Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 44: Earth Vein Fire Forest


Several figures flashed past the crimson woods.

Below, several Lei Leopards patrolling seemed to have noticed the movement.

They looked up, but they didn't see any creatures.

Soon, they lost interest and walked aside.

And the few silhouettes passing by in the sky quickly crossed the mountains and flew towards a depression in the plain.


Ye Chen was closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, and White Claw flew in front of him.

On the other side, Old Fire and Black Ling stood beside the mud.

"My lord, it has been found out clearly."

"Please have a look."

Ye Chen took the parchment roll in White Claw's hand.

Ye Chen taught the three birds to draw the parchment scroll.

In his previous life, when Ye Chen was still a mountaineering enthusiast, he was proficient in various survival skills in the wild.

Drawing a simple map is also one of them.

"Good job."

Ye Chen opened the sheepskin roll and checked one by one.

Five parchment scrolls correspond to five territories occupied by Lei Leopards.

Lingwu Waterfall, Tianyun Spring, Earth Vein Fire Forest...

The five maps are described in detail, and many of them are marked with sentinels and signs.

"White Claw, which of these five territories do you think is better to capture?"

Ye Chen asked while watching.

White Claw twisted his white head and thought.

"My lord, according to my analysis, Tianyun Spring and Xiefang Valley are the best targets to capture. These two territories are steep and dominated by mountainous terrain, which is more conducive to the warfare of our fire feather tribe. Thunder Leopard’s lightning attack And culling will be greatly restricted."

Lao Huo and Hei Ling nodded when hearing Bai Claw's analysis.

From their perspective, these two goals are indeed the best choices.

"Your analysis makes sense."

Ye Chen also said.

"Then my lord, where do you decide to target."

White Claw asked.

Lao Huo and Hei Ling on the side also looked at Ye Chen nervously.

Ye Chen squinted his sharp eagle eyes, but his gaze was staring at a completely different place.

"Earth Vein Fire Forest."

He pointed to a map filled with red crosses.

"Earth Vein Fire Forest?"

Three birds were shocked.

This red cross on the map represents the number of Leopards guarding the Thunder.

The number of Leopard Leopards in the Fire Forest is the most among the five territories.

You know, when White Claw leads the investigation team to draw a map, the most dangerous one is the Earth Vein Fire Forest.

Two Harpies from the Fire Feather tribe were almost caught on the spot.

"My lord, Earth Vein Fire Forest is the most dangerous!"

"The terrain there is flat, and there are a lot of firewoods as cover, it is difficult for us to attack in the air!"

"My lord, please think twice!"

Old Huo hurriedly said.

"I know Earth Vein Fire Forest is not a good target, but have you ever considered a problem."

"What are we grabbing territory for?"

Ye Chen asked calmly.


Three birds, look at me, I look at you, hesitated for a while.

"Naturally, it is to regain the territory and restore the glory of my fire feather tribe."

Hei Ling affirmed.

"Recovering glory? You think too simple."

Ye Chen turned sideways, the bright goshawk feathers gleaming in the sun.

"The restoration of glory depends not on slogans, but on real actions. What is the most lacking of the Fire Feather tribe now? It is resources and strength."

"Since we have decided to concentrate our efforts on one capture, we must take the most profitable territory at once."

"If not, it will be difficult for Lei Bao to be prepared next time."

The three birds gradually showed a sense of realization.

Ye Chen flew slowly among the rocks, and White Claw followed behind him.

"Earth vein fire forest, the terrain is wide, food and prey are also abundant, and most importantly, there is a strong fire spirit in it, for the Fire Feather tribe, it is the best place to practice."

"Moreover, there are rich ores hidden in the veins there, which may be suitable for the growth of various spiritual materials."

"Taking the Earth Vein Fire Forest will be a qualitative improvement to the Fire Feather tribe!"

Ye Chen's cold voice was full of allure.

Sanniao's eyes were full of excitement.

The vision and strategy of the new patriarch exceeded their imagination.

This makes them more thankful that they have chosen a good patriarch.

However, what Sanniao didn't know was that Ye Chen had another small abacus in his heart.

The fire spirit of the Earth Vein Fire Forest is the most important reason why he chose his most target.

Because in his system space, there is still a spiritual flower waiting to be cultivated!

Since coming to the Monster Beast Plain, Ye Chen has been thinking about the next step of strength improvement.

At present, there is still not a small distance from Tier 3, and can only start from the demon core or skills.

The previous few battles swept away the evolutionary points of the Ye Chen inventory.

