Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 82 - The newcomer “Son of bitch”

Chapter 82: The newcomer “Son of bitch”

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

When I get out of the parking lot, I drive all the way to the airport.

I am going to pick up two car dealers today. Their companies have several domestic agents of European car brands. When I arrive the airport, it is just 12 o’clock at noon. Their flight will arrive at 2 o’clock this afternoon. I think they must have had lunch on the plane. So I simply find a fast food restaurant in the airport lobby to have a simple lunch.

I wolf down a pork chop meal, wiping my mouth and just about to pick up my wallet. Suddenly, someone pats me hard from behind. I look back and see a beautiful and sad face is staring at me.


“Damn, what is a small world?” I’m surprised, “Why are you here?”

Miss Jojo is as beautiful as always. Today, she is wearing a tight lavender-red turtleneck sweater, with a light makeup on her face. Instead of wearing a skirt, she is wearing the very youngstyle jeans and a pair of boots. It does show her slender waist and long legs.

But looking at her, she seems to be in a very uncomfortable mood. After a hard pat on me, she sits down in front of me, takes my cup and muts down my drink without saying a word. Then she takes a long breath and looks at me sideways. “Why are you here?”

“I pick up company’s customers.” I answer her briefly, then I look up and down at her, “How about you? Are you going out? Or you are picking someone up too? Why are you drawing a long face? Who provoked you? Or was your house set on fire last night?”

“Cut! I’d rather my house was fired! That’s a trifle!” Jojo throws the cup on the table. She looks anxiety and takes out a box of cigarettes from her small bag, but then remembers that smoking is banned at the airport and puts it back again. Then she’s leaning on the table and sighing, “It’s over now! My good days are coming to an end! After so many years of freedom, it is inevitable that I will be ended up in prison. I still can’t hide from this day!”

“What’s the matter?” I am surprised. Who is Miss Jojo? She’s fearless of the world and has always been performing that I am a female hooligan and who I am afraid of. How’s she in such a low spirits today?

“I’m here to pick up people.” Jojo sighs, “My dad.”

“Well, just pick up your father. Why are you pulling a long face?”

She’s humming and saying listlessly: “There’s another one beside my dad! A man, young, talented, have a big family business in Southeast Asia, a descendant of his family. This time is different from that Mario Puzo gay last time. My old man personally decided this family affair! Our family and their family are very close, and that son of a bitch’s dad drunk the blood wine with my old man when they were young. They are sworn brothers! We scared Mario Puzo away with that bad idea. As a result, I was still wondering why my old man didn’t get angry at all when he knew it afterwards. It turned out that he already had another candidate in mind! Mario Puzo is my mother’s candidate. My old man didn’t look up to him at all! Even if we didn’t make him away, my old man would have tried to persuade my mother to give up. Now, we were busy in vain, only let my old man happy. When he tripped to Singapore this time, he brings that son of a bitch back together!”

Listen to her abuse of son of the bitch. Actually, I sympathize with that man. They haven’t seen each other before, and don’t know whether he is good or not, whether his character is good or bad. Maybe he is a good man with both good character and good learning?

But it doesn’t matter to Jojo. Anyway, in her eyes, all the men who want to marry her are bastards!

“I think,” I hold my smile and say to her, “You just take a good look at the candidate this time. If you think he’s almost OK. So you just choose him and let go of it. Sooner or later you will have such a day. Our country estimates that it would not be possible to legislate for same-sex marriage in decades anyway.”

“FXXX!” Jojo scolds a dirty word without restraint. She’s glaring angrily at me, “You can say it so easily! How about find a man to let you marry him? You just try it!” Then she’s grabing me and saying in a pleading tone, “No matter what, we can’t follow the same way as last time. Let’s do it again and frighten this son of a bitch away. How long we can delay, we just try it that long.”

I restrain my laughter and say: “Again? I’m OK. You just discuss this with Azle and Wood.”

She’s immediately coming to her spirits, raising her small breasts, giggling in arrogant and domineering: “OK! Let’s make some mean methods this time to frighten that guy to death!”

Jojo’s father’s favorite boy’s name is Winson Lee. Jojo has seen his picture. He is a handsome man with a good tutor, high education, double master degrees from Nanyang Technological University, really a talented young man with high IQ indeed. He is also proficient in music and sports, a good piano player, a good tennis player, even has won a tennis champion in Singapore. He also has a professional tennis player’s registration.

Damn, he is adept with both the pen and the sword!

Jojo’s father’s plane arrives at 1:30 p.m. We just sit for a while, and I accompany her to the exit to wait. Within a short time, the crowds are coming out. She and I are surrounded by men, women and children who are holding the pick-up signs.

“There it is!” Jojo is glancing for a while, then suddenly her eyes are lighting up and shouting, “Old Joe! Old Joe! Here! Here!”

From a distance, we see a middle-aged man with a sharp-cut face coming out. He’s wearing a dark grey suit, pulling a suitcase. Sure enough, Jojo’s father is also handsome, although he is middle-aged, but it seems that when he was young, he must have fascinated a large number of beautiful women. His forehead is full and his eyes are bright. At first glance, he is the kind of energetic bigwig.

