Fallout: New Vegas – The Lost Courier

Chapter 2: Waking through Modded Wasteland

Kai followed Doc Mitchell into another room, his steps slow but steady. The older man turned to him with a reassuring smile.

"Go on, take a seat on the couch," Doc said, settling into his own chair. "I just want to ask you a few questions. See if your dogs are still barking."

Kai eased into the couch, his body still adjusting after everything he'd been through.

"All right," Doc continued, rubbing his chin. "I'm gonna say a word, and I want you to tell me the first thing that comes to mind."

For the next few minutes, Kai responded to the word-association test, his answers coming naturally despite the lingering haze in his mind. When they were finished, Doc leaned back with a thoughtful nod.

"Well now, I don't have nothing to compare it to, so why don't you take a look at the results yourself? See if it all feels right to you."

A translucent window appeared before Kai, listing his skill allocations. He studied the options before selecting Sneak, Guns, and Melee Weapons. The moment he confirmed his choices, a surge of knowledge filled his mind—muscle memory, techniques, instincts. It was overwhelming for a second, leaving a dull ache in his skull.

Doc gave him a moment before speaking again. "Before I turn you loose, there's one last thing. Just a bit of paperwork, so to speak. Gotta get a sense of your medical history. Ain't like I expect to find you got a family history of getting shot in the head."

Another prompt appeared in front of Kai, this time listing different traits. He carefully scanned through the options before choosing:

Built to Destroy – "The flamer that burns twice as bright burns half as long. All weapons have a higher chance of critical hits, but they degrade faster."

Skilled – "You gain +5 to all skills, but experience gained is reduced by 10%."

Once he finalized his selections, the menu disappeared. Doc pushed himself up from his chair, brushing off his pants.

"All right. I reckon that just about does it. Come on, I'll see you out."

Kai stood and followed Doc to the entrance. As they reached the door, the doctor turned, holding a small bundle of items in his hands.

"Here. These were on you when you were brought in." Doc hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I hope you don't mind, but I took a look at the note. Thought it might help me find a next of kin. But all it mentioned was something about a platinum chip."

Kai took the items, his mind already turning over what that meant. Doc then held out a familiar-looking wrist device.

"Figured you might want this, too." He passed over the Pip-Boy 3000, along with some basic supplies. "I grew up in one of those Vaults they built before the war. We all got one of these. Ain't much use to me now, but after what you've been through, you might need it more than I ever did."

Kai secured the Pip-Boy onto his arm, feeling its weight settle against his skin.

"And here, put this on." Doc handed him a set of clothes. "Ain't much, but at least you won't be running around in your skivvies. Never was much my style, anyway."

Kai smirked, slipping the gear on before nodding at the doctor. "I appreciate everything, Doc. Really."

Doc waved him off with a small smile. "Ain't nothing. Just doing what I can." His expression grew more serious. "Now, before you go wandering off, you should talk to Sunny Smiles over at the saloon. She can show you the ropes, help you get your bearings. Some of the other folks there might be worth talking to, too. And there's Victor—the metal fella who pulled you out of your grave. Might be good to have a word with him."

He hesitated, then gave Kai a knowing look. "And hey—if you ever get yourself banged up out there, you come on back. I'll fix you up. But try not to get yourself shot in the head again, huh?"

Kai chuckled, shaking his head. "I'll do my best."

With that, he stepped outside.

The moment he did, the heat of the Mojave Wasteland hit him like a wall, the sun glaring down from a cloudless sky. He took a deep breath, taking in the smell of dust and dry air. His Pip-Boy hummed softly, the screen flickering to life.

Bag slung over his shoulder, Kai took his first steps into this harsh new world.

Kai took a deep breath, letting his eyes roam over the vast, sun-scorched wasteland stretching before him. The cracked road, the distant mountains, and the lonely, rusted remnants of civilization painted a picture both desolate and strangely beautiful.

He was about to take a step toward the saloon when his Pip-Boy 3000 beeped furiously, multiple notification windows flashing across the screen.

Most of them were from DLC broadcasts, registering new radio signals—the Sierra Madre, the Divide, Zion, Big Mountain. But one notification in particular caught Kai's eye.

"New Vegas Bounties I: Bounty Hunter Registration Unlocked."

