Family Essence – Deviant

…Chapter 16, Yes, Pregnant Sister Required…

...Chapter 16, Yes, Pregnant Sister Required...



"Darren?" Madison's concerned voice reminds me that laying on my back in the middle of a 'meeting' in our backyard at sometime around two in the morning is probably not the time to contemplate my fucked-up Essence.

"I... my essence decided that it's not enough to give you the upgrade. It requires more. And it'll only work with my sisters," I answer, looking around at them.

"Like... what we've been doing?" Kaylie asks, her smile matched to varying degrees by my other sisters, all of whom are standing around me looking down on me. It’s kind of amazing, and if not for what my essence just did, I’d love to sit around enjoying the view. But that delusion is firmly shattered when mom leans in.

Mom’s wearing a frown, but it's only in 'someone forgot to do the pots' level of displeased. I'm pretty sure it's going to reach 'you were shooting the rifle in the house?!' levels when I tell them the rest. And despite the look we earned, that was still an amazing afternoon. My sisters and I regretted nothing. Except for getting caught, of course.

"There's more," Bethany says, cause of course she can read my expression. Especially when I'm this upset. All my sisters are glancing back and forth with small nods. Right, it's not just Bethany. I wonder if this is what it’s like to be part of the sister huddle.

"Yeah," I squeak out. Then I shake my head. "But I'd like to be standing before I share it."

Not that I think that standing will help, it's just I'd rather not be staring up at all of them as I tell them I'd need to get one of them pregnant to share the upgrade. And while I wouldn't mind having kids with my sisters... that's something I'd prefer to be in the distant future. Like... a decade from now. Maybe once we have some nanny magic? That’s got to be a thing, right?

"So?" Madison asks, her arm gripping me tightly as I return to my feet. For a second, I can't help picturing Madison running around with flaming fists and a pregnant belly. God damn. That'd be so sexy. I really am a pervert. But it's way too early in our lives for kids. We've had that conversation. Together even. Even mom knows we don’t want kids young.

Shaking my head, I look at each of my sisters, avoiding my mom's gaze. Cause... as much as this kind of affects her, it's about us. Then I steel myself, looking into Madison's eyes. She nods and that's the last sign of support I need.

"My essence will only allow me to transfer it to you if... if I..." I roll my hand, as if that will somehow explain what I’m trying to say.

As I trail off, Bethany starts to snicker. When we all look at her, she can't help but smile. "Well, we know it's not anal. You guys remember that time with Sera?"

"Oh god. She was so sore. She wouldn't stop complaining for a week," Madison says, rolling her eyes as I shake my head. I might not like anal that much, but Bethany's right. I wouldn't be this worried over that.

"To her boyfriend's sisters. I still feel kinda bad for her," Kaylie adds, leaning against Sawyer. Who's staring at me, her brow furrowed as I rub my stomach nervously. And then she claps a hand over her mouth.

I'm about to try again when Sawyer practically shouts, "You need to get us pregnant, don't you?"

Never have I seen my sisters whip their heads back and forth so fast. In fact, I'm pretty sure it would’ve been impossible before we gained our powers. Just how fast are they now?

My temporary distraction is cut off as mom starts laughing. Hard enough that she's crying.

Once more, mom's reaction is not at all like I was expecting. Part of me is worried I don't know her as well as I thought I did. Her laughter does help calm my sisters down. And I can't help but notice that Madison is holding me even tighter.

"Thank god we don't need your sisters to have a deviant essence," mom finally says through her tears of laughter. "But at the rate you kids are going, it's not like you can help it. Without birth control, it's not a matter of if. Just when."

"I've been trying not to think about that part," Kaylie states, her gaze moving back to the nearly forgotten control table.

"Yeah," Madison agrees, her nod against my chest so soft I glance down. Only to see a tear in her eyes.

"Hey," I mutter, wiping the tear away. "We'll figure something out."

We all stand silently for a minute as mom’s laughter slowly recedes. Then she looks at me with a strangely tender look in her eyes.

"I want it," Bethany states, drawing my attention. Well, drawing all our attention really.

"What?" mom asks, leaning on the table as she stares at Bethany, the tender look nowhere to be found. Instead… the furrowed brows. The scrunching of her nose. The slight tilt of her head. I’m pretty sure mom’s confused. Which… okay, I’m surprised too.

"I want the deviant essence. And it only says he needs to impregnate us. Not that we need to keep the baby," Bethany says, crossing her arms as she meets the rest of our disbelieving gazes.

"The risks of a doctorless abortion," mom starts, but Bethany holds a hand up, smirk fixed firmly in place.

