Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Chapter 6: My life, part 1 daily morning routine.*

Before retiring for the night, I find myself reflecting on what awaits me tomorrow. Tomorrow marks the beginning of our third year at the prestigious Hunters' Academy—a privilege, yes, but also a serious commitment. This year, we’ll face our field examination, a real test with real, unforeseen dangers. While my mother and Luyira seem to be acting as they usually do, I can tell my mother is scheming something. Luyira, being a Retter Messiah, remains as calm as ever. But Destroyer—who has been away from home for several days now—still hasn’t returned. His absences aren’t unusual, but this one feels longer than normal, and it’s unsettling.

The life of a hunter is fraught with danger. Most don’t make it past the age of forty. So many have already fallen, leaving behind children too young to receive proper education, let alone start their own families. In our society, it’s common for people to begin families in their early teens, often with their first romantic partners. But for those of noble birth, like Carlos and Sakura, combat training comes first. Even they didn’t begin their physical relationship until two years after they received their sexual education.

In the imperial city, the risk of childbirth complications or death is low, thanks to advanced medical care. But in smaller towns, where resources are scarce and populations dense, it’s a different story. Though many think it’s best for women to have children by age twenty-four, those outside the capitals or from common backgrounds often don’t live long enough to reach that age. As defenders of the people, it falls to those of us with noble blood or hunter abilities, like Destroyer, to protect the ones who can’t defend themselves. Luyira, for example, might not have the will to take a life, but he could incapacitate a mutant creature with ease. And our mother? She’s the most powerful tank in history, capable of wiping out demi-humans and mutant beasts alike with just her spear.

If I make it through this year of training, I could be stationed on one of the walls or in a remote village. Serving on the walls is deadly, especially for new recruits—the mortality rate before age twenty is terrifyingly high. As for the village hunters? Their fates are left to chance, as seen when mutant beasts attacked our village out of nowhere. Who knows what tomorrow holds for us?


I take comfort in knowing that Mama and Luyira will continue to support me, though there are rumors—whispers even among those who doubt me—that I might have a greater role to play than I realize. Despite being seen as nothing more than a third-class citizen, the only thing that separates me from them is my insatiable stamina and… peculiar desires. Yet, even with my strange abilities, tomorrow’s outcome is uncertain. I can’t help but miss my grandparents, who left eight years ago to help rebuild the village. They’d be 46 and 45 now. I hope they’re doing well.

As usual, I go to bed, preparing for what’s sure to be a long day ahead. I assume everyone else is asleep too, even Destroyer, whom I hope will return soon—especially since I’ve been having these strange, unsettling dreams lately.

Several hours into sleep, still half-drowsy, I find myself trapped again in one of those inexplicable dream sequences. It feels like a vision of a past tragedy. I see myself desperately trying to protect a group of people from these malicious beings dressed in black, their weapons cutting down my defenses as if they were nothing. The dream feels so real, their cold efficiency overwhelming me.

Morning begins to creep into my body, stirring me from the dream, and I become aware of something touching my lower half. It’s time to wake up.

The dawn filtered softly through the curtains, wrapping the room in a warm golden light. Aido slowly opened his eyes, feeling a familiar spark of electricity course through his body. He didn’t need to look to know she was there.Luyira - my sister. She greeted me with a cheeky grin and a mischievous glint in her eye from beneath my cozy bed covers.

Lately, I had taken to sleeping with fewer layers at her request. She loved having her morning playtime with me, and it was hard to refuse her innocent yet persistent pleas. Peeling back the sheets, I revealed her eagerly feasting on her morning treat - my throbbing member. Her skilled tongue and deft hands orchestrated a tantalizing dance as she took me into her warm, wet mouth.

My impressive size left her unable to take it all in, a testament to my ample endowment. But she didn't seem to mind, instead relishing in every inch of me with an enthusiasm that never waned. As our gazes locked, a look of pleasure and contentment washed over her face.

"Every sunrise calls for a nourishing breakfast to kickstart the day," she purred, her words sending shivers down my spine.

Her lips were luscious and delicate against the tip of my manhood, coated with a hint of her sweet saliva. Every morning with her felt like a dream - one that I never wanted to wake up from. She wasn't just any woman, but one of the revered Retter Messiahs of the empire - known for their rare beauty and extraordinary abilities.

Her sun-kissed skin glowed in the faint light of dawn, accentuating her captivating reddish eyes which were locked on mine as she showered me with love. Her curvaceous figure had remained unchanged since we first met, and I couldn't help but admire every curve and dip of her body.

