Fallout 4: Rebirth At Vault 81

Chapter 504: 463. Fixing the Water System

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As the lights of Diamond City shone brightly once more, Sico allowed himself a rare moment of satisfaction. The battle wasn't over, but for now, they had won.

Sico let out a breath, rolling the tension from his shoulders as the city lights hummed steadily. The battle with the Mirelurks had left him exhausted, but the job wasn't over yet. He turned to Sturges, who was wiping the grime from his hands onto his jumpsuit, looking just as drained but satisfied.

"Alright," Sico said, adjusting his stance. "What's next on the list?"

Sturges gave a tired chuckle, shaking his head. "Damn, General, you don't waste a second, do ya?" He reached into his pocket, pulling out a crumpled notepad. Flipping through a few pages, he squinted at his scribbled notes.

"Next up… we gotta fix the water system."

Danny groaned dramatically, flopping onto a nearby crate. "Of course we do. Can't have a city without lights and water, right?"

Sturges smirked. "Bingo. Filters are clogged, pipes are leakin', and the main pump is barely holdin' on. If we don't get it fixed soon, we'll be knee-deep in a real bad situation."

Sico nodded. "Alright. Where do we start?"

Sturges held up a hand. "Whoa, hold up, cowboy. First, we rest. We've been runnin' around fightin' off mutant crabs and crawlin' through tunnels. If we keep pushin', someone's gonna screw somethin' up, and I'd rather that not be me."

Sico glanced at Danny, who had his head tilted back, eyes closed. "I second that," Danny mumbled.

Sico sighed, but he knew Sturges was right. Pushing through exhaustion would only lead to mistakes. And in their line of work, mistakes got people killed.

"Alright," he relented. "We rest. But not too long—we still have a city to keep standing."

Danny let out a mock cheer. "Look at you, General. Practically humanitarian."

Sico rolled his eyes and walked a few steps away, scanning the city from the vantage point of the worksite. Diamond City looked… alive. The newly restored power made everything feel less desperate, less like they were all barely clinging to survival. The neon lights of the market district flickered vibrantly, and even the distant towers of the upper stands had a faint glow now. People were out and about, their movements lighter, their voices filled with something close to relief.

Sico felt a rare sense of satisfaction settle in his chest.

We did that.

But there was still work to do.

They took an hour to eat, hydrate, and rest their aching muscles before regrouping near the city's main water pump station. The building was tucked into the far end of the marketplace, a squat, rusted structure that had clearly seen better days.

Sturges led the way, wrench in hand. "Alright, folks. Time to get wet."

Danny grumbled. "I swear, if this involves swimmin' through filth, I'm quitting."

Sturges gave him a wicked grin. "Oh, don't worry. It'll probably just be knee-high sludge."

Danny groaned.

Sico ignored their back-and-forth as they stepped inside. The interior was worse than he expected—rusted pipes lined the walls, some actively leaking. The floor was damp, the air thick with the stench of stagnant water and mildew. At the center of the room sat the main filtration system, a behemoth of a machine that had clearly been patched together with whatever spare parts were available over the years. It groaned ominously, barely clinging to life.

Sturges sighed, giving the machine a pat. "Damn thing's held on longer than it should. Looks like we gotta replace some major components if we wanna get it runnin' properly again."

Sico crossed his arms. "What do we need?"

Sturges flipped through his notes. "New filters, replacement pipes, and a fresh pump motor if we can find one."

Danny exhaled sharply. "And where exactly do we get all that?"

Sturges shrugged. "Best bet? The old water treatment plant outside the city. Pre-war place. If it hasn't been picked clean, we might find what we need."

Sico nodded. "Then that's where we're going."

Danny threw his hands up. "Of course we are."

The trip to the water treatment plant was uneventful—until they got close.

The facility loomed ahead, its skeletal remains standing tall against the overcast sky. Vines and rust had claimed most of the structure, but the real problem wasn't the decay.

It was the gunfire.

Sico stopped in his tracks, motioning for the others to get low. They crouched behind a series of broken pipes just outside the entrance, peering ahead.


A group of them, at least half a dozen, were holed up near the front, engaged in a shootout with… something else.

