Evil Break

Chapter 532 - : Mother and Rebirth

Jumping off the shuttle and breathing a few breaths of fresh air in the valley, Massani strode into the institute with his commandos. & 1t; /

Boss Hu and Quillie Naomi have left the team, but the Massani Commando is still in normal operation. With the financial support of Virtue Harbor, the equipment and personal treatment of the elite fleet and commandos can be said to be ranked among all military The top three. & 1t; /

This time the parliament explained the mission of the mysterious disappearance of the investigation and inspection team. Masani was not ink, and took the commando on the cruiser Pioneer, from the port of Virtue to the Pearl of the Orient. & 1t; /

The strange thing is that the defensive troops who were supposed to be on duty outside the guard were not able to see a single figure at this moment, and the researcher responsible for the docking was missing and there was no trace of fighting. & 1t; /

“All alert, abnormal situation.” & 1t; /

Massani took the first out of the submachine gun, opened the head mask armor, and began to accumulate mental power in the left palm. & 1t; /

“Captain, it doesn’t make sense, there are no traces of crossfire, the people here have steamed collectively?” & 1t; /

The Clogan player Uzur said sullenly, but was immediately stopped by Massani’s hand and signaled the team member to enter the institute in a battle formation. & 1t; /

Follow the institute’s main corridor all the way to the depths, still no figure can be seen, and finally the commando came to the elevator down. & 1t; /

The Secret Research Institute was built in the cliffs of the valley, and the main body of the building extended underground, which is completely easy to defend and difficult to attack. The enemy can only fight hard from the main entrance of the valley to the inside. & 1t; /

Taking the elevator to the underground area, there are still no personnel in the research halls here. Various holographic computer instruments are operating normally. Various computer platforms that serve as electronic papers are scattered around. Everything is normal. & 1t; /

Masani looked at the holographic computer projection on his arm, which was the plan layout of the research institute, and then confirmed the position of the harvester’s wreckage. & 1t; /

The huge steel wreckage was transported in from the giant gate at the top of the valley. It was usually closed completely closed, and the surface vegetation was artificially created above the surrounding environment. & 1t; /

Continue to go down to the ring hall on the ground floor, the commando finally saw the living. & 1t; /

It should be said that the personnel of the entire institute are here, at this moment they are standing in the ring hall, and the wreckage of the harvester is at the bottom of the center of the ring hall. & 1t; /

“Hey! How are you all …” & 1t; /

Before Massani’s question was finished, she and her commando stopped and the question could not be asked. & 1t; /

Because a circle of high-voltage electrical barriers formed around them, they trapped the commando in it. & 1t; /

“What are you doing? You nerds are stupid to study! You …” Uzur yelled immediately and hit the heavy combat armor on his chest with the heavy shotgun in his hand. & 1t; /

“No need to shout, they are no longer the original ones. The whole hall is full of education and fluctuations. It is estimated that the inspection team has not disappeared at all. They were all killed by them. I wonder why my student also disappeared with him. “& 1t; /

Massani interrupted the roar of the Krogans and looked at the institute personnel who had come to see them in the ring hall. & 1t; /

The spearhead who accompanied the censorship was taught by herself. She must have sensed the fluctuations in enlightenment, so the entire team was silenced. & 1t; /

“Can you reach the outside world?” & 1t; /

“No, all communication equipment has been disturbed, and the screen is full of this **** number o.” & 1t; /

Masani frowned. The current situation is extremely unfavorable. This group of educated people must not hear anything. If you want to kill yourself, that is a breeze. & 1t; /

The personnel of the institute were pointing their weapons at the Marsani Commando in the high-voltage electric barrier at the same time, and whispered something, but Massani’s mentally enhanced hearing still captured the content. & 1t; /

“Mother said to let them go, this is the lord’s order …” & 1t; /

“Let them go? It will be a bad thing.” & 1t; /

“Sleep them first, the mother will be born again soon, and then it will be too late for them to report.” & 1t; /

