Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 95 - Exposed

Chapter 95: Exposed

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

The next day, I get up very early when it is just dim.

Actually, I have a latent consciousness in my mind that if I leave early, I can avoid Didi.

Yesterday, when I came back home, I was uneasy. As a man who used to go home early, I have been dawdling for quite a long time downstairs. When it was dark, I just carefully cleaned my clothes to go upstairs.

But as soon as I came in, little money grubber was coming up and sniffing: “Why do you have a strange smell on the body? It smells like perfume!”

Damn! Has this woman a dog nose?

Fortunately, Didi found a little blood on my shirt and was nervous at the time. I thought about it. Maybe it was those guys who carelessly scratched up during the day when they were in the warehouse. I was lucky, however, it successfully diverted two women’s attentions.

And when I was called out from home to pick Nanny up at the airport during the day, Jojo and Azle stayed at my home. I heard they drank a lot and made a mess. Two women cleaned up the room the whole afternoon.

At night, on the pretext of being tired, I closed the door and went to bed early. Neither of the two beauties cared much. Only little money grubber chased me and declared that I had won the lottery and need to buy something good for her, and handed me a list.

I found I was really hard to face Didi. Facing her simple and kind face, and her clear eyes with full of dependent. I just thought I’m such a jerk!

I get up early in the morning. On the one hand, I need to pick Nanny up. On the other hand, I want to go out before Didi gets up.

Damn it, who says it’s nice for a man to have a lot of women? I’m not!

I’m sitting on the bed and the first thing is taking out the measuring device.


I angrily throw the meter back into the drawer.

Peach blossom luck.

What I’m most annoying of now is the fucking luck with the opposite sex!

I tiptoe to dress up, go into the bathroom, brush teeth and wash face. Clearly in my own home, I just like a fucking thief. After I go out, when I close the door carefully, I just gasp a long breath.

I’m safe now.

Fortunately, I didn’t wake Didi up. Alas, it seems that I am still a person with a good conscience. I feel guilty when I do something bad, which means that my conscience has not disappeared.

But as soon as I look back, I see a pair of innocent big eyes are looking at me with a little surprise. Didi is standing not far behind me, looking at me strangely: “Brother little 5, what are you doing?”

Immediately I become rigid. I look at myself, tiptoe, with shoes in one hand and doorknobs in the other hand.

“Ah… Didi?! Why are you outside?”

She’s blinking: “I go out and buy breakfast for you.” She’s coming to me and, like a standard little wife, gently taking my shoes and puts them on the floor, “You drank at noon yesterday and ate very little at night. I was thinking about go out to buy breakfast and soy milk for you in the morning.”

After that, she hands me the things in her hand.

In a plastic bag, there is a bag of soy milk, a fried pancake stick that I like best, and a straw.

In the early morning of the winter, it is still not bright outside, and it is still very cold outside. Her face is white with cold. I touch her little hands, they are icy.

Looking at these foods, I wish I could slap myself!

“Why are you leaving so early today?” She asks me when she’s opening the door.

“Er… There’s an important business in company. So, I need to go earlier.”

She doesn’t doubt it. In fact, it seems like everything I say. The girl believes unconditionally. She turns around and says softly, “It’s pretty cold outside. Why don’t you wear a scarf?” After that, she reaches out and helps me straighten my collar. She whispers to me, “There are few people in the morning, but be careful when driving.”

What else do I say?

What else can I say?

Where the fuck is there a river near here? I want to jump!

I mumble a few words and push her into the room. I run into the elevator and go downstairs.

As I’m drive and regretting, things seems to be getting more and more troublesome.

I’ve never been in such a situation, and I don’t know how to deal with it. I really don’t know! My head has been all big.

I do not eat the breakfast at all. I just put them on the front passenger seat.

Would I have any appetite to eat?

I drive to Nanny’s door, get off and ring the bell. The door opens, she is already standing to wait for me in neat clothes.

In my conscience, Nanny is already a very beautiful woman. After dressing up, she is even more beautiful and touching!

Her soul-stirring eyes are sweeping lightly on my face, giving a swifting glance which like holding the spellbound! It takes me almost all the efforts to move my eyes from her.

But unconsciously, her small hands are touching my face. She murmurs: “Chen Yang. Why don’t you look so good? What a heavy black eye.”

Alas… I didn’t even close my eyes all last night. I counted more than 10,000 sheep. As a result, the sheep became either Nanny or Didi. Can I not be black-eyed?

I laugh reluctantly and divert from the topic: “You look good.”

“Um.” She’s smiling sweetly, “I slept good last night. Thinking of you’ll pick me up today, I’m just in a good mood.”