Sico adjusted his rifle scope, scanning the area. He spotted the other group—Super Mutants. A handful of the towering brutes were firing back at the Raiders from a makeshift barricade of old debris.

Danny let out a low whistle. "Well, this just got complicated."

Sturges exhaled. "Tell me we're not jumpin' into that mess."

Sico didn't answer immediately. He watched the fight, analyzing their movements. The Raiders were holding their own for now, but they were outgunned. The Mutants were pushing forward, using brute strength and firepower to wear them down.

Then he spotted it.

A side entrance, partially hidden behind debris. If they timed it right, they could slip inside without getting caught in the crossfire.

Sico smirked. "We're not jumping in. We're going around."

Danny followed his gaze. "Oh, I like the way you think."

Sturges sighed. "Why do I feel like this is still gonna suck?"

They moved quickly, sticking to the shadows. The chaos of the fight covered their movements as they slipped into the facility through the side entrance. The inside was as bad as expected—dark, damp, and filled with the smell of mold and rust.

Sico took point, leading them through the abandoned corridors. The sound of distant gunfire echoed through the halls, but for now, they were clear.

"Alright," Sturges whispered, glancing at a faded map on the wall. "Filtration room should be downstairs."

They moved cautiously, navigating the ruined facility. Along the way, they spotted old skeletons, rusted tools, and remnants of a world long gone.


A growl.

Low. Guttural.

Sico stopped, raising a fist.

From the darkness ahead, a pair of glowing eyes appeared. Then another.

Then four more.

Danny cursed. "Oh, hell no."

Feral ghouls.

They emerged from the shadows, their twisted, decayed bodies moving in jerky, unnatural motions. Their shrieks filled the corridor as they charged.

Sico raised his rifle and fired. The first ghoul dropped, but the others kept coming.

"Fall back!" he barked.

They retreated down the hall, firing as they moved. Sturges pulled out a makeshift grenade, yanking the pin before tossing it.


The explosion rocked the corridor, sending debris flying. When the dust settled, only a few ghouls remained, staggering through the wreckage.

Sico finished them off with precise shots.

Danny exhaled, gripping his knees. "I hate this job."

Sturges chuckled. "Could be worse."

Sico reloaded. "Let's get what we came for and get out."

After a tense search, they found what they needed—replacement filters, intact pipes, and even a motor that could be salvaged. They hauled everything back to Diamond City, avoiding further trouble along the way.

By the time they reached Diamond City, exhaustion clung to them like the grime coating their clothes. The city's neon lights, once a comforting sight, now seemed almost surreal after everything they'd been through. Sico rolled his shoulders, feeling the weight of the scavenged parts strapped to his back. Danny let out a dramatic groan, nearly dropping his share of the load as they pushed through the heavy gate.

"Remind me why I agreed to this again?" Danny muttered.

"Because if we don't fix the water system, you'll be drinking irradiated sludge," Sico shot back.

Danny snorted. "Wouldn't be the worst thing I've had."

Sturges just chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, if it makes ya feel any better, we ain't the only ones workin'." He gestured toward the water pump station where his team was already gathered, unloading additional components. "Looks like the crew got their hands on what we were missin'."

Sico let out a relieved breath as they approached. The main water pump station was a squat, rusted structure, its walls patched up with whatever scrap metal had been available over the years. The smell of stagnant water and mildew was stronger now, the air thick with the scent of rusted pipes and decayed rubber seals.

As they entered, Sturges' team turned to greet them, their faces a mix of relief and readiness. A short, wiry man named Kyle wiped sweat from his brow, nodding in greeting. "Damn, you all look like hell."

"Feel like it too," Danny grumbled, dumping his load onto a nearby workbench.

A burly woman with grease-streaked arms, Marta, clapped Sico on the back. "You got what we need?"

Sico gestured to the parts they'd hauled back. "Filters, pipes, and a fresh pump motor. Should be enough to get this thing running properly."

Sturges grinned, rubbing his hands together. "Alright, folks. Let's get to it."

Fixing the water system wasn't a simple patch job. Sturges led the way, directing everyone with the ease of a man who had done this a hundred times before.

"Alright," he said, clapping his hands. "First order of business: we gotta shut this baby down before we do anything. Last thing we need is for somethin' to explode while we're elbow-deep in rust."

