Fairyland, Big Problem

Chapter 25 - Illness comes from the heart

“Mr. Wen.”

President Lin noticed Wen Jiu’s slightly misplaced gaze, and the young man in front of him was indeed different.

“Please don’t hesitate to enlighten me, I will pay you twice the price when I went to the psychological consultation.”

twice as much…

Wen Jiu doesn’t know how President Lin usually charges for seeing a psychiatrist, but this price is definitely far higher than all previous entrustments.

“Okay, I will try my best to relieve President Lin’s anxiety.”

After singing and making harmony, the commission was reached. The Masked Superman behind President Lin is still Masked Superman. The difference is that he seems to realize that he is within Wen Jiu’s visual range, and he looks left and right.

What’s the meaning?

What is Masked Superman looking for?

Unable to decipher the body language of Mei Meng’s image for the time being, Wen Jiu went straight to the opening.

“President Lin, I have personally witnessed your contact with He De yesterday. In addition to the previous contact, it can be judged that most of you regret going into greedy business, and you still think about your old work, Masked Superman.”

“Mr. Wen is amazing.” President Lin is quite calm about his ideals, “I am eager to return to the pure animation production career when I was young, but I can’t go back.”

When he was a student, Lin Zhengyi pulled his best friend and friends to set up an animation production team. At the same time, he joined the environmental protection cause based on his student union status. Masked Superman also became popular at that time.

When the peak passes, there is an endless valley.

Environmental protection is a business with long-term investment and little return. The fledgling Lin Zhengyi and his classmates have been deceived several times, and the capital chain they finally gathered broke and went their separate ways.

The Maple Leaf Publishing House that Lin Zhengyi started with also had to transform into a commercial service. Advertising expenses became the bulk of it, and people gradually became cunning. They were numb in the intrigue of the business world.

In the face of He De’s scolding and ridicule, Lin Zhengyi’s original intention was touched, but he couldn’t go back.

“I’m no longer the Zhengyi Lin I used to be, I’m just a mercenary President Lin.”

A little headache. Wen Jiu’s first feeling was this.

Compared with the type of dead duck with a hard mouth, it is more difficult to break the situation when it is clear and clear that the original intention and the objective conditions cannot be returned.

He De lost confidence in the magical girl he created, so let him know that the magical girl really influenced the bad boy.

President Lin does not deny the greatness of Masked Rider at all, and at the same time admits that he has gone too far in the wrong path and it is impossible to transform back.

To be fair, it is a huge problem to change to another person and want to return to the original state of mind in the green years.

“President Lin, haven’t you thought about a sequel to Masked Superman?”

“I thought about making a remake…”

The wife supports it and the son supports it, but the investor does not.

Maple Leaf Publishing House does not have the conditions to produce animation, nor does it have the best friends who did animation with love and did not ask for anything in return.

The price of goods and labor is not what it used to be in the contemporary era. Without relying on investors, President Lin’s desire to do animation is a moth to the flame.

Even so, with the support of his family, President Lin submitted a proposal for fundraising, which was rejected by various partners.

They know that in the past 30 to 40 years, countless excellent animation IPs have been born, and the superman who simply popularized environmental protection knowledge… This bowl of cold rice is a bit too cold, and it is not worth stir-frying.

Investors also questioned that Maple Leaf Publishing House’s transformation into a commercial type had already shattered the hearts of its fans back then, and a reissued version would at most be regarded as a misappropriation of money to sell their feelings.

Even if he can really sell his feelings and make some money, the result is not what “Lin Zhengyi” wants.

“Mr. Wen, may I ask you to teach me some great tricks to solve my knot.”


After Wen Jiu listened to the situation before and after, he only felt that now he should take the car home immediately and go to sleep.

I really think I’m an immortal, what’s going on here?

“President Lin, what do you think? Aside from the support of others, do you plan to restart the Masked Superman project?”

“No, no…”

It was obvious that President Lin’s tone was hesitant, and Wen Jiu looked at the image of the dream.

Masked Superman was still looking left and right, and gestured with his arms swaying on both sides, as if he had a good friend by his side and was about to hook up with them.

Really can’t understand the specific meaning of Masked Superman, but Wen Jiu can at least be sure that President Lin wants to restart the work, and he can clearly see the constraints of reality.

The investors do not support it, and the works have been separated for too many years. At this time, doing animation is tantamount to a big gamble.

President Lin was old and had a family, so Wen Jiu couldn’t persuade him to give up.

Acknowledging the other party’s rational analysis also means acknowledging that the heart is tied to death, and never want to see the image of a beautiful dream.

I can only try to peel off the cocoon…

“President Lin, don’t hide it, you have been thinking about continuing the story of Masked Superman.”

Raising the angle of view, Wen Jiu saw Masked Superman give a thumbs up and praise.

This is the most figurative dream image so far, and it can interact with outsiders…

“I can’t hide it from Mr. Wen.” President Lin sighed, “I also consulted with Professor Cui from Changle University, and he also saw my true thoughts. Unfortunately, after knowing the objective reality, he couldn’t do anything about me.”

It’s Professor Cui again.

The police station will also invite Professor Cui when encountering difficult prisoners. It seems that he is really a well-known existence in the psychological counseling circle in Changle City.

“Let’s see, President Lin, you can try to continue the manga of Masked Rider, combined with the existing Maple Leaf Publishing House products… That’s not right.”

Wen Jiu refuted the statement that Maple Leaf Publishing House’s existing publications are all advertisements, and the quality of the content varies. Putting in the elements of Masked Superman, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is more like playing naked and harvesting the feelings of fans.

“In this way, Maple Leaf Press opens a new publication, or you serialize a new Masquerade manga on your personal main business of social software, and try the popularity.”

If the popularity remains, investors will naturally be able to see business opportunities.

“Hey, no… I can’t draw the soul of Masked Superman on my copper-smelling body, and I’m even more afraid of getting very few cold responses.”

After talking about the objective reasons and investment reasons for a long time, in fact, the core of the problem lies in President Lin. If he wants to do it, he can make up his mind after trying a small chapter or demo.

The core issue lies in President Lin’s mind.

He doubts his sense of justice, he does not believe in himself, and he is self-denial!

Very good!

Wen Jiu’s eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

If the core of the problem, like the previous analysis, comes from the danger of funds and the objective environment, Wen Jiu is really helpless.

Now I know that the many barriers in front of me are fake, and it is just a hurdle in my heart that prevents President Lin from returning to the passion of Lin Zhengyi.

For a younger customer, Wen Jiu could try to scold him by grabbing the collar, but the other party was over sixty years old and had more gray hair than Hei Fang. He had more concerns and less enthusiasm, which was quite normal.

After analyzing the situation, the plan is roughly formed.

“President Lin, I’m going to prepare a treatment plan for you.”

“Oh?” President Lin looked surprised.

Over the past year, he has approached Professor Cui twice. When talking about the current situation, Professor Cui said that he could not do anything, and instead persuaded the objective conditions to be the same, just relax.

As for the young man in front of him, the first official conversation took less than an hour.

He actually said that a psychological treatment plan can be given…

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