Exploiting Hollywood 1980.

Chapter 186 The audience's response is "intense"

Chapter 186 The Audience Responds Very "Intensely"

After some red tape, the lights in the auditorium were dimmed.The words Cannon Group Presents appear on the screen.

The powerful disco drum beats began to sound from the speakers, and a large building jumped out of the screen, with flags of various countries flying on the flagpoles outside, and a group of people shouted and ran into the building.

This is a good start, Ronald commented secretly.With just a few strokes, the apocalyptic scene in 1994 is outlined. What will happen next?Cold War Turned into Hot War?Alien invasion?Or an asteroid hitting Earth?

After thinking about a few of the most popular disasters in Hollywood scripts, Ronald quickly gathered his mind and watched the movie.As a buyer, the main task is to watch movies from the perspective of the audience, not to do analysis.

Three male and female singers, dressed in sparkling white diamond-studded costumes, sang and danced disco-style songs on stage.

Really can't think of it?This building is not a United Nations meeting to deal with the crisis, but a concert.

No, it's not a concert, but a singing and dancing show. The heartbeat of the audience and the decibels of shouting determine whether the contestants will stay or leave.

The second group of boys and girls came to the stage. They did not have a band accompaniment, they only had an acoustic guitar, and they sang not current pop music, but more like the country rock favorite of 60s hippies.The audience was silent and did not cheer, some impatiently stood up to let them go down, and some started throwing objects on the stage.

As soon as the scene changed, two singers, a man and a woman, were still singing with smiles on their faces. The audience gradually sat down and listened carefully. The heartbeat of the audience in the monitoring room gradually reached 150. The director was stunned and decided to make some noise to destroy the performance.

Ronald was also stunned, this movie is not as good as Roger Coleman.How should I put it, it's like a college student visiting Coleman's studio, and then going back to the amateur homework he tinkered with.

What happened next was even more absurd.The draft director turned out to be Satan. They deliberately lowered the score of the duo by making noise, and then signed the female singer Bibi instead of her partner and boyfriend Alfie.Movies have evolved from musicals to mythological ones.

But the two names of the protagonist are interesting, and Ronald couldn't help laughing when he saw this.Alfie is the name of the main character in the 1966 film of the same name starring Michael Caine, in which he plays a lover named Alfie.

This small-budget British production, which cost less than US$100 million, sold 1800 million in America.Ronald also watched it in class.

As for the name of the heroine Bibi, anyone who is familiar with rock music gossip knows that this is an allusion to the well-known rock and roll Bibi Bull, who has slept in popular rock bands.

Ronald's laughter attracted a roll of eyes from the beautiful woman next to him.She could hardly stand this bad movie and was leaving. "Fortunately, this handsome guy in America confiscated his movie ticket money, otherwise he must refund the money."

Seeing this, Ronald gave up the idea of ​​buying the film.The first roll of film (11 minutes) at the beginning made the audience want to leave, and the gods will not be able to save the follow-up plot.

Most of the audience is just out of politeness, unlike the early exit in the opening film of the film festival.Some audience members had already begun to doze off, and then they were awakened by a burst of singing and dancing.

The scene suddenly jumped from the office to a cave, and a group of devils began to sing and dance, persuading the heroine Bibi to take a bite of the big apple.

Ronald looked at the fat producer sitting in the front row, he was shaking his head happily to the music.The joys and sorrows of human beings in this world are really different. Fatty is indulging in his great movie song and dance scene, but the audience only finds it noisy, which prevents them from sleeping.

Regardless of the next plot, even Ronald couldn't stand it.There were only two places where he was awakened from his drowsiness.

The first time was the producer of Satan's transformation, and signed the heroine.Immediately her record sales began to skyrocket.Ronald, who fell asleep with the loud singing and dancing, woke up suddenly after the background noise disappeared, and glanced at the screen twice.

"But I haven't recorded a song yet? Why can I start selling records first?" Bibi asked puzzled.

"This is the true meaning of business, you sell first, and then start to produce." Satan laughed.

Huh, this idea is interesting, wouldn't that be the way Fatty manipulates movies?

Ronald felt a little amusing, and went back to sleep.

The second time, near the end of the film, Bibi finally awakened, no longer controlled by Satan, and ran to find the hero Alfie.The two found a group of people who left modern technology and lived like hippies.Burn unknown plants on a large lawn, and become very "spiritual" in the smoke.

Satan led the security guards to catch Bibi, and their family and children were about to be destroyed.Yes, for some reason the hero and heroine suddenly get married and have kids.

At a critical juncture, suddenly the screen shined brightly, and Ronald was awakened by the strong light.

I saw a Rolls-Royce car with white light appearing in the sky, and it made a sound of "BiuBiuBiu" and fell from the sky. An old man with a white beard came out, rescued the hero and heroine, and led them to a new planet to start again. Humans reproduce.

Ronald rubbed his eyes. Is this the special effect that cost a lot of money?It seems to be quite expensive, probably only cost two dollars and 38 cents.