What else do I say?

What else can I say?

Such a beautiful woman, I’ve kissed and hugged. Can I not estoppel?

When get in the car, instead of sit in the back, she sits in the co-driver’s seat beside me. When she sees the breakfast on the seat, her eyes are showing a little strange: “This… Is it your girlfriend prepared it for you?”

“Well, yes!” I sigh.

Her eyes are dimmed for a moment, but then she forces herself to laugh. And I find that besides a lady’s bag, there is also something in her hand. It is a bread and a ham sandwich, which is wrapped in a plastic bag.

“It seems that my preparation is superfluous.” Her tone has hidden some bitterness.

I hesitate for only one second under her grieving eyes. Then I quickly grab the breakfast from her hand, and the other hand pick Didi’s up.

Within less than ten minutes, I’ve wolfed down all the food as fast as I could. I ate a fried pancake stick and a bread and ham sandwich, and finished the soymilk.

“Uh…” I sigh.

I’m very full!

Didi and I have lived together for some time. She knows how much I eat very well. She bought me the biggest size breakfast, which is just enough for me. Nanny’s breakfast is also a big one. After eating these two breakfasts, I can’t help burping.

Nanny is smiling gently, eyes are full of tenderness, taking out a paper towel and carefully wiping the corner of my mouth, as if I am a child.

Then along the way, she’s looking at me with such warm eyes. It’s hard for me to stay focused while driving. Until downstairs, I park the car, go upstairs with her and enter the company. She’s just little restraint.

I walk into my department’s office and separate myself from Nanny, then feel a little relax. I look up and see Yanny is sitting there and waiting for me.

“Chen Yang! You’re here at last!” She breathes a sigh of relief and her eyes are filled with worries, “Yesterday you… Are you OK? You haven’t done anything too far, have you?”

I calm down a little, take out the signed divorce agreement from my pocket and hand it to her: “Well, that guy won’t bother you anymore. You can rest assured in future. Take this and go for the lawyer to help you with the formalities.”

She is shocked and seems to be incredulous. She asks me a few questions, but I just go through the motions. She sees that I am unwilling to say anything, whispers: “Thank you for this! I owe you a big favor!”

I don’t say anything more. After she goes out, I close my office door and knead my temple.

I’ve been thinking for a while and pick up the phone. People, when facing difficulties, will still go for friends for help.

Wood is hopeless. Yesterday’s call let me down.

I’d better consult Azle, a master of men’s and women’s feelings.

Telephone is connected. Azle isn’t sleeping, sounds pretty refreshing.

“Hello! Little 5, what’s up?”

The other end of the phone seems to be breathing. Suddenly I have a terrible thought. Is this guy making love right now?

“You… Are you free now?”

“Oh, I’m jogging.” Azle’s voice is clear, “Say, what is it?”

I breathe a sigh of relief: “That’s what happened…”

I tell him the whole story about yesterday, and finally ask him: “What should I do?”

“I have a good suggestion to make sure it works!”

“Oh?” My eyes are lighting up, “Just say it!”

“Well… I heard that your female boss is a beautiful woman! That’s OK! Friends are the brothers. I’ll sacrifice myself and help you. I’ll engage her and you will be free then!”

“…” I’m speechless, “You go to die!”

Hang up Azle, I hesitate and dial Jojo.

“What’s the matter?” Miss Jojo seems to be in a good mood and has a friendly voice.

“Well, I have a problem… It’s such a thing…”

After listening to my narrative, Miss Jojo becomes energetic and says: “I have a good suggestion to make sure it works!”

“…” I hesitate for a moment. Why these words sound so familiar? Think about it, I ask: “Jojo, aren’t you going to date with Nanny, and after you get her, you’re going to let me free?”

“Well! Why are you so smart today? Exactly! I heard that your female boss is a beautiful woman! That’s OK! Friends are the brothers. I’ll sacrifice myself to help you!”

I: “…”

“What’s wrong? Why don’t you talk? Don’t worry about my capability!” She’s laughing with flying arrogant, “You know my method! Capture such a beauty is so eay! No diamond, no porcelain work. No bully gun, no bitch on bed!”

What the fuck is in a mess?!

I’m speechless and hang up the phone directly.

I’m just in a daze, the phone is ringing again. This time is from the company intercommunication.


“Chen Yang, this is Penny.” Her voice is calm and professional, “Miss Fang ask you to go to her office, now.”

Then she hangs the phone.

I sigh, walk out of the office and look at Yanny, who is ready to go out. I just remember that VP hasn’t returned yet. I guess Yanny is going to see him.

“Yanny, do me a favor.”

“OK. What’s the matter?”

