Extreme VIP Recharge System

Chapter 3 - Upgrade

Li Ran didn’t hesitate too much, and clicked to upgrade directly behind the body.


An extremely intense pain spread throughout his body. Li Ran felt that his muscles, bones, and internal organs were being torn apart by an invisible force, and healed. Under such repeated back and forth, his physical body Being continuously promoted.

“Mom, the improvement of the physical body and the improvement of cultivation level are like heaven and one in hell!” Li Ran seemed to have walked from **** once.

“However, compared with the physical strength passively promoted by the cultivation base, this is simply stronger, but I don’t know how many times it!”

Li Ran was a little bit dark in his heart, but he stiffened randomly. Watching his physical body level rise to Mortal Level 1, a brief message automatically came into his mind.

The whole body is like steel, which is the characteristic of the physical body ascending to the first rank of the mortal body. Compared with the current physical strength, the physical body raised by the true essence is simply a sky and an underground!


After Li Ran’s flesh body was upgraded to Mortal Body Tier 1, he found that if his flesh body wanted to be upgraded, he had to reach Martial Art to Refining Tier 1, so he could only click on the upgrade on the Martial Art!

After pressing the martial arts upgrade button, a lot of Li Ran found a trace of light red gas emerging from all over his body, and then his heart kept contracting and expanding, beating several times faster than usual, as the beating accelerated. , The light red gas was sucked into the heart. When the heartbeat reached its peak and the gas disappeared, the heart suddenly stopped beating!


With a faint voice, Li Ran looked at the consciousness of his heart, and was suddenly pulled into a small space, which was about the same size as a dantian, and was filled with some light red gas. After that, Li Ran was in a trance again. Back to pull back to the heart!

After returning, Li Ran found that a hint of reddish gas began to appear all over his body.

At this moment, a light red gas flowed out of the heart and traveled all over the body. All the light red gas merged into the sea like a river. The airflow became larger and larger, and Li Ran felt his whole body swell up. The skin became red as if burned by fire, and in the process, Li Ran felt that his skin became more compact, delicate, and tough!

During this process, the light red gas slowly decreased, but Li Ran’s skin became tougher and tougher. When the light red gas disappeared, the tempering finally ended. When Li Ran thought it was over, the suddenly strengthened skin slowly A trace of energy and blood emerged. Although the color of the gas was still light red, it was obviously darker than the previous gas!

“This power is the power that allows the warrior to counter the qi and blood of the cultivator?” Li Ran looked at the light red gas in his body, somewhat unclear.

He didn’t struggle too much. Similarly, Li Ran found that martial arts wanted to upgrade, and he also had requirements other than the value of his cultivation!

To reach the second stage of refining leather, the physical realm needs to reach the second stage of mortal body. Combining the previous requirements, the physical body must be upgraded to the second stage of refining qi!

“I’m rubbing, the rate of cultivation is slow, but I have to upgrade my cultivation base, physical body and martial arts almost at the same time. I only have 8 points a day. If you want to reach 2, you will have to go at least half a month later!” Li Ran sighed. .

If Li Ran’s unwilling and slow expression is seen by other people and knows the reason, he is guaranteed to be killed. You must know that other people will take a long time to get started in the first-order period. Getting started It will take several days to consolidate!

And Li Ran hasn’t been there for half an hour, so he is already a Tier 1 cultivator and warrior…

“This cheating system is unqualified. It doesn’t directly tell me the method to trigger the information. I have to explore it myself. Well, a bad review is stable!”

After Li Ran vomited, he looked at the practice rate, and then a bit of concentration, a message appeared in Li Ran’s mind.

Li Ran knows from the information that the cultivation rate is not only related to the cultivation base, but also related to the spiritual root level and the cultivation technique.

The cultivation base can still be upgraded by one level, but Li Ran did not continue to upgrade, because he can’t control his body at all now, he doesn’t want to demolish his home!


A figure rushed past Li Ran quickly, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant, and when he looked up into the air, not only did the corners of his mouth twitch!

“Just wake up and go back to my hometown, but what are the floating cars flying around in the sky? And how come those high-tech battleships that only appear in science fiction movies from time to time? Say good fantasy What about the world?”

Li Ran didn’t know what to say, the world was completely changed by magic…

Although the scene in the sky was awkward, Li Ran did not forget what he was coming to do.

Dad Li Ran’s school is very close to home. Although the world has changed so much, the road has not changed much. Soon, he came to the gate of the school.

When he saw a person entering through the door, his eyes widened. How can he still have to verify his identity when he enters the school? It’s uncomfortable, I don’t know if he can pass it.

Li Ran hesitated for a while, thinking that he should be fine, so he had to give it a try, and it wouldn’t matter if he couldn’t get in anyway.