Kai's breath hitched. He knew that name. It was one of the many mods he had downloaded when he was trying to tweak the game back home. If this was real… then every single mod he installed might exist in this world.

A mixture of excitement and wariness settled in as he dismissed the pop-ups. Whatever this meant, he'd deal with it later. For now, he had other priorities.

Reaching behind him, Kai secured his Sturdy Caravan Shotgun across his back. His Weathered 10mm Pistol rested snugly in a side holster. His fingers brushed over the reinforced fabric of his Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit—a relic from another Vault, another story. He adjusted the fit before setting off toward the Prospector Saloon.

Meeting Sunny Smiles

The saloon's doors creaked as Kai stepped inside. The air carried the scent of tobacco, aged wood, and cheap liquor. But before he could take in his surroundings, a sudden bark startled him.

A dog, alert and watchful, stood beside a red hair woman, who smirked at him.

"Cheyenne, stay," she ordered, the dog immediately settling. She then turned to Kai. "Don't worry, she won't bite… unless I tell her to."

Kai met her gaze and gave a slight nod. "Doc Mitchell said you could teach me how to survive out here."

Sunny Smiles nodded approvingly. "That so? Well, meet me outside, behind the saloon. I'll show you the ropes." She turned on her heel, Cheyenne trotting behind her.

As she walked away, Kai's eyes flickered toward the bar counter. Something caught his attention—a holotape recording resting near a booth.

Curious, he picked it up. The moment he did, his Pip-Boy pinged again, displaying a new message:

"Bounty Hunter Notice: New Bounties Available. Location Marked."

Kai exhaled slowly. This just got a lot more interesting.

Tucking the holotape away, he turned and headed outside to meet Sunny, the weight of the wasteland's possibilities settling in his mind.

Following Sunny's lead, Kai returned to the Prospector Saloon, feeling the dry desert air settle on his skin. The woman turned to him, a smirk tugging at her lips as she held out a Varmint Rifle.

"Here," she said, handing the rifle over. "Now, see those sarsaparilla bottles on that fence there? Take this and try to hit a couple of 'em."

Kai took the rifle, testing its weight in his hands before crouching down for better stability. Lining up the shot, he exhaled slowly and squeezed the trigger.


A bottle shattered.

He adjusted and fired again. Another hit.

Sunny nodded in approval. "Well, that's a start. But I don't reckon you came to me just to fight sarsaparilla bottles." She slung her own rifle over her shoulder. "Tell you what—gotta chase some geckos off our water supply anyway. Damn critters are always lurking around. Why don't you come along?"

Kai considered it for a moment before giving a simple "I'm in."

Sunny grinned. "Good. Let's go."

Gecko Hunting

The two made their way just outside of town, Cheyenne trotting ahead, sniffing the ground. As they approached a ridge near the water source, Sunny suddenly raised a hand, signaling Kai to stop.

"Hear that?" she whispered, nodding toward the rocky incline. "We got some geckos up on the ridge behind me. Little monsters, they are. Seems like Doc Mitchell treats more gecko bites than bullet wounds. Let's see if we can get a little closer. If we move quietly, we can get the jump on 'em—better chance of hitting something vital."

Kai crouched low, mirroring her movements as they crept toward the geckos.

Then, something strange happened.

The moment Kai focused on the creatures, everything slowed down.

His vision sharpened, targets became outlined, and his mind instinctively marked weak points. V.A.T.S. worked.

Time snapped back to normal, and Kai didn't waste a second. Raising his Varmint Rifle, he lined up a shot and pulled the trigger.

BANG. A gecko's head snapped back as it crumpled to the dirt.

BANG. Another one dropped.

Within moments, the geckos lay dead, their bodies sprawled across the ground.

Sunny walked over, clearly impressed. "See? You're getting the hang of it." She wiped her hands on her jeans. "Let's head back."

Kai nodded but hesitated.

There was something else he needed to grab first.

Instead of following Sunny back, Kai veered toward the second water tower, his Pip-Boy's map guiding him.

He reached the base of the tower and spotted what he was looking for—a shovel, half-buried in the dirt. Grinning, he picked it up.

"This'll make a great make me get one of the best knife."

Satisfied, he slung it over his back and started toward town, his mind already planning his next steps in this unpredictable, modded wasteland.

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