Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 46: Rogue’s Organization

Silent Night glared angrily at Lucan. "I have been around you long enough to know that you don't trust anyone. This isn't a surprise to me." She said walking closer to him. "But what is this about you flirting with my sister?"

"Ah, well, you know, she tracked me down in Vertshadow. And I did my best to frustrate her. Like I normally do. Oh, and I have had tons of girlfriends, just so you know." Lucan said with a smile.

"You are the biggest idiot in the world. Who would ever want to date you?" Silent said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Why didn't you contact me when you were done? You said you would let me know when you were finished. Why did you lie to me? Is your only goal, to get closer to me for the other Hand's?"

"I managed to get a good drop and wanted to surprise you with it, but who knew you were too busy being a jerk to care!" She yelled at him. "Just take the stupid book." She said throwing a spell book at his chest before turning around. "I am leaving to level. And don't go talking to my sister again!" She yelled.

Lucan stomped off in the other direction while Oar went to pick up the book and then ran after his Lord.

'"Stupid jerk."' Both Lucan and Silent muttered as they walked away from each other.

"Hey Boss, I don't think-."

"Not now." Lucan grumbled before shutting himself in his basement to practice magic.

He didn't emerge for 3 days. But when he did, Lucan had created 2 more variant spells and had made good progress with his last one. He had successfully distracted himself from his argument with Silent. It had cost him over a million of his banked experience though. He bought 3 new spells.

Telekinetic Slam, which became Phantom Slam and his second variant spell. Telekinetic object, an advance version of Telekinetic wall, the invisible force was shaped from a wall into objects, such as a chair, a cup, a table. The downside was the objects had almost no health, creating weapons or armor was pointless. They would shatter under any real impact. But he could create objects and paint them with illusions to temporarily create anything.

The third spell was also telekinetic. Telekinetic Hand. He could pick things up and interact with them after creating an invisible telekinetic hand. He hoped that combining this with an illusion would make his 4th variant spell.

The 3rd variant spell he created was a shadow bolt fired from an illusion.

Each of the 3 variant Phantom spells could store 5 uses in an illusion. He still hadn't figured out how to combine his Phantom spells together. It would take considerable effort.

"I need to go out and level." Lucan said to Oar. "It has been to many days since my level has risen. Keep me informed and let me know if the dwarves need anything." Lucan said, while heading for the Shadow Tunnel.

"Take this." Oar said handing over the spell book Silent had thrown at him. "When will you be back?"

"I am not sure." Lucan said to the young man who was sad to see him go. "Contact me if you need anything and try to spend some time with Renia. She will make you stronger."

"Yes, Boss. I will do that." Oar said as Lucan walked into transfer point.

He stored the book in his bag without looking at it as he felt a pang of guilt. He had missed Silent and then chased her away the second she came back.


"Hey Longshot." Lucy said waving from a table in the Assassin's Guild. "What are you doing back?"

"Can I level with you guys for a bit? I just need to hit 95 then I will be heading to a special dungeon for rogues." Silent said taking a seat.

"What is Lucan up to?" Van asked.

"Yeah, where is the Candyman at?" Madlad asked.

"Jeezs, go get us some contracts." Lucy said to Madlad and Van, sending them away. "What happened? You were so happy when you left."

"That idiot was flirting with my sister to piss her off, and I made a thing out of it. Then he started saying I was working for the other Hand's and spying on him."

"I am guessing you decided not to tell him."

"How could I? The stupid idiot would never believe me." Silent sighed. "I told him no one would ever date him, or something like that. He just get's me so worked up in an instant, then everything fell apart." Silent slammed her fists on the table. "This is the opposite of what I wanted." She said while burying her head in her arms.


Lucan walked the streets of Vertshadow while mentally communicating with Raze.

'Why do you want to know where the Rogue's Organization is?'

'I want to fill my last class slot. I thought some sort of Rogue would be a good fit."

'Ah, yes, you have that ring. Okay then, it's in the trade district, across from the Green Circle auction house.'

Lucan turned around and started walking to his destination. Inside, what appeared to be, a rundown warehouse was another building, guarded by several armored rogues.

"This is a private Organization." One of the NPCs said stepping forward.

"I wish to become part of your organization."

"A Hand of Raze is going to throw away the Supreme Ruler and join us? We don't want your calamity." Said another NPC.

"Don't worry, through the trials I have survived I gained the ability to take another basic class. My Patron is aware of my presence here. He gave me directions." Lucan said with a soft smile.

The NPC grunted. "Fine, enter around back with the other new arrivals. This entrance is for those who have already joined."

"Thank you." Lucan said walking around to the back side where a door led to a small waiting room with an old man behind the counter.

"No need to wait Lord Quilldrake." Said the old man motioning him to the counter. "It's not like we are busy." He said commenting on the empty room. "I want you to be aware that becoming a rogue late in life will slow down your progression. You will not be reimbursed for the missed levels. Meaning 5 levels from now is when you will get the skills and abilities of a level 5 rogue."

"I understand." Lucan said. "What would my obligations to the Organization be?"

"Here." The old man said handing Lucan a sheet of parchment. "You will have to do rogue work. If you do work for any of these organizations, you will get credit for fulfilling your duty as a rogue. You have a quota to meet every 6 months. Failure to do so will result in you not receiving additional benefits. Once you complete any back logged duties you will be given what you missed out on. The requirements aren't excessive, and we hardly ever have someone fail to meet their quota."

"That doesn't sound too bad."

"That is for the basic rogue, if you are looking for one of the 13 specialized teachers here, they have their own requirements."

"What are the specializations here?" Lucan asked. He received another piece of parchment with a list of 13 classes and some basic information about them.

A few caught Lucan's eye. The Battle Rogue was tough and had many weapon proficiencies and abilities. The Stalker was Silent's class. Assassin was always a strong choice.

"I want to become a thief." Lucan said.

"Thief, alright. You will be under Kelis Jander. He is the Thief Master here. Please wait a moment and I will fetch him."

Lucan waited several minutes. He noticed a dense cluster of mana not to far from him. Lucan stared at the mana floating in air. He could see nothing else.

After a few moments of staring, a figure appeared in front of Lucan. A thin man with a build similar to Lucan's stood dressed in dark cloths covering everything but his eyes.

"Did you get lucky or could you see me?" The man asked.

"I am impressed that you could erase your body heat, but the dense air mana you hold inside yourself gave you away."

The man put a hand on his chest where the mana was swirling inside his body and clicked his tongue. "Your eyes are good enough to be a thief and I don't doubt the rest of you, but I am not looking to draw the wrath of Raze."

"Come on, I get along well with Raze. Help me to help him. You won't have issues with him unless you steal from him."

"I require those who take my teachings to steal a certain value every 50 levels. You can keep it, but you have to steal it. And every 50 levels you are required to complete a quest for me. Other than that, if you don't snitch on me I won't snitch on you."

"That is fine with me." Lucan said.

"Alright, I will make you a thief but since you are already over level 50, you owe me a quest. And I don't teach those who owe me a debt."

"Okay, let's hear it." Lucan said while thinking this guy was just as bad as Raze.

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