Fantasy: The Book of Heaven at the beginning changes fate against the will of heaven

Chapter 168 Drive out

Sun Tianlong originally didn't want to treat his broken leg because he had no money, but the pain in his short leg became more and more painful, and he really couldn't stand it anymore.

"Do you have money to hire a doctor?" Xiaoying asked.

"I gave you so much money, why can't you use your money to advance it first?!"

Sun Tiansheng asked Xiaoying loudly.

"I forgot, did you raise a white-eyed wolf?"

Xiaoying was the one who was bullied. She was also angry and stood up from the bed.

"What kind of place do you think I am? Who do you think I am? Spending my money? Let me tell you, I opened my business to make money, and I have never heard of a customer spending my money!"

"If you have money, I will kindly help you find a doctor. If you don't have money, just do it for me or get out!"

"You'd better act like a normal person. Let's talk and laugh. Don't cry in despair. This is not your mother's grave!"

Xiaoying said, sitting at the table, fanning himself with a handkerchief, looking very angry.

Sun Tianlong was stunned.

"You, you are too heartless!"

Sun Tianlong could only go to Boss Wang again to ask for money.

As a result, he happened to be bumped into by a rich man. The rich man asked Boss Wang what the relationship was with the lame man. Could it be that they were lovers? ! Of course Boss Wang denied it.

But the rich man didn't believe it and was cautious.

Last time, Sun Tianlong only received a gold coin and returned it to the casino, and was beaten again. However, because he paid back a gold coin, the beating this time was not as severe as the last time.

"I said I wouldn't let you gamble, but you didn't listen. Now you've tasted the consequences!" Boss Wang educated Sun Tianlong.

"I beg you, please give me fifteen more gold coins," Sun Tianlong said shamelessly.

Boss Wang finally relented.

, went to get ten gold coins and gave them to him.

Sun Tianlong was as happy as anything. He no longer missed this place and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

But Boss Wang's behavior was still seen by the teahouse owner.

The teahouse owner had heard about it before and warned Boss Wang not to do that again.

Otherwise, you can only do it from the teahouse, h

The teahouse owner thought that Sun Tianlong was not a toy.

After hearing this, Boss Wang felt that the teahouse owner was suppressing him, but he could only listen because he did not want to be driven away.

But some customers still knew about it, and they asked the teahouse owner to get rid of Boss Wang.

And he also found someone to break Boss Wang's leg.

Boss Wang, who was kicked out of the theater, wanted to go to another teahouse to sing opera by himself, but no teahouse or theater would accept an actor with a broken leg.

Boss Wang had no money to eat anymore, so he had to go to his old boy. The boy was a sentimental person and gave Boss Wang a few coins to let him eat.

"I only have 6 copper coins, what can I eat? Can I buy something to eat?" Boss Wang was very surprised, thinking that the boy was just sending him away to beg for food. He wanted to throw the coin on the boy's face, but then he thought, I haven't eaten for two or three days, and I'm so hungry that my chest is pressed against my back. A few copper coins are better than nothing, or maybe I can buy half a steamed bun?

It's not that Boss Wang still wants to eat something good at this time, but he really doesn't know what 6 copper coins can buy.

In the past, if six copper coins fell on the ground, he would not pick them up at all, because he used to earn one or twenty gold coins that month. Six copper coins were like steamed bun dregs to him, and there was no need to pick them up.


You can buy several steamed buns with a copper plate, which is enough for you to eat for a day or two! "

The boy said that he was about to go out to work.

Boss Wang was relieved now. It turns out that 6 copper coins can buy several steamed buns!

"But what should I do in two or three days?"

Boss Wang grabbed the boy who was about to go out. The boy sighed helplessly and broke away from Boss Wang.

"I'm not your father, what does your future have to do with me?"

The boy pushed Boss Wang away. He was in a hurry to go to work. When he followed Boss Wang, the work was relatively easy to do, but now the employer he found was difficult to serve, so he had to be very careful.

"I was nice to you before! How could you do this to me?!"

Boss Wang felt that the boy was too ruthless.

The boy chuckled.

"You gave me so little money before, but you asked me to do so much work! How dare you say that? Think about it for yourself, was it difficult to serve before?!"

The boy said angrily. In fact, the boy was getting an advantage and still behaved.

Boss Wang didn't treat him badly when he worked for Boss Wang, and the wages he paid him were relatively high, otherwise he wouldn't have worked for Boss Wang for such a long time.

But now that Boss Wang wants to join him, that's definitely not possible!

He didn't want to spend money on Boss Wang.

"For a boss like you, I am the only one who is willing to serve you. If it were anyone else, no matter how much money you spend, they would not be willing to pay attention to you. I advise you to take care of yourself. If I can give you six coppers, it will be considered as repayment." The relationship between master and servant."

"Think about it for yourself, how willful you were in the past. If you hadn't done it yourself, you wouldn't have gotten to where you are today! You have already

We have reached this point today, why don’t you reflect on it! ! "

The boy scolded Boss Wang, and as long as he scolded him vigorously enough, Boss Wang would be embarrassed to ask him for money again.

Sure enough, Boss Wang was surprised.

He didn't expect that the boy had such a bad temper. Why hadn't he noticed it before? !

Boss Wang was very angry with the boy, but Boss Wang was not that stupid. He knew that the boy was deliberately looking for trouble!

"Don't you just not want to help me? Do you need to say so much? What's too much is whether you are me. If someone was as kind to me as I am to you, then I will definitely repay that person. You are a Just an ungrateful white-eyed wolf."

The boy didn't expect that he would be exposed, but he didn't panic at all.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't pay, what else can Boss Wang do to him?

The boy said: "I have to go to work! You should leave quickly, don't stay at my house!"

The boy pushed Boss Wang out. Boss Wang didn't want to leave but had no choice but to be forced out of the house by the boy. He stood at the door of the boy's house and watched the boy lock the door.

"It's really unlucky. You are no longer my master, and you still come to my house. I have already given you 6 copper coins, and you still don't want to leave? You still want me to keep you? You are a useless piece of trash!"

The waiter cursed so hard that Boss Wang almost exploded with anger.

The boy left quickly, fearing that Boss Wang would follow him. When he passed the corner, the boy looked back and saw that Boss Wang had not followed him.

Very good!

If Boss Wang is still at his door when he comes back from work, scold him again, if he scolds him harshly enough, Boss Wang will know that he will not support him.

The boy's little abacus is coming true


"The boy has such a bad mouth, and he curses so hard!"

"He also doesn't want to be freed by Boss Wang!"

"What will Boss Wang do next?"

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