Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 36: Become a patriarch

The sound of the flaming crow was loud.

"A clan is often composed of dozens or even hundreds of clans, and clans are often all monsters of the same kind. The naming of clans is not like ordinary tribes named in a single race, but is named after the homeland, plus Named after the clan bloodline."

"For example, on the other side of the Monster Beast Plain, there is a powerful clan named Leishan Bear Clan. Any tribe in the Monster Beast Plain does not know the power of the Bear Clan."

Clan composed of hundreds of tribes?

What a powerful group of monsters?

"Clan like the Leishan Bear Clan, which has branches such as Magic Sky Bear, Golden Horn Bear, Bashan Bear, etc. Each branch has the strength to crush the monsters of ordinary tribes."

"The tribes in the same clan often share the same hatred. If you provoke a clan member, you may face revenge from the entire clan."

Ye Chen was frightened, but he also gradually began to have some doubts in his heart.

The fire-tongue crow clearly has something in it.

"All kinds of monsters with similar bloodlines live together..."

Ye Chen muttered.

He glanced at the various harpies around him, and suddenly understood something.

"Yes, my lord has guessed it."

Flamingo's expression is very mysterious.

"I, Fire Feathers, used to be a clan!"

Flamingo's expression was full of fascination and pride.

"The Nanmao Fire Feathers were once the strongest clan in the Nanzhao area two hundred years ago."

"My clan territory spans thousands of miles, and most of the entire Monster Beast Plain is covered!"

Including the Monster Beast Plain?

Ye Chen thought of the terrifying scale of the Monster Beast Plain, as well as the regions and territories that divided thousands of them, and his scalp numb.

"That being the case, why don't you have the kind of purple mark you said?"

Ye Chen asked.

"Oh, my lord, please look here."

The Flamingo motioned Ye Chen to look at its wings.

It was a pair of fiery red cloud marks, with a faint purple light, and the reaction was weak, making people feel like nothing.

The other two harpies in the Divine Soul Realm also revealed their marks, and the purple light in them was weaker than that on the Flamingo.

this is?

"This fire cloud pattern is the clan mark of my fire feather tribe, but with the decline of my clan, this bloodline mark slowly faded away. Now, there are only three of us who have this mark on our bodies. ."

"It is by relying on the fire cloud pattern of this ancestor's blood that I can progress from a Tier 1 little demon to the Soul Realm!"


Ye Chen was so shocked that he couldn't stand still.

A surviving clan mark that spans a hundred years and the blood is not known to be diluted, can a firetongue crow of the first-order blood break through the bloodline and advance to the third-order?

How strong is that true clan mark?

And if everyone in a clan has this kind of mark, how terrible is the growth and strength of this group?

"My lord, don't be too surprised. The clan mark is indeed a bloodline god, but it is not a simple thing to want to have the clan mark."

The Fire Tongue immediately explained.

"There are two ways to own the clan's mark. The first is the inheritance of blood. Like my survivors of the Fire Feather tribe, due to their thin blood, there is about one in 100,000 chances of returning blood to the ancestors in the offspring, and then producing images. For a lucky person like me, the descendants of the monster beasts in the clan have pure blood, and the probability of producing imprints is much higher."

"However, it is not high enough to have all, probably only about one-tenth."

one tenth.

Ye Chen also nodded, indeed, if everyone in the clan could easily awaken this mark, it would be too exaggerated.

"The second one is to melt the blood of beast spirits by cultivation! You can change the blood of the entire race by your own strength!"

"My ancestor of the Fire Feather Clan, it is because of the fusion of the sixth-order Heavenly Spirit bloodline, which changed the bloodline of the entire Fire Feather Clan, and only then has the glory of my Fire Feather Clan.

Sixth-order, heavenly spirit realm.

Ye Chen slapped his mouth, this level of level is currently unimaginable.

The most powerful monsters he has seen so far are two dinosaur monsters.

A Tyrannosaurus rex and a pterosaur are both in the fourth to fifth order.

This was so, Ye Chen felt it was difficult to even breathe in front of him, let alone Tier 6.

