Extra Demon: Sacred Academy of Light

Chapter 87: Event 2 Begins

The days passed quickly. Classes continued as usual, except that we got out early, specifically at 1 in the afternoon. This week, the teacher was somehow a bit gentler, so to speak, and on the other hand, the classes weren't as relevant. During these days, she didn't mention anything more about the second event or give us any hints.

The days were peaceful, to some extent… As for me, I kept up with my physical training, thanks to Leslie, who didn't hold back in the slightest. Of course, I had to threaten her a few times to make sure of that… Fortunately, Daniela was always there to help heal me, and Evelyn assisted with my magic. In the afternoons, it was the same routine: training, eating, and sleeping…

But the day had to come, and right now… we were gathered together in a medium-sized room. All of us were dressed in the uniform we wore on the first day, but with a color change to black with white stripes. We sat waiting for instructions from the teacher, who was in front of us, talking to someone.

Most students were fearful, as this wasn't like last time; we hadn't been given any information on what the event would involve. We were going in blind.

"What do you think the event's theme will be?" Beatrice asked, with a touch of excitement in her voice. It was true that mystery always builds anticipation, especially under these circumstances, where only Class 2 was present, not all classes like last time…

"I have no idea, but given that Professor Emilia recommended we develop a new magic skill," Adrian adjusted his glasses, "I'd like to think it has something to do with individual survival or something similar."

"That makes a lot of sense… but," Daniela's shoulders dropped, "I learned a magic skill that heals in an area… sigh, what a bad decision for this occasion!" she said regretfully. Normally, she was enthusiastic about her work… having the ability to heal within a 10-meter radius from her position. This skill was intended to help her friends… and she had a strong motivation for her efforts.

She didn't want a repeat of the first event… if she'd been able to learn this skill sooner, she might have saved some of her teammates… But if Adrian's opinion turned out to be true, she couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed.

"What about you, Arthur? What do you think?" Evelyn asked with interest. In truth, she didn't care too much; in her mind, as long as she was with Arthur, everything else lost importance. She watched with bright eyes as Arthur took out a meat sandwich and handed it to her. She smiled brightly and accepted it quickly…

"I think the same as Adrian: an individual event," I said without many details. The event was indeed about that… an individual survival event… Perks! You'd never understand how you know the questions on the exam… because of that, I worked hard in my training. This test is going to be very different from the previous one and much harder.

"Hmmm…?" Leslie murmured and looked at me intently. She gave me a bright smile and looked as if she was expecting something… Silently, I took out a mango-flavored candy and handed it to her. She smiled and saved the candy for later.


The transparent layer of ice around the teacher shattered into a thousand pieces. She walked calmly to a podium, looking at us with calm eyes.

Moving her hand slightly…

Monday [Imperial Calendar, Year 2801, First Month, Day 15]

[Event 2: Hunt or Be Hunted?]

[Event Description: The event will take place in various regions of the "Half-World" forest. This event will involve all other classes, but in different forests. It will be an individual event. Each student will be teleported to a specific point, with a distance of over 100 kilometers between each student, making it practically impossible to encounter another student.

Certain restrictions will also apply.]

[Key Points: The event has a time limit, with a maximum of 5 days. However, each student will be responsible for deciding when to end their trial. This event will be conducted with the support of the imperial magic tower staff, and it will be in real time, with a potential risk of death and all that it entails, such as eating, drinking, and other basic needs.

Students are advised not to be overconfident or careless.]

[Survival: Although there is a high risk of death for students, they will be provided with a regression stone by the magic tower staff. This stone has the power to teleport the student back to the designated classroom.]

[Alliances: Alliances are not permitted.]

[Rules: Do not die. Students will have the opportunity to bring armor of their choice, as well as their own weapon or magic staff. Enchanted armor and weapons are not allowed. They are also not allowed to bring any additional items that would facilitate hunting or survival. The team responsible for verifying these requirements will be present at the moment of teleportation.

Breaking any of these rules will result in automatic disqualification.]

[Victory Conditions: Each student will be teleported to a specific language zone within a forest with a radius of 30 kilometers. They may not exceed this limit as they are confined within a dome. The event will feature two hunters trapped in the forest. The rule: kill or be killed. Each student will face a real, mutated low-ranking demon that has been captured alive.]

[Defeat Conditions: If a student finds themselves in trouble or at great risk of death, they are advised to activate the stone. However, by doing so, they will be disqualified, and the demon they were fighting will be randomly teleported to one of their classmates, turning the fight into two against one, reducing their teammate's survival chances, and increasing the pressure on them.]

[Points: If the student successfully kills the demon, they will earn 100 points, but if they fail, 100 points will be deducted from the entire class.]

The large screen in front of us displayed all the information about the second event and everything we needed to know...

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