"What risks? My dearest brother can heal me. He reattached his goddamn foot!" Bethany practically crows.

"Language," Madison, mom and I all say together. Which does a lot to break the tension.

"But seriously. Two sets of eyes are better than one. And... it's not like I was on birth control anyway. You know I didn't need it."

Mom nods, stepping over and holding Bethany for a moment. Then she runs a hand through Bethany’s hair, pushing back the pink hood to kiss her forehead. "If you're sure, you have my blessing. Whether you choose to keep the baby or not."

That part causes my jaw to drop. I'm so busy staring at mom, it takes Madison squeezing my hand for me to recover my senses. "Guess she's really doing it," Madison says, whispering into my ear.

"I... uhm..." my words fail me as every woman dear to me turns their eyes towards me.

"Hey, it's still my day!" Sawyer declares, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around me. "Bethany can wait until tomorrow."

Sawyer's declaration helps. A lot. Mainly cause it gives me time.

"Of course it is," Bethany agrees, though her gaze lingers on mine as our eyes meet. And I see a shudder go down her body when I give her a small smile. Then she shakes her head, returning my smile before glancing back at the table. "But enough talk about that. We have other things we need to address. We have a lot of command points saved up, lets see what we can do with them."

I attempt to help, but I'm very distracted. And not just by Bethany's decision to have my kid. Sawyer has decided to be extra affectionate, demanding kisses every few seconds.

There's some talk about how we can't spend any of our command points because we don't have the computing power, that I catch despite the kissing. Including the fact we can't even use our command points to buy more computing power. But Sawyer is practically affixed to my face. When she finally comes up for air, she leans back, looking up at the frozen sky. Then a silly grin sneaks across her face.

"Oh Bethany," Sawyer says in the sing song melody that is totally her 'I want something but you'll probably say no' voice as she dangles backwards. Her head is completely upside down as she stares at Bethany. And her breasts are very much straining against the fabric of her hoodie.

Bethany pauses in whatever menu she was looking at to glance towards us. "Yeah, Soi?"

"I was just thinking. You can make things out of light, right?"


"And we're going to be here for a while still?"

"At least another hour," mom confirms, bringing up a timer I didn't even notice. It has a countdown with a little over one and a half hours left on it.

"Think you could make us a box. Soi we can have a little privacy?" Sawyer asks, still dangling backwards in a position that seems like it would be uncomfortable if I ever tried it.

"I... uhm... don't think I could… soundproof it," Bethany says, glancing towards mom as my cheeks warm up.

"Damn," Sawyer says, lifting herself up to slump against me. "Thought we found a way to get more time without having to deal with..." she waves at the world outside the bubble, "all that."

"I could probably handle soundproofing," Madison says, though she’s barely audible.

To say I'm not prepared for the way Sawyer jumps off my lap is putting it mildly. I'm still picking myself up off the ground when Sawyer releases her grip on Madison, spinning to hug Bethany next. "I have the best sisters ever."

As if to prove that she isn't excluding anyone, Sawyer hugs Kaylie next.

"What, no hug for your mom?" mom asks, her hands on her hips as Sawyer stops one step from being back in my arms.

I laugh as Soi spins away to tackle mom too.

Then she's charging back towards me. I brace myself, but Sawyer pauses, a smirk growing on her face. She turns and gathers my sisters together, holding up a hand to keep me away. I start to sweat. A sister huddle is usually a very bad sign. Especially for whoever they're huddling about.

Glancing over to mom, I see she's already returned her attention to the table. No help from that quarter. Not a total surprise.

When I look back to my sisters, I see they've concluded their huddle. And they're all walking towards me. Or maybe strutting. There’s a lot of confidence there.

Part of me wants to take a step backwards. But that's the part that hasn't learned that the best way to deal with my sisters is to divide and-

Before I can act, Sawyer's leapt forward, wrapping herself around me, and making sure to bury my face in her tits. And then I feel several more warm bodies press against me. There's a bunch of hugging and groping, and then two people pull away. Sawyer starts grinding against me a moment later, as does the sister glomped to my side. When Soi pulls back, I discover the room she'd requested has emerged around us. A room of light, including a bed, all of which is surrounded by walls of cooling magma.

And I'm not locked in this room with just Soi. Kaylie is here with us. And she's already down to her bra and panties.

This... is going to be trouble. And once again, I'm certain I have the sister-huddle to blame.

But for once, a sister-huddle has resulted in a good kind of trouble. In fact, this is the best kind of trouble.

Twin trouble.

I should be sleeping right now. But I wasn't able to. So guess what that means? That's right Jonny, you've won another chapter! Oh, and the next one's already written too. But I'mma need a day to edit that one first.

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