Wouldn't it be possible to shock yourself to death by farting?

"Ancestor Huoyuluan is the pride of my Huoyu clan."

"It's a pity that in a later clan war, our ancestors died, and my Fire Feathers gradually declined. In the following two hundred years, there was no monster beast that could melt the blood of beast spirits in the Fire Feathers."

"Up to now, only the three of us in the Fire Feather Clan have awakened with a trace of blood, and broke through to the Soul Realm. Because of this, I will never forget the favor of our ancestors!"

"Since I have advanced to the Divine Soul Realm and opened the Spiritual Wisdom, I have vowed that I will lead the fire feather tribe to survive in the Monster Beast Plain and live up to the prestige of our ancestors! If there is such a day, I will No regrets in death."

Seeing the expression on Ling Ran, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a little moved.

In some respects, monsters are much purer than humans.

Monsters and beasts hold grudges, and there is even no shortage of Jai Xuan who will report fierce abuse.

But in the same way, I will resolutely repay the kindness I recognize.

Suddenly, Ye Chen had a little admiration for this dedicated Huoyu patriarch.

"My lord, can you now understand why my Fire Feathers are desperate to protect you?"

Flaming Crow's words were a little excited.

"You are the most talented monster I have ever seen, and you are also closely related to my Fire Feather Clan. If you are willing to lead the Fire Feather Clan, my Fire Feather Clan will be revived!"

"With your potential, it is only a matter of time before you break through to Tier 3, and there is a high probability that you will break through to Tier 4 Spiritual Realm in your lifetime!"

"There is no doubt that the monster beast in the fusion spirit realm appears in a tribe, and there is no doubt that there is a king in charge. By then, my fire feather tribe will no longer worry about being bullied by other tribes.

"These suffering tribesmen can also have a stable habitat, and no longer worry about becoming a stray group of monsters."

Flamingo's expression was sincere, and under the expression of his true feelings, he uttered a mournful cry.

"My lord, please be sure to take over this patriarch. The survival of my fire feather clan depends on you."

"As long as my Fire Feathers can pass on, Fire Tongue Crow is willing to die for you! Willing to die!"

The Flamingo knelt down again, and the two Divine Soul Realm Bird-Monsters beside it also bowed, also with tears in the corners of their eyes.

Suddenly, mourning continued.

Ye Chen didn't know what to do, but he was at a loss.

"Get up first!"

Ye Chen sighed.

The three monsters remained motionless, and it seemed that Ye Chen had grown on the ground without agreeing.

"Firetongue Crow, you have a life-saving grace to me, I will not just watch the Fire Feather tribe lose their territory and become a group of monsters in exile."

After a long while, Ye Chen said such a sentence.

The three harpies let out a cry of joy.

"But let me say yes, I will definitely help the Fire Feathers, but I can't easily make promises."

"As for the fusion of blood, there is still a long way to go for me now. It is too early to become a patriarch."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Huotong Crow was quite disappointed.

"However, if you are willing to promise me two conditions, I can promise you that as long as I am in the Monster Beast Plain, I will do my best to protect the members of the Fire Feather Tribe."

Sanniao's expression suddenly became excited.

"My lord, please tell me, let alone two, as long as you are willing to become the head of the fire feather, even if the three of us die immediately."

The flaming crow categorically cut the railway.

"The first point, I have two friends who got lost with me when I passed through Storm Valley with me. I hope you can help me find them."

"My lord rest assured, the friend of my lord is the benefactor of my fire feather tribe, and what I am good at is the high-altitude search. We will definitely search until we find your friend."

Three birds immediately agreed.

"The second point, I ask you to obey my command when other tribes attack. Even if I ask you to abandon the last piece of territory, you can do it without hesitation."

A sharp light was released from Ye Chen's eagle eyes.


When the Flamingo heard the phrase "abandon the last piece of territory", he obviously hesitated.

But after thinking for a while, Sanniao finally made up his mind.

"Okay! I'll swear, I must follow the orders of our lord, and will never disobey, even if it is... abandon the ancestral land!"

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