But what truly set Luyira apart were her unique features - the delicate bunny tail and the red and white ears that adorned her head. They were impossible to ignore, even in the midst of our passionate intimacy. And though I had tried to resist her allure at first, it was a futile endeavor. Her persistence in pursuing me had sealed our fate, and now she wasn't just my first lover, but the intensity of my emotions for her made it inevitable that she would always hold a special place in my heart.

Luyira and I lay entwined on the plush, velvet bed, our bodies slick with sweat and pleasure. The room is thick with the heady scent of our lovemaking, the soft sounds of our moans and sighs mingling in the air.

"The sensation is indescribable, Luy," I whisper, my voice husky with desire.

She grins at me, playful as ever. "You enjoy it, Aido. Whenever you desire this pleasure, all you need to do is tell me."

I chuckle, my hands eagerly exploring her curves, memorizing every line of her body. "You never wait for me to ask, Luy. You overwhelm me every time, but it's always a welcome surprise."

She laughs—a sound both innocent and mischievous—before intensifying her movements. Her hands and mouth work together with a skill that never fails to send shivers down my spine. Time feels like it stops as we move together, our passion filling the room, maybe even reaching beyond its walls.

"Ora, keep me company in this task," she murmurs seductively, shifting her position, revealing herself to me fully.

Her smooth, delicate pink skin glistens in the dim light, inviting me closer. I can feel her anticipation in the way she inches toward me, practically trembling for the touch of my tongue.

"Let’s begin," I whisper.

She gasps softly as I begin to explore her with my lips and tongue, savoring every inch of her. The warmth, the taste—it feels like diving into the very essence of her being, like drinking from the source of life itself.

"If you keep going like this, I’ll reach my peak soon," she moans, her voice breathless.

"Shall we reach it together?" I ask, feeling the tension building within me as well.

"Mhmm, let’s," she responds, eager and breathless.

Her pace quickens, her movements more urgent, and I match her rhythm with my own. Together, we reach the peak of our pleasure in perfect harmony, our bodies trembling, riding wave after wave of ecstasy. In that moment, there’s nothing else—just us, our bodies, and the raw, intense passion between us.

Luyira’s voice trembled with anticipation as she moaned, "Gonna cum, gonna cum." Her words only fueled the fire inside me, and I could feel the edge approaching fast. My own voice was tight with pleasure as I replied, "I’m gonna finish too... don’t stop your mouth."

Our bodies moved together in perfect rhythm, each of us pushing the other closer to the brink. Her moans grew louder, more urgent, creating an intoxicating symphony that filled the room. The intensity of it all consumed me, driving me toward release.

In that moment, everything seemed to blur as we both reached our climax at the same time. I released into her eager mouth, feeling her shudder around me as her own ecstasy overtook her. We clung to each other, bodies entwined, lost in the bliss of shared pleasure.

As we both caught our breath, I couldn’t help but exclaim, "That was utterly amazing."

Luyira smiled at me with that familiar, smug grin, licking her lips as if savoring every last drop. "Ahh, thank you for your nourishing milk. It always satiates me so perfectly." Then, with a playful wink, she added, "Now for the main course."

She didn’t waste any time. Still wrapped around me, she shifted her body gracefully, positioning herself for me to enter her again. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she looked back at me, a wicked smile on her lips. "Itadakimasu!" she exclaimed playfully, "Indulge yourself!"

As she descended onto me, her tight warmth enveloped me completely. I could feel her begin to writhe in pleasure almost immediately, her movements driving me wild. Her soft cries filled the air as she gasped, "I can’t help but enjoy my brother’s size."

I could barely manage a nod, already lost in the overwhelming sensations that only Luyira could stir within me. Each movement, each moan, pushed me further into a state where nothing else mattered—just her, just us.

In unison, we move frantically and forcefully, the sound of the bed echoing our passion. Even though I know I'm taking her vigorously, nothing else matters in that moment.

With a deft twist, she reverses our positions, hands clasped behind my head. Even amidst our fervent union, I sense the velvety press of her chest against mine, her rose-tinted peaks a delicate contrast. As I steadily penetrate her, her lips tease my ears, igniting a current of euphoria that courses through my being.

My voice, husky with desire, fills the dimly lit room. 'Your pussy is so delicious, so wet… you have no idea how much I love you, but it’s still not enough for us to finish.' My words hang in the air, laced with the hunger that always draws us back to each other, insatiable and relentless.

Luyira’s voice is like music to my ears, a melody of pure pleasure. 'Haa aaa, I know… we won’t stop until you make me a baby.' Her words aren’t just a statement; they’re a promise—an unspoken vow that one day, our passion will give life to something more.