I look at my watch and say: “You’re going to see VP right now, aren’t you?”

“Well, yes.” She’s dressing professionally today, nodding to me and says, “I’m going to show him the forecast of the exhibition.”

“OK… Ten minutes later, you call my mobile phone, just say need to talk about business with VP, and I need to rush there with you right away… Can you do that?”

She is curious: “Why? There’s nothing important today. Take him to the scene, I’ll be enough. You don’t have to waste time to go.”

I can’t explain too much to her: “Alas. Don’t ask any more questions. Anyway, please do me this favor.:

She does not hesitate anymore: “OK! I’ll call you in ten minutes, and I’ll be waiting for you downstairs!”

I sigh and walk to Nanny’s office.

I can’t help it. I instinctively dare not get too close to Nanny. I just feel that every minute I get closer to her, I’m falling a little deeper. Although this method is not very fair and aboveboard, but… just take one step and look around before taking another.

When I arrive at Nanny’s office door, Penny only looks up at me and quickly arranging something in her hand: “Get in. Miss Fang is waiting for you.”

I nod with a bitter smile.

I notice that there is something strange in her eyes and some strange laugh on her face. I dare not think deep, just push the door in.

In the room, Nanny is sitting on the sofa with a cup of coffee in her hand. She is looking out of the window in a daze. When she sees me come in. Her eyes suddenly brighten and she put down the cup and comes towards me. Suddenly she reaches out her hands to embrace me. She puts her hands around my waist and puts her head on my chest.

With a fragrant body in my arms, I immediately hold her like a conditioned reflex, but then the movement become stiff. She feels the change in my body immediately. She sighs sadly: “You… are still having resistance.”

“No.” I say in low voice, “Just a little confused. I’m confusing in my heart.”

She whispers: “This morning… I lied to you.”


“I didn’t sleep well last night.” She buries her head into my shoulder, “I was turnning over and over. I know you have a girlfriend, and I know you are ten years younger than me.”

I sigh in my heart, but dare not to show it on my face. I say softly: “No, you think too much. If someone should feel guilty, it should be me.”

“Chen Yang.” She looks up and says, “I don’t want to embarrass you, I don’t want to too much, as long as you don’t leave me, always beside me, so that I can see you often.”

Before I can answer, she has tears in her eyes, with infinite affection, red cheeks on both sides, and then slowly closes her eyes…

I know, in such a scene, I should come over and kiss her. But I do not move, my heart is still keeping hesitating.

Kiss? Then I’m falling a step further, but Didi’s figure is shaking and shaking in my mind…

Don’t kiss her? I’m afraid Nanny should be very sad.

I look out of the window. Is this a high-level building? I had better jump down.

Fortunately, the mobile phone saves me!

The phone on Nanny’s desk is ringing. She opens her eyes and does not notice my hesitation. Her face is full of shyness. She quickly leaves my arms and goes to pick up the phone, says something in a low voice, and the expression on her face becomes serious.

“I see.” After the last word, she puts down the phone and turns to look at me, “Chen Yang, you go out with me.”


“Well, do you remember Minister Kim? Do you remember that you had an appointment? Business in Korea is not going well this time, I want to talk to him again. He asks me to take you together.”

This is the company’s business. I have no reason to refuse.

She tidies up her appearance, except for some blushes on her face. Everything else is very good. But when she goes out, Penny looks at the red on Nanny’s face, her eyes look strange and confuse.

Down the elevator to the parking lot, Nanny has been walking behind me. When I am about to pull the door for her, she’s suddenly hugging me from behind. She’s holding her arms very hard, as if she has exhausted all her strength.

“Am I silly?” She’s whispering behind me, “I think I’m going crazy! I feel like a little girl. I can’t help it. I really can’t help it. I always want to hold you tight and be with you every minute.”

I’m touched, turn around, give her a gentle hug and whisper, “OK, you’re not silly.”

“Then why don’t you hold me a little longer?” She seems to have become a little girl who has fallen in love for the first time, even with a little tenderness in her eyes and gently biting her lips.

Frankly speaking, my heart is really softened.

It’s quiet in the parking lot. I’m sighing, holding her with a little strength, hesitating, lowering my head to kiss her cherry lips, which are soft and fragrant like petals. I almost lose control of my addiction. It takes almost all my will to let go of her: “Get in the car.”

She’s smiling sweetly and sitting in the car.

And when I turn to the other side of the car, suddenly, I am stunned!

Not far away, about twenty paces away from me in the parking lot, behind a pillar, Yanny is standing there in surprise, next to her car, staring at her eyes and covering her mouth with her hands. She seems to resist it forcibly before exclaim.

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