Fantasy Realm – Infinite Worlds Adventure [One Piece] [Harry Potter] [Naruto] [HxH] – [Progression] [LitRPG] [World Hopping]

Chapter 40: Impossible Reward, Lost V-Card, a Unique Dish, and the Start of the Adventure!

On the final day of Steiner’s special training, he unexpectedly challenges Alex to a serious sparring match. Alex puts everything he’s learned into his strikes and footwork, though he avoids using his revolver or grenade, this is about demonstrating his progress with the sword, not about winning by any means necessary.

After a grueling thirty minutes, Steiner, though still holding back, finds himself forced to get slightly serious in response to Alex’s efforts. Finally, he halts the spar.

“You have surprised me, recruit… no, Knight! You are the first Knight of Pluto I’ve seen with a genuine desire to master the sword. It pains me to say, but even after your first lesson, your swordsmanship was better than that of those knights I’ve trained for years!”

He pauses, looking intently at Alex. “Do you swear to follow the path of the sword with all your sincerity from now onward?”

A notification appears before Alex:

Hidden Quest completed:
Mission: Train under Steiner for the next 14 days and become his student in the Art of Swordsmanship
Reward: Special - Skillbook: Alexandrian Royal Swordsmanship

[Special - Skillbook: Alexandrian Royal Swordsmanship]
Quality: Gold
Effect: Teaches the skill: “Alexandrian Royal Swordsmanship” for no additional cost.
Note: Must be used immediately or will disappear, and your current temporary sword skill will revert to “Temporary Sword Proficiency,” which will disappear at the end of this mission.
Note2: This advanced skillbook replaces the common Sword Proficiency and prevents you from learning any other similarly advanced sword-and-shield-related passive skills. However, you can still acquire active skills that use sword and shield skills as their base.

Note: Accepting this reward will use up 1 empty skill slot.

Alexandrian Royal Swordsmanship (Level 0 Base):
Requirements: 5 STR, 5 SNS, 5 PHY, 5 SPR, 5 AGI + 2 per level, Basic Close Combat Prowess lvl 0, Basic Footwork lvl 0, Basic Endurance lvl 0, Basic Meditation lvl 0, Basic Long-Range Combat Prowess lvl 0 +1 per level
Leveling Requirements: 1 Soul Crystal, 1000 Fantasy Coins + 500 per level
Effects: +20% accuracy, speed and damage with swords, shields, knight swords and 2 handed swords, with an additional 10% increase per level.
Effects: +5% parry chance with swords and +10% block chance, sturdiness and defense with shields, with an additional 1% per level.
Note: The skill applies to all swords, though effects reduce by up to 50% for subtypes like sabers, katanas, and machetes. Additionally, effectiveness decreases by 50% when wielding two swords simultaneously.

Alex mentally spams the "yes" button, practically chanting in his head, “YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!” When it doesn’t respond, he begins to panic, only to realize Steiner had asked him a question.

“YES, CAPTAIN. I SWEAR!” Alex responds, almost possessed, snapping into a salute.

Steiner laughs, then his tone turns stern. “I expect you to use these skills to protect Her Highness Queen Brahne, Princess Garnet, and the citizens of Alexandria. Do not misuse them, or it will be my duty to personally hunt you down.”

Alex nods solemnly, thinking, "No worries, once the main mission is done, I’m out of here! This Steiner is intimidating, but he’s solid. I won’t let him down!"

You have learned Alexandrian Royal Swordsmanship lvl 0

Alex can hardly believe his luck. This new skill feels like it’s in a league of its own, merging three sword styles into one comprehensive approach. It works with a sword or a one-and-a-half-handed sword, a knight sword, or even a two-handed sword. The bonuses apply to any single weapon of those types with the addition of shields, allowing Alex to switch between defensive and offensive styles seamlessly. It seems, however, that he’s bound to traditional swords, forgoing specialization in subtypes like katanas or sabers, and making dual-wielding impossible.

Who cares? No katana, no saber, no dual-wielding? Alex grins, “These traditional types of swords are my favorite anyway.

