Fantasy Evolution

Chapter 17: secret affairs

Chapter 17: secret affairs


This means that person is leaving 80 percent risk so the amount of chaos points he get for a bronze coin is only 2 chaos point, for silver coin is 20 chaos points and for gold coin is only 200 chaos points.


Well when the number reaches 50 percent it will become constant for the rest of the risk value.


Here Vikram took the doom mode where the risk is 200 percent and the left over risk is actually zero percent.


But he will only get 10 chaos points for the bronze coin loosing 50 percent of his bonus gain because of the risk taken.


Naturally because of his risk the amount of exchange rate is twice the original points like a bronze coin can go for 20 chaos points.


It was unfair but that is how things are.


Now after making a contract he actually obtained the full value legally.


There are times when things like contracts should be made in threatening bases but it is not considered a threat instead it is a little forced when both parties agreed to that on something to exchange with each other.


Vikram opened the boxes which gave him a total value of 2 silver coins.


Other than that there is a map that has the location of their secret money stashes that he has to collect based on the contract.


Another good thing is that he was able to receive 2 military merit and 20 chaos points for killing these two guards.


There is no civilian merit as it should belong to another thing.


With that thought he received a message.


“The military merit is under testing and the obtained military merit will be accumulated and be received at the end.....”


Since, the two people are done Vikram moved to their captain.


This captain was tied completely blocking all of his movements.


Even if he wanted to move he cannot move.


The effects of the muscle relaxant will last for 1 hour at the very least even if there is a gamified resistance.


So he used a special liquid to wake the guard captain Gabriel.


When you want to see the see the secrets of a person then you have to check the place and the things they throw away.


If you want to know the secrets of the society then you have to check them from the scum of the society.


This guard captain Gabriel is the scum of the society and he is the best candidate to know the secrets of the current world.


After Gabriel woke up the first thing he saw was the face of Vikram that did not have much emotions.


But when he saw the full scenery of the two other guards whose eyes were poked and blood was flowing from the wounds the scene changes.


Vikram looked like a devil that came to play with their lives.


He started to shiver continuously from the fear of death.


With shuttering voice he said.



Vikram cut of his words and asked.


“Tell me all the secrets of this place and its lords.....


If you lie or don't want to speak, then I will torture you so slowly that you want to beg me to kill you.”


With that the guard captain gave out all the information.


First of all Vikram got the information related to the local lord that he was interested in which is a plot character and financer of the entire operation of treasure hunt.


He is none other than Squire Trelawney.


Like all lords this lord Trelawney has a thing for women and has a few wives.


His little wife is the youngest and most beautiful, also his current favourite.


But the thing is she is a loose woman that has connections with many men but everyone is silent because the punishments from the lord in case their affair was found out.


Her name is Katherine also called as Kate by her lovers excluding the lord Trelawney.


This was the important information that Vikram is looking forward for.


Other than that he found that this Katherine has a thing for food and most of the people that banged her were cooks.....


The next information is related to the things like the hidden money stash of the lords.....


Vikram has already checked it and found that stealing the normal money has penalty but obtaining the hidden stash of money did not have any penalty.


Getting the hidden stash requires information from the relevant people.


Naturally no one wants to tell their secrets even if they were threatened by death if it is some other places.


But there are a few who fear death and tell the secrets.


These kinds of things only happen in this kind of beginner testing fantasy worlds.




With the information Vikram took another contract and said.


“I will give you peace if you sign this contract, if not I will simply end you.”


The details on the contract are the same as he presented as that to the two guards.


Money for peace, so Gabriel whose mind is in turmoil simply signed the contract.


Vikram smile and put him into sleep using another liquid.


Then he used cyanide to kill the man in his sleep.


For a bully like Gabriel, killing him in sleep is letting off easy.


But Vikram has no choice as he doesn’t have time put punish everyone.


So he simply used the method of the current world law.


In the current world law even for a mass murderer that killed many innocent will be treated with human rights and be killed by hanging or shoot him and kill him in seconds.


They even thought that this is the highest level of punishment which is very funny.


Well Vikram cannot debate about all of this and simply did what he wanted to do after getting what he wanted.


He has many things to prepare so he moved on.


He collected the drop box that was made of mud but the colour is silver.


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