At the end of the conversation, the staff of the institute sent a dozen soldiers to guard around the high-voltage electrical barrier, and the rest continued to do their own things busy. & 1t; /

Massani was really anxious at the moment. From the information she heard, she couldn’t believe it. & 1t; /

This group of educated people will resurrect the wreckage of the reaper! & 1t; /

At this time, she saw two long 1ed light bars hanging above the entrance and exit of the hall, showing two countdowns. & 1t; /

The time at the top has more than a month to go to zero, while the countdown at the bottom is less than an hour. & 1t; /

Countdown of the reaper and invasion. . . The time when the wreckage was resurrected. & 1t; /

“Xuan Yi, Konishi Koshiro, hit the mental power, and together with me destroyed the high-voltage electricity generating device directly behind!” & 1t;

Upon receiving the command of the captain, the two mental power warriors immediately joined forces with the power pioneer, Massani, to try to pass the physical mental power through the high-voltage electrical barrier, destroying the high-voltage electrical device on the wall not far behind . & 1t; /

Mental power dissipates most of the moment through high-voltage electricity, and can only slowly and cumulatively affect the devices on the wall. This takes time, and now the most missing is precisely time. & 1t; /

The guarded soldiers naturally appeared abnormal, but they seemed to have received orders and turned a blind eye to them, but instead looked at their prisoners with a playful look. & 1t; /

“Soon, you will feel the guilty of defeat.” & 1t; /

Masani didn’t understand what they were talking about at first, but as time passed, she soon understood. & 1t; /

After all, I have to slow down one step, just a few minutes. & 1t; /

The second countdown is reset to zero, and the device outside the barrier takes a few minutes to completely destroy. & 1t; /

A large amount of blue electric current rushed from the bottom of the hall, leaping along the walls of the entire ring hall. & 1t; /

Weng. . . Weng. . . & 1t; /

A low-pitched electronic sound hit everyone’s eardrums. & 1t; /

The personnel of the institute immediately knelt to the ground, their faces ecstatic, and various self-talks were spoken in their mouths. & 1t; /

Their “mother” was reborn. & 1t; /

Although it was wreckage, the core of the harvester was not damaged much, but it was burnt down by the overload of the catalyst device. Now under the guidance of the harvester, the personnel of the research institute quickly repaired it. & 1t; /

The giant gate at the top is slowly opening, and there is a burst of rattling noise and harsh noise from below the hall. & 1t; /

The reaper’s huge body up to several kilometers away from the scaffolding and fixing, slowly rising from the hall at the bottom. & 1t; /

The spiky big squid appeared naturally at the top. At this moment, the harvester’s dark surface was bumpy, and many armor had been severely damaged, exposing the dim warship corridor and hall inside, but standing on the energy shield Under the cover of the world, space flight can still be carried out. & 1t; /

“You brought me back, my child, come up, you will soon get the long-awaited sublimation …” & 1t; /

This reaper should be a mother. The electronic sound is different from that of monarchs and pioneers. It is a feminine ai electronic sound. & 1t; /

The staff of the institute who had bowed to the ground immediately got up and lined up in ecstasy, then entered the harvester along the constructed steel platform. & 1t; /

Weng. . . Weng. . . & 1t; /

Masani can’t care about anything else at this moment. She is desperately maintaining her special mental shield, resisting the cultivator’s short-term education fluctuations, and preventing her commando members from being influenced by education. & 1t; /

“You try to master powers that do not belong to you, Masani, you are very special. We have seen you in the eyes of Salen, and you in the eyes of the collector …” & 1t; /

“We … will beat you ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ You never think about … harvest us …” Masani continued to support the barrier, gritted her teeth and answered intermittently. & 1t; /

“About this, we will soon know.” & 1t; /

“Mother” doesn’t seem to intend to kill the Massani Commando and continues to rise slowly. & 1t; /

“You have five minutes to escape from here …” & 1t; /

The reaper’s words fell, and a burst of intense blue energy exploded from his body, pouring into the walls of the institute, and the whole institute vibrated like an earthquake. & 1t; /

This is going to collapse. & 1t; /

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