My hands caress her soft skin, her bosom warm beneath my touch as our bodies move together, entwined like vines seeking the sun. I’m mesmerized by the sounds she makes, those sweet moans filling the air like a beautiful, unending song. She rides me with a wild, untamed fervor, her movements primal, driven by an urge we both share but never control. I watch her, utterly captivated—her flushed face, her hair cascading around her like a dark halo. She looks like something crafted by the gods themselves, a masterpiece meant only for me.

The rhythm between us is frenzied, unrelenting. It’s as though the world beyond these walls no longer exists; only she and I remain, locked in this endless dance of passion, neither of us wanting to stop, even as the night deepens.

Her breathy voice breaks through my haze of pleasure. 'I hope my baby has my brother’s purple eyes.' There’s something about the way she says it, like she’s already seeing that future, and it sends a thrill through me.

'I won’t stop,' I growl in response, gripping her tighter. 'Nothing else matters now, just keep going.' My words are a promise—a silent vow that I’ll never let this end, that I’ll hold her close until the stars themselves tire of watching us.

Her cries of ecstasy—'Aaa, aaaa'—mingle with my own gasps of pleasure, 'Haa aaa,' creating a symphony of desire that fills the room, echoing our shared need.

And then, with a mischievous glint in her eye, she leans in close, her voice low and teasing. 'I’m going to tie you up,' she whispers, the promise of delicious dominance clear in her tone.

I can’t help but grin at that, anticipation flooding my body. 'I always accept,' I reply, my voice thick with excitement. The thought of what’s to come sends a shiver through me. The night is still young, and the possibilities seem endless.

With a deft twist, she reverses our positions, hands clasped behind my head. Even amidst our fervent union, I sense the velvety press of her chest against mine, her rose-tinted peaks a delicate contrast to the heat of our embrace. As I steadily penetrate her, her lips tease my ears, igniting a current of euphoria that courses through my being.

"Surrender to me completely, make me yours without hesitation," Luyira whispers, her voice a sultry purr that resonates deep within my core. "I want to feel your semen filling me inside."

"Aaa, aaaaa," I respond, my voice a raw echo of my escalating pleasure. "I'm going to finish."

Her eyes flash with a primal hunger, and she nods, her grip tightening in my hair. "I'm glad," she breathes, her words punctuated by the rhythm of our bodies. "Do it, fill my pussy with your semen, give me a son."

"I'm on my way, aaah," I grunt, the sensation building to an unstoppable crescendo.

"This is just the beginning," she teases, a throaty laugh escaping her lips. "The excitement is overwhelming, aaaa, aa, aaa, it's approaching, aaa, aaa."

"It feels good, aaaa," I manage to say, the pleasure washing over me in waves. "I won't stop, aaah."

"And we're just starting, hahaha," Luyira gloats, her body arching into mine. "I can't stop the emotions. Aaa, aa."

"I would never let something happen to you, aaa, aaa, aaa," I assure her, my own climax imminent.

"I'm coming, aaaa," she cries out, her body convulsing around me.

"Take it all!" I command, my own release pulsing into her.

"I was too much, aa," she says, her voice trembling with the aftershocks of her orgasm.

"Aaaa," I moan, spent and sated.

As the haze of passion clears, I find myself enveloped in the familiar warmth of Luyira's embrace. This seems to be my morning routine: dreaming of strange, erotic encounters and waking to the reality of Luyira's insatiable desire. After our morning tryst, I descend the stairs to partake in a hearty meal, only to find myself entangled once more with our mother, her appetite for pleasure matching that of her daughter.

Sometimes it is the two of them who beckon me to their shared bed, or it is in the kitchen where our bodies converge in a tangle of limbs and heated moans. Our sexual life is vibrant, a constant dance of ecstasy that I have come to cherish. Other men speak of limitations, a finite number of ejaculations they can muster in a day, but my body defies such bounds. My seed is abundant, a fountain of vitality that seems inexhaustible.

Though both Luyira and our mother express their longing for a child, Luyira has confided in me that I cannot father a child unless I truly desire it. I understand the obligation that comes with being their partner, the expectation to provide them with an heir. Yet, a nagging voice within urges me to delay such a commitment. My semen, it seems, is not mere semen but a kind of protein, a substance that nourishes my sexual partners in ways I am only beginning to comprehend.

Moreover, I am graced with an unnatural resilience; my body is impervious to the ailments that once plagued humanity. Though I am unaware of any disease transmitted through the act of lovemaking, ancient records speak of such maladies, eradicated by technologies now lost to time. As I navigate this web of desire and duty, I am left to ponder the true nature of my existence and the peculiar gifts that set me apart from other men.

