)

The man opens the door, and he walks into the office and in his hand is a stack of paper. A woman with a face cover with a mist is waiting for him. She is wearing a white blouse that makes her look like a typical scientist.

-What's a problem? (???)

-A seed has succeeded in creating a deity, "Mother." (Man)

She hurried to come close to the man and take the stack of paper in his hand. On the stack of paper, There is a picture of Fara's adult form with many tentacles.

-That's great. It's the first time a person's success fuses with primordial chaos seed series. (Mother)

The woman keeps looking through the stack of paper.

-Interesting! She can keep her reasoning too. (Mother)

The scientist woman asks the man.

-How is she presently? (Mother)

The man trembles before her question.

-The seed has already been destroyed, "Mother."(Man)

-What? (Mother)

-I think we can reproduce the born of the deity; We have enough data, "Mother."(Man)

The woman is suspicious of the man's statement.

-Are you sure you be able to reproduce that? (Mother)

-No worry, mother. I will prepare the experiment now. (Man)
After a while, the woman starts walking to the experiment lab. In the lab is a little girl being restrained. The man starts giving off the explanation.

-The little girl has an extraordinarily high mentality and around a similar age as the subject in the report, mother. (Man)

-Hmmm. Let's start the experiment. (Mother)

The man orders servants under him.

-Release the seed! (Man)

The black liquid is released in the room with the little girl. The man checks the data of the little girl through a machine in the room.

-The mentality of the subject is fallen. The seed has invaded her mind. (Man)

The little girl calling out.

-Mother. (Little girl)

The woman asks:

-Why is she calling out for her mother? (Mother)

-It's one of the seed powers. It can turn into the dearest people in the memory of the subject and try to manipulate the subject through it.

The girl starts screaming.

-Arghhh! (Little girl)

The man utters a sigh.

-It seems to be another failure, "Mother."(Man)

The little girl slowly being be eaten by the black liquid. The woman utters some inaudible word and the black liquid return into nothingness.

-Eh? What's wrong, "Mother"?(Man)

She jumps through the experiment lab and holds a little girl on the arm.

-As a mother of many, I don't want to abandon a little girl who desires mother love dead in front of me. (Mother)

The man talks to himself with a low-pitched voice.

-"Mother" has ruined countless life; I don't comprehend why you bother even to save a little girl. (Man)

The woman glares at the man.

-What did you say just now? (Mother)

-Nothing, "Mother."(Man)

The woman looks at the man and said:

-I think the problem lies on the subject. Is the girl on the report still alive? (Mother)


-Capture her for me. (Mother)

-As you wish "Mother."(Man)


Thanks for reading. OwO

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