Fantastic Dream Upon This Wonderful Existence

Chapter 107: Plans In Motion

For the next two days, I told Darkness to stay at her father's place. She needs some time with herself and also because she still needs to recover after suffering through the point end of Paradox's wrath.

So, today, I'm going on my daily visit at Vanir's place. In a very disheveled state of panic, with my very concerned wife following me from behind.

"Vanir sama!!!"

I wailed into the shop, throwing away all my pride and dignity.

"Welcome the couple who struggled to get it on last night because they are too bothered with the goddess's wrath the other day! How can moi be of assistance?"

Vanir welcomed us with a grin as always. He ushered us into the room and I noticed Elena manning the counter instead of Wiz. I wanted to ask what she's doing there, but there's something more pressing right now.

"Vanir sama, I don't know what to do! This is somehow harder than Alcanretia mission! I can't even ask Lady Paradox about what happened to Eris that makes her hates demons with passion because she refused to even look at me."

A soft hand gently gripped my hand and I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I sat down on the small round table with a crystal ball sitting on top of it.

"Thou need not to worry, thou hath done well as moi has foresaw," Vanir said that somehow brought me some relief. "Right now, thy mission is simple, thou hath to convince the troublesome goddess from saving thy precious comrade."


"At this very moment, the armored girl is in a fierce battle of mind with one of the Duke of Hell, Maxwell. His power rivals mine and the perverted girl in her weakened state is no match for him."

Eh? Isn't this like a huge problem!?

I turned towards Megumin who looked like she's ready to bolt out of the room any time now.

"No need to be so hasty one who was cursed by love," Vanir said. "The battle is over, your comrade should be lying motionless in her old room right now."

"Can Aqua cure her?"

"That troublesome goddess can easily cure her, however, the goddess who hates moi's kind with passion doesn't know that,"

"Who else can cure her?"

"The Arch Devil of Love and Desire is also an expert at mind magic,"


Okay, I get it, really…

I turned towards Megumin who looked equal parts reluctant and worried. "Look, Aqua can heal her, we just need to convince her to pretend that she cannot do it, okay?" I told her.

"Still… To think that…" Megumin's eyes widened a little. "Wait, does that mean… Lady Paradox already planned for this?"

I blinked a little before turning towards Vanir. The devil grinned at me and held out his arms. "Go, Champion of Paradox! Thread the path thy goddess drawn for thee and return victorious!"


"Okay, so here's the plan, I'm going to ask Chary to cooperate while you…"

"No, I'm the one asking Chary to cooperate. You deal with Aqua,"

"Aww come on Megumin…"

"You already gave me a near impossible task of convincing an entire kingdom that you lost a battle against yourself. You are not pulling this on me again,"

"Okay, okay, I'll do Aqua and you do Chary,"

Megumin gave me a thumb up and we both went on our separate ways. I teleported to the mansion entrance and went straight into the mansion.

Aqua sat in front of the fireplace, bathing the chicken egg non stop with her goddess light. It makes me wonder what's going to pop out of that egg.

"Aqua, can we talk for a bit? It's very important,"

Aqua looked away from the egg and gently cradled it on her chest as she walked towards me. "What is it Kazuma?"

Okay… What can I offer Aqua to make her cooperate? Right now, the only thing's on her mind is the chicken egg. So maybe I should see if I can turn that egg into something else? I'm not sure…

"Say, Aqua, is there something you really, really want right now?"

Aqua smiled a little. "Hee, where's this sudden generosity came from? Anyway, I need money to make a super cool nest for Zell when he hatch later,"

"I'll make a solid gold nest for him if you can promise one thing,"

Just like that, I have Aqua's attention.

"At this moment, Darkness has been put under a curse by a powerful demon. What I want you to do is NOT save her and claim that you're unable to do so,"

"But why?!"

"She will be saved, don't worry, I just need you to pretend that you cannot cure her, alright?"

Aqua bit her lip and looked down.

"The nest has better be good okay?"

"I will spend half of my personal savings on it,"


"Okay, I got Aqua to cooperate, hopefully, how's your end Megumin?"

"That was quick! I'm still looking for the Succubus Cafe, it seems to have been relocated,"

"Good luck! I'm going to tell Princess Iris to tell Grace to visit the Dustiness Mansion,"

"Why not go to Chris immediately?"