 As the first light of dawn crept through the curtains, Luyira's voice cut through the quiet of the moment, a gentle yet firm reminder of our morning obligations. "It is time to prepare for the day," she intoned, her words carrying the weight of both responsibility and desire, "as we are running late for school and you still need to fulfill our mother's lust for the second round."

I nodded, a sense of duty mingling with the undeniable thrill of anticipation. "Your wish is my command," I replied, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of my mouth, "your appetite knows no bounds."

Luyira's eyes softened, a hint of vulnerability peeking through her usually confident demeanor. "Please, it is for the betterment of all mankind, and I enjoy it as well," she added, her voice barely above a whisper.

With a swift, fluid motion, Luyira began her descent down the stairs, the soft rustle of fabric a testament to her partial undress. This was her ritual, to await our mother's availability for our collective bathing, a practice steeped in tradition and the unspoken bonds of our unique family dynamic. As I followed in her wake, the savory scent of breakfast wafted towards me, the unmistakable aroma of omelette rice promising a hearty meal to fuel our day at the academy.

Reaching the bottom of the staircase, I spotted our mother, a vision of domesticity clad only in an apron, her body language speaking of the imminent post-session activities with Luyira. My affection for them both was immeasurable, a love that transcended conventional boundaries. Standing before me was our mother, her petite frame crowned with twin curly pigtails of green hair, her vibrant purple eyes locking onto mine in a silent acknowledgment of our deep maternal connection. Her smile, so reminiscent of Luyira's, welcomed me as I approached her from behind, her pert posterior an enticing sight as she busied herself with setting the table. I wrapped my arms around her, planting a tender kiss on her lips, a morning greeting that held the promise of more to come.

"Good morning," I whispered, my voice laced with the anticipation of our impending union.

"Good morning, everything is ready, ahh!" Alidia responded, her voice a soft murmur in the early morning light. In that moment, a surge of desire coursed through me, an unspoken need that demanded satisfaction. Without hesitation, I entered her, her sweet, wet warmth enveloping me with an eagerness that spoke of longing. Alidia, though petite and delicate, possessed a strength that belied her size, a soft yet formidable presence that reminded me of the legendary Amazons. Her stature, more akin to that of a teenager, belied the mysterious grace she carried, a timeless beauty that seemed to defy the laws of nature.

As our passion simmered, Alidia's voice cut through the haze of desire, a gentle reminder of our morning routine. "-Please don't be rude. Have you finished with your sister?" she inquired, her tone a blend of playfulness and genuine curiosity.

"She wouldn't let me stop otherwise," I replied with a chuckle, my hands gently cradling her face as I kissed her again, a passionate display of a man's love for a woman.

"Ahhh," Alidia gasped, her body arching into mine, a silent plea for more.

"Okay, let's make it rough," I suggested, my voice a low growl that betrayed my eagerness.

"Yes, that's how I like it, ahhh, don't hold back," she urged, her eyes alight with the fire of our shared passion.

"Everything you say," I assented, lifting her up with ease, our connection unbroken as I carried her to the table. I did not relent in my penetration, instead increasing the speed and intensity as she settled down to hug me, our bodies moving in a rhythm as old as time. Our morning ritual, a dance of love and desire, consumed at least 2 hours of every day, a testament to our enduring bond. If we had neighbors, surely our prolonged sessions would have drawn complaints, but in our secluded abode, we were free to revel in our passion. I had seen my friends engage in group classes, their encounters often brief and fleeting, but our connection was a deep well that never ran dry.

Alidia's breathless sigh filled the room, her eyes wide with anticipation as she whispered, "ahm, there just there." I complied, my movements guided by an intimate knowledge of her body, a map of pleasure that I had memorized over countless mornings. I found almost desperate satisfaction in seeing her fall apart, knowing that only I could elicit such a response from her.

As our lovemaking intensified, Luyira watched us with a smile that stretched from ear to ear, her cheeks flushed with the vicarious thrill of our union. Her devilish expression betrayed her enjoyment, a pleasure that extended beyond the moments when I was with our mother. She sauntered over and positioned herself between Alidia's legs, her tongue darting out to taste the sticky essence of our lovemaking. As Alidia felt Luyira's mouth exploring the sensitive juncture where our bodies joined, she too succumbed to the pleasure, her moans mingling with the sounds of our shared passion.

