Evil Break

Chapter 517 - : Realistic Relations and Kingship II

As the counterattack on the curtain of Perseus continues, the prosperous Star District’s attitude towards the Quillis is also undergoing an essentially internal change.

This is a world of incomparable reality and coldness. Even in a big city like Lianhebao, the Quillis will no longer be subjected to all kinds of open discrimination and discrimination. This is due to the protection and devil ’s protection of boss Hu ’s demons. In his early days, the kind of discrimination against Quillians in the hearts of various ethnic groups has not changed too much, but he was afraid to speak out due to pressure and fear.

But now, the Quillians returning to their parent star Lenoch is basically a stubborn thing. The huge fleet of the First Order is completely in the upper hand, chasing and chasing all the way, annihilating one after another. The fleet is not far from the final target Lenoch at the moment.

So this nature is different. After ending the cosmic wandering and returning to the home star, the Quillians will again become a normal and well-developed civilized race, and the Quillians’ mechanical technology is a must in the prosperous star district. Their status will naturally be different from the past.

And a powerful Quilli civilization, the Star Alliance must of course have a good relationship with it, and if necessary, it can be absorbed into the Star Alliance Parliament again.

As for the Quiri who left the parliament a hundred years ago? Oops, let those old things go away in the wind.

To put it bluntly, the main reason why various races discriminate against the Quili people has never been a tight-fitting protective suit, nor is it an interstellar rat who dare not show his face. The Quiry people are in a state of wandering.

Kunli who was not seen a hundred years ago is also considered a quasi-first class race in the prosperous Star District. If they chose to wear impervious protective clothing at that time, no one would say they were protective mice.

And now, the fleet of boss Hu is fully assisting the Quillians in the battle to return to their home planet. The relationship between the two parties does not need to be thought about. It must be a further intimate ally relationship.

Hu Feng took the top spot, and Star Alliance also intends to follow up, preparing to ease and repair the bilateral relationship with the Quillians. Various laws and bills have now suddenly become effective for the Quillians.

This cannot be said to be a snobbish eye. After all, this is not a beautiful and pure fairy tale. The sharper the sword in your hand, the higher the respect and treatment you receive.

Quilli did not disappoint the prosperous star district, and has not yet hit the parent star Lenoch, has issued a public statement.

Qualie Federation will reach a full offensive and defensive alliance relationship with the First Order Dominion and the U.S.-Germany Dominion under the Commonwealth of the Earth. The personnel of the two parties will automatically obtain the right of free passage, tax exemption and permanent residence citizenship within the territory of the other party.

All the machinery industry of the Federal Republic of Queri will give priority to the cooperation and trade between Hu Feng’s two autonomous territories, and other third parties will be listed as secondary consideration groups, even if the prices given by the third party are more favorable.

Quilli Federation will reach a long-term military-industrial cooperation relationship with the First Order Dominion. First Order completely opens up a series of sales channels for its warships, weapons, and individual equipment, which are only available for purchase by the Quiry military.

Both sides maintain a high level of foreign policy, unconditionally support each other ’s diplomatic attitude towards third parties, and the two sides form a “boundary galaxy alliance”. Any third party declaring war on one of the two parties is equivalent to declaring war on the other party.

Quilli Federation pardoned the intelligent AI Veronica under the boss of Hu, admitting that she was the only safe and reliable synthetic body, and no longer listed it as a hostile target.

This declaration instantly caused an uproar. In the eyes of the outside world, the behavior of Boss Hu’s long-line fishing for big fish is now finally getting the expected return.

First sheltered the Quillians who traveled outside, gave them non-discriminatory treatment and environment, and then helped the Quillis to counterattack the mother star at any cost. Now that the Quileys have succeeded, the Quillians have really paid for their profits.

It ’s just worth it or not, and it ’s still profitable. This is a mixed argument. After all, from the beginning to the present, the expenses and costs of Hu Feng ’s forces are simply an astronomical figure to the outside world, even if it is a monopoly like the Illuminati. The big chaebol also has to weigh himself.

But the Quillians are really grateful. In addition to the necessary secrets and precautions in the clan, others would like to show their hearts to boss Hu.

Strictly speaking, the Quilly Federation is a decent state machine, and even if boss Hu ’s two autonomous territories are at the top of the sky, even if it is a united province, the gap between the country and the province is naturally not large, but Quilly People still chose to get along with boss Hu on an equal footing, and the diplomatic level was equal to that of the Earth Union, just like a country in a country.

Strictly speaking, this can be regarded as a blatant provocation for the Earth Commonwealth, but the Quiri people are now emotionally excited, so they can’t control that much.

As for this “Border Galaxy Alliance”, Star Alliance is very dissatisfied. Although the establishment of other military alliance organizations has never been prohibited, the Star Alliance Parliament has become the only joint organization in the prosperous star district, and it has been a tacit understanding for a long time. Unspoken rules.

Now the Quillians and Hu Feng are getting together, and the Quillians are very lukewarm about the goodness of the Star Alliance, and they do n’t like to answer them. There is not much interest in rejoining the Star Alliance. It makes people frown.

Queri people are of course not very interested, and have a lot of resentment against the Star Alliance race, a hundred years of hatred has always been remembered.

Oh, when our mother star fell shortly and sought the support of the Star Alliance, no one was willing to help. After we entered the wandering period of the universe, we came to discriminate against us.

Now we see that we are going to return to the parent star ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ You guys come to pretend to be civilized and pretend to be good neighbors? Fuck the eggs!

And the Star Alliance is also an unyielding posture. In short, we must pull the Quillis back into the Parliament.

No way, Star Alliance has always pursued a balanced strategy to bring the overall situation in the prosperous star district to a general point of equality. Now that the Quillis and the First Order and the United States and Germany and the United States and Germany are allied, the declaration of war is equivalent to the declaration of war between the three parties Relationship is tantamount to breaking balance.

Fortunately, at least it is not a first-rate racial force like the Ashali and the Salaris, so the Star Alliance believes that the alliance between the Quilli and the boss Hu has destroyed the balance strategy that has always been, but it is still not enough. Completely unbalanced.

Anyway, it is better to continue diplomacy, this “boundary galaxy alliance” can best be dissolved.

The reason Star Alliance uses now is that boss Hu is not a national force, so such an alliance is not legal.

At the same time, the parliament is also in contact with the members of the Earth Commonwealth, urging them to contact the Earth government as soon as possible, and pressing the boss Hu to stop this military alliance.

But before Star Alliance started to fully intervene in this matter, another big news followed.

“The Glorious Kingship Empire of Veronica II” was born in the Lenorchy, the home star of the Quiri.

Exploded, no one wants to have a good birthday!

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