Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 97: The Auction Begins

When the auction was about to begin, SuperSleuth returned to the private box.

Squeaky Mouse was happy to see him return. Silent had consumed a few more seven-spirit tonics and was almost sitting on Lucan's lap while she whispered in his ear. Her legs were thrown across his while her head rested in the crook of his neck. Lucan's arm was wrapped around her, while the rogue quietly talked and pointed out things down below.

Super chuckled but didn't say anything as he took his seat between Lucan and Squeaky.

A handsome Shadow elf stepped onto the main stage, with a wave of his wand, his voice became magically enhanced, so everyone could easily hear him.

"Hello everyone, I will be your host today. My name is Earnest Farwest, I would like to announce that everything sold during this event has to be paid for today. There will be no credit offered. All of our sellers are present, behind stage or in the audience, you may offer other forms of payment, but it is up to the seller as to whether they accept them or not. Let's get things started by bringing out the first item."

An attendant rolled a cart out onto the stage and placed it beside Earnest. The shadow elf moved closer and grabbed the edge of the red velvet covering and pulled to reveal the first item up for auction.

On the cart was a white longsword. Earnest picked up the blade and gave it a casual swing. As the blade sliced through the air it left a trail of fire.

"As you can see, this longsword is enchanted with fire, not just any fire but dragon's fire. The sword itself was carved from a dragon's fang. It is also immune to magical damage and cannot be damage by acid. I would not be lying to say it is almost impossible to damage this blade. To do so would be equivalent of damaging an elder dragon. Let's start the bidding at 20,000 gold pieces."

'Dang, that pretty pricey.' Lucan thought to himself. There were still plenty in the audience who disagreed.




The price began to soar as many people placed their bids. The price kept rising higher until a woman in a different private box increased the bid by 40,000 gold pieces.

"I will take it for 120,000." Her voice rang across the auditorium.

"I have 120,000. Going once, going twice. Sold the young miss in the upper level. You may proceed to complete the transaction anytime before the end of the day."

"For our next item…"

The auction continued as Earnest brought out the items one by one. Each was unique and sold for a small fortune. Nothing was being sold cheaply today. So far, there had been nothing that Lucan had to have, and the things that did interest him a bit were sold for ridiculous amounts.

Seeing the price that everything was ending on, Squeaky Mouse quickly abandoned his idea of purchasing a recipe. The money that the guild would have to spend would be better used to buy supplies for the high-level guild members or to stock the guild treasury.

Two thirds of the way through the auction an item caught Lucan's eye, not for himself but for Silent.

He turned his head to see that she had fallen asleep with her arms wrapped around him. The sight made him unable to contain his smile. Silent normally would only drink a single glass of alcohol and would always remain alert. He was honored that she felt relaxed enough to let her guard down around him. He had no plans of waking her up.

"Our next item today is an evolution crystal. Once fed to a pet, it will undergo a metamorphosis and evolve into a higher rank being. Let's start the price at 10,000 gold pieces."






Lucan decided to step in and used a bit of magic to throw his voice towards the stage, so as to not yell next to Silent's sleeping ears. He did so while raising his hand to signify that he bid. "32,000."

The bid was instantly raised again by a gentleman in the general seating. "35,000.���

Lucan didn't want to play around so he raised it again, this time by a good amount. It wasn't like he lacked gold. "45,000."

"45,000 going once, going twice. Sold to the young master in the upper section."

Lucan nodded to himself satisfied, even if that gold was worth around 3 million dollars. Since it was for Silent, he was happy. He figured she could use it on her butterflies. He wouldn't bother giving it to Adrestia, with enough experience points he could do almost anything for the miniature drake, he didn't need to help from outside consumables.

The auction continued as more items were sold.

"We are now coming to our last item of the day." Earnest announced. "If you have any coins left in your pocket, count them up and put them to use."

An attendant brought out a single vial of dark red liquid and placed it on a pedestal.

"We are not entirely sure what this last item does. The seller has informed us that it was the only item in the deepest region of a well-guarded tomb. The vault that held this item was inscribed with a passage. I shall read it aloud for you. 'In the distant world where my homeland lies, the departed spirits follow an amber flow. The eternal plains unreachable for my eyes, how I miss it while trapped bellow. My kingdom gone after being led askew, I shall leave my will in this empty hall. Take my blood and begin anew, their resting souls ready to answer your call.'"

Earnest finished the passage before continuing. "We were able to recognize it as a treasure, but the passage doesn't provide much insight as to what it does. After consulting with a few diviners, they were able to confirm with the stars that it is capable of changing one's race, but as to what race. We have no idea. Since this item is such a mystery, we are starting the price at only 5,000 gold."

Even before the passage was read, Lucan's eyes had locked onto the vial of blood. Inside it he could see swirls of ethereal mana. After the passage, he was confident that the person who had left this came from the ethereal realm and was unable to return. He wanted this badly, but it looked like he wasn't alone.

Within moments the price was already at 50,000 gold.

"60,000." Lucan called out.

"70,000." The young miss who had bought the first item counter offered.

"75,000." Lucan raised the bid.

"90,000." She replied without hesitation.

"95,000." Lucan increased it again. He wanted it badly, but this amount was getting ridiculous.

"120,000." She raised.



Lucan groaned, it seemed as if the young miss didn't care for money at all.

Lucan decided to take a gamble. If his bid was rejected, he would be unable to continue in the bidding war, but even though he had the money, he wasn't going to throw it away like this. Yes, it contained ethereal mana but it was still a mystery.

"50,000 gold and 10 million experience to be spent on spells and abilities from Raze."

There was a slight murmur through the crowd. "Please give me a moment to see if the seller is interested." Earnest said.

The host cast a spell and began to telepathically communicate with the seller. After a moment he replied. "The bid has been accepted."

"250,000 gold." The young miss raised again.

"I am sorry, but the seller has informed me that if experience isn't included, the bid can no longer be raised."

An audible "Hmpf." Could be heard coming from the young miss's private box.

"Going once, going twice. Sold to the Young Lord. That is it for our auction. For those of you who didn't see what you were looking for, I would like to announce that the Shadowscape bazar is open to all today and tomorrow, and the process of getting a license to set up a stall has been waived for this period. Buy, sell and let your money move." Earnest said before reminding the buyers from the auction to pay for and pick up their goods. The auction had come to a close.

"Alright, I am going to mingle. I will make it back on my own." Super said leaving the Box.

Squeaky followed him out and went to go look for the bazar, he assumed that he could find some items that were reasonably priced.

"It's time to wake up." Lucan quietly said as gave Silent a kiss on her forehead.

Her eyes fluttered open while she was still half asleep. "Why did you put your clothes back on?" She mumbled.

A large grin spread across the warlock's face. "What kind of dreams were you having?" He said while gentling giving her ear a kiss.

Silent immediately realized what she had said. Embarrassed, she gave him a push but had forgotten that her legs were laid across his lap. She started to fall backwards.

Lucan immediately grabbed her and pulled her forward, all the way up onto his lap.

Without letting her squirm away, he locked his lips with hers as his tongue began to explore. After a moment she stopped trying to run away and wrapped her arms around his neck while Lucan's hand traveled down her back and below.

Suddenly there was a cough from behind. "If you would like, I can recommend an Inn." The attendant said.

Silent quickly jumped up and stared at the floor while Lucan rose. "Ha, no need, we will be going."

He took Silent's hand as they headed downstairs. "While you were asleep, I bought you something. Let's go get it."

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