In the midst of our fervor, Luyira's voice pierced through the fog of desire, a playful admonition that brought us back to the reality of our morning routine. "Be careful not to throw away the food, I'm hungry," she reminded us, her tone light despite the intensity of the scene unfolding before her. We laughed, a joyous sound that mingled with the clatter of dishes and the heady scent of our love, a symphony of the senses that celebrated the unique and unbreakable bonds of our family.As the haze of our shared desire began to dissipate, the world outside our intimate circle started creeping back into focus. I felt the warmth of satisfaction settle over me, the remnants of our passion still heavy in the air. Turning to Luyira, I couldn't resist teasing her, my voice carrying that familiar mix of affection and mischief. “Come here and lend a hand.”

Luyira’s eyes, still gleaming with the afterglow of our shared indulgence, sparkled as she replied, playful as ever. “Done,” she said, her grin making me chuckle.

Alidia, the steady matriarch of our odd little family, spoke next, her maternal tone grounding the moment. “Help your mother serve the food,” she said to Luyira. “We’ll be finished shortly.”

But I couldn’t help myself, never quite able to leave well enough alone. “We haven’t quite concluded yet,” I smirked, knowing how much she loved—and dreaded—my teasing.

Luyira shot me a look, equal parts hunger and amusement. Her appetite wasn’t just for the food laid out in front of us. “I’m already eating,” she confessed, her gaze lingering on Alidia and me as if we were the feast. “But watching you two stirs something inside me. Still, I find myself wanting mother to have her turn. She deserves it.”

Alidia smiled, that knowing, indulgent smile she often wore when she was about to give in. “Okay,” she murmured, her agreement sending a fresh thrill through me.

The evidence of our morning was scattered across the table and floor, a testament to our passion—plates barely touched, glasses knocked over in the heat of the moment. It was a beautiful mess, one we wouldn’t bother to clean right away, letting the disarray serve as a reminder of the bonds between us.

I resumed my rhythm with Alidia, the connection between us as natural as it had ever been. Every movement felt purposeful, every touch electric. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Luyira. She traced her lips along Alidia’s skin, her gaze filled with adoration, while my body continued to press against hers. It was strange how, even after all this time, our rituals could still feel new, as if each time was laced with fresh magic.

Alidia’s voice, already a bit breathless, broke the silence. “Don’t stop… ahh,” she breathed, and I could feel the raw need in her words.

“Here I go,” I murmured, my body attuned to every pulse, every movement that pushed her closer to the edge. Each thrust was deliberate, aimed at drawing out the pleasure for both of us.

I could feel the crescendo building between us, a slow climb towards something inevitable. “I’m going to come,” Alidia gasped, her fingers finding mine, intertwining as if to anchor herself through the intensity.

“Me too, don’t stop,” I echoed, my voice tight with the effort of holding back, savoring every last moment before we both tipped over the edge.

Our moans filled the room, blending together as our bodies moved in perfect harmony. “I’m holding your hand,” Alidia cried out, her body arching into mine. “Do it, ahh.”

“Take it all,” I groaned, feeling the heat coil tightly inside me, knowing I couldn’t last much longer.

Alidia’s body shuddered as she came, her moans rising and falling in time with the waves of her release. “Ah aah, ahh ahh,” she gasped, her grip tightening on my hand.

“He’s squeezing me so much,” I groaned, barely able to hold on as my own climax surged forward, unstoppable.

“Come on,” Alidia urged, her voice like velvet, pushing me over the edge.

“You’re going to finish everything,” I murmured, my voice breaking as I finally let go, the release crashing through me.

“Full,” Alidia sighed, her body relaxing into the warmth of the afterglow.

With a satisfied exhale, I closed my eyes for a moment, letting the bliss settle into my bones. “Ah,” was all I managed, that single sound carrying the weight of my release.

Luyira, always caught in the heat of our pleasure, couldn’t hold back either. “It’s full, Mom,” she breathed, her voice tinged with both awe and need.

I turned to her, smiling gently. “It’s your turn, Luy,” I said, my voice soft yet full of promise.

Alidia, ever the nurturing one, reassured her with a calm, “No problem. I’m going to clean it, ah.” Her breath was still uneven, but the warmth in her voice remained.

Contentment washed over me as I hummed in approval, watching the two of them. My own pleasure hadn’t quite peaked yet, though, and Alidia knew it. Her mouth found me again, her lips wrapping around my still-hard member with that practiced ease. She cleaned me tenderly, each flick of her tongue sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

“Everything for you,” I murmured, losing myself in the sensation. “Don’t hold back.”

Alidia’s laughter was like music, warm and full. “How delicious,” she teased, her voice light and playful as she continued her ministrations. “Thank you for the meal.”