The skill requirements are high, demanding him to invest in STR, PHY, AGI, SNS, and even SPR, with an additional +2 points per level increase. Yet, Alex’s unique leveling system aligns perfectly with the requirements, forcing him to increase those stats anyway. The skill also requires five specific basic skills that most players wouldn’t have room for yet. He realizes this skill shouldn’t be accessible at his level; it’s likely intended for advanced players visiting the Final Fantasy IX world at a later stage.

The skill requirement that confuses Alex is Basic Long-Range Combat Prowess lvl 0. “This is the most melee-focused skill ever,” he ponders. “Why does it require a ranged proficiency? Maybe leveling it up will reveal some answers. The other four requirements make sense, but this… this could be interesting.

Alex realizes that just being in this world is a reward in itself. His game knowledge, combined with his high LUK and the [Commander Shepard’s Dog Tag], has opened doors far beyond what regular players would access at this stage. The potential rewards here are enormous, making him slightly wary. “If the Fantasy Realm is as neutral and fair as it claims,” he thinks, “then the dangers in this world will undoubtedly match its rewards.”

Alex’s time in the castle continues on a surprisingly positive note. However, after a few days, he learns that Jaine and Neira have been ordered to attend a special training camp outside the city, leaving the very next morning. He assumes that this is preparation for the looming assault on Burmecia and Cleyra. Later that night, as he’s settling in to sleep, Alex is startled by a soft knock on his door. To his utter surprise, Jaine and Neira have come to say goodbye in a way he hadn’t anticipated.

One exhilarating, exhausting night later, Alex finds himself amazed at what just transpired. Not only did he finally say goodbye to his V-card, but he also checked off the bucket-list item of having a threesome. The experience leaves him feeling both like he’s hit the jackpot and yet oddly reflective. Between the powerful equipment he’s acquired, a super-rare sword skill far beyond his level, and this unexpected encounter, he feels like fate is stacking the odds in his favor a tad too much.

Despite the thrill, Alex can’t help but feel a twinge of loneliness once Jaine and Neira are gone. Although they are NPCs in this world, their personalities and warmth felt genuine. He recognizes that, even though he genuinely cares for them, this world isn’t one he can stay in permanently. The thought brings both sadness and gratitude. He’s glad he had this memorable time with them and feels more determined than ever to take on whatever lies ahead, hopeful and ready for the future.

As the date of the grand birthday celebration draws closer, Alex spends his final days in Alexandria much as he has before. He makes sure to say his farewells to Jack and his "frog-hunting task force," giving them a small goodbye bonus and bringing his remaining gil balance down to 7300. Despite spending 400 gil on frog deliveries, he doesn't mind the expense, he's managed to earn far more in recent days.

Preparing for whatever lies ahead, Alex invests in supplies, purchasing five [Potions], three [Antidotes], and three [Eye Drops], knowing the importance of lifesaving medicine. He ignores the basic [Broadsword] and [Leather Shirt], which have no value to him other than resale, and after applying his Basic Eloquence lvl 1 skill for a 6% discount, his total comes to 5280 gil. Feeling a twinge of compassion, he gives his last 20 gil to a beggar on the street, leaving him with a respectable 2000 gil.

“Better to be ready with supplies that could save my life than some second-rate armor and weapons," he thinks. “I have enough valuable items to sell if I make it out of here; no point risking it all for inventory filler.”

On the eve of the big play, Alex makes one last frog delivery to Quina, mentioning that he might not be able to see her again for some time. To his surprise, Quina replies in her unique accent, "I have enough of boring castle too! I go on adventure and catch more frogs. I leave tomorrow after event!"

Alex considers the timeline and realizes that Quina’s journey to Q’s Marsh after the birthday celebration is indeed part of the main storyline. No changes here. Seems everything is unfolding as it should, he thinks, relieved.

"Looks like we’re both leaving soon then,” he says with a genuine smile. “It was great meeting you, Quina. Thanks for all the meals!”

Quina grins, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Wait. You give Quina lots of yummy frogs. Quina shares result of special training with frogs!"