He clearly has seen Jojo, but his expression on face hasn’t any move. He’s coming over without hurry. When he’s standing firm, saying with a steady voice: “Still that mad, no a lady’s look!” He then put his arms around Jojo, and then his eyes looks on me, with just a glimmer of inquiry.

I immediately introduce myself: “Hello, uncle! I’m a friend of Jojo. I also come to pick up customers today. We just met outside.”

“Um.” Jojo’s father nods his head and says with pleasure, “Are you Chen Yang? Or Azle? Or that Wood, well, Dr. Woody?”

As God testifies, I never realized that all three of our names have already reached Jojo’s father’s ears.

“I’m Chen Yang.”

“Oh, hello.” Jojo’s father shakes hands with me, then steps aside. A man comes out from his back.

This man is, of course, the so-called “son of a bitch” names Winson Lee who is going to marry Jojo.

In fact, I have seen him already, but was busy on patronizing and greeting with Jojo’s father just now. Now I have time to look at him carefully.

Looking at him, I can’t help feeling that… I feel that call him a son of a bitch is a bit too much. I even feel unacceptable in my heart.

This person has been quite noticeable from afar, and it’s even more striking to see him at close range! He is over one and eighty-five meters tall, with a standard model figure, wide shoulders, narrow waist, long legs, and a well-proportioned and strong figure. He is a good athlete at first sight. His facial features are very handsome and elegant, with a calm and kind smile, which makes him very difficult to be disgusted.

I shake hands with him. He’s saying slowly with a pleasant voice: “Hello, I’m Winson Lee.” His palms are wide, dry, and his handshake is strong. All these make people feel pleasant to him. It’s hard for me to associate such a person with the words “the son of a bitch”.

And I instinctively see a ray of wisdom in his eyes! He has a kind of smile with calm. He looks like a spoiled, humiliated man, who seems to have a very graceful view of everything.

This guy is absolutely not simple! This is my first reaction.

When he is facing Jojo’s deliberate cold eyes, he does not even react. Jojo’s cold eyes just like shooting into the air in vain.

Winson is shaking hands with Jojo with the smile in his eyes. Looking at Jojo’s intentionally provocative eyes, he keeps smiling, not a fake, but a kind of regardless.

Well, for example, do you care if there’s a child who is playing a rascal on you? Will you keep it in mind?

Of course not!

Now Winson’s smile just like that. He’s looking at Jojo as if he is looking at a little girl who is angry with him. He’s calm and deliberate, not caring at all. It’s like a lion is looking at a little hyena with its teeth opening and claws waving. He isn’t interested at all. It’s so bored that he’s almost yawning.

Jojo’s father and I talk a while and then he says: “You have business right now. Come and eat at home sometime.” Then he takes Jojo and leaves.

Winson Lee is at the end. He looks at me with a hint of something else in his eyes. Suddenly he’s whispering to me: “Mr. Chen Yang, I know something interesting about you. I have long heard of your name!” Then he’s putting a newspaper in my hand with smile, then taking the suitcase to leave.

I see Jojo at a distance is trying to wink at me and gesture means to telephone contact.

I look at the newspaper Winson hands to me in confusion. When I open the newspaper and see the first page, I am stunned.

This is obviously a newspaper sent by the plane, and the newspapers on the plane are usually one day behind. Seeing this page, there are a few pictures and some text descriptions.

The most conspicuous picture is Jojo wearing the thermal underwear in a cool shape, standing on the T-shaped stage, with exceedingly fascinating and charming smile. The next picture is a row of girls in underwears bowing together.

I am familiar with the headline of this news. I have read it.

“Is it a show, or is it detrimental to public moral?”

What the hell!

I frown, remembering that Winson Lee’s meaningful smile when he handed the newspaper to me before left.

Obviously, this “son of a bitch” is much harder to deal with than those “son of a batches” before.

With this feeling in mind, I have waited a little longer to meet my customers.

This is a man and a woman from a big city in the south. The man is a VP of a famous car dealer company, about forty years old, while the woman next to him is much younger. She looks just about my age.

After we introduce each other, I just know that she is the secretary of the VP. She has a fox-like face, peach blossom eyes, wearing the expensive and exquisite brand dresses, and with a small Prada handbag on her hand. She looks like a very coquettish woman. She’s holding the VP’s arm without hesitation.

I just sigh in my heart. The VP bulges his belly, waist circumference is estimated to be over three feet. His age is estimated to be her father. Although he is dressing in a very fashion style, with a successful person’s posture. Unfortunately, he is far worse than Jojo’s father’s self-effacing and naturally successful personality.

I pick them up with my car and send them to the hotel first. Looking at their intimacy, I carefully call the hotel to change the standard twin room to the deluxe big bed suite.

Frankly speaking, I’ve seen more of this in the nightclub.

I thought I am strong enough, but as a result, when the car is on the airport highway and I almost could not help but spit out.

Because the secretary always calls the VP “Brother” in a sweet, loquacious tone.

“Brother! It’s so cold here!”

“Brother, I’m hungry.”


Damn it, I can’t help thinking maliciously. If you drag this woman to a nightclub, it is estimated that she would be a top-tier! For no other reason, just look at her calling “brother” so sweet, so resounding. Hearing her voices, that VP looks like have lost his soul. This skill is definitely not a one or two-days exercises!

It’s not easy to sell nowadays. No technical content inside, there’s totally no way!

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