"Proxy, my dear Megumin, proxy,"

"Okay Aqua, you can start designing the nest to your heart's content. Put whatever ingredient you want for it and give it to me."

"Got it, I'm not going to hold anything back Kazuma! So you better prepare a LOT of money okay?"

With that, I left the mansion and teleported myself to the kingdom.


I found myself standing in the middle of the castle courtyard. A bunch of knights who were training nearby noticed me and they all gave me a salute. I saluted back at them and entered the castle.

Princess Iris already gave me an all clear access to the castle so I can visit the castle at any time. So here I am walking through the castle like I own the place. The maids and butlers who noticed me bowed in my presence.

After walking for a while, I saw Claire walking through the castle carrying some documents. She smiled a little the moment she saw me.

"Good Afternoon Kazuma dono, what brings you here? If you're looking for the princess, she went out with a… honestly quite suspicious band of people, but Elizabeth sama recognized them as trusted person,"

Ah, that must be Taylor's party.

It was then that I realized that Claire is a much, much better candidate than Iris. "Say, Claire, I'm on a secret mission right now, I was going to bring Iris into this, but I realize you're a better choice,"

Claire stiffened a little and she looked at me with a serious expression on her face. "What is it Satou san?"

"Come with me, I'll explain… By the way, do you have a religion?"

"I'm an Eris devotee but I wouldn't call myself a religious person…"

"Good, follow me,"

"Just a sec," Claire walked towards the nearby servant and gave her the document. She whispered something to the her and she nodded hastily before running off in a hurry. "Okay, let's go,"

With that, I led Claire to the castle's backyard. "By the way, is Grace around?" I asked as we stepped out of the castle.

"Grace dono? I don't think she's in the capital right now,"


After looking for a while, I found it. The old wooden bench I created with my magic. I sat down on it and Claire sat down beside it. Though, she's just a little bit reluctant to do so.

"What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?"

"No… just that the knights and staffs of the castles made an unspoken agreement that this is a… revered place for the lack of better words. Only the princess and those she deems worthy may sit down on this chair…"

I chuckled a little at that. "Well, this bench does have some history…" I leaned back a little and sighed. "Okay, so, here's the thing…"

And I told her everything. From Paradox's mission, the Kowloon Hydra disaster, and Darkness's current condition.

At the end of it, Claire looked slightly overwhelmed. But she swallowed it all and simply nodded. "Then, what do you need to do?"

"I just need you to use your authority as a knight to tell Grace to check on the Dustiness Mansion,"

"Got it,"

"I was never here okay?"

"I understand,"

"Good, see you later Claire chan!"


"Sacred Break Spell!!!"

Aqua's hand lights up with power and I silently cast 'dispel' on her. The light faded abruptly and Darkness's form lies as motionless as ever. She shook her head and turned to Chris.

"Doesn't work…"

Chris sighed in frustration and looked at her first friend. She gritted her teeth in anger and whispered death threats to demons in general.

"Ahhh!!! Kazuma, what do we do!?"

"I don't know! Any reason why Aqua's spell doesn't work?"

"Tch, to think a demon would be able to do something like this…"

Megumin stepped forward and took out a letter. "This is from Chomsuke… it's, an apology letter…"

Chris took the letter and read the contents of it with wide eyes. "An… angel?"

"Yes… Duke, a fallen angel who wished to become a demon king general, did this on his own accord to prove himself. Perhaps that's why Aqua's spell doesn't work, her spell is effective on dark magic curses not divine magic curses."

"But there's no such thing as divine magic curse!"

"Huh? How do you know?"

Chris's mouth clamped shut and she shook her head. "Anyway, we have to figure out a way to save her! Come on Kazuma kun! Think of something, you're super smart aren't you? Get those brain juices flowing!"

I looked down in deep thought. "I don't know… what do you think Megumin?"

Megumin closed her eyes before nodding. "How about we do the opposite?"

"The opposite?"

"We use dark magic to break the light magic curse?"

"Okay, do it!"

"I'm a Crimson Demon not an actual demon. Kazuma, you do it,"

"This might comes as a surprise for you, but I can't,"

Chris groaned in frustration.

"Then? Who can? Liz? Wolbach?"

"No… we might need an actual demon to help us…"

Chris froze after hearing that. She looked at Megumin who just nodded in agreement. "A demon? No way… we are NOT going to ask for a demon's help. They'll cheat us and take Darkness's soul as payment!"

