Fairytales & Delusions

Chapter 3: End of Everything (Intro) - Chapter 2


She is a mysterious person. I only know her because I heard rumors about why she decided to attend this school.

I heard many things about her.

None of them are good.

One thing I heard was that she got pregnant by a boy in her old school, had an abortion, and her parents are making her come here.

I don't know how true this is. If someone just came up with this idea and spread it for drama, they're horrible. Why go through that much effort in the first place?

But if it's true… No, even if it is true I shouldn't judge her. If it was true, she'd already have been going through a difficult time, even more so with people knowing. I don't know how I'd feel in her position.

But, right now the person standing in front of me, the person who asked "Would you like to see if you truly aren't a coward, Kiyomi?" is Kagami. The girl I never met until today, who just so happens to know my name. How would she know who I am, anyway? I know I'm not a popular person.

"You know who I am?" I ask.

"Of course I do! I love you!"

"I'm sorry. I must have misheard you. I thought you just told me 'I love you!'"

"What!? That's not at all what I said! I said stop looking at my breasts! Pervert…"

"I wasn't looking at your breasts! You barely have any to speak of…" She did have small breasts.

"I barely have any? Sadly, that is true. But how would you know!? You were looking at them! Why does someone like you have to be ogling me like I'm an object?"

Oddly, this conversation reminds me of the conversation I just had with Olympia. Their appearances, however, are almost opposites. Olympia has tan skin, lengthy legs, pink-dyed hair, and a smile like no other. I can't forget her breasts. I couldn't forget about them even if I wanted to. I see them when I close my eyes. Wait… Maybe that last part was too perverted… 

Kagami, on the other hand, has pale white skin, is somewhat short in height, has black hair, and has a smile that honestly creeps me out. Compared to Olympia, her breasts are nearly non-existent.

"Who's someone like me?" I ask

"A coward! A cowardly coward! Someone too afraid to experience the wonders of this world because of what may come to harm you."

"That's not true!" It is.

"It is. Let's not lie to ourselves, Kiyomi."

"What did you mean by 'Would you like to see if you truly aren't a coward, Kiyomi?'"



"Nothing at all."

"Nothing at all?"



"Something at—."

"Quit messing with me and just tell me!"

"Fine, fine. I just wanted to have a little fun. I can do you a massive favor and you can't let me have just a tinnie bit of fun. How zetta lame…"

"Favor. What type of favor are you talking about?"

"A wish! I can grant you any wish that your heart desires."

Is she insane? A wish? She claims she can grant me a wish. Of course, she can't grant me a wish. But, if she can… Well, let's entertain her, for now.

"You can grant me any wish? How?" I question.

"A kiss!"

"A kiss!?"

"We must share a kiss. Just one, though. And nothing more. Sorry, but for me to be able to grant your wish, I must lead you on. Well, I'm not sorry; I'm just trying to be polite."

"Is there a limit to your wish-granting ability?"

"Technically there is. But it's not a limit to me. It's a limit to you. You must know how to make your wish possible in reality. If you don't know how and we go through the wish-granting process, there will be devastating effects. But, I'm certain that whatever wish you wish to be granted, you'll know how to make it happen deep within your nonexistent heart. And that's because you are number one."

Nonexistent heart? Probably some teaseful remark. Anyways, if she really can grant wishes, what would I want? She claims that she can make me not a coward. A cowardly coward. Someone who's not afraid to experience the wonders of this world because of what may come to harm me. Well, if I'm "too afraid" to experience things, I can wish for… Yes, that's what I wish for.

But, how to make that wish possible is the question. Hmm. Before meeting Olympia, I was considering… Yes, that's how I'll make my wish possible.

"Okay, I know my wish and how to make it possible. Do I have to tell you the details?" I ask.

"No, you don't need to tell me anything. I'll know everything once we kiss."

"If it's okay with you, can I—" She kisses me. Her lips were soft and tender. She stuck her tongue into my mouth and began to play with my tongue. This is my first kiss. My first kiss is with someone I don't even know and claims they can grant wishes. I just realized I was considering doing something awful before I even had my first kiss. God, I'm pathetic.

"Done." Kagami moves away from me. It was a long kiss, around thirty seconds.

"Well, when does the wish kick in?"

"I'd expected you to be more grossed out. I'll take that as a compliment. The wish already has taken effect. Since the moment we swapped bodily fluids."

"So we didn't need to kiss for that long!?"

"Nope. Don't be mad; I know you liked it." I did. "This was your first kiss, wasn't it? You don't need to answer. I know it was."

"So you know what my wish and its conditions are?"

"Yes. I know everything. So here, let me help you out."

It happens in a flash, but she pulls out a knife. I have no idea where she was hiding it. Who walks around with a knife, anyway?

"W-What are you doing, Kagami?"

"Don't you not want to be a coward, Kiyomi? Let me help you."

She rushes at me. I'm paralyzed with fear and unable to move away as she thrusts the knife into my chest. Blood gushes out of me and I begin to grow tired. Is this what death is like? It's so painful, so scary. This is the fate that everyone is bound to meet. But this won't be the last time I experience this. For that is what I wished for. All I see is white. Pure white. So white that it's blinding. 

Goodbye to this life and what could've been here. 

I hope that next time I won't be a coward…

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