Marta nodded and made her way to the main valve, gripping the handle with both hands. "You sure this thing won't snap off?" she asked, eyeing the corroded metal.

Sturges smirked. "Only one way to find out."

With a grunt, Marta turned the valve. It resisted at first, groaning in protest, but after a moment, it gave way with a loud screech. The pipes shuddered as the flow of water slowed to a trickle. The machine let out a final, exhausted wheeze before falling silent.

"Alright," Sturges continued, grabbing a wrench. "Danny, Kyle, you two handle replacin' the filters. Those old ones are more clogged than a Brahmin's backside."

Danny groaned but grabbed the set of new filters they'd salvaged. "Why do I always get the shitty jobs?"

"Because you complain the most," Sico said dryly.

Danny muttered something under his breath but got to work. Meanwhile, Kyle pried open the filter casing with a crowbar, revealing a mess of blackened sludge. The stench that wafted up had everyone gagging.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Danny wheezed, stepping back. "That ain't right."

Kyle coughed, waving a hand in front of his face. "These things haven't been changed in years."

Sturges just chuckled. "Quit your bellyachin' and get 'em swapped out."

As they worked, Sico and Marta focused on replacing the corroded pipes. It was slow, grueling labor. Some of the bolts were so rusted that they had to be cut loose with a torch. Others crumbled in their hands, forcing them to carefully patch sections with whatever materials they had on hand.

Sico wiped sweat from his brow, glancing at the others. Despite their exhaustion, everyone was focused, moving with purpose. This wasn't just about fixing some old machine—this was about giving Diamond City something better, something stable.

Hours passed. The last major task was installing the new pump motor. The old one was a mess of stripped wires and burnt-out components, barely holding together.

"Alright, moment of truth," Sturges announced as they set the replacement into place. "We get this baby in, and we might just have ourselves a workin' water system."

Together, they secured the motor, tightening bolts and reconnecting wires. Sico double-checked everything before nodding. "Looks good."

Sturges exhaled. "Alright. Time to fire her up."

Everyone took a step back as Marta moved to turn the valve back on. She hesitated for just a second before gripping it and twisting.

The pipes groaned.

The pump rumbled.

Then, with a deep, mechanical sigh, the machine roared to life.

For a moment, no one spoke. They waited, listening.

Then, from somewhere deep within the system, they heard it—the rush of clean water flowing through the pipes.

Danny let out a whoop, pumping his fist in the air. "Holy shit, we did it!"

A cheer went up from the team. Sturges grinned, wiping grease from his hands. "Damn fine work, everyone."

Sico allowed himself a small smile. It wasn't much in the grand scheme of things, but for Diamond City, for the people who lived here, it was everything.

A City Reborn

As they stepped outside, they could already see the difference. The fountains in the market square began trickling clear water. People gathered, watching in amazement as fresh, drinkable water flowed freely.

A young girl cupped her hands under the stream, bringing the water to her lips. After a hesitant sip, her face lit up in joy.

"It's clean!" she shouted.

A wave of relief swept through the crowd. The murmur of voices grew louder, turning into cheers.

Sico stood back, arms crossed, watching the scene unfold. He felt something in his chest—pride. It had been a long, brutal job, but seeing the people's reactions made it worth it.

Sturges clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Take it in, General. You just made life a helluva lot better for these folks."

Danny nudged him with an elbow. "So… does this mean I get a raise?"

Sico rolled his eyes. "You're not even on payroll."

"Exactly! I should be."

Despite himself, Sico laughed. The tension of the past few days finally began to melt away.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 8,44

P: 7,44

E: 8,44

C: 8,44

I: 9,44

A: 7,45

L: 7

• Skills: advance Mechanic, Science, and Shooting skills, intermediate Medical, Hand to Hand Combat, Lockpicking, Hacking, Persuasion, and Drawing Skills

• Inventory: 53.280 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 6 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, Kellogg gun, Righteous Authority, Ashmaker, Furious Power Fist, Full set combat armor blueprint, M240 7.62mm machine guns blueprint, Automatic Assault Rifle blueprint, and Humvee blueprint.

• Active Quest:-

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