As if on cue, Lord Ignis stepped into the room. "How is it, Kazuma? Have you saved her?"

I slowly shook my head and the man broke into tears. He rushed over to Darkness side and began wailing in sorrow.

Then I turned to Chris who couldn't bear the sight of Ignis crying anymore. She sighed in frustration before looking back at me. "Alright, just this once… I…" her eyes widened as an idea came to her. "Wait!!! I got it! Let's ask Lady Paradox! She might know something!"

Okay, I don't know if I should be happy. Maybe I should, Paradox is the goddess of Wisdom, she should be able to realize what's going on without explaining it to her.

"I agree, do you know where to find her?"

"She's spending more and more time at the Kowloon Hydra lake lately…"

I gulped a little after hearing that. That is the last place I wish to visit right now… But I'm sure she wouldn't mind. It's all for the plan…


After a long journey Chris, and I made it to the hills outside the city. We found ourselves staring at gigantic walls surrounding the lake area with barbed wires on top of it and even some guard towers at each corner of the walls.

"Ne, Karma kun, this wasn't here the last time I was here…"

"Yeah, there was an accident and Paradox isn't taking any chances anymore,"

"What kind of accident? Did the Kowloon Hydra went loose?"

"No, a stupid party tried to kill the Kowloon Hydra and almost succeeded, invoking her wrath. Lady Paradox then mercilessly beat up the strongest one of the party to the point of near death as a warning."

"What kind of…" Chris noticed the look on my face and her gaze turned into that of pity. "My condolences…"

"Thank you…"

We walked up towards two security guards standing in front of a double door entrance.

"What business do you have in the Kowloon Hydra sanctuary?" one of the guard asked.

"We're here looking for an audience with Lady Paradox. Tell her that Satou Kazuma and Chris are looking for them,"

One of the guards stepped into the facility and we simply waited outside.

"Kazuma, I found the Succubus Cafe,"


"It's now located underneath Morning Angel Cafe, I'm going there now,"

After a few minutes, the guard returned and the most powerful character in the story stepped out of the door. She looked at me before looking at Chris, then she folded her arms in front of her chest.

"Well? What do you want?"

I was about to say something, but Chris beat me to it,

"Senpai, you have to help us. Darkness was cursed by a Fallen Angel and Aqua can't cure her, is there anything you can help us with?"

Paradox stared at her for a moment before shaking her head. "Aqua is better than me at healing and curing, she be dead I guess,"

"Senpai!? Don't be so cold, please? I know you can do something!"

The girl clicked her tongue before sighing. "I can't help you, but I know someone who might know about it," she then turned towards me. "Kazuma, do you know that Wiz, the magic store owner, is actually a Lich?"

"WHAT!?" Chris and I yelled in a perfect sync. Surprised by her proclamation, though I was more surprised by the fact that Paradox decided to reveal that Wiz is Lich to Chris here.

"Wiz!? The woman who came with us to Alcanretia, she…"

"She was known as the Ice Witch a powerful archpriest. She's now a Lich and a demon king general," Paradox explained. "I keep her around because she's a kind girl who wouldn't really hurt a fly."

"B-but… she's a Lich…"

"A nice Lich who used to send the spirits in the cemetery back to heaven before Aqua and Kazuma's descent."

"But, a demon king general…"

"A Lich who played a vital role at capturing Wolbach,"

"Are you sure she…"

"A Lich who played a vital role at destroying the Mobile Fortress Destroyer,"

"But she's…"

"A Lich who taught Kazuma half of the spells he used on his arsenal, thus enabling him to become the adventurer he is right now."


"A Lich who provides forty percent of the guild's funding and even loans to adventurers.

Chris was silent, at a loss of words. She then sighed a little in defeat. "Okay, okay, fine I get it! She's a one in a million exception! Now we just have to force her to help us don't we?"

"I'm not saying she can help you, I'm just saying she might know someone who can help you,"

The goddess clicked her tongue and turned towards me. "Okay then Karma kun, let's pay this Lich a visit shall we?"

I nodded, my expression calm, even though I'm internally screaming at my wife.

"Okay, Megumin, change of plans. I need you to look for Wiz, ASAP!"

"What? Why?"

"Because Paradox, just get to Wiz, tell her about the plan and that we are going to ask her about a demon capable of undoing a fallen angel's spell. Tell her to tell us about Chary. Or heck, maybe Vanir knows what's up, just make sure Wiz is ready, okay?"