Only the evolving demon core is left.

The earth vein fire forest is a wonderful place to cultivate the original spirit flower.

Compared with other monsters, Ye Chen's biggest advantage lies in the evolution provided by the system.

Innate skills, although the more the better, but a hundred skills are not as good as a single skill.

The core of the origin of Demon Core is what makes Ye Chen different from ordinary monsters.

Pure demon core, can it be upgraded?

Just think about it!

And Ye Chen's goal is the second-order demon core!

There was a light flashing in Ye Chen's eyes.

"Pass my order to continue, immediately convene the first elite team and the second elite team for drills. Tomorrow afternoon, the grab plan will officially start!"


The next day.

It was noon at this moment, and the sun was shining brightly.

In the forest of fire, flame cicadas scream from time to time.

This noisy sound seems to remind how hot the surrounding temperature is.

In the fire forest of the earth veins, Lei Leopards were lethargic to enjoy the cool in the fire forest.

In the Earth Vein Fire Forest, the fire attribute aura is dominated, and the temperature is extremely high on weekdays.

In addition, the scorching sun is hot at noon.

This makes the Leopards who are used to day and night coming out of the night quickly feel uncomfortable in purgatory.

"It's so tough."

A Tier 3 Purple Leopard said to the other Tier 3 Lei Leopard.

Green leather, purple leather.

They are the weakest two of the seven spirit beasts of the Leibao clan.

"Who wants us two unlucky ghosts to have the lowest strength."

The green leopard lay lazily on the ground.

"It's really unlucky to be assigned to the fiery forest of the hot dead leopard!"

The Purple Leopard uttered an angry leopard chant.

"The chief patriarch himself rests at Lingquan Waterfall all day, I don't know how comfortable it is!"

"This fire forest, where the birds do not shit, is really not suitable for my Leopard clan to stay!"

Purple Leibao complained constantly.

"You keep your voice down, if you let the patriarch know, there will be no good fruit."

"The second patriarch has just died, and the great patriarch is in a bad mood. You and I can feel the pain."

The Green Leather Leopard talked for a while, and seemed to fall into a half-dozing state.

"You don't know how annoying it is to guard this earth vein fire forest."

"The day before yesterday, the group of gnawing rock rats came to harass the vein mine again, and more than 20 brothers were killed alive."

"I took the brothers to encircle and suppress three times, but they were all slipped away by those burrowing furballs!"

The Purple Leopard talked more and more angry, and burst a fire forest with one paw.

"Blame the **** Fire Feather tribe! If it weren't for the sneak attack on the mud swamp, we would not have so many manpower!"

"Damn it, one day I'm going to grill those stray birds into skewers!"

The Purple Leibao is constantly venting the anger in his heart.

The green-skinned leopard on the side is a lot of Buddhists, lying under the firewood tree and sleeping.

Purple Leopard lost his audience, so he closed his mouth and began to doze off.

For Lei Bao, when the sun is shining at noon, it is the moment of depression and the most need to rest.

Not only the center of the Earth Vein Fire Forest, but the other dozen Thunder Leopard's strongholds in the Earth Vein Fire Forest are all snoring.

The sound of these monsters after falling asleep is comparable to thunder.

At this moment, dozens of brisk and swift figures crossed the sky!

The figure in the lead was covered with dazzling feathers, with a long tail hanging behind him.

Relying on the wind-attribute cyclone around him, the harpies following him increased their speed by 20%.

Xie Yan Fengying coldly looked at the thunder leopard group sleeping below.

"as predicted."

The most dangerous place is often the safest place.

And the places that people think are the safest are the easiest to take lightly.

Lei Bao, made a big mistake!

"The elite team, go southeast!"

"The second team, head northwest, follow the white claw and black Ling!"

Ye Chen issued the command, and White Claw Hei Ling passed it back.

Soon, the fortified team of the Fire Feather tribe split up and began to act.

Ye Chen led a team of men and horses, descending from the sky.

It happened to fall above the ground where the Leopard was guarding.

"Breath of flames!"

The turbulent flames ignited all the firewoods that were guarding the spot.

Lei Bao, who had been sleeping soundly, let out a scream.

In the flames, they were killed on the spot and turned into ashes before they had time to report.

With a cry of Xieyan Fengying.

The white claw black Ling at the other end also received the signal.

For many days, the elite of the Fire Feather tribe, who had been nurturing their energy, also showed their sharp feathers.

"For the Fire Feather Tribe!"


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