Fantasy: The Book of Heaven at the beginning changes fate against the will of heaven

Chapter 164 Everyone mobilizes

"So the master has an invisibility cloak."

It was Gongsun Ling who helped to check out the Lingxiao Sect's property, so she knew better than anyone else what the Lingxiao Sect had.

"But there are so many of us, and only one invisibility cloak is enough!" The senior brother expressed his concerns.

"Don't worry at all. Although it's called an invisibility cloak, it's actually just a piece of cloth. It's more appropriately called an invisibility cloth. If there are 50 of us, it's enough to squeeze in."

The senior brothers immediately went to Mo Wenrui and said they wanted to use the invisibility cloak.

"What do you use the invisibility cloak for?"

Mo Wenrui asked curiously. As the leader of the Blue Water Sect, she didn't want to interfere with them, but she was just afraid that they would use the invisibility cloak to do bad things.

"We are going to learn how to pick up girls!" Senior Brother Forty-Four told the truth, and was immediately covered by others.

"I think you should practice hard. As long as you can practice well, there will be girls who will like you." Mo Wenrui sincerely advised the disciples: "After all, dating is not your strong point. I think you should not force yourself. "

All the senior brothers were stunned.

"Master, I think what you said is too much. Why aren't we dating material?"

"We are all-round developed. Not only can we practice well, but we can also fall in love well. I believe that with our strength, falling in love will become our strength!"

"That's right, stop talking nonsense and take out the invisibility cloak quickly!"

The senior brothers were very angry and refused to listen to advice.

Lu Yunchang also refused to listen to the advice. He felt that he was really good and must be very popular with girls. His senior brothers were not bad in appearance and they also had money. As long as the senior brothers would pay more

With practice, you will be able to navigate your emotions with ease.

Mo Wenrui stopped talking nonsense and quickly took out the invisibility cloak and gave it to them.

Lu Yunchang and the others came to the theater where Boss Wang was, lay down on the roof, and then everyone huddled together and covered themselves with invisibility cloaks.

Gongsun Liao was right. The invisibility cloak was indeed a piece of cloth, not a piece of clothing. They squeezed together and could almost cover them all.

But Gongsun Ling and Ye Ling didn't want to squeeze in, so they lay down outside.

It looked like there were only two people lying outside, making it difficult to be discovered.

They stayed in the theater where Boss Wang was for four or five days without seeing Sun Tianlong.

"What the hell, I don't want to wait any longer. Is Sun Tianlong still coming?"

"Why are you in a hurry? You have been waiting for so many days. Sun Tianlong will definitely be here soon."

Every time the people of the Bishui Sect left the roof, they would leave a pile of melon seed peels. Lu Yunchang had to instruct his senior brothers to clean up. Fortunately, after cleaning a few times, the senior brothers had already consciously cleaned up the melon seed peels.

The senior brothers are not good at other things, but their accomplishments in eating and being lazy are unparalleled.

Later, when they went to the roof of the theater, they would bring a big orange with them. After eating the orange, they would use the orange peel to fill the melon seeds.

Finally, Sun Tianlong came.

Sun Tianlong today is different from the past few days. He has dog skin plaster on his face, his legs are limping, and he looks not in good health.

"Tianlong, what's wrong with you Tianlong?" Boss Wang asked distressedly.

He threw himself on Sun Tianlong with tears streaming down his face.

"It's okay!" Sun Tianlong impatiently pushed away Boss Wang who was clinging to him.

"I just suffered a little superficial injury.

, I am a pure man, this injury is nothing to me, so please stop crying like a girl! "

Sun Tianlong didn't like to see Boss Wang.

In fact, he doesn't have a short-sleeved habit and likes older girls.

Every day he goes to a brothel to find the girl he likes. Of course, it costs a lot of money to go to the brothel. Fortunately, he has the money provided by his enemy, Boss Wang, and Boss Wang is very generous and gives him a lot of money, which is enough for him to support the girl he likes. .

It’s just that the trend in brothels has changed in the past few days. When he went to the brothel yesterday, he found that the girl he had raped was picking up clients. He was very angry. The girl told him in tears that it was the brothel’s old madam who asked her to pick up clients. .

Because the money he gave was too little, he had to give her at least 5 gold coins every month to ensure that he and she would pick up the guests.

Sun Tianlong took a breath. He could only get five six gold coins from Boss Mao in a month.

He couldn't let go of the big fish and meat and spend all the gold coins on the girl, right?

He also said that it is not impossible to eat every meal at the brothel. If I give the girl 5 gold coins every month, I should be able to eat at the girl's house.

But he has had enough of the brothel's food. In fact, the brothel's food is not delicious, but it is quite expensive.

He prefers to eat in restaurants.

And he also likes to gamble. The only way he can think of to get more money is to gamble, because he doesn't want to beg Boss Wang for money. That would seem like he is too groveling. As a pure man, he still has this little self-esteem. some.

So after coming out of the brothel last night, he dragged his exhausted body into the gambling house.

It's a pity that all the money in my hand was lost.


Not only did he lose all his money, he also borrowed a lot of money. Because he said he could not afford to pay back the debt, he was severely beaten by debt collectors.

He was originally a very open-minded person, and he was very willing to help others. When he had no money, what he thought of was not himself, but the woman he had kept in a brothel.

If he has no money, what should the woman do?

He didn't want such a weak woman to have a hard life.

So he could only come to Boss Wang.

But the process of asking Boss Wang for money was not smooth and even full of ups and downs.

"Fortunately we didn't give up and he finally came."

"You think it's that ugly? Boss Wang has a very unique taste, right?"

"Is the second senior brother worse than that ugly man? Boss Wang was soft-spoken and gentle to him, but he showed his teeth and claws to the second senior brother?!"

The senior brothers are puzzled, and neither is Lu Yunchang. Lu Yunchang now only regrets that he never studied psychology in his last life, otherwise he should be able to understand Boss Wang.

Some people just like ugly people, and I always say to them that inner beauty is more important.

Lu Yunchang feels that Boss Wang is a person who likes inner beauty. Although Sun Tianlong does not have inner beauty, the fact that Boss Wang is looking for something like Sun Tianlong at least shows that Boss Wang does not judge people by their appearance.

If Boss Wang wants to set up a "don't judge people by their appearance" persona for himself, just ask Sun Tianlong, but Boss Wang doesn't need to set up that kind of persona!

Because the rich men that Boss Wang has served are all uglier than the last.

The senior brothers wanted to continue the discussion, but Lu Yunchang made a silent gesture and did not let them continue.

What if you are discovered?

It's okay for them to hide in the invisibility cloak, but the little

Junior sister is outside the invisibility cloak!

Sun Tianlong continued to ask for money, and suffered humiliation in the process of asking for money.

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