"Okay, got it,"

"Well? What are you waiting for Karma kun?" she took my hand. "Let's teleport back to Axel and see if we can give this Lich a 'gentle persuasion'."

I turned to Paradox and her eyes widened a little. "Wait, before you go," the loli goddess cleared her throat. "There is another matter I want to discuss,"

"What is it?"

"It's about your Ten Billion Eris debt,"

I cringed a little. I know she's talking about this to give Megumin time to prepare Wiz, but this is really the topic I've been avoiding for a while now. "Right… what about it, Lady Paradox?"

"Instead of paying that amount, I want you to get me a fully grown Gold Dragon,"

"Gold Dragon?"

"Yep, there should be one or two in Elroad. See if you can get your hands on it,"

"You're saying that as if you know that I'm going to Elroad,"

The girl smirked a little. "Spoilers…"

I turned to Chris who looked just a little bit conflicted. "What is it Chris?"

"Well… I'm just thinking that you're going to drive lots and lots of casinos out of business," Chris broke into a grin. "Well, just don't forget where all those luck came from and share some for me, okay? Karma kun?"

"You can count on me, Grace chan,"

"Okay Kazuma, I'm done… Phew,"

"Great, we're heading there now,"

"Well, see you later Lady Paradox, wish us luck!"


After a few minutes, we soon made it in front of Wiz's store. I took hold of Chris's hand to stop her from just barging in.

"Now Chris, Wiz is our dearest friend, even if she's a Lich all this time. Mind your manners,"

"But she tricked us!"

"Considering your attitude, I think she has a good reason for that,"

Chris opened her mouth, as if to retort, before finally lowering her head in defeat. I stepped to the doorstep and knocked on the door. "Wiz, are you in there?" I said before slowly opening the door.

The bell rang the moment we stepped into the room. There, we saw Wiz just tidying up the shelves. "Welcome, Kazuma san, Chris san, how can I help you?" she asked with a kind smile on her face.

"Yeah, we're here to ask if…"

"How dare you tricked us all you Lich!!!" Chris lunged at her and I was quick enough to steal her enchanted daggers to save Wiz's unlife. "I will send you back to hell where you belong!!!"

Wiz held up her hands and yelped when the thief tackled her to the floor. "W-wait! Chris san? Hyaa!" she wailed a little when the thief tried to stab her with nonexistent blade. "Kazuma! Help!!"

I pocketed Chris's dagger in my thief resistant pouch. Then I grabbed Chris by the scruff of her neck and pulled her away from the Lich. "Get a hold of yourself Chris, like you said, Wiz is a one in a million exception."

Chris seemingly snapped out of her bloodlust and stood up. "Sorry…" she cleared her throat a little. "Well, I guess I can make one exception…" she took out another one of her non-enchanted throwing knife and held it threateningly.

"But make one wrong move and I am sending you back to hell!"

"Hiee!" Wiz was in tears as she held up her hands. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

Ahh, this brings me back…

"Okay, back away Chris, you're scaring her," I offered Wiz my hand and she took it. I gently helped her up and the Ice Witch positioned herself behind me as she stared at Chris warily. "Wiz, there's something I need to ask you,"

"Eh? Oh," Wiz nodded a little. "What is it Kazuma?"

"You see, we're looking for someone who can lift a curse made using Divine Magic, do you know someone like that?"

There was a moment of silence as Wiz tried to remember her lines. "I think there's someone like that… The Duke of Hell, Charybdis san should be able to do something like that, she is the Mistress of Desire…"

I caught a throwing knife that was about to stab through Wiz's head.

"Where can I find her?"

"You can find her in the Secret Succubus Cafe below the Morning Angel Cafe,"

"Underneath what!?" Chris said in disbelief. "Don't fool around Lich! There's no way Lady Paradox would let such shady business brewing down beneath her cafe!"

Wiz whimpered a little under Chris's glare. "Bu-but it's true… The Succubus Cafe has been relocated since two weeks ago…"

"You mean it's been around a lot longer!?"

I moved Wiz out of the way just in time to save her from another strike from Chris. Then I grabbed Chris's hand and bowed a little at Wiz.

"Okay Wiz, we'll be heading there now, I'll see you later!"

"Don't get cocky Lich! One wrong move and it will be the end of you!"

"G-good bye Kazuma san… Chris san…"

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