Alex watches in anticipation as the notification appears: [Frog Legs Supreme]

[Frog Legs Supreme]
World: Final Fantasy 9
Quality: Light Blue
Effect: Permanently increases STR by 1 point. Can only be used if STR is lower than 12.
Note: Crafted by the Q, Quina, a chef with an obsession for frogs. Special cooking techniques, honed over years of dedication, have extracted the very essence of strength from these frogs, creating a dish capable of strengthening the body of whoever eats it. Cannot be taken outside this world.

Despite his initial disgust at the idea of eating frogs, Alex digs in. To his surprise, the dish tastes great, almost like chicken. As he finishes, a notification flashes before his eyes:

You have gained 1 STR
ERROR: Current stats not aligned with Statistical OCD lvl MAX
You have lost 1 STR
You have received 1 Stat Point.

Instead of feeling a pang of annoyance at his meticulous stats setup, he quickly rejoices and accepts the stat point reward, knowing it’ll come in handy later. "Four points for others are nine points for me! These items are more than twice as effective on me!" He cheers.

After chatting a bit more with the eccentric but oddly endearing Quina, Alex finally heads back to his quarters. Lying in bed, he reflects on the unexpectedly good times he’s had in Alexandria. Despite the mission’s stakes, he can’t help but feel a bit dejected at the thought of leaving this lifestyle. The past few weeks had been a dream come true, full of camaraderie, adventure, and new experiences.

But as his thoughts drift, so does his focus, landing on Garnet. He’s only spoken to her a handful of times, but he’s noticed how unhappy she seems, her expression often distant and withdrawn. “No wonder she wants out of here,” he muses, feeling a flicker of sympathy. “While I’ve had the time of my life here, there’s definitely a darkness looming over this castle... the war plans, the secrecy.”

Determined to help Garnet escape and fulfill his mission, he closes his eyes. “Tomorrow’s going to be a long day,” he thinks, bracing himself. He can’t afford to mess up, not if he wants to keep his Pluto equipment and make it out of this world alive.

Alex Kerber: Lvl 1
HP: 130/130, MP: 80/80
STR: 7 (+1), AGI: 7 (+1), PHY: 7, SNS: 7 (+1), CHA: 7 (+5), MNA: 7, INT: 7 SPR: 7 (+5), LUK: 7
Available Stat Points: 1
Innate Skills: Genius Conjurer lvl 1, Statistical OCD lvl MAX
Free Skill Slots: 0/2, Free Basic Skill Slots: 0/8
Basic skills: Basic Close Combat Prowess lvl 1, Basic Footwork lvl 1, Basic Endurance lvl 1, Basic Long-Range Combat Prowess lvl 1, Basic Eloquence lvl 1, Basic Concentration lvl 1, Basic Meditation lvl 1, Basic Mana Control lvl 1
Passive Skills: Pistol Proficiency lvl 1, Alexandrian Royal Swordsmanship lvl 0
Active Skills: Annihilation Grenade lvl 1
Fantasy Coins: 600 Soul Crystals: Small x1 Gil: 2000
Current Weapons: Mr. 5’s Revolver (Downgraded) (Deep Blue), Sword of Pluto (Deep Blue) Barbed Dagger (Light Green)
Current Equipment: Commander Shepard’s Dog Tag (Deep Blue), Shield of Pluto (Deep Blue), Armor of Pluto (Blue), Visor of Pluto (Blue), Cuisses of Pluto (Blue), Gauntlets of Pluto (Blue), Sabatons of Pluto (Blue)
Miscellaneous Items: Navalia Wolf Jerky x4 (Gray), Healing Potion x2 (White), Freshly baked Pumpkin bread x 3 (Gray), Potion x 5 (White), Antidote x 3 (White), Eye Drops x 3 (White), Various cards x57 (Mix), Jack’s Spare Silvery Mask (Light Green), Navalia Fur Armor (White), Navalia Fur Boots (White), Navalia Fur Gauntlets (White), Solid Marine Saber (Light Green)

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