Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 78: Terracorp Arrives

Shortly after his conversation with Pickle, it was reported to Lucan that the transporter was completed.

"Ha, ha, great. Hey Silent do you mind helping me out with something?"

"Sure, I will never mind."

Lucan activated the teleporter first and headed to Quilldrake estate with a few elves to bring over a few things he had stored there while Silent led almost a hundred elves to shadowsweep to pick up the things he left in his house for safe keeping along with the rest of the mana crystals and the other ores the dwarves had mined and hadn't sold yet.

Since his castle was still under construction there was no safer place than the vaults of his fortress.

It didn't take them long to return and deposit the goods. Around the same time Pickle, got back in contact with Lucan. Pickle, Lucan's uncle and few other people from Terracorp wanted to come over and check out the fortress to see if any money could be made.

Lucan explained to Silent what was going to happen.

"Wow, your Uncle seems to be pretty high up in Terracorp. We need to make sure to put up a good face." She said before starting to command the elven guards.

Commander Gear and the others were already used to taking orders from her after Lucan gave his permission.

As the owner of the fort Lucan had access to the teleporters privacy settings. So far he had given access to the Willow players and a couple of them received admin features so they could bring others in. Now he added the fortress his uncle was in to the allowed list. After that, Lucan and Silent sprinted away as fast as they could.

A minute later there was a flash of light as five people level 60 and under stepped into the main entrance hall. All the construction mess from earlier had already been cleaned up. Over 40 elven guards stood to the sides of the hall as Commander Gear stepped forward.

"Is a traveler named Pickle among you?" He asked while resting his hand on the hilt of his sword and gazing over the five low level corporate players.

"That's me." Said a scrawny man dressed in well made clothes.

Gear released his hand from his weapon and spoke. "Good, Lord Quilldrake is expecting you. I will show your group the way." He said before abruptly turning around and leading them deeper into the fortress.

As the group from Terracorp entered the command room, Lucan, Silent and few illusions stood around the table pretending to discuss something important while Lucan was motion to hill on the map with his scepter.

"Lord Quilldrake, your guests have arrived." Commander gear announced with a bow.

"Thank you." He said to Gear who moved to the side of the room. "That will be all for now, we will continue this discussion later." He said to the illusions who bowed and then collapsed into a pool of shadows, vanishing form the room. Lucan immediately recognized his uncle who hadn't changed his appearance at all or even used a made-up name.

"Uncle, so nice of you to come." He said while walking down from the platform.

Uncle Bo could only chuckle at his nephew's antics, having already seen through his charade.

"Look at you punk, you're really making a name for yourself. Ah, who is this lovely young woman."

"Hello, I am Silent Night. It is nice to meet you."

"So polite, you sure found a good one Brax. You two look perfect together, you should really date my nephew."


"Ha, ha, I will stop teasing you. But that's what you get for putting on a show instead of coming to greet your family."

Even Silent laughed at this.

"UGH! Come on, and it's Lucan here or you can call me Lord Quilldrake."

"Lord Quilldrake my butt, I will settle for Lucan."

The warlock could only shake his head.

"Don't make that face." Bo said with a chuckle. "It's the same scowl you used to make when Marie would dress you up in those frilly dresses when you were little."

Lucan clutched his chest as Silent couldn't stop laughing. "Are you trying to kill me? Don't think I won't get back at you." He said before flicking his wrist and casting illusionary garments.

A pink frilly dressed wrapped around his uncle as he didn't resist. Bo then sauntered forward as his dress shook form side to side.

"It doesn't matter since I can pull it off." Bo said before striking a catwalk pose like a runway model.

"Ah yes, the boss is the best."

"Truly remarkable."

"Confidence always sells."

His employees didn't hesitate to compliment him.

"Fine I can't beat you." Lucan said while dismissing the dress.

"Ha, ha, ha, you will get their sport." Bo said before giving Lucan a big hug. "Brax, I mean Lucan, Let's talk business."

"Sure." Lucan said dejectedly as he led the other up the stone platforms to the maps.

He tapped his scepter on the table as a 3D rendering of the fortress popped up. "This is my fortress. The western quarter already has the foundation of being a marketplace." He said while motioning with his scepter and enlarging the area.

"Why is this portion covered in leaves?" Bo asked pointing to the south.

"That area is currently contracted to the Windy Willow gaming organization. They will provide some defense, as long as it is not a losing fight, among other services. But those services just apply to World Conqueror Industries."

"You have been busy."

"Very. What is it you are currently looking for? I assume you want to make money… so do we."

"Is it safe to speak freely hear?" Bo asked while looking towards Silent. It was all fun and games to play with his nephew and the girl he liked but they were about to get down to business.

"I have sworn an oath of loyalty to Lucan and am currently in negotiations regarding a position at World Conqueror Industries." Silent said. "Anything you say here I will not divulge. It would be harmful towards my own interests."

'Really, you are going to take me up on my offer?' Lucan telepathically asked Silent.

'I am still considering it, but I am leaning towards yes.'

Lucan smiled. "You can count on her."

"That's good enough for me." Bo said. "2 months ago Terracorp became the controlling investor in the Goblin Crusher guild. Currently they control 3 fortresses in the material plane but it is hard to hold those territories. With the constant wars it seems like we are dumping a lot of money in to barely turn a profit. I believe Dill has already mentioned to you a bit about what we want."

Lucan nodded.

"If we can move our main marketplace here it will be much safer for our clients and of course we can charge them more for the stable environment. On top of that we are always willing to buy gold, gear and resources. Keeping the guild bank stocked is a never-ending concern. But can you truly keep our marketplace safe here. I can't believe you don't have any enemies."

"I do have enemies but currently they are NPC's and not player organizations." Lucan answered. "But I also have strong player and NPC allies as well. Duke Hellfire of the ghastly plains share a border with my territory, and we are on good terms. We are in the same coven, serve the same Patron and have the same enemies. I have an information network directly employed beneath me that currently has over 8,000 members working for pay while they collect and spread info. As far as security goes, I am in the process of acquiring the appropriate materials to build a large scale intermediate protective formation around my fort. I have 1,000 level 150 NPC guards stationed here that are loyal to me with 200 of them being elites, and that's not all."

Bo nodded for Lucan to continue. "I am currently a standard lord, but when my castle completes construction next week I will only need to raise the population in my territory a bit more to be upgraded to Baron. This will improve the quality and quantity of guards I have. I expect to complete this within a month. Once I become a Baron my patron will also reward me with an NPC army but I am not sure of the details regarding them."

At this point the employees that Bo Hekin brought with him had abandoned the idea that this trip was a bit of good will nepotism and they were sure that this was a real and profitable business venture.

"Wonderful. And you happen to know a formation master as well? You really have been busy. Do you think we could hire them? We also want an intermediate formation built for our guild but have only found novice formation masters who aren't able to complete a project so big?"

"You're looking at him. Currently I am a novice but once I build this intermediate formation, I should have my profession upgraded so wait for result till we talk about that, but you should know it's expensive."

Bo nodded happily. "Good, good, good. My tycoon nephew is the best. You should come with me to headquarters in the morning then I will take you out in the afternoon. I will convince you that Flower city is the best. You won't ever want to go back." He said while clapping Lucan on the shoulder.

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