Luyira, not wanting to be left out, chimed in with a throaty, “Me too, ahh, ahh ahh,” her desire clear in her voice.

Alidia, ever the observer, noticed something that made her chuckle. “You’re still hard,” she said, a bit of surprise in her voice. “You haven’t had enough yet.”

I smiled sheepishly, a mix of pride and humility in my tone. “I hope it’s not too troublesome,” I said. “But I’ve still got stamina left.”

Alidia, ever playful, shot me a mischievous look. “It’s my duty to clean up,” she said with a wink. “Or… should we continue in the bathroom?”

At the mention of the bathroom, a new wave of excitement surged through me. “If you ask me,” I replied, my mind already filled with possibilities, “yes. Definitely.”

Luyira giggled, her excitement palpable. “And me?” she asked, her voice tinged with anticipation. “Tell me when we’re going.”

I smiled at her, reassuring. “As soon as I finish my duty,” I promised, “you’re next.”

Her laughter filled the room, bright and infectious. “Yay, aa,” she cheered.

Alidia, ever the leader, stood up and beckoned us. “Let’s go,” she said, her voice full of purpose. “Finish your meal.”

As we savored our meal, the act of undressing and cleaning felt almost ceremonial, a prelude to the shared intimacy that awaited. We followed Alidia, the three of us slipping into the familiar routine with practiced ease. The clinking of cutlery and plates being cleared mingled with the soft hum of anticipation. We made our way to the bathroom, shedding the remnants of our day as we went. The hot water was a welcome balm, its steam enveloping us in a comforting embrace. And yet, beneath the surface of our mundane actions, there was an unspoken tension between us—a potent mix of excitement and anticipation that crackled in the air like static electricity. It was as if the very molecules around us vibrated with the promise of what was to come, each of us caught in the thrall of the night's possibilities.

As Alidia and Luyira attended to me with a gentle touch, the atmosphere in the room was thick with unspoken desires. Their hands moved with practiced ease, each caress stoking the fire within me. The steam from the shower mingled with the heat of our collective yearning, fogging the mirrors and dampening the air with the scent of our arousal. The past seemed to weave itself into the present, memories of my first foray into intimacy with my mother, Luyira, surfaced with vivid clarity. It had been here, in this very room, where she had taken my innocence with a boldness that both shocked and thrilled me. Her lips had wrapped around me, her mouth working its magic with an expertise that belied any societal taboo. The act of making love to one's parent was a subject shrouded in stigma and secrecy, often relegated to the shadows of societal norms. Yet, here we were, defying those conventions with every touch, every moan, every shared glance.

Luyira's voice, laced with a playful challenge, brought me back to the moment. "He who falls asleep loses!" she exclaimed, her laughter echoing off the tiled walls. My mother, ever the attentive caretaker, chided her with a light tap on the head, her reprimand softened by the affectionate twinkle in her eye. Alidia's quirky habit of peppering her speech with ancient idioms, like "itai," added a layer of mystique to her persona. Could she be a modern-day Retter Messiah, a savior figure whose strength and wisdom were the stuff of legends?

The morning stretched before us, a canvas of possibilities. Luyira's insatiable appetite for pleasure was a match for my own, her body arching into my touch as I explored the contours of her mother's form. Alidia's curves yielded to my caress, her soft moans a symphony to my ears. The air was charged with the electric current of our desire, each breath heavy with anticipation.

As Luyira positioned herself on all fours, her grip on the bathtub betraying her eagerness, I entered her with a reverence that belied the raw power of our union. Her eyes, filled with a mix of hunger and adoration, locked onto mine as we moved together. And then, my mother was behind me, her arms encircling us both, our bodies undulating in a dance as old as time. It was a testament to Alidia's commanding presence that she could so easily dominate Luyira, who was nearly a head taller than her. The strength of a Retter Messiah was not to be underestimated, and I was acutely aware of the delicate balance between pleasure and pain.

Luyira's cries of ecstasy filled the room, a chorus of "ahhh" and "mom" that punctuated the rhythm of our lovemaking. My own pleasure was building to a crescendo, the sensation of Alidia's hands massaging my testicles and teasing my anus pushing me to the brink. The foreignness of the intrusion was quickly overshadowed by the wave of arousal it elicited, my body responding with an intensity that left me breathless.

As the tempo of our movements quickened, Alidia's voice, husky with desire, whispered an invitation to indulge in the forbidden. Luyira, caught between my embrace and her mother's teasing touches, was powerless to resist. The world outside this bathroom seemed to fade into insignificance as we surrendered to the primal urges that bound us together. In this moment, there was no room for doubt or hesitation—only the unyielding pursuit of pleasure and the profound connection that came with it.

