
Chapter 1: 1) A Dream?

"Hey Mom, I'm going out for a bit."

"Alright, Stay safe."

"Fine you too. Tell dad that I'll be out for a bit."



"I'm here. What's all the commotion?"

"Regular procedures. I don't really know, It appears that a while planet eastwords to ours just vanished."

"Arthur, We are the army... What's that got to do with us."

Really what's going on? A fkin planet up and disappeared Outta nowhere?

But, than again... I can't show an ounce of emotion. I'm on mission afterall.

Argh, How annoying bring an army officer really is.

"Apparently, The waves from the disappeared planet is heading our way. At a high speed. We don't really have any information on what it is... But, it's like the Himalayas stopping central asian cold winds from entering the Indian subcontinent."

"So, a sort of harmful rays that were supposed to be stopped by that planet are entering this planet?"

"Yes apparently."

"Again, what's that got to do with the army?"

"Our job is to make sure that people don't panic and cause an aproar. International ational Emergency has been called.

The Army, Navy, airforce, Spy agencies, Police, And all the defence agencies have been called in from all over the world."

"So my job is to?"

"You'll be patrolling, the region near your house. Since you are on break... I'll let you be close to your family."

"I don't really mind working somewhere Else."

I was saying this as a formality, but I honestly did want to be close to my family because something bad might happen.

I hoped the Major would have a kind heart and send me back to my house.

"It's fine. Nobody has been deployed close to your house... There's a rumour... That this might be the end of the world."


The major chuckled.

"I know it sounds like propoganda. Or just stupid rumours created by 14 year olds on Venstagram."

I chuckled at what he said, but I myself knew... That this really might be a serious situation.

A planet just up and disappeared, and harmful rays are going to enter the planet soon which might cause an epidemic. Even extention.

He suddenly put a up face of fright

"But, what I saw on that screen..."


"Aah... It's nothing. Go, and do your job. You'll get additional pay if everything ends well and what I saw was just some projection."

"Yes, sir."

I saluted the major and left the premises.


I was 22 when I passed the competitive exam on my 2nd attempt and by 23 I was done with training.

Now I'm 24 and after a whole year of service I finally get a break of 15 days.

Only to work here again. I'm glad the major of the city is a generous person that he allowed me to work near my house.

For additional pay.

The place where I work at isn't at all generous.

He was actually questioning my loyalty to the army because I wanted to meet my family.

In the end, The army granted the Leave. But, now I'm having to work even on a day off.

Which is quite annoying.

But, if I can expect a pay check for this than I don't mind.

My monthly pay is around 5500 Zollars so my daily pay would be around 185 Zollars.

So, if I work on my day off I'll get around 250 Zollars daily.

If I work for 3 days it'll be 750 Zollars.

I hope I get to work for atleast 5 days.

Than I can buy the thing I want so badly without worrying about going over budget.

But, well... I wonder what the future has in store for us.


"I'm back mom."

"Hmm.. that was early, you said that it might take a while... I thought you were out on duty."

"Well, I was but I was allowed to stay here. This is my jurisdiction area. And listen here. I'll get additional pay for work. Daily salary plus additional pay because of the day off."

"Haa... You money driven fool. If it's important enough for a man to come back to duty when on holiday... It must be pretty serious. Just hope that this place doesn't get attacked by terrorists."

"Well, you have me so don't worry."

"That's what I'm actually worried about son."



"Ooh, son you are back."

"Hey dad."

"Is everything fine?"

"Well... I hope it is."

"I see... Well take care."

"You too dad. You should get up earlier, It's not good for your health."

"Well I'm too old to be doing that. Now that my kids earn for us I can just sit back and relax."

"You can sit back and relax but just wake up a bit earlier so you stay fit."



He just left and turned on the tv and put it at full volume. This guy... He's really something."

Anyway, I have a mother, father and a big brother.

He's a famous actor right now.

He and I were both home for 2 while years because we weren't getting any jobs.

But just before I passed the exam my brother got scouted by a big industry and his life changed.

So did my parent's.

He's one of the biggest stars currently.

My parents after suffering so much for us finally have an easier life.

I'm glad they are very happy right now.


Well, it's been 2 days and nothing out of the ordinary has really happened.

And I got 2 days worth of additional pay deposited into my bank already.

Should I go for a drink?

Noo... I'm still on duty.

Maybe I should get some food.

"Hey, Let's get some food."

"Hmm? So suddenly?"

"Here Clara here's your pay."

"Thank- wait, there's more than what is usually paid."

"Well you have been taking care of my parents for quite a while. So consider it a christmas bonus. Also, I'm raising your pay."

"What?? Thank you very much."

"How old is your son?"

"He's 10."

"I see... Being a single mother must be hard."

"It is."

"Haha... Here's a gift for your kid."

"This... I can't take it. This is too much."

"Go ahead take it. It's Christmas, God's given me and my parents so much, This is the least I could do. I would like to give more but I'm not as rich as my brother. So this is all I can offer."

"Noo... This is more than enough."

"Also, for you."

"Do... You want something from me?"

Do I want something from her? Well she's pretty damn hot

She's Probably around 2-3 years older than me.

honestly, if I had to say...


I needed nothing.

I would have been stingy with money before but as long as I have enough to live and survive with.

I don't mind giving it to others.

But, I'm not that great.

Don't get me wrong, I know what I'm doing is a good thing and I'm probably acting like some kind of a sage.

But, in reality. The only reason I'm doing this for her is because she reminds me of my mother.

Before I and my brother got a job, My father had lost his job or rather left it because he couldn't take the disrespect anymore.

He told the boss to fuck off and left the place.

What my father earned after losing his job wasn't really the same as he did before.

His salary was cut by 3 times.

So, it was my mother who helped him.

This was what my mother did.

She was a cook.

She went to houses and functions and cooked there.

That is what Clara does too.

She's a cook.

They are both excellent cooks, they could even start their own restaurants but because of their own Desperation they had to settle for measly pennies.

And the owners didn't even treat them as people.

I know what my mother went through because of those assholes.

That's why I don't want her to go through the same thing.

If this women was a bitch type, who acted arrogant on every occasion I'd have treated her badly.

But, she reminds me of my mother's innocence, who is afraid of losing the job so she takes any kind of disrespect her way.

Desperate people will do anything, even let themselves be treated like Trash just for some money.


"Aah... It's nothing. Anyway, I'm ordering some food. I'll order for you and your kid too. So let's eat together, and take your kid's portion home."

"Sir... Please don't pity me."

She made a serious expression as she said that.

Pity her haa? Was I pitying her? I probably am.

But, honestly am I?

"Pity haa? I've seen what kind of disrespect my mother went through while working the same job as you. You probably get treated the same way by other tenants. It boils my blood every time I think about the way they treated my mom."


"That's why, I want you to feel happy when coming to our house and not afraid Clara. You are afterall a human being too.




Damn, she really cried.

Now I feel kinda bad for making her cry.

Tho I do feel like I'm treating her like a begger giving her things out of charity.

But, honestly she's worked for over 2 years now.

She's pretty much a part of our family.

It wouldn't be nice to give her son something and not give her anything no?

It's Christmas afterall, All gifts needs to be accepted.


It's become kinda annoying now.

I've been patrolling for 5 days and nothing remotely bad has happened.

Well, we can kinda guess nothing will-


What is that?

Right above me were 2 glowing Lights.

It looked like it was bigger than the Sun.

And... Than it suddenly disappeared.


Why am I Collapsing?

What is Going O-


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