“…Identity is being tested…”

“…The check is successful, and it is allowed to pass…”

Although the world has changed, there are still some things that have not changed. Li Ran successfully passed the gate.

The school is very empty and there are only a few people scattered around. This is normal, because it is the summer vacation and all the students have gone back.

“Touch… Touch…”

When he came to the track and field, Li Ran found that the plastic track under his feet was a little unusual. He used a little bit of force. Apart from the loud noise, the track under his feet was not damaged. When he increased his strength and even kicked hard, there was no change in the track. !

It doesn’t seem to be made of ordinary materials. With his current strength, even steel would be deformed, but this fits Li Ran’s original intentions. He was afraid that he would be tossed and the entire playground was full of cracked ground. This situation is the best!

One circle and two circles…

After running for thirty or forty laps, he found that he was only breathing slightly, and did not feel any discomfort, so he speeded up!

One circle and two circles…

Li Ran didn’t know how fast he was now, but judging from the regressive building trees around him, he dared to pack a ticket. The former Bolt could definitely kill him in a second!


After increasing the speed to the extreme, Li Ran’s physical strength reached its limit in a short time. What surprised him was that during this period, he had basically mastered his power, and he thought it would take a long time to train!

“The improvement of cultivation level is not only the simple strength, but also the ability to control the body, thinking ability, reaction ability, etc., have greatly improved!”

Li Ran felt that if he were an ordinary person, his physical strength suddenly soared. It is estimated that it would take at least half a month or even longer to get used to it, but he would have basically mastered it while running!

He suspected that even if he didn’t run out to toss, he could spontaneously master his body’s power after an hour.


Li Ran looked at the computer screen and scrolled quickly with the mouse. He already had basic control over his power. He didn’t have to work hard. He was no different from ordinary people. He didn’t have to worry about the mouse being accidentally pinched!

The rapid growth of eyesight, thinking ability, and analytical ability enabled him to quickly obtain a large amount of information.

“The eighth-tier emperor Ma Fenglai broke through the ninth-tier on the night of the Spring Festival on February 8, 377, and became the emperor of martial arts. His Penguin Virtual Company is expected to become a world giant…”

“Yun Axian, the cultivator of the tribulation period, has made a breakthrough recently, and it is very likely that he will become the youngest Tier 10 Mahayana master in the Federation…”

“According to relevant statistics, the movie Captain Star Federation 3, which was released in just a few days, had a box office of more than 10 billion yuan, and broke many records in movie history…”

“What is this…” Li Ran rubbed his temples and shook his head.

The revised world is exactly the same as the history before the Ming Dynasty, but after 1640 AD at the end of the Ming Dynasty, it all changed!

This year was later designated as the blue star calendar year!

This year, the world has changed drastically, and the spiritual energy has recovered. Not only the blue stars, but all the stars in the solar system, including the sun, the moon, and the surrounding gold, wood, water, fire, earth, etc., have expanded more than a hundred times!

The rejuvenation of aura leads to ghosts and evils, monsters run rampant, and the people do not live a life. Fortunately, it is a warrior, and a cultivator also came into being, but because the world is really chaotic, there are countless monsters and ghosts!

The original various forces have perished one after another, and the world’s population has shrunk to tens of millions, almost extinct, lingering, and the same is true, the world has entered the era of city-states!

However, because of warriors and cultivators plus the year-to-year development of science and technology, mankind quickly gained a firm foothold. Later, the world developed rapidly. Not only did powerful people emerge in large numbers, science and technology also developed rapidly, and global connections became increasingly close.

But human beings are not one-minded. The entire Blue Star tens of thousands of city-states are destroyed almost every day. Finally, a large-scale city-state is destroyed by sea beasts. At that time, nearly 10 million people in the city were slaughtered. Everyone understood the humanity. The crisis has always been there, and it has never disappeared!

Finally in 1840, which is the 177th year of the Blue Star Calendar, the world’s large and small city states reached a consensus, and under the leadership of the globally recognized top ten giants and the city states behind them, the Blue Star Federal Republic was established!

Therefore, the 177th year of the Blue Star Calendar is also known as Federal Day. Federal Day is stipulated on the first day of the Blue Star Calendar. It is more important than the original Chinese Spring Festival and the original Western Christmas! This day has become the most anticipated holiday for all humans in the entire Federation!

This Federal Republic is a Blue Star Federal Republic composed of Wu Xiankong, the first man recognized by the entire Federation as the human leader, and the rest of the top ten giants. It is truly a whole, regardless of each other, all resources, technology, and military are subject to regulation!

It can be said that the establishment of the Blue Star Federal Republic eliminated the differences in skin color, race, country, etc. to a certain extent. It developed to 377 years of the Blue Star Calendar. If it were not for historical records, it would have almost forgotten the previous land. name!

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