The crescendo of our shared ecstasy filled the room, a symphony of hushed gasps and fervent moans. Alidia's voice, a sultry melody, rose and fell with the rhythm of our union. Each breathless utterance, each whispered endearment, stoked the fire within us all.

"Aah aah, ahh aa, aa," Alidia moaned, her body arching into mine, her fingers clutching at the sheets with a desperation that mirrored my own.

Luyira, her eyes dark with desire, responded with a passion that matched her mother's intensity. "AAAHHH, aa aah," she cried out, her voice a testament to the pleasure that coursed through her veins.

As the fervor of our lovemaking reached its zenith, Aido's voice cut through the haze of passion. "Let's finish," he urged, his own need evident in the strain of his voice.

"Iku, iku, iku, aah, aa," Luyira panted, her body trembling on the edge of release.

"Do it, aah aah, ahh aah," Alidia encouraged, her eyes locked onto mine, imploring me to give in to the inevitable.

"I'm ready," Luyira declared, her voice resolute despite the tremors of anticipation that shook her.

My response was a series of inarticulate cries, a testament to the overwhelming sensations that threatened to consume me. "Ya, ya, ah ah a a," Istammered, moving with an urgency that left no room for doubt.

"Mooo, don't stop," Luyira pleaded, her voice a raw, primal sound that spurred us on.

Alidia, lost in the throes of passion, issued a command that brooked no refusal. "Do it inside, aah, ahh," she insisted, her body quivering with each thrust.

"Magnificent, aah," Luyira sighed, her voice a soft whisper that spoke of wonder and satisfaction.

As I reached the pinnacle of pleasure, I withdrew from Luyira and turned to Alidia, cradling her in my arms. Our union was a sacred ritual, one that transcended the boundaries of the flesh. It was a connection that bound us together, soul to soul.

"Here it goes, aaah," I murmured, as I entered Alidia with a reverence that bordered on worship.

"It's filling me up, ahh ahh ahh," she gasped, her body stretching to accommodate my girth.

The sheer magnitude of our connection was staggering. How her body could expand to envelop me so completely was a mystery that defied explanation. It was as if we were made for each other, two halves of a whole that fit together with an ease that was both astounding and humbling.

"It really bothers you that you are a man with a big penis," Luyira observed, her voice laced with amusement.

"You seem to read my thoughts, aah, aa, ahh," I admitted, my mind an open book for those who knew where to look.

"Your mind is quite open, ahh ahh ahh," Alidia agreed, her voice a soft purr that resonated with the rhythm of our lovemaking.

"Whatever, aah, I'm going to make you come," I declared, my focus narrowing to the task at hand.

"Do it," Alidia urged, her voice a mere whisper that was lost in the symphony of our passion.

"I'm going to move faster, aah," I warned, my body coiling like a spring as I prepared to unleash the full force of my desire.

As we approached the precipice, Luyira watched with an expectant gaze, her hands busily grooming her noble features—her ears, her tail—with a fastidiousness that belied the raw, animalistic nature of our encounter.

"Don't get distracted," she admonished, her eyes flicking between Alidia and me with an intensity that was both arousing and slightly unnerving.

"Daughter, ahh," Alidia moaned, her voice a blend of love and lust that spoke of the complex bond that united us.

"What will happen next?" Luyira inquired, her curiosity piqued by the unspoken possibilities that lay before us.

"We must go to the academy, aah," I reminded her, the realities of our lives intruding upon the sanctity of our shared moment.

"Silly, aah," Alidia chided, her voice light despite the gravity of our situation.

"Time doesn't stop but we still have, aah ahh," Luyira pointed out, her hand reaching out to touch me in a gesture that was both intimate and possessive.

"Hehehe, here," she giggled, her fingers exploring my body with a boldness that left me breathless.

As Luyira's touch grew more insistent, I found myself caught up in the whirlwind of sensation, my body responding to her ministrations with an eagerness that was both exhilarating and slightly terrifying.

"Don't get jealous, aah," I cautioned, my voice a mere whisper against the cacophony of our combined moans.

"Yes, you have no choice, ahh ahh aaah, I'm going to come," Alidia declared, her body tensing as she neared the brink of ecstasy.

"How lucky, how many have multiple partners in addition to having them in their own home," Luyira mused, her voice tinged with awe and envy.

"He's squeezing me, aah aah," I gasped, my body caught in the vise-like grip of Alidia's climax.

"Ahi, aahi, aii," Alidia cried out, her voice a testament to the waves of pleasure that washed over her.

