Fantasy: The Book of Heaven at the beginning changes fate against the will of heaven

Chapter 194 Stab

After Lu Yunchang returned to Bishui Sect, his senior brothers all asked him what he was doing when he asked for leave.

Lu Yunchang said he went out to play for a few days.

But the brothers didn't believe it.

"Where can you go to play alone? If you go out to play, you will definitely bring us adopted children with you, right?"

"That's right, foster father, we have been practicing in the Bishui Sect all day, and we are almost suffocated to death. Can you take us with you when you go out to play?!"

"Junior brother, during the past few days when you were away from the Bishui Sect, the master was also away. Didn't you go out to play with the master?" The senior brother asked suspiciously.

The other senior brothers also stared at Lu Yunchang curiously, thinking that there must be something fishy between him and his master. Otherwise, why would the two of them go out at the same time?

"You are too imaginative. You are out doing serious things!"

"What serious business is this?!" the senior brothers asked.

But Lu Yunchang would not tell them. He knew how virtuous the senior brothers were. Although they were all big-mouthed, they were all simple and kind-hearted fools. If they knew that they had been looking for adults and were killed by them, they would definitely suffer a huge loss in their hearts. trauma.

Alas, there is no other way. In the entire Bishui Sect, he, Lu Yunchang, is the only one with a sound mind, so of course he can only bear a little more.

Everyone quickly forgot about this matter, because it was already winter, and the Bishui Sect began to stock up on supplies for the winter.

They seldom go out throughout the winter, so they must stock up on enough food to last them throughout the winter.

Everyone especially likes winter because it is too cold. Mo Wenrui protects his apprentices and will not let them practice outdoors, so they can play indoors.

To put it bluntly, as long as you don’t have to practice, you can do it every day

It’s like celebrating the New Year.

Wearing robes with fox fur, they went down the mountain to purchase. Several people formed a group. As long as they completed the purchasing tasks assigned to each person, everyone could buy whatever they wanted in the remaining time, preparing for themselves for the winter. s things.

Lu Yunchang came out of the beef shop, holding a large bag of beef. He scolded the Thirteenth Brother for being shameless. He must have tampered with it when writing the lottery, so he got the task of buying beef. Holding 50 A pound of beef, this is not an easy job!

While he was complaining, a beggar suddenly rushed out from the side.

"Do you still know me?" The beggar said excitedly: "I am Tianhou! I finally found you!"

Lu Yunchang almost forgot the name Tianhou, but when he saw the man's three-white eyes, he immediately remembered it.

"Licking dog? Why are you here?"

"I came here specifically to find you! I said I must find you, kill you, and avenge Miss Sun. Do you remember?"

Tianhou seemed to be telling the story of his recent death.

Lu Yunchang nodded, "I remember, so you're not here to take revenge on me, right?"

Tianhou secretly took out the dagger in his hand, with the expression on his face still smiling.

"That's right, I'm here to take revenge on you. I must be responsible for my feelings!"

As he said that, he stabbed Lu Yunchang in the neck. Lu Yunchang didn't expect that guy to be so persistent. He was holding something in his hand again, focusing on the thing in his hand and not noticing Tianhou's knife.

Seeing Lu Yunchang fall to the ground, his white robe dyed red with blood, Tianhou felt that he

Finally did it.

Instead of breathing a sigh of relief, he became even more urgent. What should he do next?

Since he is so powerful and can do what he wants to do, he can definitely do other things he wants to do, so why not become an escort!

That way you can make money, get promoted, and maybe even marry the beautiful daughter of the owner of the escort agency!

Although he is still a beggar now and does not even have money to eat, he is full of hope for his future.

"Junior brother?"

The Thirteenth Senior Brother rushed over. He threw away the things in his hands and lay on Lu Yunchang's body, crying deeply.

Just an experience!

After crying, he took out the resurrection elixir from his arms and gave it to Lu Yunchang to drink.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Lu Yunchang woke up from a violent cough, and his thirteenth senior brother helped him up.

"Junior Brother, who stabbed you?" Senior Brother 13 asked, wanting to know if the other person was powerful?

If the opponent is very powerful, will he go far?

If the other party comes back, will he be able to defeat the other party? After hearing all these, he said to Lu Yunchang: "Senior Brother, how many resurrection pills do you have left?"

Lu Yunchang took out a resurrection pill and gave it to Senior Brother 13.

Fortunately, contemporary things are very cheap, otherwise he wouldn't be able to exchange them for the resurrection elixir.

The Bishui Sect is really weird, the consumption of resurrection elixirs is huge.

Almost every senior brother has died once, right?

Lu Yunchang was also drunk.

"Don't worry, you can definitely beat that guy. It's just that I was holding too many things and didn't notice him stabbing him."

“Tsk, tsk, senior brother, you are not good at studying, it’s all because of the beef jerky.

? ”

Brother 13 said, picked up the beef jerky and asked Lu Yunchang to hold the rice he bought. Lu Yunchang found that the rice was not light. It seems that Brother 13 did not cheat when he wrote the lot? !

"Junior brother, do you want revenge? That guy who stabbed you, did you just let him go?"

Brother 13 asked.

Of course Lu Yunchang would not let the licking dog go.

What a joke, he didn't come across time just to be a White Lotus.

However, he did not plan to kill the dog licking himself. He believed that there would be a better way to deal with the dog licking.

While the two were talking, they went to the restaurant where they gathered with their senior brothers. The senior brothers were all surprised. What happened to Lu Yunchang?

Lu Yunchang explained the process. The senior brother felt very sorry for the junior brother. After all, one was the oldest among the brothers and the other was the youngest, although the two were almost the same age.

"Let's share the things of junior brother among us!" The senior brother shared the things that Lu Yunchang brought with everyone. Lu Yunchang suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

"I feel like we'll have something fun to do in the future, just to see what happens to the dog-licker!"

Several senior brothers discussed.

Lu Yunchang was also looking forward to it. He also wanted to know what would happen to a loyal licking dog.


Tianhou found a job as an escort very smoothly.

After stabbing Lu Yunchang, he became bolder, so when he met the robbers as an escort, he showed extraordinary bravery and gained the respect of the escort master.

Moreover, my boss also has a daughter, which is exactly the same as the life he wants!

He decided to take down the owner's daughter.

But his boss's daughter has a crush on someone else and doesn't like him at all.

My boss's daughter likes a pretty boy. She only knows how to read some books and recite a few sour poems, and she easily captures the girl's heart.

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