He yawned loudly, and the beauty next to him was also awakened.The two found that the movie was over, and the beauty was awakened by the reopening of the theater lights.

The fat man who gave Ronald the movie ticket happily stepped onto the stage in front of the screen, took the microphone prepared by the organizer, "I am the director of this film, Minahan Golan..."

"Hey... hey... don't hit people."

The audience was already holding back their stomachs and wanted to vent their anger. Since Montreal hosted the Olympics, it has been in debt of one billion dollars.Four years have passed, and the main Olympic venue in 76 has not yet been completed. The taxes paid every year have been used to repay debts. Public facilities have not been updated, and there is a lot of resentment.

The Montreal International Film Festival is also an idea conceived by the city government to attract investment in the film industry and stimulate employment and tax revenue.However, the French-speaking area of ​​Montreal has limited the film source and scale of the film festival, and its development is far inferior to that of another Canadian film festival established at the same time, the Toronto Film Festival.

Thinking of the taxes I have worked so hard to attract such peerless bad movies, it is better to repair roads and enrich the funds for public education.They happened to have the mini record that was given when they entered the door, and the audience imitated the opening scene of the movie and threw the records in their hands towards the fat Minahan.

Fatty Minahan fled from the podium in embarrassment and ran away with his head in his arms.The audience didn't give up, and the audience in the back row also started to throw the record forward, and the hand was not strong enough and fell on the head of Ronald who was sitting in the front row.

"Hey, don't throw it away..." Ronald also escaped from the cinema with his head in his arms.

The beauties around me disappeared somewhere.Ronald had to walk slowly back to the hotel alone.The level of this Montreal Film Festival is limited?It was said to be an A-level film festival, so what was chosen for the opening film?

Ronald, who returned to the hotel, made a cup of instant coffee to calm his frightened mind.

In fact, after thinking about it, the investment in this movie is estimated to be not small.So many dancers participated in the performance, and although many big scenes were shot ugly, the sets were all real.

There are a lot of bad movies because of a small budget and cutting corners.This bad movie is really bad.It's not that no money has been invested, but that the investment is not in the right place.

The movie is set in 1994, but the props and scenery are like 1954, giving people a very low feeling.

The hero and heroine became hippies to save the world, but they have no hippie taste. Hippies advocate freedom, and there is no one who can dance in a uniform group dance like them.

how to say?It feels like the director only saw descriptions of hippies in magazines, and then relied on his own imagination of the report text to direct the hippie scene, which is specious.

"You can't go, the audience threw the records you sent, and you Cannon Pictures must compensate."

At the same time, Fat Minahan's cousin, another fat Yoram, was firmly held back by the manager of the movie theater and refused to let him go.It turned out that some of the records thrown by the audience were thrown on the screen with too much force, breaking the screen.

The main venue of the Montreal Film Festival is very large, and the supporting large screen is very expensive. After it is broken, it will cost a lot of money to replace it, and the organizing committee will also show other films here.The person in charge of the cinema grabbed Yoram and refused to let go, and he insisted on giving him money before giving up.

"It's useless for you to drag me, only Minahan can sign the check."

"Where did he go?"

The crowd searched the venue three times, but they couldn't find Minahan.

His cousin and partner Yoram said helplessly, "Maybe Minahan has already returned to the hotel. He has devoted a lot of effort to this movie. He directed and edited it himself. Why don't you go back to the hotel with me, I'm afraid of him receive a blow."

The theater manager, senior management of the organizing committee, and Yoram returned to the hotel.There was no sign of Minahan in the room, and everyone searched for it several times, but they couldn't find Minahan, so they had to go back to the lobby to discuss compensation.

"Minahan won't escape, right?" The cinema manager and Yoram had this thought in their hearts at the same time.

"He's here...he's going to jump off the building." A staff member shouted outside.

Everyone ran out of the lobby to see that there was a person standing on the railing of the balcony outside Minahan's room.

It was "Apple" director and producer Minahan Golan.

Yoram was very anxious, and yelled at the top, "Minahan, don't be overthinking, let's go back and continue financing the next movie, and we will succeed."

Minahan glanced down and muttered to himself in a low voice: "It's useless, the audience doesn't like my movies. I figured it out, I don't have the talent for movies. This time let's make movies in Israel and distribute the movies." I lost all the money I earned, and I don’t want to live anymore.”

"Think about your wife, think about your child, Minahan..." Seeing that Minahan hadn't left the railing, Yoram shouted more anxiously.The staff of the organizing committee next to him were ready to call the police.

Ronald was also disturbed by the shouting downstairs in the room, and opened the balcony door, ready to go out to watch the excitement.

I went to the balcony and saw that many people below were waving their hands to the top and shouting "Don't jump".

Ronald looked in the direction they were pointing at, and there was a fat man standing on the balcony railing in the room next to him, about to jump off.

(End of this chapter)

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