"Ah aaaaa," I moaned, my own release imminent, the pressure building to an almost unbearable intensity.

"Inside," Alidia commanded, her voice a mere whisper against the roar of my impending orgasm.

"Don't stop moving, aah aah," I urged, my body moving with a desperation that was born of pure, unadulterated need.

"Lo, aah, se, aah," Alidia responded, her body meeting mine with a fervor that matched my own.

As we tumbled over the edge together, our cries of ecstasy mingled, creating a harmony that was both beautiful and profoundly moving. The room was filled with the scent of our lovemaking, a heady mix of sweat and desire that served as a testament to the depth of our connection.

"Everyone stand," I ordered, my voice firm despite the languor that threatened to overwhelm me.

As we rose to our feet, our bodies still trembling with the aftershocks of our passion, I watched with satisfaction as the girls moved with a grace that was both sensual and slightly feral. Their moans vibrated through the room, a tangible reminder of the pleasure we had shared.

"Don't stop, aah, don't stop, aahnn," Alidia begged, her body still craving the connection that had brought us all so much joy.

"Ah aa ahh, mom," I responded, my voice filled with a mixture of reverence and lust.

"Inside, ahh ahh a," I insisted, my body moving with a rhythm that was as old as time itself.

"I love seeing your expression," I confessed, my eyes locked onto Alidia's as we moved together in a dance as old as time.

"Don't say that, ahh," Alidia protested, her cheeks flushing with a combination of embarrassment and desire.

"You're done," Luyira declared, her voice a soft whisper that was filled with a sense of satisfaction.

"Yes," I confirmed, my body sagging with exhaustion and contentment.

"Ah ah aah, yes, aah ahh," Alidia moaned, her body shuddering with the force of her release.

"Time to finish and clean up," Luyira reminded us, her voice a gentle nudge that brought us back to reality.

After our intimate moment, I tenderly washed Alidia's hair, our fingers intertwining as we rinsed away the evidence of our passion. The water that cascaded over us was a baptism of sorts, cleansing not just our bodies, but our souls as well.

As we slipped into the oversized tub, I marveled at the sheer size of it, a vessel large enough to contain the depth of our emotions. The water, heated to the perfect temperature, soothed our aching muscles and allowed us to bask in the afterglow of our lovemaking.

"How many more people could come in?" I mused aloud, my voice echoing off the tiled walls of the bathroom.

"It doesn't matter, it's already hot enough. Let's relax while we can," Alidia replied, her voice a soft murmur that was filled with warmth and affection.

"She makes me remember the times you used to fill me with your seed," Alidia reminisced, her words igniting a fire within me that I thought had been extinguished.

"Mother..." I began, my voice trailing off as I struggled to articulate the complex mix of emotions that her words evoked.

Despite my discomfort, I couldn't deny the truth in Luyira's laughter. "It's hot to hear her say that, hahahaha," she chuckled, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"The truth is, you love it," Alidia pointed out, her voice a soft whisper that spoke of her intimate knowledge of my deepest desires.

"I can't deny that, hehehe," Luyira admitted, her voice a testament to the bond that we shared.

"What things do you guys do, aah ahh, outside of the bathtub? Oi!, it's time to change," Alidia inquired, her voice a gentle reminder that there was a world beyond the confines of our shared sanctuary.

"Yes, ma'am!" Luyira and I responded in unison, our voices filled with a mixture of respect and affection.

As we dressed, I found myself reflecting on the complexities of our family dynamic. Alidia, the commanding general of the imperial army, was a figure who commanded respect and admiration from all who knew her. And yet, to Luyira and me, she was simply our mother—a source of unconditional love and support.

Luyira, with her regal bearing and fierce loyalty, held a special place in my heart. Our shared experiences had forged a bond that was both unbreakable and deeply intimate. The government's recognition of our unique relationship had granted us privileges that were the envy of many, and our estate was a testament to the esteem in which we were held.

Despite the mystery surrounding my birth and the enigmatic figure of the Destroyer, my guardian, I found solace in the love and acceptance that I received from my family. The attack on our village, which had claimed the lives of Ninaies and her family, had left an indelible mark on my soul. And yet, the hope that Ninaies might still be alive lingered, a beacon of light in the darkness of my past.

As we prepared to leave the sanctuary of our home, Alidia's voice cut through my reverie. "Are you prepared? The destination is within walking distance, so there is no need to rush. Let us proceed together," she instructed, her voice a blend of authority and affection.

"ONWARD!" Luyira exclaimed, her voice filled with a sense of purpose and determination.

"I am ready!" I declared, my voice a testament to the strength and resolve that our family had instilled in me.




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